path: root/makefu/2configs/bgt
diff options
authormakefu <>2023-07-28 22:24:15 +0200
committermakefu <>2023-07-28 22:24:15 +0200
commit060a8f28fa1fc648bdf66afb31a5d1efac868837 (patch)
tree2b354eacc7897365ee45244fe7a51720e0d0333f /makefu/2configs/bgt
parentcbfcc890e3b76d942b927809bf981a5fa7289e6a (diff)
makefu: move out to own repo, add vacation-note
Diffstat (limited to 'makefu/2configs/bgt')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/ b/makefu/2configs/bgt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37b8e0599..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDvP50lgtHhlC3LKzC1/4yzJNxkZFDSIBvEfavNfchNKJUEBPo82oVtfFgJR5XfjI7c2U9dHl+0q4qMl+9ZiZWr2YgDpAr78kpur4gjWKrnBa2eT9GIfXB3Tm1+OpI2HoeOHUKEK1gKqqe9tJfS+CLb7DLCjulW8zdLiiH6KmvyaH78hGjZv+bpx7H4rItAinl8vGe+ceRIk4tZbmkyhphXbQZa3Ov+imiJXIr7fmX3tkOhUp4YwrVlUK8J0MEa1Kf7ZYWRqvGnKYFQ73LwLPz7UIOZ93zPF4d0R7xqvdEEhIx+u1/gToQZSMUczbVqg3dixr3yeBhFA/6h0lTA61mx
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/backup.nix b/makefu/2configs/bgt/backup.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3260266..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/backup.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- # Manual steps:
- # 1. ssh-copy-id root ssh-key to the remotes you want to back up
- # 2. run `rsnapshot hourly` manually as root to check if everything works
- services.rsnapshot = {
- enable = true;
- cronIntervals = {
- daily = "50 21 * * *";
- hourly = "0 */4 * * *";
- };
- extraConfig = ''
-retain hourly 5
-retain daily 365
-snapshot_root /var/backup/bgt
-backup jit
-backup jit
-backup jit
- '';
- };
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/ b/makefu/2configs/bgt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31da31a71..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with import <stockholm/lib>;
- ident = (builtins.readFile ./;
- bgtaccess = "/var/spool/nginx/logs/binaergewitter.access.log";
- bgterror = "/var/spool/nginx/logs/binaergewitter.error.log";
- # TODO: only when the data is stored somewhere else
- wwwdir = "/var/www/binaergewitter";
- storedir = "/media/cloud/www/binaergewitter";
-in {
- fileSystems."${wwwdir}" = {
- device = storedir;
- options = [ "bind" ];
- };
- services.openssh = {
- allowSFTP = true;
- sftpFlags = [ "-l VERBOSE" ];
- extraConfig = ''
- HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
- Match User auphonic
- ForceCommand internal-sftp
- AllowTcpForwarding no
- X11Forwarding no
- PasswordAuthentication no
- PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
- '';
- };
- users.users.auphonic = {
- uid = genid "auphonic";
- group = "nginx";
- # for storedir
- extraGroups = [ "download" ];
- useDefaultShell = true;
- isSystemUser = true;
- openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ ident config.krebs.users.makefu.pubkey ];
- };
- services.logrotate = {
- enable = true;
- settings.bgt = {
- files = [ bgtaccess bgterror ];
- rotate = 5;
- frequency = "weekly";
- create = "600 nginx nginx";
- postrotate = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl reload nginx";
- };
- };
- # 20.09 unharden nginx to write logs
- = [
- "/var/spool/nginx/logs/"
- ];
- security.acme.certs."" = {
- dnsProvider = "cloudflare";
- credentialsFile = toString <secrets/lego-binaergewitter>;
- webroot = lib.mkForce null;
- };
- services.nginx = {
- appendHttpConfig = ''
- types {
- audio/ogg oga ogg opus;
- }
- '';
- enable = lib.mkDefault true;
- recommendedGzipSettings = true;
- recommendedOptimisation = true;
- virtualHosts."" = {
- addSSL = true;
- enableACME = true;
- serverAliases = [ "" ];
- root = "/var/www/binaergewitter";
- extraConfig = ''
- access_log ${bgtaccess} combined;
- error_log ${bgterror} error;
- autoindex on;
- '';
- };
- };
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/ b/makefu/2configs/bgt/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff180e307..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, ... }:
- port = 19201;
-in {
- #services.nginx.virtualHosts."".serverAliases = [ "" ];
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- # useACMEHost = "";
- extraConfig = ''
- ssl_session_timeout 30m;
- '';
- enableACME = true;
- forceSSL = true;
- locations."/".proxyPass = "${toString port}";
- # from
- locations."/".extraConfig = ''
- proxy_buffering off; # be careful, this line doesn't override any proxy_buffering on set in a conf.d/file.conf
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- proxy_pass_header Server;
- # Note you might want to pass these headers etc too.
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; #
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; # EP logs to show the actual remote IP
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; # for EP to set secure cookie flag when https is used
- proxy_http_version 1.1; # recommended with keepalive connections
- # WebSocket proxying - from
- proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
- proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
- proxy_read_timeout 1799s;
- '';
- };
- state = [ "/var/lib/docker/volumes/etherpad_data/_data/" ];
- virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."etherpad-lite" = {
- #image = "makefoo/bgt-etherpad:2021-04-16.3"; # --build-arg ETHERPAD_PLUGINS="ep_markdown"
- image = "etherpad/etherpad:1.8.14";
- ports = [ "${toString port}:9001" ];
- volumes = [
- "/var/src/secrets/etherpad/apikey:/opt/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt"
- "etherpad_data:/opt/etherpad-lite/var" # persistent dirtydb
- ];
- # for postgres
- #DB_TYPE=postgres
- #DB_HOST=db.local
- #DB_PORT=4321
- #DB_NAME=etherpad
- #DB_USER=dbusername
- #DB_PASS=mypassword
- environment = {
- # ADMIN_PASSWORD = "auf jeden fall nicht das echte admin passwort";
- TRUST_PROXY = "true";
- TITLE = "Binärgewitter Etherpad";
- SKIN_NAME = "no-skin";
- DEFAULT_PAD_TEXT = builtins.readFile ./;
- };
- };
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/hidden_service.nix b/makefu/2configs/bgt/hidden_service.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d319e39..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/hidden_service.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
-with lib;
- name = "bgt_cyberwar_hidden_service";
- sec = (toString <secrets>) + "/";
- secdir = sec + name;
- srvdir = "/var/lib/tor/onion/";
- basedir = srvdir + name;
- hn = builtins.readFile (secdir + "/hostname");
- = {
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- before = [ "tor.service" ];
- serviceConfig = {
- ExecStart = pkgs.writeScript "prepare-euer-blog-service" ''
- #!/bin/sh
- set -euf
- if ! test -d "${basedir}" ;then
- mkdir -p "${srvdir}"
- cp -r "${secdir}" "${srvdir}"
- chown -R tor:tor "${srvdir}"
- chmod -R 700 "${basedir}"
- else
- echo "not overwriting ${basedir}"
- fi
- '';
- Type = "oneshot";
- RemainAfterExit = "yes";
- TimeoutSec = "0";
- };
- };
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."${hn}".locations."/" = {
- proxyPass = "";
- extraConfig = ''
- proxy_set_header Host;
- proxy_ssl_server_name on;
- '';
- };
- services.tor = {
- enable = true;
- hiddenServices."${name}".map = [
- { port = 80; }
- # { port = 443; toHost = ""; }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/social-to-irc.nix b/makefu/2configs/bgt/social-to-irc.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9640a9f..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/social-to-irc.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, ... }:
- krebs.brockman = {
- enable = true;
- config = {
- channel = "#binaergewitter";
- notifyErrors = false;
- irc = {
- host = "";
- port = 6667;
- };
- #controller = {
- # nick = "brockman-systemdultras";
- # channels = [];
- #};
- bots = {
- bgt-mastodon-rss = {
- feed = "";
- #extraChannels = [ "#binaergewitter" ];
- delay = 180;
- };
- bgt-blog-rss = {
- feed = "";
- #extraChannels = [ "#binaergewitter" ];
- delay = 180;
- };
- bgt-twitter = {
- feed = "http://rss.makefu.r/?action=display&bridge=Twitter&context=By+username&u=binaergewitter&format=Atom";
- #extraChannels = [ "#binaergewitter" ];
- delay = 280;
- };
- };
- };
- };
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/bgt/ b/makefu/2configs/bgt/
deleted file mode 100644
index be21d7c0c..000000000
--- a/makefu/2configs/bgt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-0. Sendung twittern und mastodieren (eine Woche + eine Stunde vorher) von Ingo/l33tname (wichtig)
-1. `eine` Person anrufen (den Host):
- - markus
- - Felix1
- - L33tFelix
- - Ingo
-2. Jitis an machen (mittel)
-3. studio-link aufnehmen drücken (wichtig)
-4. audiocity starten, 48000Hz einstellen, Audio-Device checken und aufnehmen drücken (wichtig)
-4. alternative parecord:
- `$ pacmd list-sources | grep -e device.string -e 'name:' # keins der "monitor" devices`
- `$ parecord --channels=1 -d alsa_input.usb-Burr-Brown_from_TI_USB_Audio_CODEC-00.analog-stereo bgt.wav`
-5. darkice starten (wichtig)
-6. Ingo daran erinnern, dass er die Überschriften richtig aussprechen muss
-7. klatschen
-8. Hallihallo und Herzlich Willkommen
-## Vorschläge
-### Backlog von Picks und Lesefoo aus der letzten Woche
-## Blast from the Past
-## Toter der Woche
-## Untoter der Woche
-## AI der Woche
-## News
-## Themen
-## Mimimi der Woche
-## Lesefoo
-## Picks
-## Ende