path: root/krebs/2configs/mud.nix
diff options
authorlassulus <>2021-12-31 16:40:42 +0100
committerlassulus <>2021-12-31 16:40:42 +0100
commitc2bfb7b6418de9fe363c12672eb99f8bb05690d3 (patch)
tree6be55806c60c3a05369869670629129042466105 /krebs/2configs/mud.nix
parente652f40200e5d86240be8f6cea0b9d1ddbbd0ad6 (diff)
hotdog.r: add mud prototype
Diffstat (limited to 'krebs/2configs/mud.nix')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/mud.nix b/krebs/2configs/mud.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5e4c89c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krebs/2configs/mud.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let
+ mud = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "mud" ''
+ set -efux
+ MUD_NICKNAME=''${MUD_NICKNAME:-$(head -1 /dev/urandom | md5sum | cut -c -2)}
+ MUD_PORT=''${MUD_PORT:-8080}
+ if $(${pkgs.netcat-openbsd}/bin/nc -z "$MUD_SERVER" "$MUD_PORT"); then
+ ${nvim}/bin/nvim \
+ +"let g:instant_username = \"$MUD_NICKNAME\"" \
+ +":InstantJoinSession $MUD_SERVER $MUD_PORT" \
+ "$@"
+ else
+ ${nvim}/bin/nvim \
+ +"let g:instant_username = \"$MUD_NICKNAME\"" \
+ +":InstantStartServer $MUD_SERVER $MUD_PORT" \
+ +":InstantStartSession $MUD_SERVER $MUD_PORT" \
+ "$@"
+ fi
+ '';
+ nvim = pkgs.neovim.override {
+ # vimAlias = true;
+ configure = {
+ customRC = vimrc;
+ packages.myPlugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
+ start = [
+ vim-surround # Shortcuts for setting () {} etc.
+ # coc-nvim coc-git coc-highlight coc-python coc-rls coc-vetur coc-vimtex coc-yaml coc-html coc-json # auto completion
+ vim-nix # nix highlight
+ fzf-vim # fuzzy finder through vim
+ nerdtree # file structure inside nvim
+ rainbow # Color parenthesis
+ customPlugins.hack-color
+ customPlugins.instant
+ ];
+ opt = [];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ vimrc = /* vim */ ''
+ set nocompatible
+ set autoindent
+ set backspace=indent,eol,start
+ set backup
+ set backupdir=$HOME/.cache/nvim/backup/
+ set directory=$HOME/.cache/nvim/swap"//
+ set hlsearch
+ set incsearch
+ set mouse=a
+ set ruler
+ set pastetoggle=<INS>
+ set shortmess+=I
+ set showcmd
+ set showmatch
+ set ttimeoutlen=0
+ set undodir=$HOME/.cache/nvim/undo
+ set undofile
+ set undolevels=1000000
+ set undoreload=1000000
+ set viminfo='20,<1000,s100,h,n$HOME/.cache/nvim/info
+ set visualbell
+ set wildignore+=*.o,*.class,*.hi,*.dyn_hi,*.dyn_o
+ set wildmenu
+ set wildmode=longest,full
+ set title
+ set titleold=
+ set titlestring=(vim)\ %t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:p:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)\ -\ %{v:servername}
+ set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2
+ filetype plugin indent on
+ set t_Co=256
+ colorscheme hack
+ syntax on
+ au Syntax * syn match Garbage containedin=ALL /\s\+$/
+ \ | syn match TabStop containedin=ALL /\t\+/
+ \ | syn keyword Todo containedin=ALL TODO
+ au BufRead,BufNewFile /dev/shm/* set nobackup nowritebackup noswapfile
+ nmap <esc>q :buffer
+ nmap <M-q> :buffer
+ cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
+ noremap <C-c> :q<cr>
+ vnoremap < <gv
+ vnoremap > >gv
+ nnoremap <f1> :tabp<cr>
+ nnoremap <f2> :tabn<cr>
+ inoremap <f1> <esc>:tabp<cr>
+ inoremap <f2> <esc>:tabn<cr>
+ '';
+ customPlugins = {
+ instant = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
+ name = "instant";
+ src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "jbyuki";
+ repo = "instant.nvim";
+ rev = "c02d72267b12130609b7ad39b76cf7f4a3bc9554";
+ sha256 = "sha256-7Pr2Au/oGKp5kMXuLsQY4BK5Wny9L1EBdXtyS5EaZPI=";
+ };
+ };
+ hack-color = (rtp: rtp // { inherit rtp; }) (pkgs.writeTextFile (let
+ name = "hack";
+ in {
+ name = "vim-color-${name}-1.0.2";
+ destination = "/colors/${name}.vim";
+ text = /* vim */ ''
+ set background=dark
+ hi clear
+ if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax clear
+ endif
+ let colors_name = ${builtins.toJSON name}
+ hi Normal ctermbg=016
+ hi Comment ctermfg=255
+ hi Constant ctermfg=229
+ hi Identifier ctermfg=123
+ hi Function ctermfg=041
+ hi Statement ctermfg=167
+ hi PreProc ctermfg=167
+ hi Type ctermfg=046
+ hi Delimiter ctermfg=251
+ hi Special ctermfg=146
+ hi Garbage ctermbg=124
+ hi TabStop ctermbg=020
+ hi NBSP ctermbg=056
+ hi NarrowNBSP ctermbg=097
+ hi Todo ctermfg=174 ctermbg=NONE
+ hi NixCode ctermfg=190
+ hi NixData ctermfg=149
+ hi NixQuote ctermfg=119
+ hi diffNewFile ctermfg=207
+ hi diffFile ctermfg=207
+ hi diffLine ctermfg=207
+ hi diffSubname ctermfg=207
+ hi diffAdded ctermfg=010
+ hi diffRemoved ctermfg=009
+ '';
+ }));
+ };
+in {
+ users.users.mud = {
+ isNormalUser = true;
+ openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = with config.krebs.users; [
+ lass.pubkey
+ makefu.pubkey
+ kmein.pubkey
+ tv.pubkey
+ ];
+ packages = with pkgs; [
+ tmux
+ (pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "instant_server" ''
+ find ${customPlugins.instant}
+ find ${customPlugins.instant.src}
+ '')
+ mud
+ ];
+ };