path: root/docs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 237b02fed2..3324bc545b 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ This service is an asynchronous API for compiling custom keymaps. You POST some
"keymap": "my_awesome_keymap",
"layout": "LAYOUT_all",
"layers": [
- ["KC_GRV","KC_1","KC_2","KC_3","KC_4","KC_5","KC_6","KC_7","KC_8","KC_9","KC_0","KC_MINS","KC_EQL","KC_GRV","KC_BSPC","KC_PGUP","KC_TAB","KC_Q","KC_W","KC_E","KC_R","KC_T","KC_Y","KC_U","KC_I","KC_O","KC_P","KC_LBRC","KC_RBRC","KC_BSLS","KC_PGDN","KC_CAPS","KC_A","KC_S","KC_D","KC_F","KC_G","KC_H","KC_J","KC_K","KC_L","KC_SCLN","KC_QUOT","KC_NUHS","KC_ENT","KC_LSFT","KC_NUBS","KC_Z","KC_X","KC_C","KC_V","KC_B","KC_N","KC_M","KC_COMM","KC_DOT","KC_SLSH","KC_RO","KC_RSFT","KC_UP","KC_LCTL","KC_LGUI","KC_LALT","KC_MHEN","KC_SPC","KC_SPC","KC_HENK","KC_RALT","KC_RCTL","MO(1)","KC_LEFT","KC_DOWN","KC_RIGHT"],
+ ["KC_GRV","KC_1","KC_2","KC_3","KC_4","KC_5","KC_6","KC_7","KC_8","KC_9","KC_0","KC_MINS","KC_EQL","KC_GRV","KC_BSPC","KC_PGUP","KC_TAB","KC_Q","KC_W","KC_E","KC_R","KC_T","KC_Y","KC_U","KC_I","KC_O","KC_P","KC_LBRC","KC_RBRC","KC_BSLS","KC_PGDN","KC_CAPS","KC_A","KC_S","KC_D","KC_F","KC_G","KC_H","KC_J","KC_K","KC_L","KC_SCLN","KC_QUOT","KC_NUHS","KC_ENT","KC_LSFT","KC_NUBS","KC_Z","KC_X","KC_C","KC_V","KC_B","KC_N","KC_M","KC_COMM","KC_DOT","KC_SLSH","KC_INT1","KC_RSFT","KC_UP","KC_LCTL","KC_LGUI","KC_LALT","KC_INT5","KC_SPC","KC_SPC","KC_INT4","KC_RALT","KC_RCTL","MO(1)","KC_LEFT","KC_DOWN","KC_RIGHT"],
@@ -66,3 +66,41 @@ Once your compile job has finished you'll check the `result` key. The value of t
* `firmware_keymap_url`: A list of URLs for the `keymap.c`
* `firmware_source_url`: A list of URLs for the full firmware source code
* `output`: The stdout and stderr for this compile job. Errors will be found here.
+## Constants :id=qmk-constants
+If you're writing a tool that leverages constants used within QMK, the API is used to publish "locked-in" versions of those constants in order to ensure that any third-party tooling has a canonical set of information to work with.
+The list of available constants can be retrieved by accessing one of the following endpoints:
+$ curl # For `master`
+{"last_updated": "2022-11-26 00:00:00 GMT", "constants": {"keycodes": ["0.0.1"]}}
+$ curl # For `develop`
+{"last_updated": "2022-11-26 12:00:00 GMT", "constants": {"keycodes": ["0.0.1", "0.0.2"]}}
+!> Versions exported by the `master` endpoint are locked-in. Any extra versions that exist on the `develop` endpoint which don't exist in `master` are subject to change.
+?> Only keycodes are currently published, but over time all other "externally visible" IDs are expected to appear on these endpoints.
+To retrieve the constants associated with a subsystem, the endpoint format is as follows:
+Which, for the metadata endpoint above results in a request of:
+$ curl
+ "ranges": {
+ "0x0000/0x00FF": {
+ "define": "QK_BASIC"
+ },
+ "0x0100/0x1EFF": {
+ "define": "QK_MODS"
+ },
+ "0x2000/0x1FFF": {
+ "define": "QK_MOD_TAP"