diff options
authorDidier Loiseau <>2016-01-23 16:44:59 +0100
committerDidier Loiseau <>2016-01-23 16:44:59 +0100
commitad2a4c32039e6ac2f64aacb42dd274cc0ac46f97 (patch)
parentfb181304083b884c60a30f64a634b592479aed6d (diff)
parent306f183b1c8ef6e33a7dafb0d8a89e5a7aebac69 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'jackhumbert/master' into typematrix
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/andrew_osx.hex (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.hex)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/dave/dave.hex (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_dave.hex)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/dave/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_dave.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default/default.png (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default.png)bin184852 -> 184852 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default/default_highres.png (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default_highres.png)bin770673 -> 770673 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default.c)6
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default_osx/default_osx.hex (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default_osx.hex)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default_osx/default_osx_highres.png (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default_osx_highres.png)bin772418 -> 772418 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/default_osx/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default_osx.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/dvorak/dvorak.png (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_dvorak.png)bin87314 -> 87314 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/dvorak/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_dvorak.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/german/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_german.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/jack/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_jack.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/jgarr/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_jgarr.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/kastyle/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_kastyle.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_default_osx.pngbin185123 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_osx_de_highres.pngbin755855 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_de/osx_de_highres.pngbin0 -> 749565 bytes
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_de/ (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_de_adnw_koy/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_osx_de.c)69
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_fr/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_osx_fr.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_fr/osx_fr.hex (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_osx_fr.hex)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/osx_kinesis_pnut/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_osx_kinesis_pnut.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/software_neo2/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_software_neo2.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/workman_osx_mdw/keymap.c (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_workman_osx_mdw.c)0
-rw-r--r--keyboard/ergodox_ez/ (renamed from keyboard/ergodox_ez/
80 files changed, 28105 insertions, 4409 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bae2658b00..49eb2d5587 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ tags
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6be377db3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Quick Start Directions
+This project includes a Vagrantfile that will allow you to build a new firmware for your keyboard very easily without major changes to your primary operating system. This also ensures that when you clone the project and perform a build, you have the exact same environment as anyone else using the Vagrantfile to build. This makes it much easier for people to help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter.
+## Requirements
+Using the Vagrantfile in this repository requires you have [Vagrant]( as well as [VirtualBox]( (or [VMware Workstation]( and [Vagrant VMware plugin]( but the (paid) VMware plugin requires a licensed copy of VMware Workstation/Fusion).
+*COMPATIBILITY NOTICE* Certain versions of Virtualbox 5 appear to have an incompatibility with the Virtualbox extensions installed in the boxes in this Vagrantfile. If you encounter any issues with the /vagrant mount not succeeding, please upgrade your version of Virtualbox to at least 5.0.12.
+Other than having Vagrant and Virtualbox installed and possibly a restart of your computer afterwards, you can simple run a 'vagrant up' anywhere inside the folder where you checked out this project and it will start a Linux virtual machine that contains all the tools required to build this project. There is a post Vagrant startup hint that will get you off on the right foot, otherwise you can also reference the build documentation below.
+Build Firmware and Program Controller
+See [doc/](tmk_core/doc/, or the README in the particular keyboard/* folder.
+Change your keymap
+See [doc/](tmk_core/doc/
+## Flashing the firmware
+The "easy" way to flash the firmware is using a tool from your host OS like the Teensy programming app. [ErgoDox EZ](keyboard/ergodox_ez/ gives a great example.
+If you want to program via the command line you can uncomment the ['modifyvm'] lines in the Vagrantfile to enable the USB passthrough into Linux and then program using the command line tools like dfu-util/dfu-programmer or you can install the Teensy CLI version.
diff --git a/ b/
index 55fb76798b..2ed05e76e2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ The documentation below explains QMK customizations and elaborates on some of th
## Getting started
* **If you're looking to customize a keyboard that currently runs QMK or TMK** , find your keyboard's directory under `/keyboard/` and read the README file. This will get you all set up.
+* Read the []( if you want to hit the ground running with minimal fuss or you aren't a technical person and you just want to build the firmware with the least amount of hassle possible.
* If you're looking to apply this firmware to an entirely new hardware project (a new kind of keyboard), you can create your own Quantum-based project by using `./ <project_name>`, which will create `/keyboard/<project_name>` with all the necessary components for a Quantum project.
You have access to a bunch of goodies! Check out the Makefile to enable/disable some of the features. Uncomment the `#` to enable them. Setting them to `no` does nothing and will only confuse future you.
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ Your keymap can include shortcuts to common operations (called "function actions
* `RGUI(kc)` - applies right GUI (command/win) to *kc*
* `HYPR(kc)` - applies Hyper (all modifiers) to *kc*
* `MEH(kc)` - applies Meh (all modifiers except Win/Cmd) to *kc*
+* `LCAG(kc)` - applies CtrlAltGui to *kc*
You can also chain these, like this:
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ We've added shortcuts to make common modifier/tap (mod-tap) mappings more compac
* `ALT_T(kc)` - is LALT when held and *kc* when tapped
* `GUI_T(kc)` - is LGUI when held and *kc* when tapped
* `ALL_T(kc)` - is Hyper (all mods) when held and *kc* when tapped. To read more about what you can do with a Hyper key, see [this blog post by Brett Terpstra](
+ * `LCAG_T(kc)` - is CtrlAltGui when held and *kc* when tapped
* `MEH_T(kc)` - is like Hyper, but not as cool -- does not include the Cmd/Win key, so just sends Alt+Ctrl+Shift.
### Temporarily setting the default layer
@@ -175,3 +178,23 @@ This is still a WIP, but check out `quantum/keymap_midi.c` to see what's happeni
## Bluetooth functionality
This requires [some hardware changes](, but can be enabled via the Makefile. The firmware will still output characters via USB, so be aware of this when charging via a computer. It would make sense to have a switch on the Bluefruit to turn it off at will.
+## International Characters on Windows
+[AutoHotkey]( allows Windows users to create custom hotkeys amont others.
+The method does not require Unicode support in the keyboard itself but depends instead of AutoHotkey running in the background.
+First you need to select a modifier combination that is not in use by any of your programs.
+CtrlAltWin is not used very widely and should therefore be perfect for this.
+There is a macro defined for a mod-tab combo `LCAG_T`.
+Add this mod-tab combo to a key on your keyboard, e.g.: `LCAG_T(KC_TAB)`.
+This makes the key behave like a tab key if pressed and released immediately but changes it to the modifier if used with another key.
+In the default script of AutoHotkey you can define custom hotkeys.
+ <^<!<#a::Send, ä
+ <^<!<#<+a::Send, Ä
+The hotkeys above are for the combination CtrlAltGui and CtrlAltGuiShift plus the letter a.
+AutoHotkey inserts the Text right of `Send, ` when this combination is pressed.
diff --git a/Vagrantfile b/Vagrantfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1abe8ff3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Vagrantfile
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# -*- mode: ruby -*-
+# vi: set ft=ruby :
+Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
+ # You can only have one uncommented at a time
+ # Comment this and uncomment another if you don't want to use the minimal Arch box
+ = "dragon788/arch-ala-elasticdog"
+ # VMware/Virtualbox 64 bit
+ # = "phusion/ubuntu-14.04-amd64"
+ #
+ # VMware/Virtualbox 64 bit
+ = "puphpet/centos65-x64"
+ #
+ # The opensuse boxes don't have dfu-util in their default repositories
+ #
+ # The virtualbox version has tools issues
+ # VMware/Virtualbox 64 bit
+ = "bento/opensuse-13.2-x86_64"
+ #
+ # Virtualbox only
+ = "bento/opensuse-13.2-i386"
+ # = ""
+ # = ""
+ # This section allows you to customize the Virtualbox VM
+ # settings, ie showing the GUI or upping the memory
+ # or cores if desired
+ config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
+ # Hide the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
+ vb.gui = false
+ # Uncomment the below lines if you want to program
+ # your Teensy via the VM rather than your host OS
+ #vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--usb', 'on']
+ #vb.customize ['usbfilter', 'add', '0',
+ # '--target', :id,
+ # '--name', 'teensy',
+ # '--vendorid', '0x16c0',
+ # '--productid','0x0478'
+ # ]
+ # Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
+ vb.memory = "512"
+ end
+ # This section allows you to customize the VMware VM
+ # settings, ie showing the GUI or upping the memory
+ # or cores if desired
+ config.vm.provider "vmware_workstation" do |vmw|
+ # Hide the VMware GUI when booting the machine
+ vmw.gui = false
+ # Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
+ vmw.memory = "512"
+ end
+ config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vmf|
+ # Hide the vmfare GUI when booting the machine
+ vmf.gui = false
+ # Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
+ vmf.memory = "512"
+ end
+ # This script ensures the required packages for AVR programming are installed
+ # It also ensures the system always gets the latest updates when powered on
+ # If this causes issues you can run a 'vagrant destroy' and then
+ # add a # before ,args: and run 'vagrant up' to get a working
+ # non-updated box and then attempt to troubleshoot or open a Github issue
+ config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", path: "", args: "-update"
+ config.vm.post_up_message = """
+ Log into the VM using 'vagrant ssh' on OSX or from Git Bash (Win)
+ or 'vagrant ssh-config' and Putty or Bitvise SSH or another SSH tool
+ Change directory (cd) to the keyboard you wish to program
+ (Optionally) modify your layout,
+ then run 'make clean'
+ and then 'make' to compile the .eep and .hex files.
+ Or you can copy and paste the example line below.
+ cd /vagrant; cd keyboard; cd ergodox_ez; make clean; make
+ """
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34a8a3281b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script will attempt to setup the Linux dependencies for compiling QMK/TMK
+# This could probably go much lower, but since we are including an Arch vagrant,
+# making it the first match makes sense
+if [[ -n "$(type -P pacman )" ]]; then
+ # Arch linux and derivatives like Apricity
+ # Future improvements:
+ # Allow user to speed up package installs using powerpill/wget tweaks
+ # Always run the pacman mirror update script if possible when vagrant comes up
+ # This will ensure that users never get stalled on a horribly slow mirror
+ pacman -Syyu --needed --noconfirm
+ pacman -S --needed --noconfirm \
+ base-devel \
+ avr-gcc \
+ avr-binutils \
+ avr-libc \
+ dfu-util
+elif [[ -n "$(type -P apt-get)" ]]; then
+ # Debian and derivatives
+ # This block performs completely non-interactive updates {{
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ echo "grub-pc hold" | dpkg --set-selections
+ apt-get -y update
+ apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated upgrade \
+ -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
+ -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"
+ # }}
+ apt-get install -y \
+ build-essential \
+ gcc \
+ unzip \
+ wget \
+ zip \
+ gcc-avr \
+ binutils-avr \
+ avr-libc \
+ dfu-util
+elif [[ -n "$(type -P yum)" ]]; then
+ # Fedora, CentOS or RHEL and derivatives
+ yum -y makecache && yum -y update
+ yum -y install \
+ gcc \
+ glibc-headers \
+ kernel-devel \
+ kernel-headers \
+ make \
+ perl \
+ git \
+ wget \
+ avr-binutils \
+ avr-gcc \
+ avr-libc \
+ dfu-util
+elif [[ -n "$(type -P zypper)" ]]; then
+ # openSUSE
+ zypper --non-interactive refresh && zypper --non-interactive update
+ zypper --non-interactive install \
+ git \
+ make \
+ gcc \
+ kernel-devel \
+ patch \
+ wget \
+ dfu-programmer
diff --git a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/Makefile b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/Makefile
index 3b70258402..8066c7bb4b 100644
--- a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/Makefile
+++ b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/Makefile
@@ -31,15 +31,14 @@ SRC = ergodox_ez.c \
ifdef KEYMAP
- SRC := keymaps/keymap_$(KEYMAP).c $(SRC)
+ SRC := keymaps/$(KEYMAP)/keymap.c $(SRC)
- SRC := keymaps/keymap_default.c $(SRC)
+ SRC := keymaps/default/keymap.c $(SRC)
CONFIG_H = config.h
# MCU name
-#MCU = at90usb1287
MCU = atmega32u4
# Processor frequency.
@@ -94,13 +93,13 @@ OPT_DEFS += -DBOOTLOADER_SIZE=512
BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes # Virtual DIP switch configuration(+1000)
MOUSEKEY_ENABLE = yes # Mouse keys(+4700)
EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes # Audio control and System control(+450)
-CONSOLE_ENABLE = yes # Console for debug(+400)
+CONSOLE_ENABLE = no # Console for debug(+400)
COMMAND_ENABLE = yes # Commands for debug and configuration
CUSTOM_MATRIX = yes # Custom matrix file for the ErgoDox EZ
SLEEP_LED_ENABLE = yes # Breathing sleep LED during USB suspend
NKRO_ENABLE = yes # USB Nkey Rollover - if this doesn't work, see here:
# MIDI_ENABLE = yes # MIDI controls
-# uNICODE_ENABLE = yes # Unicode
+# UNICODE_ENABLE = yes # Unicode
# Optimize size but this may cause error "relocation truncated to fit"
diff --git a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/config.h b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/config.h
index 825997ba05..6a391ffb54 100644
--- a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/config.h
+++ b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/config.h
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define COLS (int []){ F1, F0, B0, C7, F4, F5, F6, F7, D4, D6, B4, D7 }
#define ROWS (int []){ D0, D5, B5, B6 }
diff --git a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.hex b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/andrew_osx.hex
index e3ee9afd3e..e3ee9afd3e 100644
--- a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.hex
+++ b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/andrew_osx.hex
diff --git a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.c b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/keymap.c
index 48f8c5d2ff..48f8c5d2ff 100644
--- a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/keymap_andrew_osx.c
+++ b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/andrew_osx/keymap.c
diff --git a/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/coderkun_neo2/coderkun_neo2.hex b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/coderkun_neo2/coderkun_neo2.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4804d4830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keyboard/ergodox_ez/keymaps/coderkun_neo2/coderkun_neo2.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,1461 @@