path: root/retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/
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authormakefu <>2011-11-04 14:21:26 +0100
committermakefu <>2011-11-04 14:21:26 +0100
commit0ed905da208ff9eed13878485325ea26ae2e2c8f (patch)
tree81eb6ea1808eae5a83e3635cc8cbd553574d0020 /retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/
parent7f69a51022ae7456c20ec5d4f0b84843561d0116 (diff)
//retiolum/adv_graphgen: replace old parsing style, refactoring
tinc_stats now writes the current tinc state into stdout as json uses tinc_stats and pipes the output to (the name is a lie)
Diffstat (limited to 'retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/ b/retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/
deleted file mode 100755
index e99a5573..00000000
--- a/retiolum/scripts/adv_graphgen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-import sys,json
-supernodes= [ "kaah","supernode","euer","pa_sharepoint","oxberg" ]
-""" TODO: Refactoring needed to pull the edges out of the node structures again,
-it should be easier to handle both structures"""
-DUMP_FILE = "/krebs/db/availability"
-def write_digraph(nodes):
- """
- writes the complete digraph in dot format
- """
- print ('digraph retiolum {')
- #print (' graph [center rankdir=LR packMode="clust"]')
- print (' graph [center packMode="clust"]')
- print (' node[shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor=grey]')
- print (' overlap=false')
- generate_stats(nodes)
- merge_edges(nodes)
- write_stat_node(nodes)
- for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
- write_node(k,v)
- print ('}')
-def dump_graph(nodes):
- from time import time
- graph = {}
- graph['nodes'] = nodes
- graph['timestamp'] = time()
- f = open(DUMP_FILE,'a')
- json.dump(graph,f)
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
-def write_stat_node(nodes):
- ''' Write a `stats` node in the corner
- This node contains infos about the current number of active nodes and connections inside the network
- '''
- num_conns = 0
- num_nodes = len(nodes)
- for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
- num_conns+= len(v['to'])
- node_text = " stats_node [label=\"Statistics\\l"
- node_text += "Active Nodes: %s\\l" % num_nodes
- node_text += "Connections : %s\\l" % num_conns
- node_text += "\""
- node_text += ",fillcolor=green"
- node_text += "]"
- print(node_text)
-def generate_stats(nodes):
- """ Generates some statistics of the network and nodes
- """
- f = open(DUMP_FILE,'r')
- jlines = []
- for line in f:
- jlines.append(json.loads(line))
- f.close()
- for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
- conns = v.get('to',[])
- v['num_conns'] = len(conns)
- v['avg_weight'] = get_node_avg_weight(conns)
- v['availability'] = get_node_availability(k,jlines)
- sys.stderr.write( "%s -> %f\n" %(k ,v['availability']))
-def get_node_avg_weight(conns):
- """ calculates the average weight for the given connections """
- if not conns:
- sys.syderr.write("get_node_avg_weight: connection parameter empty")
- return 9001
- else:
- return sum([float(c['weight']) for c in conns])/len(conns)
-def get_node_availability(name,jlines):
- """ calculates the node availability by reading the generated dump file
- adding together the uptime of the node and returning the time
- parms:
- name - node name
- jlines - list of already parsed dictionaries node archive
- """
- begin = last = current = 0
- uptime = 0
- #sys.stderr.write ( "Getting Node availability of %s\n" % name)
- for stat in jlines:
- ts = stat['timestamp']
- if not begin:
- begin = last = ts
- current = ts
- if stat['nodes'].get(name,{}).get('to',[]):
- uptime += current - last
- else:
- pass
- #sys.stderr.write("%s offline at timestamp %f\n" %(name,current))
- last = ts
- all_the_time = last - begin
- return uptime/ all_the_time
-def delete_unused_nodes(nodes):
- new_nodes = {}
- for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
- if v['external-ip'] == "(null)":
- continue
- if v.get('to',[]):
- new_nodes[k] = v
- for k,v in new_nodes.iteritems():
- if not [ i for i in v['to'] if i['name'] in new_nodes]:
- #del(new_nodes[k])
- del(k)
- return new_nodes
-def merge_edges(nodes):
- """ merge back and forth edges into one
- DESTRUCTS the current structure by deleting "connections" in the nodes
- """
- for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
- for con in v.get('to',[]):
- for i,secon in enumerate(nodes.get(con['name'],{}).get('to',[])):
- if k == secon['name']:
- del (nodes[con['name']]['to'][i])
- con['bidirectional'] = True
-def write_node(k,v):
- """ writes a single node and its edges
- edges are weightet with the informations inside the nodes provided by
- tinc
- """
- node = " "+k+"[label=\""
- node += k+"\\l"
- node += "availability: %f\\l" % v['availability']
- node += "avg weight: %.2f\\l" % v['avg_weight']
- if v.has_key('num_conns'):
- node += "Num Connects:"+str(v['num_conns'])+"\\l"
- node += "external:"+v['external-ip']+":"+v['external-port']+"\\l"
- for addr in v.get('internal-ip',['¯\\\\(°_o)/¯']):
- node += "internal:"+addr+"\\l"
- node +="\""
- if k in supernodes:
- node += ",fillcolor=steelblue1"
- #node +=",group=\""+v['external-ip'].replace(".","")+"\""
- node += "]"
- print node
- for con in v.get('to',[]):
- label = con['weight']
- w = int(con['weight'])
- weight = str(1000 - (((w - 150) * (1000 - 0)) / (1000 -150 )) + 0)
- length = str(float(w)/1500)
- #weight = "1000" #str(300/float(con['weight']))
- #weight = str((100/float(con['weight'])))
- #weight = str(-1 * (200-100000/int(con['weight'])))
- if float(weight) < 0 :
- weight= "1"
- #sys.stderr.write(weight + ":"+ length +" %s -> " %k + str(con) + "\n")
- edge = " "+k+ " -> " +con['name'] + "[label="+label + " weight="+weight #+ " minlen="+length
- if con.get('bidirectional',False):
- edge += ",dir=both"
- edge += "]"
- print edge
-def parse_input():
- nodes={}
- for line in sys.stdin:
- line = line.replace('\n','')
- if line == 'Nodes:':
- nodes={}
- for line in sys.stdin:
- if line == 'End of nodes.\n':
- break
- l = line.replace('\n','').split() #TODO unhack me
- nodes[l[0]]= { 'external-ip': l[2], 'external-port' : l[4] }
- if line == 'Subnet list:':
- for line in sys.stdin:
- if line == 'End of subnet list.\n':
- break
- l = line.replace('\n','').split()
- if not nodes[l[2]].get('internal-ip',False):
- nodes[l[2]]['internal-ip'] = []
- nodes[l[2]]['internal-ip'].append(l[0].split('#')[0])
- if line == 'Edges:':
- edges = {}
- for line in sys.stdin:
- if line == 'End of edges.\n':
- break
- l = line.replace('\n','').split()
- if not nodes[l[0]].has_key('to') :
- nodes[l[0]]['to'] = []
- nodes[l[0]]['to'].append(
- {'name':l[2],'addr':l[4],'port':l[6],'weight' : l[10] })
- return nodes
-nodes = parse_input()
-nodes = delete_unused_nodes(nodes)