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3 files changed, 91 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/ThreadView.hs b/ThreadView.hs
index 1c908bb..2b1c1fb 100644
--- a/ThreadView.hs
+++ b/ThreadView.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ instance Eq ThreadView where
_ == _ = False
+isTVSearchResult :: ThreadView -> Bool
+isTVSearchResult (TVSearchResult _) = True
+isTVSearchResult _ = False
describe :: ThreadView -> String
describe (TVMessage m) = "TVMessage " <> unMessageID (messageId m)
describe (TVMessagePart m p) = "TVMessagePart " <> (unMessageID $ messageId m) <> " " <> show (partID p)
@@ -72,23 +77,6 @@ describe (TVSearch s) = "TVSearch " <> show s
describe (TVSearchResult sr) = "TVSearchResult " <> show (searchTotal sr)
-focusPrev :: Tree ThreadView -> Maybe ThreadView -> Maybe ThreadView
-focusPrev v Nothing = lastMay (flatten v)
-focusPrev v (Just cur) = do
- i <- elemIndex cur items
- maybe (lastMay items) Just $ atMay items (i - 1)
- where
- items = flatten v
-focusNext :: Tree ThreadView -> Maybe ThreadView -> Maybe ThreadView
-focusNext v Nothing = headMay (flatten v)
-focusNext v (Just cur) = do
- i <- elemIndex cur items
- maybe (headMay items) Just $ atMay items (i + 1)
- where
- items = flatten v
findMessage :: MessageID -> Tree ThreadView -> Maybe ThreadView
findMessage i =
find p . flatten
diff --git a/TreeSearch.hs b/TreeSearch.hs
index 938b076..51d65c2 100644
--- a/TreeSearch.hs
+++ b/TreeSearch.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,36 @@ depthFirst loc = case firstChild loc of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> case next loc of
Just x -> Just x
+ Nothing -> parentWithNext loc
+ where
+ parentWithNext x =
+ case parent x of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just x' -> case next x' of
+ Just x' -> Just x'
+ Nothing -> parentWithNext x'
+findNext :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findNext = depthFirst
+findPrev :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findPrev loc =
+ case prev loc of
+ Just x -> trans_lastChild x
Nothing -> case parent loc of
- Just x -> next x
+ Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> Nothing
+ where
+ trans_lastChild x =
+ case lastChild x of
+ Nothing -> Just x
+ Just x' -> trans_lastChild x'
+findParent :: (a -> Bool) -> TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findParent p loc =
+ if p (label loc)
+ then Just loc
+ else parent loc >>= findParent p
diff --git a/test3.hs b/test3.hs
index f264ecb..6de1617 100644
--- a/test3.hs
+++ b/test3.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty
--import Data.Aeson
--import Data.List.Split
--import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString hiding (string)
---import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Maybe
--import Data.Monoid
--import Data.String
--import Data.Traversable
@@ -48,27 +48,6 @@ import TreeSearch
---focusPrev t_cur t = do
--- i <- findIndex ((==t_cur) . messageId) msgs
--- m' <- msgs `atMay` (i - 1)
--- return $ messageId m'
--- where
--- msgs = flatten t
---focusNext t_cur t = do
--- i <- findIndex ((==t_cur) . messageId) msgs
--- m' <- msgs `atMay` (i + 1)
--- return $ messageId m'
--- where
--- msgs = flatten t
---focusMessage t_cur t = do
--- i <- findIndex ((==t_cur) . messageId) msgs
--- msgs `atMay` i
--- where
--- msgs = flatten t
toggleTag :: T.Text -> Message -> IO ()
toggleTag tag m = do
_ <- if tag `elem` messageTags m
@@ -114,75 +93,77 @@ main =
shutdown vty
run vty = do
- t_ <- getThread tid
- let v = fromMessageTree t_
- let c = findMessage (MessageID cid) v
- rec vty 0 c v
+ --XXX show a single thread
+ --t_ <- getThread "0000000000000862"
+ --let v = fromMessageTree t_
+ --let c = findMessage (MessageID "") v
+ --rec vty 0 c v
- tid = "0000000000000862"
- cid = ""
+ let query = "tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed"
+ Right r_ <- search query
+ let v = fromSearchResults query r_
+ rec vty 0 (Z.fromTree v)
--rec vty t_cur t = do
- rec :: Vty -> Int -> Maybe ThreadView -> Tree ThreadView -> IO ()
- rec vty i c v = do
- let --img = threadImage t_cur (fromMessageTree t)
+ --rec :: Vty -> Int -> Z.TreePos Z.Full ThreadView -> Tree ThreadView -> IO ()
+ rec :: Vty -> Int -> Z.TreePos Z.Full ThreadView -> IO ()
+ rec vty i c = do
+ let
img =
- (
- string def (show i)
- <|>
- translateX 1
- (
- string def (maybe "Nothing" describe c)
- )
- )
- <->
- threadImage c v
+ --string def (show i) <->
+ --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusPrev v c)) <->
+ --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe c) <->
+ --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusNext v c)) <->
+ --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusPrev v c)) <->
+ --string def (describe $ Z.label c) <->
+ --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusNext v c)) <->
+ threadImage (Just $ Z.label c) (Z.toTree c)
pic = picForImage img
+ v = Z.root c
update vty pic
nextEvent vty >>= \e -> case e of
EvKey KUp [] ->
- --case focusPrev t t_cur of
- --case focusPrev v c of
- -- Just t_prev ->
- -- --rec vty t_prev t
- -- rec vty (i + 1) t_prev v
- -- Nothing ->
- -- --rec vty t_cur t
- -- rec vty (i + 1) c v
- rec vty (i + 1) (focusPrev v c) v
+ rec vty (i + 1) (fromMaybe (Z.root c) $ findPrev c)
EvKey KDown [] ->
- --case focusNext t t_cur of
- --case focusNext v c of
- -- Just t_next ->
- -- --rec vty t_next t
- -- rec vty (i + 1) t_next v
- -- Nothing ->
- -- --rec vty t_cur t
- -- rec vty (i + 1) c v
- rec vty (i + 1) (focusNext v c) v
+ rec vty (i + 1) (fromMaybe (Z.root c) $ findNext c)
EvKey KEnter [] ->
- case c of
- Nothing -> error "no cursor"
- Just c_ -> do
- --toggleTag "open" t_cur t
- toggleTag "open" c_
- t'_ <- getThread tid
- let v' = fromMessageTree t'_
- let c' = findTV c_ v'
- if c' == Nothing
- then error $ "couldn't find" ++ show (c_, v')
- else return ()
- --rec vty t_cur t'
- rec vty (i + 1) c' v'
+ onEnter c
EvResize _w _h ->
- --rec vty t_cur t
- rec vty (i + 1) c v
+ rec vty (i + 1) c
_ -> do
print $ "Last event was: " ++ show e
+ where
+ onEnter c_ = case Z.label c_ of
+ TVMessage m -> do
+ toggleTag "open" m
+ let loc = c
+ Just sr = findParent isTVSearchResult loc
+ Just sr0 = Z.firstChild sr -- TODO can there be only one (thread per sr)?
+ TVSearchResult the_sr = Z.label sr
+ ThreadID tid = searchThread the_sr
+ t_ <- return . (:[]) . fromMessageTree =<< getThread tid
+ rec vty 0 $ fromMaybe (error "couldn't reselect")
+ $ findTree (==Z.label c)
+ $ Z.modifyTree (\(Node l _) -> Node l t_) sr
+ TVSearchResult sr -> do
+ --let Just loc = findTree (==c_) $ Z.fromTree v
+ let loc = c
+ let open = not $ null $ subForest $ Z.tree loc
+ let ThreadID tid = searchThread sr
+ t_ <-
+ if open
+ then return []
+ else return . (:[]) . fromMessageTree =<< getThread tid
+ rec vty 0 $ Z.modifyTree (\(Node l _) -> Node l t_) loc
threadImage :: Maybe ThreadView -> Tree ThreadView -> Image