path: root/test3.hs
diff options
authortv <>2014-12-28 22:16:47 +0100
committertv <>2014-12-28 22:16:47 +0100
commitb1aa17616f56517fa83607296c25ee6c333968c1 (patch)
treeb9c2ed97dc1a7446b3009f5597cd7ca5183fea2f /test3.hs
parent1e2180c07b45a31de87439160fbe5dde64a24dab (diff)
purge a bit of legacy & cruft
There's still both around, though..^_^
Diffstat (limited to 'test3.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/test3.hs b/test3.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 16bbe61..0000000
--- a/test3.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-import Data.Default
-import Graphics.Vty
---import Data.List
-import Control.Applicative
---import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr (bytesToString)
---import Data.Aeson
---import Data.List.Split
---import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString hiding (string)
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Monoid
---import Data.String
---import Data.Traversable
-import Data.Tree
-import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
---import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
---import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
---import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import qualified Data.Text as T
---import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
---import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
---import Data.Version (Version(..), parseVersion)
---import System.Process
---import System.IO
---import qualified Data.Map as M
-import System.Environment
-import Notmuch
-import Notmuch.Message
-import Notmuch.SearchResult
---import Safe
-import Control.Exception
-import TreeView
-import TreeSearch
---import Editor (edit)
-import System.Process
-import System.Environment
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
-import System.IO
-import System.Directory
-import Control.Exception (bracket)
-import Control.Exception
-import System.IO
-import Control.DeepSeq (rnf)
-data State = State
- { vty :: Vty
- , cursor :: Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView
- , xoffset :: Int
- , yoffset :: Int
- , message :: String
- }
-toggleTag :: T.Text -> Message -> IO ()
-toggleTag tag m = do
- _ <- if tag `elem` messageTags m
- then
- unsetTag tagString (unMessageID $ messageId m)
- else
- setTag tagString (unMessageID $ messageId m)
- return ()
- where
- tagString = T.unpack tag
-tagMessage :: T.Text -> Message -> IO LBS.ByteString
-tagMessage tag m =
- setTag (T.unpack tag) (unMessageID $ messageId m)
-untagMessage :: T.Text -> Message -> IO LBS.ByteString
-untagMessage tag m =
- unsetTag (T.unpack tag) (unMessageID $ messageId m)
-main :: IO ()
-main =
- main' "tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed"
-main' :: String -> IO ()
-main' query = do
- setEnv "HOME" "/home/tv"
- bracket (mkVty def) finit run
- where
- finit vty = do
- shutdown vty
- run vty0 = do
- --XXX show a single thread
- --t_ <- getThread "0000000000000862"
- --let v = fromMessageTree t_
- --let c = findMessage (MessageID "") v
- --rec vty 0 c v
- r_ <- either error id <$> search query
- rec State
- { vty = vty0
- , cursor = Z.fromTree $ fromSearchResults query r_
- , xoffset = 0
- , yoffset = 0
- , message = "Welcome to much; quit with ^C"
- }
- rec :: State -> IO ()
- rec q0@State{..} = do
- let
- img =
- --string def (show i) <->
- --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusPrev v cursor)) <->
- --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe cursor) <->
- --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusNext v cursor)) <->
- --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusPrev v cursor)) <->
- --string def (describe $ Z.label cursor) <->
- --string def (maybe "Nothing" describe (focusNext v cursor)) <->
- treeImage (Just $ Z.label cursor) (Z.toTree cursor)
- --renderTree q
- pic = picForImage $
- (string def message) <->
- translate xoffset yoffset img
- --v = Z.root cursor
- update vty pic
- nextEvent vty >>= \e -> case e of
- EvKey KEsc [] ->
- rec q
- EvKey (KChar 'c') [MCtrl] ->
- error "^C"
- EvKey (KChar 'k') [] ->
- rec q { cursor = fromMaybe (Z.root cursor) $ findPrev cursor }
- EvKey (KChar 'j') [] ->
- rec q { cursor = fromMaybe (Z.root cursor) $ findNext cursor }
- EvKey KEnter [] ->
- onEnter cursor
- EvKey (KChar 'H') [] -> rec q { xoffset = xoffset - 3 }
- EvKey (KChar 'L') [] -> rec q { xoffset = xoffset + 3 }
- EvKey (KChar 'J') [] -> rec q { yoffset = yoffset - 3 }
- EvKey (KChar 'K') [] -> rec q { yoffset = yoffset + 3 }
- EvKey (KChar 'r') [] ->
- case getMessage (Z.label cursor) of
- Just m -> do
- replyToAll m q >>= rec
- Nothing ->
- rec q { message = "no message" }
- --reply ToAll q >>= \case
- -- Left s -> rec q { message = s }
- -- Right () -> rec q
- EvResize _w _h ->
- rec q
- _ -> do
- rec q { message = "unbound key: " ++ show e }
- where
- q = q0 { message = "" }
- onEnter c_ = case Z.label c_ of
- TVMessage m -> do
- toggleTag "open" m
- let loc = cursor
- Just sr = findParent isTVSearchResult loc
- --Just sr0 = Z.firstChild sr -- TODO can there be only one (thread per sr)?
- TVSearchResult the_sr = Z.label sr
- ThreadID tid = searchThread the_sr
- t_ <- return . fromMessageForest =<< getThread tid
- let loc' = Z.modifyTree (\(Node l _) -> Node l t_) sr
- rec q { cursor = select (==Z.label cursor) loc' }
- TVSearchResult sr -> do
- --let Just loc = findTree (==c_) $ Z.fromTree v
- let loc = cursor
- let open = not $ null $ subForest $ Z.tree loc
- let ThreadID tid = searchThread sr
- t_ <-
- if open
- then return []
- else return . fromMessageForest =<< getThread tid
- let loc' = Z.modifyTree (\(Node l _) -> Node l t_) loc
- rec q { cursor = select (==Z.label cursor) loc' }
- _ ->
- -- TODO make some noise
- rec q
-select :: (a -> Bool) -> Z.TreePos Z.Full a -> Z.TreePos Z.Full a
-select p loc = fromMaybe (error "cannot select") $ findTree p $ Z.root loc
-treeImage :: Maybe TreeView -> Tree TreeView -> Image
-treeImage c (Node n ns) =
- treeViewImage (c == Just n) n <->
- translateX 2 (vertCat $ map (treeImage c) ns)
---reply :: ReplyTo -> State -> IO (Either String ())
---reply replyTo _q@State{..} =
--- case getMessage (Z.label cursor) of
--- Just Message{..} -> do
--- x <- notmuchReply replyTo ("id:" <> unMessageID messageId)
--- edit x
--- return $ Right ()
--- Nothing ->
--- return $ Left "no message"
---edit :: LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
---edit draft = do
--- editor <- getEnv "EDITOR"
--- logname <- getEnv "LOGNAME"
--- tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
--- let template = logname ++ ""
--- bracket (openTempFile tmpdir template) cleanup $ \(path, h) -> do
--- LBS.hPut h draft
--- hClose h
--- --hFlush h
--- system (editor ++ " " ++ path)
--- return ()
--- where
--- cleanup (path, h) = do
--- removeFile path
--- hClose h
-replyToAll Message{..} q = do
- editor <- getEnv "EDITOR"
- logname <- getEnv "LOGNAME"
- tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
- let template = logname ++ ""
- bracket (openTempFile tmpdir template) cleanup $ \(path, draftH) -> do
- (_, _, _, procH) <-
- withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode $ \devnull ->
- createProcess
- (proc "notmuch" [ "reply" , "id:" <> unMessageID messageId ])
- { std_in = UseHandle devnull
- , std_out = UseHandle draftH
- }
- hClose draftH
- waitForProcess procH
- code <- system (editor ++ " " ++ path)
- return q { message = show code }
- where
- cleanup = removeFile . fst
-replyToAll2 = do
- editor <- getEnv "EDITOR"
- logname <- getEnv "LOGNAME"
- tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
- let template = logname ++ ""
- let msgId = ""
- bracket (openTempFile tmpdir template) cleanup $ \(path, draftH) -> do
- (_, _, _, procH) <-
- withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode $ \devnull ->
- createProcess
- (proc "notmuch" [ "reply" , "id:" <> msgId ])
- { std_in = UseHandle devnull
- , std_out = UseHandle draftH
- }
- hClose draftH
- waitForProcess procH
- code <- system (editor ++ " " ++ path)
- print code
- --return q { message = show code }
- where
- cleanup = removeFile . fst
--- (_, Just hout, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc "notmuch" args)
--- { std_out = CreatePipe }
--- output <- LBS.hGetContents hout
--- withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf output) $ \waitOut -> do
--- ---- now write any input
--- --unless (null input) $
--- -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input
--- -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE
--- --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh
--- -- wait on the output
--- waitOut
--- hClose hout
--- -- wait on the process
--- _ex <- waitForProcess ph
--- --return (ex, output)
--- --case ex of
--- -- ExitSuccess -> return output
--- -- ExitFailure r -> processFailedException "readProcess" cmd args r
--- return output