path: root/src/Notmuch.hs
diff options
authorKierán Meinhardt <>2020-09-23 17:44:40 +0200
committerKierán Meinhardt <>2020-09-23 17:44:40 +0200
commit8e92e6e11d2b3b0bfb5ac9d68f347219493e6380 (patch)
tree6484ca42d85ca89475e922f7b45039c116ebbf97 /src/Notmuch.hs
parent6a6ad3aecd53ffd89101a0dee2b4ea576d4964d4 (diff)
split into library + executables
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Notmuch.hs')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Notmuch.hs b/src/Notmuch.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86bd3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Notmuch.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Notmuch where
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
+import qualified Network.Mail.Mime as M
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.DeepSeq (rnf)
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Aeson.Extends
+import Data.Tree
+import Notmuch.Class
+import Notmuch.Message
+import Notmuch.SearchResult
+import Much.ParseMail (readMail)
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import System.Process
+import Much.TagUtils
+-- | Fork a thread while doing something else, but kill it if there's an
+-- exception.
+-- This is important in the cases above because we want to kill the thread
+-- that is holding the Handle lock, because when we clean up the process we
+-- try to close that handle, which could otherwise deadlock.
+withForkWait :: IO () -> (IO () -> IO a) -> IO a
+withForkWait async body = do
+ waitVar <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar (Either SomeException ()))
+ mask $ \restore -> do
+ tid <- forkIO $ try (restore async) >>= putMVar waitVar
+ let wait = takeMVar waitVar >>= either throwIO return
+ restore (body wait) `onException` killThread tid
+notmuch :: [String] -> IO LBS.ByteString
+notmuch args = do
+ (_, Just hout, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc "notmuch" args)
+ { std_out = CreatePipe }
+ output <- LBS.hGetContents hout
+ withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf output) $ \waitOut -> do
+ ---- now write any input
+ --unless (null input) $
+ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input
+ -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE
+ --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh
+ -- wait on the output
+ waitOut
+ hClose hout
+ -- wait on the process
+ _ex <- waitForProcess ph
+ --return (ex, output)
+ --case ex of
+ -- ExitSuccess -> return output
+ -- ExitFailure r -> processFailedException "readProcess" cmd args r
+ return output
+notmuch' :: [String] -> IO (ExitCode, LBS.ByteString, LBS.ByteString)
+notmuch' args = do
+ (_, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <-
+ createProcess (proc "notmuch" args)
+ { std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
+ }
+ out <- LBS.hGetContents hout
+ err <- LBS.hGetContents herr
+ withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf out) $ \waitOut -> do
+ withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf err) $ \waitErr -> do
+ ---- now write any input
+ --unless (null input) $
+ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input
+ -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE
+ --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh
+ -- wait on the output
+ waitOut
+ waitErr
+ hClose hout
+ hClose herr
+ -- wait on the process
+ exitCode <- waitForProcess ph
+ return (exitCode, out, err)
+ :: [String]
+ -> LBS.ByteString
+ -> IO (ExitCode, LBS.ByteString, LBS.ByteString)
+notmuchWithInput args input = do
+ (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <-
+ createProcess (proc "notmuch" args)
+ { std_in = CreatePipe
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
+ }
+ LBS.hPut hin input
+ hClose hin
+ out <- LBS.hGetContents hout
+ err <- LBS.hGetContents herr
+ withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf out) $ \waitOut -> do
+ withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf err) $ \waitErr -> do
+ ---- now write any input
+ --unless (null input) $
+ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input
+ -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE
+ --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh
+ -- wait on the output
+ waitOut
+ waitErr
+ hClose hout
+ hClose herr
+ -- wait on the process
+ exitCode <- waitForProcess ph
+ return (exitCode, out, err)
+search :: [String] -> IO (Either String [SearchResult])
+search args =
+ eitherDecodeLenient' <$>
+ notmuch ("search" : "--format=json" : "--format-version=2" : args)
+data ReplyTo = ToAll | ToSender
+instance Show ReplyTo where
+ show ToAll = "all"
+ show ToSender = "sender"
+--notmuchReply :: String -> IO (Either String [SearchResult])
+notmuchReply :: ReplyTo -> String -> IO LBS.ByteString
+notmuchReply replyTo term =
+ notmuch
+ [ "reply"
+ , "--reply-to=" ++ show replyTo
+ , term
+ ]
+ -- >>= return . eitherDecodeLenient'
+notmuchShow :: String -> IO (Forest Message)
+notmuchShow term = do
+ c' <- notmuch [ "show", "--format=json", "--format-version=2"
+ , term ]
+ -- TODO why head?
+ return $ threadForest $ head $
+ either error id (eitherDecodeLenient' c')
+notmuchShowPart :: String -> Int -> IO (Either String MessagePart)
+notmuchShowPart term partId = do
+ -- TODO handle partId == 0 and partId > N
+ (exitCode, out, err) <-
+ notmuch' [ "show", "--format=json", "--format-version=2"
+ , "--part=" <> show partId
+ , term ]
+ return $ case exitCode of
+ ExitSuccess -> eitherDecodeLenient' out
+ _ -> Left $ show exitCode <> ": " <> LBS8.unpack err
+notmuchShowMail :: String -> IO (Either String M.Mail)
+notmuchShowMail term =
+ notmuch' [ "show", "--format=raw", "--format-version=2", term ]
+ >>= return . \case
+ (ExitSuccess, out, _) ->
+ case LT.decodeUtf8' out of
+ Right x -> Right (readMail $ LT.toStrict x)
+ Left ex -> Left $ "meh" ++ show ex
+ (exitCode, _, err) ->
+ Left $ "notmuch failed with exit code " ++ show exitCode ++
+ ": " ++ LBS8.unpack err
+notmuchTag :: HasNotmuchId a => [TagOp] -> a -> IO ()
+notmuchTag tagOps x =
+ notmuch ("tag" : tagOpsToArgs tagOps ++ [notmuchId x]) >> return ()