path: root/pkgs/populate/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/populate/default.nix')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/populate/default.nix b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
index 517b12e..7129b90 100644
--- a/pkgs/populate/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
with import ../../lib;
with shell;
-{ coreutils, dash, findutils, git, jq, openssh, pass, rsync, writers }:
+{ coreutils, dash, findutils, git, jq, openssh, pass, passage, rsync, writers }:
check = { force, target }: let
@@ -45,18 +45,34 @@ let
pop.file = target: source: let
- configAttrs = ["useChecksum" "exclude" "filters" "deleteExcluded"];
- config = filterAttrs (name: _: elem name configAttrs) source;
+ config = rsyncDefaultConfig // derivedConfig // sourceConfig;
+ derivedConfig = {
+ useChecksum =
+ if isStorePath source.path
+ then true
+ else rsyncDefaultConfig.useChecksum;
+ };
+ sourceConfig =
+ filterAttrs (name: _: elem name (attrNames rsyncDefaultConfig)) source;
+ sourcePath =
+ if isStorePath source.path
+ then quote (toString source.path)
+ else quote source.path;
- rsync' target config (quote source.path);
+ rsync' target config sourcePath;
pop.git = target: source: runShell target /* sh */ ''
set -efu
+ # Remove target path if it doesn't look like a git worktree.
+ # This can happen e.g. when it had a different type earlier.
+ if ! test -e ${quote target.path}/.git; then
+ rm -fR ${quote target.path}
+ fi
if ! test -e ${quote target.path}; then
${if source.shallow then /* sh */ ''
git init ${quote target.path}
'' else /* sh */ ''
- git clone --recurse-submodules ${quote source.url} ${quote target.path}
+ git clone --recurse-submodules ${quote source.url} ${quote target.path}
cd ${quote target.path}
@@ -103,7 +119,15 @@ let
umask 0077
if test -e ${quote source.dir}/.git; then
- local_pass_info=${quote source.name}\ $(${git}/bin/git -C ${quote source.dir} log -1 --format=%H ${quote source.name})
+ local_pass_info=${quote source.name}\ $(
+ ${git}/bin/git -C ${quote source.dir} log -1 --format=%H ${quote source.name}
+ # we append a hash for every symlink, otherwise we would miss updates on
+ # files where the symlink points to
+ ${findutils}/bin/find ${quote source.dir}/${quote source.name} -type l \
+ -exec ${coreutils}/bin/realpath {} + |
+ ${coreutils}/bin/sort |
+ ${findutils}/bin/xargs -r -n 1 ${git}/bin/git -C ${quote source.dir} log -1 --format=%H
+ )
remote_pass_info=$(${runShell target /* sh */ ''
cat ${quote target.path}/.pass_info || :
@@ -144,7 +168,38 @@ let
echo "$local_pass_info" > "$tmp_dir"/.pass_info
- ${rsync' target {} /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
+ ${rsync' target rsyncDefaultConfig /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
+ '';
+ pop.passage = target: source: /* sh */ ''
+ set -efu
+ export PASSAGE_AGE=${quote source.age}
+ export PASSAGE_DIR=${quote source.dir}
+ export PASSAGE_IDENTITIES_FILE=${quote source.identities_file}
+ umask 0077
+ tmp_dir=$(${coreutils}/bin/mktemp -dt populate-passage.XXXXXXXX)
+ trap cleanup EXIT
+ cleanup() {
+ rm -fR "$tmp_dir"
+ }
+ ${findutils}/bin/find "$PASSAGE_DIR" -type f -name \*.age -follow |
+ while read -r age_path; do
+ rel_name=''${age_path#$PASSAGE_DIR}
+ rel_name=''${rel_name%.age}
+ tmp_path=$tmp_dir/$rel_name
+ ${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p "$(${coreutils}/bin/dirname "$tmp_path")"
+ ${passage}/bin/passage show "$rel_name" > "$tmp_path"
+ ${coreutils}/bin/touch -r "$age_path" "$tmp_path"
+ done
+ ${rsync' target rsyncDefaultConfig /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
pop.pipe = target: source: /* sh */ ''
@@ -172,17 +227,17 @@ let
${rsync}/bin/rsync \
- ${optionalString (config.useChecksum or false) /* sh */ "--checksum"} \
+ ${optionalString config.useChecksum /* sh */ "--checksum"} \
${optionalString target.sudo /* sh */ "--rsync-path=\"sudo rsync\""} \
${concatMapStringsSep " "
(pattern: /* sh */ "--exclude ${quote pattern}")
- (config.exclude or [])} \
+ config.exclude} \
${concatMapStringsSep " "
(filter: /* sh */ "--${filter.type} ${quote filter.pattern}")
- (config.filters or [])} \
+ config.filters} \
-e ${quote (ssh' target)} \
-vFrlptD \
- ${optionalString (config.deleteExcluded or true) /* sh */ "--delete-excluded"} \
+ ${optionalString config.deleteExcluded /* sh */ "--delete-excluded"} \
"$source_path" \
${quote (
optionalString (!isLocalTarget target) (
@@ -194,6 +249,13 @@ let
+ rsyncDefaultConfig = {
+ useChecksum = false;
+ exclude = [];
+ filters = [];
+ deleteExcluded = true;
+ };
runShell = target: command:
if isLocalTarget target
then command
@@ -206,8 +268,7 @@ let
ssh' = target: concatMapStringsSep " " quote (flatten [
- (optionals (target.user != "") ["-l" target.user])
- "-p" target.port
+ (mkUserPortSSHOpts target)