path: root/ircout.hs
diff options
authortv <>2017-05-23 21:06:04 +0200
committertv <>2017-05-23 21:06:04 +0200
commit00e81b5a2c6ddd5a5caf4934a8ee32b1281ccc53 (patch)
tree21094901363eb88e0a73ed156d54c41edce66667 /ircout.hs
parent9a698e0c32bc413bce575bfd9aaeaa5364afc403 (diff)
move most functionality from ircout to Kirk.Simple
Diffstat (limited to 'ircout.hs')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/ircout.hs b/ircout.hs
index 3edf388..9b3de60 100644
--- a/ircout.hs
+++ b/ircout.hs
@@ -1,50 +1,20 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Main where
-import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
-import Control.Exception.Base (finally)
-import Control.Monad (forever,unless)
-import Data.List (intercalate,null)
-import Data.Text (isPrefixOf,pack,replace,unpack)
-import Network (withSocketsDo,PortID(..),connectTo)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
-import System.IO (hSetBuffering,hSetNewlineMode,hPutStrLn,hClose,hGetLine,BufferMode(LineBuffering),universalNewlineMode,Handle)
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Monad (forever)
+import System.IO (Handle)
import Kirk.Config
+import Kirk.Simple
main :: IO ()
main = do
- c@Config{..} <- parseConfigFromArgs
- withSocketsDo $ do
- h <- connectTo server_hostname (PortNumber server_port)
- (`finally` hClose h) $ do
- hSetNewlineMode h universalNewlineMode
- hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
- handshake c h >> race (ircAgent c h) (stdinForwarder c h) >>= print
-handshake :: Config -> Handle -> IO ()
-handshake Config{..} h = do
- hPutStrLn h ("NICK " ++ nick)
- hPutStrLn h ("USER " ++ nick ++ " * 0 :" ++ nick)
- unless (null channels) $ hPutStrLn h ("JOIN " ++ channels)
- where
- channels = intercalate "," $ filter ((=='#') . head) msgtarget
-ircAgent :: Config -> Handle -> IO ()
-ircAgent Config{..} h = forever $ do
- line <- hGetLine h
- if (isPrefixOf "PING" (pack line)) then
- hPutStrLn h (unpack (replace "PING" "PONG" (pack line)))
- else
- print line
+ c <- parseConfigFromArgs
+ r <- run c $ \h ->
+ handshake c h >> race (ircAgent c h) (stdinForwarder c h)
+ print r
stdinForwarder :: Config -> Handle -> IO ()
-stdinForwarder Config{..} h = forever $ do
- line <- BS8.getLine
- hPutStrLn h ("PRIVMSG " ++ msgtarget' ++ " :" ++ BS8.unpack line)
- where
- msgtarget' = intercalate "," msgtarget
+stdinForwarder c h = forever (getLine >>= privmsg c h)