path: root/main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main.hs')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.hs b/main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8a14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import Prelude hiding (print)
+import Scanner
+import Event
+import Blessings
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVarX
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, asks)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import System.IO hiding (print)
+import System.Posix.Signals
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import qualified Hirc
+newRelay :: IO (a -> IO (), IO a)
+newRelay = (putMVar &&& takeMVar) <$> newEmptyMVar
+newSampler :: IO (Maybe a -> IO (), IO a)
+newSampler = (write &&& readSV) <$> newEmptySV
+ where write v n = maybe (emptySV v) (writeSV v) n
+newSemaphore :: IO (IO (), IO ())
+newSemaphore = (flip putMVar () &&& takeMVar) <$> newEmptyMVar
+type Combo = [String]
+nop :: a -> IO ()
+nop = const (return ())
+data State = State
+ { s_now :: UTCTime
+ , s_input :: String
+ , s_output :: [String]
+ , s_combo :: Combo
+ , s_combo_hist :: [(UTCTime, Either Combo Combo)]
+ , s_setTick :: Maybe Int -> IO ()
+ , s_hircBot :: Maybe Hirc.Bot
+ }
+newState :: State
+newState = State
+ { s_now = posixSecondsToUTCTime 0
+ , s_input = ""
+ , s_output = []
+ , s_combo = []
+ , s_combo_hist = []
+ , s_setTick = nop
+ , s_hircBot = Nothing
+ }
+cleanup :: State -> IO ()
+cleanup _q = do
+ hPutStrLn stdout ""
+ hSetEcho stdin True
+main :: IO ()
+main = bracket (return newState) cleanup $ \q0 -> do
+ hSetEcho stdin False
+ hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
+ hSetBuffering stdout (BlockBuffering $ Just 4096)
+ -- communication channels
+ (sendEvent, receiveEvent) <- newRelay
+ (shutdown, awaitShutdown) <- newSemaphore
+ (setTick, getTick) <- newSampler
+ let q1 = q0 { s_setTick = setTick }
+ mapM_ (\(s, f) -> installHandler s (Catch f) Nothing)
+ [ (sigINT, shutdown)
+ -- , (28, winchHandler sendEvent)
+ ]
+ threadIds <- mapM forkIO
+ [ forever $ scan stdin >>= sendEvent . EScan
+ , run receiveEvent q1
+ , runTick getTick sendEvent
+ , runIrc sendEvent ic
+ ]
+ awaitShutdown
+ mapM_ killThread threadIds
+ where
+ ic = Hirc.Config
+ { Hirc.config_server = Hirc.Server "cd.retiolum" 6667
+ , Hirc.config_nick = "hirc"
+ , Hirc.config_chan = "#hirc-testing"
+ }
+runIrc :: (Event -> IO ()) -> Hirc.Config -> IO ()
+runIrc sendEvent c =
+ Hirc.runBot c Hirc.Hooks
+ { Hirc.hooks_onConnect = onConnect
+ , Hirc.hooks_onDisconnect = onDisconnect
+ , Hirc.hooks_onError = onError
+ , Hirc.hooks_onMessage = onMessage
+ }
+ where
+ onConnect = do
+ liftIO $ sendEvent $ EPutLn "Hirc Connect"
+ bot <- ask
+ liftIO $ sendEvent $ EHircConnect bot
+ Hirc.bot_nick >>= \nick -> do
+ send "NICK" nick
+ send "USER" (nick ++ " 0 * :hirc bot")
+ onDisconnect = do
+ liftIO $ sendEvent $ EPutLn "Hirc Disconnect"
+ onError e =
+ liftIO
+ $ sendEvent $ EPutLn
+ $ pp $ SGR [31,1] $ "Hirc Error: " <> Plain (show e)
+ onMessage m = do
+ liftIO $ sendEvent (EPutLn $ Hirc.formatMessage m)
+send :: String -> String -> Hirc.Net ()
+send s t = do
+ h <- asks Hirc.bot_socket
+ --liftIO $ hPrintf h "%s %s\r\n" s t
+ liftIO $ hPutStr h $ s <> " " <> t <> "\r\n"
+ --liftIO $ printf "> %s %s\n" s t
+ --liftIO $ printf "> %s %s\n" s t
+runTick :: IO Int -> (Event -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+runTick getTick sendEvent = forever $ do
+ ms <- getTick
+ sendEvent ETick
+ threadDelay (ms * 1000)
+run :: IO Event -> State -> IO ()
+run receiveEvent = rec where
+ rec q = do
+ e <- receiveEvent
+ t <- getCurrentTime -- TODO put into receiveEvent
+ processEvent q { s_now = t } e >>= decay >>= print q >>= rec
+decay :: State -> IO State
+decay q@State{s_now=now,s_combo_hist=hist,s_setTick=setTick} = do
+ let hist' = filter ((<1000) . msAge now . fst) hist
+ when (length hist' == 0) $ do
+ setTick Nothing
+ return q
+ { s_combo_hist = hist'
+ }
+print :: State -> State -> IO State
+-- print pending output if any
+print _ q@State{s_output=xs@(_:_)} = do
+ let q' = q { s_output = [] }
+ mapM_ (flip putLn q') (map ("! "<>) xs)
+ flush q'
+ return q'
+-- otherwise check if command line has to be redrawn
+print State{s_combo=c0,s_input=i0} q@State{s_combo=c,s_input=i} = do
+ when needRedraw (redrawCmdLn q >> flush q)
+ return q
+ where
+ needRedraw = i0 /= i || c0 /= c
+acceptCombo :: State -> IO State
+acceptCombo q@State{s_setTick=setTick} = do
+ setTick (Just 100)
+ return q
+ { s_combo = []
+ , s_combo_hist = (s_now q, Right $ s_combo q) : s_combo_hist q
+ }
+rejectCombo :: State -> IO State
+rejectCombo q@State{s_setTick=setTick} = do
+ setTick (Just 100)
+ return q
+ { s_combo = []
+ , s_combo_hist = (s_now q, Left $ s_combo q) : s_combo_hist q
+ }
+onKey :: State -> IO State
+-- output non-empty input buffer
+onKey q@State{s_combo=["\n"],s_input=i@(_:_),s_output=o} = do
+ case s_hircBot q of
+ Just Hirc.Bot{Hirc.bot_socket=h} ->
+ hPutStr h $ i <> "\r\n"
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ acceptCombo q
+ { s_input = ""
+ , s_output = o ++ [i]
+ }
+-- delete char from input buffer
+onKey q@State{s_combo=["\DEL"],s_input=i@(_:_)} =
+ acceptCombo q { s_input = init i }
+-- append printable chars to the input buffer
+onKey q@State{s_combo=[k0],s_input=i} | length k0 == 1 && isPrint (k0!!0) =
+ acceptCombo q { s_input = i ++ k0 }
+-- cancel current combo
+onKey q@State{s_combo="\ESC":_:_}=
+ acceptCombo q { s_combo = ["\ESC"] }
+onKey q =
+ rejectCombo q
+processEvent :: State -> Event -> IO State
+processEvent q@State{s_now=_now} = \case
+ --EFlash t ->
+ -- return q { flashMessage = t }
+ EScan (ScanKey s) -> onKey q { s_combo = s : s_combo q }
+ EPutLn s -> do
+ putLn s q
+ flush q
+ return q
+ ETick -> do
+ --putLn ("Tick: " ++ show now) q
+ redrawCmdLn q
+ flush q
+ return q
+ EHircConnect b -> do
+ return q { s_hircBot = Just b }
+ EHircMessage m -> do
+ return q { s_output = s_output q ++ [show m] }
+ _ev ->
+ return q -- $ q ++ show ev
+ -- { flashMessage = SGR [31,1] $ Plain $ "unhandled event: " <> show ev
+ -- }
+bell :: State -> IO ()
+bell _q = do
+ hPutStr stdout "\a"
+redrawCmdLn :: State -> IO ()
+redrawCmdLn q = delCmdLn q >> putCmdLn q
+delCmdLn :: State -> IO ()
+delCmdLn _q = do
+ hPutStr stdout $ "\ESC[2K\ESC[666D"
+flush :: State -> IO ()
+flush _q = do
+ hFlush stdout
+putLn :: String -> State -> IO ()
+putLn s q = do
+ delCmdLn q
+ hPutStrLn stdout s
+ putCmdLn q
+putCmdLn :: State -> IO ()
+putCmdLn q@State{s_now=now} =do
+ hPutStr stdout $ ""
+ ++ "> "
+ ++ s_input q
+ ++ "\ESC[s"
+ ++ " " ++ pp (SGR [38,5,162] $ showCombo (s_combo q))
+ -- ++ " " ++ pp (showLastCombo (s_last_combo q))
+ ++ pp (mconcat
+ $ map (showLastCombo now) (s_combo_hist q))
+ ++ "\ESC[u"
+-- TODO instance Show Combo
+showCombo :: Combo -> Blessings String
+showCombo ks = mconcat (concatMap (map renderChar) (reverse ks))
+showLastCombo :: UTCTime -> (UTCTime, Either Combo Combo) -> Blessings String
+showLastCombo now = \case
+ (t, Right ks) -> SGR [38,5,selectByAge ackColors t] (showCombo ks)
+ (t, Left ks) -> SGR [38,5,selectByAge nakColors t] (showCombo ks)
+ where
+ selectByAge colors t = do
+ let ms = fromIntegral (msAge now t) :: Float
+ i = round (ms / 100)
+ if i < length colors
+ then colors !! i
+ else 234
+ ackColors = [ 46, 46, 46, 40, 34, 28, 22]
+ nakColors = [196, 196, 196, 160, 124, 88, 52]
+msAge :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Int
+msAge t2 t1 = do
+ let (s,ms) = properFraction (diffUTCTime t2 t1)
+ s * 1000 + round (ms * 1000)
+renderChar :: Char -> Blessings String
+renderChar c =
+ if isPrint c
+ then Plain [c]
+ else SGR [1] (Plain $ showLitChar c "")