path: root/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Main.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 554 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ff393..0000000
--- a/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-module Main where
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Char
-import Data.IORef
-import Data.List
-import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
-import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
-import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
-import System.IO
-import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
---import System.Posix.Signals
-import GHC.Stats (getGCStats)
-import Control.Monad.Error
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Buffer
-import Process
-data VTConfig = VTConfig
- { withOutput :: IO () -> IO ()
- }
-data VTState = VTState
- { buffer :: Buffer
- , mode :: Mode
- , processCount :: Int
- }
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- hSetEcho stdin False
- hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
- -- WINCH
- -- TODO installHandler 28 (Catch $ ioctl 0 ...) Nothing
- let st = VTState
- { mode = InsertMode
- , buffer = ("", "")
- , processCount = 0
- }
- lockRef <- newMVar ()
- qRef <- newIORef st
- let _putState = writeIORef qRef -- TODO atomicModifyIORef (?)
- _getState = readIORef qRef
- _withOutput a = do
- q <- _getState
- withMVar lockRef $ \ _ -> do
- clearLine
- a
- renderInputLine (mode q) (buffer q)
- hFlush stdout
- let cf = VTConfig
- { withOutput = _withOutput
- }
- -- render initial input line
- _withOutput $ return ()
- forkIO $ dateThread _withOutput 1000000
- uiThread cf _putState _getState
-dateThread :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> Int -> IO ()
-dateThread _withOutput delay = forever $ do
- t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- _withOutput $
- putStrLn $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t
- threadDelay delay
-uiThread :: VTConfig -> (VTState -> IO ()) -> IO VTState -> IO ()
-uiThread cf putState getState = forever $ do
- q0 <- getState
- ((eitCmd, lns), q1) <- runVT cf q0 $ do
- c <- getCommand (mode q0)
- execCommand c
- return c
- -- TODO only putState if it has changed (?)
- putState q1
- let mbErr = case eitCmd of
- Left err -> Just err
- Right c ->
- -- TODO move this to execCommand / throwError
- case c of
- MotionCommand motion | buffer q0 == buffer q1 ->
- Just (OtherError $ "motion failed: " ++ show motion)
- _ ->
- Nothing
- withOutput cf $ do
- forM_ lns putStrLn
- case mbErr of
- Just err -> ringBell >> putStrLn (prettyError err)
- Nothing -> return ()
- --when (mode st /= mode st') $ do
- -- putStrLn $ "change mode: " ++ (show $ mode st')
-data Command
- = AlertBadInput String
- | InsertString String
- | KillLastWord
- | KillLastChar
- | KillNextChar
- | ExecuteInputBuffer
- | MotionCommand LeftRightMotion
- | ChangeMode Mode
- -- TODO Move Count Motion
- -- Delete Count Register Motion
- -- etc.
- | Combine Command Command
- | Nop
- | RingBell
-instance Monoid Command where
- mempty = Nop
- mappend = Combine
-data ExecError
- = UnhandledInputError String
- | OtherError String
-instance Error ExecError where
- noMsg = OtherError "something went wrong"
-prettyError :: ExecError -> String
-prettyError e = rec e
- where
- color cc s = "\x1b[" ++ cc ++ "m" ++ s ++ "\x1b[m"
- rec (UnhandledInputError s) =
- color "31" $ "unhandled input: <" ++ (pp "31;1" s) ++ "\x1b[;31m>"
- rec (OtherError s) =
- color "31" $ "error: " ++ s
- -- TODO cc is ColorCode
- pp cc = concat . map (pp1 cc)
- pp1 cc c
- | isPrint c = [c]
- | otherwise = specialChar cc $
- case c of
- '\x1b' -> "^["
- _ -> charToCode c
- specialChar cc s = "\x1b[1;35m" ++ s ++ "\x1b[;" ++ cc ++ "m"
-modifyBuffer :: (Buffer -> Buffer) -> VT ()
-modifyBuffer f =
- modify $ \st -> st { buffer = f (buffer st) }
-newtype VT a = VT
- (ReaderT VTConfig
- (ErrorT ExecError
- (WriterT [String]
- (StateT VTState IO
- )))
- a)
- deriving
- ( Applicative
- , Functor
- , Monad
- , MonadError ExecError
- , MonadIO
- , MonadReader VTConfig
- , MonadState VTState
- , MonadWriter [String]
- )
-runVT ::
- VTConfig -> VTState -> VT a -> IO ((Either ExecError a, [String]), VTState)
-runVT cf st (VT a) =
- runStateT (runWriterT (runErrorT (runReaderT a cf))) st
-insertString :: String -> Buffer -> Buffer
-insertString s (ls, rs) = (ls ++ s, rs)
-execCommand :: Command -> VT ()
-execCommand (MotionCommand x) = do
- modifyBuffer (move x)
- -- TODO apply mode constraints somewhere else
- q <- get
- when (mode q == NormalMode) $
- when (null $ snd $ buffer q) $
- modifyBuffer (gotoLeft 1)
-execCommand (ChangeMode m) =
- modify $ \ q -> q { mode = m }
-execCommand (InsertString s) =
- modifyBuffer (insertString s)
-execCommand ExecuteInputBuffer = do
- ---- XXX hack to replace empty command line
- --gets (null . showBuffer . buffer) >>= flip when
- -- (modify $ \q -> q { buffer = ("!","") })
- st <- get
- case showBuffer (buffer st) of
- ":s" -> do
- s <- liftIO getGCStats
- tell [ show s ]
- '!' : cmdline -> do
- --tell [ "spawn: " ++ cmdline ]
- -- "input: <" ++ (concat $ map (reform 32) $ showBuffer b) ++ ">" ]
- -- TODO register process
- i <- state $ \ q ->
- let i = processCount q + 1
- in (i, q { processCount = i })
- cf <- ask
- liftIO $ forkIO $ spawn i (withOutput cf) cmdline
- return ()
- "" -> do
- liftIO ringBell
- s -> do
- tell [ "input: <" ++ (concat $ map (reform 32) s) ++ ">" ]
- modifyBuffer (const emptyBuffer)
-execCommand KillNextChar = do
- get >>= flip (when . null . snd . buffer)
- (throwError $ OtherError "nothing to kill right")
- modifyBuffer $ \(lhs, _:rhs') -> (lhs, rhs')
-execCommand KillLastChar = do
- get >>= flip (when . null . fst . buffer)
- (throwError $ OtherError "nothing to kill left")
- modifyBuffer $ \(lhs, rhs) -> (init lhs, rhs)
-execCommand KillLastWord = do
- get >>= flip (when . null . fst . buffer)
- (throwError $ OtherError "nothing to kill left")
- modifyBuffer $
- \(lhs, rhs) -> (foldr dropWhileEnd lhs [not . isSpace, isSpace], rhs)
-execCommand (AlertBadInput s) =
- throwError (UnhandledInputError s)
-execCommand (Combine c1 c2) = do
- cf <- ask
- q0 <- get
- ((eSt1, lines1), q1) <- liftIO $ runVT cf q0 (execCommand c1)
- -- TODO "stack trace"
- whenLeft eSt1 throwError
- ((eSt2, lines2), q2) <- liftIO $ runVT cf q1 (execCommand c2)
- -- TODO "stack trace"
- whenLeft eSt2 throwError
- tell lines1
- tell lines2
- put q2
-execCommand Nop = return ()
-execCommand RingBell = liftIO ringBell
-reform :: Int -> Char -> String
-reform colorCode c =
- if isPrint c
- then normal colorCode [c]
- else
- special colorCode $
- case ord c of
- 27 -> "^["
- _ -> charToCode c
-normal :: Int -> String -> String
-normal colorCode s = "\x1b[" ++ show colorCode ++ "m" ++ s ++ "\x1b[m"
-special :: Int -> String -> String
-special colorCode s = "\x1b[1;" ++ show colorCode ++ "m" ++ s ++ "\x1b[m"
--- XXX assumes that the cursor is already at the (cleared) input line
-renderInputLine :: Mode -> Buffer -> IO ()
-renderInputLine m (lhs, rhs) = do
- clearLine -- TODO this is required for drawing the mode on the right side
- saveCursor
- moveCursorRight 1024
- moveCursorLeft (length (show m) - 1)
- putStr $ "\x1b[1;30m" ++ show m ++ "\x1b[m"
- unsaveCursor
- let promptString = case m of
- NormalMode -> "\x1b[33;1m@\x1b[m "
- InsertMode -> "> "
- VerbatimMode -> "\x1b[34;1m^\x1b[m "
- putStr $ promptString ++ pp lhs ++ pp rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length $ ppVis rhs)
- where
- pp = concat . map reform'
- -- TODO unify reform and reform'
- reform' c =
- if isPrint c
- then [c]
- else
- "\x1b[35m" ++ (
- case ord c of
- 27 -> "^["
- _ -> charToCode c
- ) ++ "\x1b[m"
- ppVis = concat . map reformVis
- reformVis c =
- if isPrint c
- then [c]
- else
- case ord c of
- 27 -> "^["
- _ -> charToCode c
-clearLine :: IO ()
-clearLine =
- putStr "\x1b[2K" >>
- moveCursorLeft 1024
-ringBell :: IO ()
-ringBell = putStr "\x07" -- BEL '\a'
-saveCursor :: IO ()
-saveCursor = putStr "\x1b[s"
-unsaveCursor :: IO ()
-unsaveCursor = putStr "\x1b[u"
-moveCursorLeft :: Int -> IO ()
-moveCursorLeft 0 = return ()
-moveCursorLeft i = putStr $ "\x1b[" ++ show i ++ "D"
-moveCursorRight :: Int -> IO ()
-moveCursorRight 0 = return ()
-moveCursorRight i = putStr $ "\x1b[" ++ show i ++ "C"
--- TODO? charToCode c = "\\x" ++ showHex (ord c)
-charToCode :: Char -> String
-charToCode c = "\\x" ++ showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit (ord c) ""
-nmap :: Keymap
-nmap =
- [ ("i", ChangeMode InsertMode)
- , ("a", ChangeMode InsertMode <> MotionCommand (GotoRight 1))
- , ("I", ChangeMode InsertMode <> MotionCommand GotoFirstChar)
- , ("A", ChangeMode InsertMode <> MotionCommand GotoEndOfLine)
- , ("0", MotionCommand GotoFirstChar)
- , ("$", MotionCommand GotoEndOfLine)
- , ("h", MotionCommand $ GotoLeft 1)
- , ("l", MotionCommand $ GotoRight 1)
- , ("b", MotionCommand $ WordsBackward 1)
- , ("w", MotionCommand $ WordsForward 1)
- , ("\x1b[C", MotionCommand $ GotoRight 1)
- , ("\x1b[D", MotionCommand $ GotoLeft 1)
- , ("\x0a", ExecuteInputBuffer <> ChangeMode InsertMode)
- , ("\x1b", RingBell) -- TODO cancel any unfinished commands
- ]
-imap :: Keymap
-imap =
- [ ("\x1b", ChangeMode NormalMode <> MotionCommand (GotoLeft 1))
- , ("\x01", MotionCommand GotoFirstChar)
- , ("\x05", MotionCommand GotoEndOfLine)
- , ("\x1b[3~", KillNextChar)
- , ("\x1b[C", MotionCommand $ GotoRight 1)
- , ("\x1b[D", MotionCommand $ GotoLeft 1)
- , ("\x16", ChangeMode VerbatimMode) -- ^V
- , ("\x17", KillLastWord) -- ^W
- , ("\x0a", ExecuteInputBuffer)
- , ("\x7f", KillLastChar) -- Delete
- , ("\x08", KillLastChar) -- BackSpace
- , ("\x1bOc", MotionCommand $ WordsForward 1)
- , ("\x1bOd", MotionCommand $ WordsBackward 1)
- ]
-type Keymap = [(String, Command)]
-data Mode
- = InsertMode
- | NormalMode
- | VerbatimMode
- deriving (Eq)
-instance Show Mode where
- show NormalMode = "normal"
- show InsertMode = "insert"
- show VerbatimMode = "verbatim"
-getCommand :: Mode -> VT Command
-getCommand InsertMode = getCommandXXX imap InsertString
-getCommand NormalMode = getCommandXXX nmap AlertBadInput
-getCommand VerbatimMode = verbatimKeymap
--- TODO refactor me please^_^
-getCommandXXX :: Keymap -> (String -> Command) -> VT Command
-getCommandXXX keymap defCmd = do
- -- wait for the first character
- _ <- liftIO $ hLookAhead stdin
- bufRef <- liftIO $ newIORef ""
- candRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
- cmdRef <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar -- :: MVar (Maybe (String -> Command))
- -- TODO ensure that this thread dies eventually
- --forkIO $ rec "" keymap cmdRef candRef
- getCharThreadId <-
- --forkFinally (rec keymap cmdRef candRef bufRef)
- -- (\_ -> putStrLn "input terminated")
- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
- rec keymap cmdRef candRef bufRef
- watchDogThreadId <-
- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
- --putStrLn "watchdog activated"
- threadDelay $ 1000 * 50 -- 50ms
- --putStrLn "watchdog timeout"
- killThread getCharThreadId
- --putStrLn "watchdog killed getCharThread"
- putMVar cmdRef Nothing -- continue main thread
- mbCmd <- liftIO $ takeMVar cmdRef
- liftIO $ killThread watchDogThreadId
- cmd <- case mbCmd of
- Just cmd -> return cmd
- Nothing -> do
- mbCmd2 <- liftIO $ readIORef candRef
- case mbCmd2 of
- Just cmd2 -> return cmd2
- Nothing -> return defCmd
- s <- liftIO $ readIORef bufRef
- --clearLine
- --putStrLn $ "\x1b[35;1m" ++ (show s) ++ " -> " ++ (show $ cmd s) ++ "\x1b[m"
- return $ cmd s
- where
- rec :: Keymap
- -> MVar (Maybe (String -> Command))
- -> IORef (Maybe (String -> Command))
- -> IORef String
- -> IO ()
- rec km cmdRef candRef bufRef = do
- c <- getChar
- -- TODO s <- atomicModifyIORef bufRef $ \s -> let s' = s++[c] in (s,s)
- olds <- readIORef bufRef
- let s = olds ++ [c]
- writeIORef bufRef s
- let km' = map (\(str,cmd) -> (tail str, cmd))
- $ filter ((==c) . head . fst) km
- -- direct and indirect candidates
- (dc, ic) = partition (null . fst) km'
- --clearLine
- --putStrLn $ " s: " ++ show s
- --putStrLn $ "ic: " ++ (show $ map snd ic)
- --putStrLn $ "dc: " ++ (show $ map snd dc)
- -- update candidate
- if length dc == 1
- then atomicWriteIORef candRef (Just $ const $ snd $ dc !! 0)
- else atomicWriteIORef candRef Nothing
- case length km' of
- 0 -> do
- --return $ defCmd' (s ++ [c])
- cand <- readIORef candRef
- putMVar cmdRef cand
- 1 ->
- let (rest, cmd) = km' !! 0
- in if null rest
- then do
- --return $ cmd
- -- TODO somehow give s?
- putMVar cmdRef (Just $ const cmd)
- else do
- --rec (s ++ [c]) ic defCmd'
- rec ic cmdRef candRef bufRef
- _ -> do
- --rec (s ++ [c]) ic defCmd'
- rec ic cmdRef candRef bufRef
-verbatimKeymap :: VT Command
-verbatimKeymap = do
- c <- liftIO getChar
- return $ InsertString [c] <> ChangeMode InsertMode
--- TODO Control.Monad.whenLeft
-whenLeft :: Monad m => Either a b -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
-whenLeft (Left x) f = f x
-whenLeft _ _ = return ()