path: root/style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm
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authorJakub Hampl <kopomir@gmail.com>2019-02-14 15:23:49 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-02-14 15:23:49 +0000
commit6bd5f8ccbd8c44c3311ef36b0e2de9ede4fa71ed (patch)
treede40a36d34cb734c2765a705506436f8b38e28a9 /style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm
parentf0c36a3d49fad46e0fb6cafeb7a021dd5d775993 (diff)
New Style Generator (#8)
Diffstat (limited to 'style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm b/style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..137ab26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style-generator/src/Decoder/Expression.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+module Decoder.Expression exposing (decodeBool, expression)
+import Color
+import Decoder.Generic as Decode
+import Decoder.Helpers exposing (todo)
+import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder)
+import Lib
+import MyElm.Syntax exposing (Expression, call1, calln, float, int, list, pair, string)
+import String.Case exposing (toCamelCaseLower)
+expression =
+ D.oneOf
+ [ D.string |> D.map makeConstant
+ , decodeBool
+ , D.float |> D.map (float >> Lib.float)
+ , D.int |> D.map (int >> Lib.int)
+ , D.index 0 D.string |> D.andThen decodeExpression
+ , D.index 0 D.int |> D.andThen (always (D.map (List.map int >> list >> Lib.floats) (D.list D.int)))
+ , D.index 0 D.float |> D.andThen (always (D.map (List.map float >> list >> Lib.floats) (D.list D.float)))
+ , todo
+ ]
+decodeLiteral =
+ D.oneOf
+ [ D.string |> D.map makeConstant
+ , decodeBool
+ , D.float |> D.map (float >> Lib.float)
+ , D.int |> D.map (int >> Lib.int)
+ , todo
+ ]
+makeConstant s =
+ case s of
+ "map" ->
+ Lib.eValue "anchorMap"
+ "viewport" ->
+ Lib.eValue "anchorViewport"
+ "auto" ->
+ Lib.eValue "anchorAuto"
+ "center" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionCenter"
+ "left" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionLeft"
+ "right" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionRight"
+ "top" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionTop"
+ "bottom" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionBottom"
+ "topRight" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionTopRight"
+ "topLeft" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionTopLeft"
+ "bottomLeft" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionBottomLeft"
+ "bottomRight" ->
+ Lib.eValue "positionBottomRight"
+ "none" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textFitNone"
+ "width" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textFitWidth"
+ "height" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textFitHeight"
+ "both" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textFitBoth"
+ "butt" ->
+ Lib.eValue "lineCapButt"
+ "round" ->
+ Lib.eValue "lineCapRound"
+ "square" ->
+ Lib.eValue "lineCapSquare"
+ "bevel" ->
+ Lib.eValue "lineJoinBevel"
+ "miter" ->
+ Lib.eValue "lineJoinMiter"
+ "point" ->
+ Lib.eValue "symbolPlacementPoint"
+ "line-center" ->
+ Lib.eValue "symbolPlacementLineCenter"
+ "line" ->
+ Lib.eValue "symbolPlacementLine"
+ "uppercase" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textTransformUppercase"
+ "lowercase" ->
+ Lib.eValue "textTransformLowercase"
+ "linear" ->
+ Lib.eValue "rasterResamplingLinear"
+ "nearest" ->
+ Lib.eValue "rasterResamplingNearest"
+ _ ->
+ case Color.parse s of
+ Ok { r, g, b, a } ->
+ calln (Lib.eName "rgba") [ int r, int g, int b, float a ]
+ Err err ->
+ string s |> Lib.str
+decodeExpression funName =
+ case funName of
+ "literal" ->
+ D.index 1
+ (D.oneOf
+ [ D.list D.string |> D.map (\strs -> calln (Lib.eName "strings") [ list (List.map string strs) ])
+ , D.list D.float |> D.map (\floats -> calln (Lib.eName "floats") [ list (List.map float floats) ])
+ ]
+ )
+ "match" ->
+ D.oneOf
+ [ D.index 2 D.string |> D.andThen (decodeMatch True)
+ , D.index 2 D.float |> D.andThen (decodeMatch False)
+ , D.index 2 (D.list D.string) |> D.andThen (decodeMatch True)
+ , D.index 2 (D.list D.float) |> D.andThen (decodeMatch False)
+ ]
+ "exponential" ->
+ D.map (\base -> calln (Lib.eName "Exponential") [ float base ]) (D.index 1 D.float)
+ "interpolate" ->
+ D.map3
+ (\interpolation options input ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "interpolate" (input :: interpolation :: options)
+ )
+ (D.index 1 expression)
+ (Decode.tail D.value |> D.map (List.drop 2) |> D.andThen (organizeArgs (D.map float D.float) []))
+ (D.index 2 expression)
+ "step" ->
+ D.map3
+ (\inp def stps ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "step" (inp :: def :: stps)
+ )
+ (D.index 1 expression)
+ (D.index 2 expression)
+ (Decode.tail D.value |> D.map (List.drop 2) |> D.andThen (organizeArgs (D.map float D.float) []))
+ "case" ->
+ D.map (calln (Lib.eName "conditionally"))
+ (Decode.tail D.value |> D.andThen (organizeArgs expression []))
+ _ ->
+ let
+ fallback =
+ Decode.tail expression
+ |> D.map
+ (\arguments ->
+ case funName of
+ "==" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "isEqual" arguments
+ "!=" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "notEqual" arguments
+ "!has" ->
+ Lib.todo "!has is not supported"
+ "!in" ->
+ Lib.todo "!in is not supported"
+ "in" ->
+ Lib.todo "in is not supported"
+ ">=" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "greaterThanOrEqual" arguments
+ ">" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "greaterThan" arguments
+ "<=" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "lessThanOrEqual" arguments
+ "<" ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall "lessThan" arguments
+ "concat" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "append" arguments
+ "linear" ->
+ calln (Lib.eName "Linear") arguments
+ "rgb" ->
+ calln (Lib.eName "makeRGBColor") arguments
+ "rgba" ->
+ calln (Lib.eName "makeRGBAColor") arguments
+ "to-rgba" ->
+ calln (Lib.eName "rgbaChannels") arguments
+ "-" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "minus" arguments
+ "*" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "multiply" arguments
+ "+" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "plus" arguments
+ "/" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "divideBy" arguments
+ "%" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "modBy" arguments
+ "^" ->
+ Lib.pipelineMultiCall "raiseBy" arguments
+ "get" ->
+ if List.length arguments == 1 then
+ calln (Lib.eName "getProperty") arguments
+ else
+ calln (Lib.eName "get") arguments
+ "all" ->
+ call1 (Lib.eName "all") (MyElm.Syntax.list arguments)
+ "any" ->
+ call1 (Lib.eName "any") (MyElm.Syntax.list arguments)
+ _ ->
+ calln (Lib.eName (toCamelCaseLower funName)) arguments
+ )
+ in
+ if String.toLower funName /= funName then
+ D.oneOf
+ [ D.map (\strs -> calln (Lib.eName "strings") [ list (List.map string strs) ]) <| D.list D.string
+ , fallback
+ ]
+ else
+ fallback
+decodeBool =
+ D.bool
+ |> D.map
+ (\b ->
+ if b then
+ Lib.true
+ else
+ Lib.false
+ )
+decodeMatch : Bool -> any -> Decoder Expression
+decodeMatch isString _ =
+ Decode.tail D.value
+ |> D.andThen
+ (\args ->
+ case args of
+ [] ->
+ todo
+ head :: tail ->
+ D.map2
+ (\cond rest ->
+ Lib.pipelineCall
+ (if isString then
+ "matchesStr"
+ else
+ "matchesFloat"
+ )
+ (cond :: rest)
+ )
+ (Decode.subdecode expression head)
+ (organizeArgs
+ (if isString then
+ D.map string D.string
+ else
+ D.map float D.float
+ )
+ []
+ (normalizeArgs tail)
+ )
+ )
+normalizeArgs args =
+ case args of
+ a :: b :: rest ->
+ case D.decodeValue (D.list D.value) a of
+ Err _ ->
+ a :: b :: rest
+ Ok xs ->
+ List.concatMap (\x -> [ x, b ]) xs ++ normalizeArgs rest
+ _ ->
+ args
+organizeArgs inpDec accu args =
+ case args of
+ [] ->
+ Decode.combine [ D.map list (List.reverse accu |> Decode.combine) ]
+ [ default ] ->
+ Decode.combine [ D.map list (List.reverse accu |> Decode.combine), Decode.subdecode expression default ]
+ a :: b :: rest ->
+ let
+ newAccu =
+ D.map2
+ pair
+ (Decode.subdecode inpDec a)
+ (Decode.subdecode expression b)
+ :: accu
+ in
+ organizeArgs inpDec newAccu rest