path: root/reaktor/core.py
diff options
authorlassulus <lassulus@lassul.us>2018-06-28 19:05:27 +0200
committerlassulus <lassulus@lassul.us>2018-06-28 19:05:27 +0200
commit284e77bfe5d4a68f021a311041cc4576b7be912a (patch)
tree6bd0761e82f664d27128a299ca48f5c3f14088c7 /reaktor/core.py
parent139a1116c35f57888853ebb3ff585e28921780ff (diff)
Make Flake (somewhat) happy
Diffstat (limited to 'reaktor/core.py')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/reaktor/core.py b/reaktor/core.py
index 18fb074..7a2272c 100755
--- a/reaktor/core.py
+++ b/reaktor/core.py
@@ -10,169 +10,165 @@
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
import os
-from reaktor.ircasy import asybot
from asyncore import loop
+from os.path import dirname
+from re import match
import reaktor
+from reaktor.getconf import make_getconf
+from reaktor.ircasy import asybot
from reaktor.translate_colors import translate_colors
-import shlex
-from re import split, search, match
-from os.path import dirname
default_config = dirname(reaktor.__file__)+'/config.py'
-from reaktor.getconf import make_getconf
-import logging,logging.handlers
log = logging.getLogger('Reaktor')
-#hdlr = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log', facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON)
-#formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(filename)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
class Reaktor(asybot):
- def __init__(self,config=default_config,getconf=None):
- self.config = config
- if not getconf:
- self.getconf = make_getconf(self.conf)
- else:
- self.getconf = getconf
- log.info("using config file %s"%(config))
- asybot.__init__(self,
- getconf('irc_server'),
- getconf('irc_port'),
- getconf('irc_nickname'),
- getconf('irc_channels'),
- hammer_interval=getconf('irc_hammer_interval'),
- alarm_timeout=getconf('irc_alarm_timeout'),
- kill_timeout=getconf('irc_kill_timeout'))
- def is_admin(self,prefix):
- try:
- with open(self.getconf('auth_file')) as f:
- for line in f:
- if line.strip() == prefix:
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- log.info(e)
- return False
- def on_join(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
- for command in self.getconf('on_join', []):
- self.execute_command(command, None, prefix, params)
- def on_ping(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
- for command in self.getconf('on_ping', []):
- prefix = '!' # => env = { _prefix: '!', _from: '' }
- params = command.get('targets') # TODO why don't we get a list here and use ','.join() ?
- self.execute_command(command, None, prefix, params)
- def on_privmsg(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
- if not ( self.nickname == self.getconf('name')):
- # reload config if the name changed
- # TODO: this sucks, use another sidechannel to tell config the new
- # nickname
- log.debug("nickname differs ('{}' to '{}')".format(
- self.nickname, self.getconf('name')))
- os.environ['REAKTOR_NICKNAME'] = self.nickname
- self.getconf = make_getconf(self.config)
- log.info('nickname changed to {}'.format(self.getconf('name')))
- for command in self.getconf('commands'):
- y = match(command['pattern'], rest)
- if y:
- if not self.is_admin(prefix):
- self.PRIVMSG(params,'unauthorized!')
+ def __init__(self, config=default_config, getconf=None):
+ self.config = config
+ if not getconf:
+ self.getconf = make_getconf(self.conf)
- return self.execute_command(command, y, prefix, params)
- for command in self.getconf('public_commands'):
- y = match(command['pattern'], rest)
- if y:
- return self.execute_command(command, y, prefix, params)
- def execute_command(self, command, match, prefix, target):
- from os.path import realpath, dirname, join
- from subprocess import Popen as popen, PIPE
- from time import time
- #TODO: allow only commands below ./commands/
- exe = join(dirname(realpath(dirname(__file__))), command['argv'][0])
- myargv = [exe] + command['argv'][1:]
- try:
- if match and match.groupdict().get('args', None):
- myargv += [match.groupdict()['args']]
- except:
- log.info("cannot parse args!")
- cwd = self.getconf('workdir')
- if not os.access(cwd,os.W_OK):
- log.error("Workdir '%s' is not Writable! Falling back to root dir"%cwd)
- cwd = "/"
- env = {}
- env.update(os.environ) # first merge os.environ
- env.update(command.get('env', {})) # then env of cfg
- env['_prefix'] = prefix
- env['_from'] = prefix.split('!', 1)[0]
- log.debug('self:' +self.nickname)
- # when receiving /query, answer to the user, not to self
- if self.nickname in target:
- target.remove(self.nickname)
- target.append(env['_from'])
- log.debug('target:' +str(target))
- start = time()
- try:
- log.debug("Running : %s"%str(myargv))
- log.debug("Environ : %s"%(str(env)))
- p = popen(myargv, bufsize=1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd)
- except Exception as error:
- self.ME(target, 'brain damaged')
- log.error('OSError@%s: %s' % (myargv, error))
- return
- pid = p.pid
- for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''.encode()):
- try:
- self.PRIVMSG(target, translate_colors(line.decode()))
- except Exception as error:
- log.error('no send: %s' % error)
- log.debug('%s stdout: %s' % (pid, line))
- p.wait()
- elapsed = time() - start
- code = p.returncode
- log.info('command: %s -> %s in %d seconds' % (myargv, code, elapsed))
- [log.debug('%s stderr: %s' % (pid, x)) for x in p.stderr.readlines()]
- if code != 0:
- self.ME(target, 'mimimi')
+ self.getconf = getconf
+ log.info("using config file %s" % (config))
+ asybot.__init__(self,
+ getconf('irc_server'),
+ getconf('irc_port'),
+ getconf('irc_nickname'),
+ getconf('irc_channels'),
+ hammer_interval=getconf('irc_hammer_interval'),
+ alarm_timeout=getconf('irc_alarm_timeout'),
+ kill_timeout=getconf('irc_kill_timeout'))
+ def is_admin(self, prefix):
+ try:
+ with open(self.getconf('auth_file')) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.strip() == prefix:
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.info(e)
+ return False
+ def on_join(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
+ for command in self.getconf('on_join', []):
+ self.execute_command(command, None, prefix, params)
+ def on_ping(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
+ for command in self.getconf('on_ping', []):
+ prefix = '!' # => env = { _prefix: '!', _from: '' }
+ # TODO why don't we get a list here and use ','.join() ?
+ params = command.get('targets')
+ self.execute_command(command, None, prefix, params)
+ def on_privmsg(self, prefix, command, params, rest):
+ if not (self.nickname == self.getconf('name')):
+ # reload config if the name changed
+ # TODO: this sucks, use another sidechannel to tell config the
+ # new nickname
+ log.debug("nickname differs ('{}' to '{}')".format(
+ self.nickname, self.getconf('name')))
+ os.environ['REAKTOR_NICKNAME'] = self.nickname
+ self.getconf = make_getconf(self.config)
+ log.info('nickname changed to {}'.format(self.getconf('name')))
+ for command in self.getconf('commands'):
+ y = match(command['pattern'], rest)
+ if y:
+ if not self.is_admin(prefix):
+ self.PRIVMSG(params, 'unauthorized!')
+ else:
+ return self.execute_command(command, y, prefix, params)
+ for command in self.getconf('public_commands'):
+ y = match(command['pattern'], rest)
+ if y:
+ return self.execute_command(command, y, prefix, params)
+ def execute_command(self, command, match, prefix, target):
+ from os.path import realpath, dirname, join
+ from subprocess import Popen as popen, PIPE
+ from time import time
+ # TODO: allow only commands below ./commands/
+ exe = join(dirname(realpath(dirname(__file__))), command['argv'][0])
+ myargv = [exe] + command['argv'][1:]
+ try:
+ if match and match.groupdict().get('args', None):
+ myargv += [match.groupdict()['args']]
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.info("cannot parse args!: {}".format(e))
+ cwd = self.getconf('workdir')
+ if not os.access(cwd, os.W_OK):
+ log.error(
+ "Workdir '%s' is not Writable! Falling back to root dir" % cwd)
+ cwd = "/"
+ env = {}
+ env.update(os.environ) # first merge os.environ
+ env.update(command.get('env', {})) # then env of cfg
+ env['_prefix'] = prefix
+ env['_from'] = prefix.split('!', 1)[0]
+ log.debug('self:' + self.nickname)
+ # when receiving /query, answer to the user, not to self
+ if self.nickname in target:
+ target.remove(self.nickname)
+ target.append(env['_from'])
+ log.debug('target:' + str(target))
+ start = time()
+ try:
+ log.debug("Running : %s" % str(myargv))
+ log.debug("Environ : %s" % (str(env)))
+ p = popen(myargv, bufsize=1, stdout=PIPE,
+ stderr=PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd)
+ except Exception as error:
+ self.ME(target, 'brain damaged')
+ log.error('OSError@%s: %s' % (myargv, error))
+ return
+ pid = p.pid
+ for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''.encode()):
+ try:
+ self.PRIVMSG(target, translate_colors(line.decode()))
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.error('no send: %s' % error)
+ log.debug('%s stdout: %s' % (pid, line))
+ p.wait()
+ elapsed = time() - start
+ code = p.returncode
+ log.info('command: %s -> %s in %d seconds' % (myargv, code, elapsed))
+ [log.debug('%s stderr: %s' % (pid, x)) for x in p.stderr.readlines()]
+ if code != 0:
+ self.ME(target, 'mimimi')
def main():
- import sys
- from docopt import docopt
- from docopt import docopt
- args = docopt(__doc__)
- conf = args['CONFIG'] if args['CONFIG'] else default_config
- getconf = make_getconf(conf)
- logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG if getconf('debug') else
- logging.INFO)
- log.debug("Debug enabled")
- if args['run']:
- Reaktor(conf,getconf)
- loop()
- elif args['get-config']:
- print(open(conf).read())
+ from docopt import docopt
+ args = docopt(__doc__)
+ conf = args['CONFIG'] if args['CONFIG'] else default_config
+ getconf = make_getconf(conf)
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if getconf('debug') else
+ logging.INFO)
+ log.debug("Debug enabled")
+ if args['run']:
+ Reaktor(conf, getconf)
+ loop()
+ elif args['get-config']:
+ print(open(conf).read())
if __name__ == "__main__":