path: root/Libraries
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 916 deletions
diff --git a/Libraries/Auxiliary.hs b/Libraries/Auxiliary.hs
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index 6f53f9b..0000000
--- a/Libraries/Auxiliary.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
--- This file is part of Quipper. Copyright (C) 2011-2014. Please see the
--- file COPYRIGHT for a list of authors, copyright holders, licensing,
--- and other details. All rights reserved.
--- ======================================================================
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
--- | This module provides miscellaneous general-purpose auxiliary
--- functions.
-module Libraries.Auxiliary (
- -- * List operations
- applyAt,
- overwriteAt,
- has_duplicates,
- substitute,
- -- * Set and Map related operations
- map_provide,
- intset_inserts,
- intmap_zip,
- intmap_zip_errmsg,
- intmap_map,
- intmap_mapM,
- -- * XIntMaps
- XIntMap,
- xintmap_delete,
- xintmap_deletes,
- xintmap_insert,
- xintmap_inserts,
- xintmap_lookup,
- xintmap_member,
- xintmap_empty,
- xintmap_freshkey,
- xintmap_freshkeys,
- xintmap_to_intmap,
- xintmap_size,
- xintmap_dirty,
- xintmap_reserves,
- xintmap_unreserves,
- xintmap_makeclean,
- -- * Various map- and fold-like list combinators
- loop,
- loop_with_index,
- fold_right_zip,
- zip_strict,
- zip_strict_errmsg,
- zip_rightstrict,
- zip_rightstrict_errmsg,
- zipWith_strict,
- zipWith_rightstrict,
- -- * Monadic versions of list combinators
- loopM,
- loop_with_indexM,
- zipRightWithRightStrictM,
- zipRightWithRightStrictM_,
- fold_right_zipM,
- foldRightPairM,
- foldRightPairM_,
- sequence_right,
- sequence_right_,
- -- * Loops
- -- $LOOPS
- for,
- endfor,
- foreach,
- -- * Operations for monads
- mmap,
- monad_join1,
- -- * Operations for disjoint unions
- map_either,
- map_eitherM,
- -- * Operations for tuples
- map_pair,
- map_pairM,
- -- * Arithmetic operations
- int_ceiling,
- -- * Bit vectors
- Boollist(..),
- boollist_of_int_bh,
- boollist_of_int_lh,
- int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh,
- int_of_boollist_signed_bh,
- bool_xor,
- boollist_xor,
- -- * Formatting of lists and strings
- string_of_list,
- optional,
- -- * Lists optimized for fast concatenation
- BList,
- blist_of_list,
- list_of_blist,
- (+++),
- blist_empty,
- blist_concat,
- -- * Strings optimized for fast concatenation
- Strbuf,
- strbuf_of_string,
- string_of_strbuf,
- strbuf_empty,
- strbuf_concat,
- -- * The identity monad
- Id(..),
- -- * Identity types
- Identity,
- reflexivity,
- symmetry,
- transitivity,
- identity,
- -- * Error messages
- ErrMsg,
- -- * The Curry type class
- Curry (..)
- ) where
--- import other stuff
-import Data.List (foldl')
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
-import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
-import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
-import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
-import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * List operations
--- | Apply a function to a specified position in a list.
-applyAt :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
-applyAt _ _ [] = []
-applyAt 0 f (x:xs) = (f x):xs
-applyAt n f (x:xs) = x:(applyAt (n-1) f xs)
--- | Overwrite an element at a specified position in a list.
-overwriteAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-overwriteAt n a = applyAt n (const a)
--- | Check whether a list has duplicates.
-has_duplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
-has_duplicates list = aux list (Set.empty) where
- aux [] _ = False
- aux (h:t) set = if Set.member h set then True else aux t (Set.insert h set)
--- | @'substitute' string character replacement@:
--- Replace the first occurrence of /character/ in /string/ by /replacement/.
-substitute :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-substitute string character replacement =
- case break (== character) string of
- (x, []) -> x
- (x, h:y) -> x ++ replacement ++ y
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Set related operations
--- | Insert the elements of a list in an 'IntSet' (cf. 'IntSet.insert').
-intset_inserts :: [Int] -> IntSet -> IntSet
-intset_inserts list set =
- foldl' (\t x -> IntSet.insert x t) set list
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Map related operations
--- | Insert the given key-value pair in a 'Map', but only if the given
--- key is not already present. If the key is present, keep the old
--- value.
-map_provide :: Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
-map_provide = Map.insertWith (\x y -> y)
--- | Take two 'IntMap's /m/[sub 1] and /m/[sub 2], and form a new
--- 'IntMap' whose domain is that of /m/[sub 2], and whose value at /k/
--- is the pair (/m/[sub 1] ! /k/, /m/[sub 2] ! /k/). It is an error if
--- the domain of /m/[sub 2] is not a subset of the domain of /m/[sub 1].
-intmap_zipright :: IntMap x -> IntMap y -> IntMap (x, y)
-intmap_zipright m1 m2 = m where
- m = IntMap.mapWithKey f m2
- f k y = case IntMap.lookup k m1 of
- Just x -> (x, y)
- Nothing -> error "intmap_zipright: shape mismatch"
--- | Take two 'IntMap's with the same domain, and form a new 'IntMap'
--- whose values are pairs. It is an error if the two inputs don't have
--- identical domains.
-intmap_zip :: IntMap x -> IntMap y -> IntMap (x, y)
-intmap_zip m1 m2 = intmap_zip_errmsg m1 m2 "intmap_zip: shape mismatch"
--- | Like 'intmap_zip', but also takes an error message to use in case of
--- domain mismatch.
-intmap_zip_errmsg :: IntMap x -> IntMap y -> String -> IntMap (x, y)
-intmap_zip_errmsg m1 m2 errmsg =
- if all (\k -> IntMap.member k m2) (IntMap.keys m1)
- then intmap_zipright m1 m2
- else error errmsg
--- | Map a function over all values in an 'IntMap'.
-intmap_map :: (x -> y) -> IntMap x -> IntMap y
-intmap_map =
--- | Monadic version of 'intmap_map'. Map a function over all values
--- in an 'IntMap'.
-intmap_mapM :: (Monad m) => (x -> m y) -> IntMap x -> m (IntMap y)
-intmap_mapM = Traversable.mapM
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * XIntMaps.
--- | A 'XIntMap' is just like an 'IntMap', except that it supports
--- some additional efficient operations: to find the smallest unused
--- key, to find the set of all keys ever used in the past, and to
--- reserve a set of keys so that they will not be allocated. Moreover,
--- it keeps track of the highest key ever used (whether or not it is
--- still used in the current map).
--- This is implemented as a tuple (/m/, /n/, /free/, /h/), where /m/ is an
--- 'IntMap', /n/ is an integer such that dom /m/ ⊆ [0../n/-1], /free/
--- ⊆ [0../n/-1] \\ dom /m/ is a set of integers not currently reserved
--- or used, and /h/ is the set of all integers used in the past (the
--- set of /touched/ wires).
-data XIntMap a = XIntMap !(IntMap a) !Int !IntSet !IntSet
-instance (Show a) => Show (XIntMap a) where
- show = show . xintmap_to_intmap
--- | Delete a key from the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_delete :: Int -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_delete k (XIntMap m n free h) = (XIntMap m' n free' h) where
- m' = IntMap.delete k m
- free' = IntSet.insert k free
--- | Delete a list of keys from a 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_deletes :: [Int] -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_deletes list map =
- foldl' (\map k -> xintmap_delete k map) map list
--- | Insert a new key-value pair in the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_insert :: Int -> a -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_insert k v (XIntMap m n free h) = (XIntMap m' n' free' h') where
- m' = IntMap.insert k v m
- h' = IntSet.insert k h
- n' = max n (k+1)
- free' = IntSet.delete k (intset_inserts [n..n'-1] free)
--- | Insert a list of key-value pairs in the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_inserts :: [(Int,a)] -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_inserts list map =
- foldl' (\map (k,v) -> xintmap_insert k v map) map list
--- | Look up the value at a key in the 'XIntMap'. Return 'Nothing' if
--- not found.
-xintmap_lookup :: Int -> XIntMap a -> Maybe a
-xintmap_lookup k (XIntMap m n free h) =
- IntMap.lookup k m
--- | Check whether the given key is in the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_member :: Int -> XIntMap a -> Bool
-xintmap_member k (XIntMap m n free h) =
- IntMap.member k m
--- | The empty 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_empty :: XIntMap a
-xintmap_empty = (XIntMap m n free h) where
- m = IntMap.empty
- n = 0
- free = IntSet.empty
- h = IntSet.empty
--- | Return the first free key in the 'XIntMap', but without actually
--- using it yet.
-xintmap_freshkey :: XIntMap a -> Int
-xintmap_freshkey (XIntMap m n free h) =
- if IntSet.null free then n else IntSet.findMin free
--- | Return the next /k/ unused keys in the 'XIntMap', but without
--- actually using them yet.
-xintmap_freshkeys :: Int -> XIntMap a -> [Int]
-xintmap_freshkeys k (XIntMap m n free h) = ks1 ++ ks2 where
- ks1 = take k (IntSet.elems free)
- delta = k - (length ks1)
- ks2 = [n .. n+delta-1]
--- | Convert a 'XIntMap' to an 'IntMap'.
-xintmap_to_intmap :: XIntMap a -> IntMap a
-xintmap_to_intmap (XIntMap m n free h) = m
--- | Return the smallest key never used in the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_size :: XIntMap a -> Int
-xintmap_size (XIntMap m n free k) = n
--- | Return the set of all keys ever used in the 'XIntMap'.
-xintmap_touched :: XIntMap a -> IntSet
-xintmap_touched (XIntMap m n free h) = h
--- | A wire is /dirty/ if it is touched but currently free.
-xintmap_dirty :: XIntMap a -> IntSet
-xintmap_dirty (XIntMap m n free h) = h `IntSet.intersection` free
--- | Reserve a key in the 'XIntMap'. If the key is not free, do
--- nothing. The key must have been used before; for example, this is
--- the case if it was returned by 'xintmap_dirty'.
-xintmap_reserve :: Int -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_reserve k (XIntMap m n free h) = (XIntMap m n free' h) where
- free' = IntSet.delete k free
--- | Reserve a set of keys in the 'XIntMap'. For any keys that are not
--- free, do nothing. All keys must have been used before; for example,
--- this is the case if they were returned by 'xintmap_dirty'.
-xintmap_reserves :: IntSet -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_reserves ks (XIntMap m n free h) = (XIntMap m n free' h) where
- free' = free `IntSet.difference` ks
--- | Unreserve a key in the 'XIntMap'. If the key is currently used,
--- do nothing. The key must have been reserved before, and (therefore)
--- must have been used before.
-xintmap_unreserve :: Int -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_unreserve k (XIntMap m n free h)
- | IntMap.member k m = (XIntMap m n free h)
- | otherwise = (XIntMap m n free' h)
- where
- free' = IntSet.insert k free
--- | Unreserve a list of keys in the 'XIntMap'. If any key is
--- currently used, do nothing. All keys must have been reserved
--- before, and (therefore) must have been used before.
-xintmap_unreserves :: IntSet -> XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_unreserves ks map =
- IntSet.fold (\k map -> xintmap_unreserve k map) map ks
--- | Make an exact copy of the 'XIntMap', except that the set of
--- touched wires is initially set to the set of used wires. In other
--- words, we mark all free and reserved wires as untouched.
-xintmap_makeclean :: XIntMap a -> XIntMap a
-xintmap_makeclean (XIntMap m n free h) = (XIntMap m n free h') where
- h' = IntMap.keysSet m
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Map- and fold-like list combinators
--- ** Combinators for looping
--- | Like 'loop', but also pass a loop counter to the function being
--- iterated. Example:
--- > loop_with_index 3 x f = f 2 (f 1 (f 0 x))
-loop_with_index :: (Eq int, Num int) => int -> t -> (int -> t -> t) -> t
-loop_with_index n x f = aux 0 x
- where
- aux i x = if i == n then x else aux (i+1) (f i x)
--- | Monadic version of 'loop_with_index'. Thus,
--- > loop_with_indexM 3 x0 f
--- will do the following:
--- > do
--- > x1 <- f 0 x0
--- > x2 <- f 1 x1
--- > x3 <- f 2 x2
--- > return x3
-loop_with_indexM :: (Eq int, Num int, Monad m) => int -> t -> (int -> t -> m t) -> m t
-loop_with_indexM n x f = aux 0 x
- where
- aux i x =
- if i == n then return x else do
- x <- f i x
- aux (i+1) x
--- | Iterate a function /n/ times. Example:
--- > loop 3 x f = f (f (f x))
-loop :: (Eq int, Num int) => int -> t -> (t -> t) -> t
-loop n x f = loop_with_index n x (\_ -> f)
--- | Monadic version of 'loop'.
-loopM :: (Eq int, Num int, Monad m) => int -> t -> (t -> m t) -> m t
-loopM n x f = loop_with_indexM n x (\_ -> f)
--- ** Combinators for sequencing
--- | A right-to-left version of 'sequence': Evaluate each action in the
--- sequence from right to left, and collect the results.
-sequence_right :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
-sequence_right [] = return []
-sequence_right (x:xs) = do
- ys <- sequence_right xs
- y <- x
- return (y:ys)
--- | Same as 'sequence_right', but ignore the result.
-sequence_right_ :: Monad m => [m a] -> m ()
-sequence_right_ [] = return ()
-sequence_right_ (x:xs) = do
- ys <- sequence_right_ xs
- y <- x
- return ()
--- ** Combinators for zipping
--- | A \"strict\" version of 'zip', i.e., raises an error when the
--- lists are not of the same length.
-zip_strict :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
-zip_strict a b = zip_strict_errmsg a b "zip_strict: lists are not of the same length"
--- | Like 'zip_strict', but also takes an explicit error message to
--- use in case of failure.
-zip_strict_errmsg :: [a] -> [b] -> String -> [(a, b)]
-zip_strict_errmsg [] [] e = []
-zip_strict_errmsg (h:t) (h':t') e = (h,h') : zip_strict_errmsg t t' e
-zip_strict_errmsg _ _ e = error e
--- | A \"right strict\" version of 'zip', i.e., raises an error when the
--- left list is shorter than the right one.
-zip_rightstrict :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
-zip_rightstrict a b = zip_rightstrict_errmsg a b "zip_rightstrict: list too short"
--- | A version of 'zip_rightstrict' that also takes an explicit error
--- message to use in case of failure.
-zip_rightstrict_errmsg :: [a] -> [b] -> String -> [(a, b)]
-zip_rightstrict_errmsg _ [] s = []
-zip_rightstrict_errmsg (h:t) (h':t') s = (h,h') : zip_rightstrict_errmsg t t' s
-zip_rightstrict_errmsg _ _ s = error s
--- | A \"strict\" version of 'zipWith', i.e., raises an error when the
--- lists are not of the same length.
-zipWith_strict :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
-zipWith_strict f [] [] = []
-zipWith_strict f (h:t) (h':t') = f h h' : zipWith_strict f t t'
-zipWith_strict f _ _ = error "zipWith_strict: lists are not of the same length"
--- | A \"right strict\" version of 'zipWith', i.e., raises an error when the
--- right list is shorter than the left one.
-zipWith_rightstrict :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
-zipWith_rightstrict f _ [] = []
-zipWith_rightstrict f (h:t) (h':t') = f h h' : zipWith_rightstrict f t t'
-zipWith_rightstrict f _ _ = error "zipWith_rightstrict: list too short"
--- | A right-to-left version of 'zipWithM', which is also \"right
--- strict\", i.e., raises an error when the right list is shorter than
--- the left one. Example:
--- > zipRightWithM f [a,b] [x,y] = [f a x, f b y],
--- computed right-to-left.
-zipRightWithRightStrictM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m [c]
-zipRightWithRightStrictM f l1 l2 =
- sequence_right $ zipWith_rightstrict f l1 l2
--- | Same as 'zipRightWithM', but ignore the result.
-zipRightWithRightStrictM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m ()
-zipRightWithRightStrictM_ f l1 l2 =
- sequence_right_ $ zipWith_rightstrict f l1 l2
--- ** Combinators combining mapping with folding
--- | Fold over two lists with state, and do it right-to-left. For example,
--- > foldRightPairM (w0, [1,2,3], [a,b,c]) f
--- will do the following:
--- > do
--- > w1 <- f (w0, 3, c)
--- > w2 <- f (w1, 2, b)
--- > w3 <- f (w2, 1, a)
--- > return w3
-foldRightPairM :: (Monad m) => (w, [a], [b]) -> ((w, a, b) -> m w) -> m w
-foldRightPairM (w, [], _) f = return w
-foldRightPairM (w, _, []) f = return w
-foldRightPairM (w, a:as, b:bs) f = do
- w <- foldRightPairM (w, as, bs) f
- w <- f (w, a, b)
- return w
--- | Like 'foldRightPairM', but ignore the final result.
-foldRightPairM_ :: (Monad m) => (w, [a], [b]) -> ((w, a, b) -> m w) -> m ()
-foldRightPairM_ x f = do
- foldRightPairM x f
- return ()
--- | Combine right-to-left zipping and folding. Example:
--- > fold_right_zip f (w0, [a,b,c], [x,y,z]) = (w3, [a',b',c'])
--- > where f (w0,c,z) = (w1,c')
--- > f (w1,b,y) = (w2,b')
--- > f (w2,a,x) = (w3,a')
-fold_right_zip :: ((w, a, b) -> (w, c)) -> (w, [a], [b]) -> (w, [c])
-fold_right_zip f (w, [], []) = (w, [])
-fold_right_zip f (w, a:bb, x:yy) = (w2, a':bb')
- where
- (w1, bb') = fold_right_zip f (w, bb, yy)
- (w2, a') = f (w1, a, x)
-fold_right_zip f _ = error "fold_right_zip"
--- | Monadic version of 'fold_right_zip'.
-fold_right_zipM ::
- (Monad m) => ((w, a, b) -> m(w, c)) -> (w, [a], [b]) -> m(w, [c])
-fold_right_zipM f (w, [], []) = return (w, [])
-fold_right_zipM f (w, a:bb, x:yy) = do
- (w1, bb') <- fold_right_zipM f (w, bb, yy)
- (w2, a') <- f (w1, a, x)
- return (w2, a':bb')
-fold_right_zipM f _ = error "fold_right_zipM"
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Loops.
--- $LOOPS We provide a syntax for \"for\"-style loops.
--- | A \"for\" loop. Counts from /a/ to /b/ in increments of /s/.
--- Standard notation:
--- > for i = a to b by s do
--- > commands
--- > end for
--- Our notation:
--- > for a b s $ \i -> do
--- > commands
--- > endfor
-for :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> m()) -> m()
-for a b s f = if s > 0 then aux a (<= b) else aux a (>= b)
- where
- aux i cond =
- if cond i then do
- f i
- aux (i+s) cond
- else
- return ()
--- | Mark the end of a \"for\"-loop. This command actually does
--- nothing, but can be used to make the loop look prettier.
-endfor :: Monad m => m()
-endfor = return ()
--- | Iterate a parameter over a list of values. It can be used as
--- follows:
--- > foreach [1,2,3,4] $ \n -> do
--- > <<<loop body depending on the parameter n>>>
--- > endfor
--- The loop body will get executed once for each /n/ ∈ {1,2,3,4}.
-foreach :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
-foreach l f = mapM_ f l
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Operations for monads
--- | Every monad is a functor. Input a function /f/ : /a/ → /b/ and output
--- /m/ /f/ : /m/ /a/ → /m/ /b/.
-mmap :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
-mmap f a = a >>= (return . f)
--- | Remove an outer application of a monad from a monadic function.
-monad_join1 :: (Monad m) => m (a -> m b) -> a -> m b
-monad_join1 mf a = do
- f <- mf
- f a
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Operations for disjoint unions
--- | Take two functions /f/ : /a/ → /b/ and /g/ : /c/ → /d/, and return
--- /f/ ⊕ /g/ : /a/ ⊕ /c/ → /c/ ⊕ /d/.
-map_either :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either b d
-map_either f g (Left x) = Left (f x)
-map_either f g (Right x) = Right (g x)
--- | Monadic version of 'map_either'.
-map_eitherM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> (c -> m d) -> Either a c -> m (Either b d)
-map_eitherM f g (Left x) = mmap Left (f x)
-map_eitherM f g (Right x) = mmap Right (g x)
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Operations for tuples
--- | Take two functions /f/ : /a/ → /b/ and /g/ : /c/ → /d/, and return
--- /f/ × /g/ : /a/ × /c/ → /c/ × /d/.
-map_pair :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
-map_pair f g (x, y) = (f x, g y)
--- | Monadic version of 'mappair'.
-map_pairM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> (c -> m d) -> (a, c) -> m (b, d)
-map_pairM f g (a, c) = do
- b <- f a
- d <- g c
- return (b, d)
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Arithmetic operations
--- | A version of the 'ceiling' function that returns an 'Integer'.
-int_ceiling :: RealFrac a => a -> Integer
-int_ceiling = toInteger . ceiling
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Bit vectors
--- | The type of bit vectors. True = 1, False = 0.
-type Boollist = [Bool]
--- | Convert an integer to a bit vector. The first argument is the
--- length in bits, and the second argument the integer to be
--- converted. The conversion is big-headian (or equivalently,
--- little-tailian), i.e., the head of the list holds the integer's most
--- significant digit.
-boollist_of_int_bh :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Boollist
-boollist_of_int_bh m = reverse . boollist_of_int_lh m
--- | Convert an integer to a bit vector. The first argument is the
--- length in bits, and the second argument the integer to be
--- converted. The conversion is little-headian (or equivalently,
--- big-tailian), i.e., the head of the list holds the integer's least
--- significant digit.
-boollist_of_int_lh :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Boollist
-boollist_of_int_lh m x | m <= 0 = []
-boollist_of_int_lh m x = digit : boollist_of_int_lh (m-1) tail where
- digit = (x `mod` 2 == 1)
- tail = x `div` 2
--- | Convert a bit vector to an integer. The conversion is big-headian
--- (or equivalently, little-tailian), i.e., the head of the list holds
--- the integer's most significant digit. This function is unsigned,
--- i.e., the integer returned is ≥ 0.
-int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh :: Integral a => Boollist -> a
-int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh v = aux v 0
- where
- aux v acc =
- case v of
- [] -> acc
- digit : vs -> aux vs (2*acc+(if digit then 1 else 0))
--- | Convert a bit vector to an integer, signed.
-int_of_boollist_signed_bh :: Integral a => Boollist -> a
-int_of_boollist_signed_bh [] = 0
-int_of_boollist_signed_bh (False:v) = int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh v
-int_of_boollist_signed_bh (True:v) = -1 - int_of_boollist_unsigned_bh (map not v)
--- | Exclusive or operation on booleans.
-bool_xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
-bool_xor a b = (a /= b)
--- | Exclusive or operation on bit vectors.
-boollist_xor :: Boollist -> Boollist -> Boollist
-boollist_xor = zipWith bool_xor
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Formatting of lists and strings
--- | A general list-to-string function. Example:
--- > string_of_list "{" ", " "}" "{}" show [1,2,3] = "{1, 2, 3}"
-string_of_list :: String -> String -> String -> String -> (t -> String) -> [t] -> String
-string_of_list lpar comma rpar nil string_of_elt lst =
- let string_of_tail lst =
- case lst of
- [] -> ""
- h:t -> comma ++ string_of_elt h ++ string_of_tail t
- in
- case lst of
- [] -> nil
- h:t -> lpar ++ string_of_elt h ++ string_of_tail t ++ rpar
--- | @'optional' b s@: if /b/ = 'True', return /s/, else the empty
--- string. This function is for convenience.
-optional :: Bool -> String -> String
-optional True s = s
-optional False s = ""
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Lists optimized for fast concatenation
--- | The type of bidirectional lists. This is similar to [a], but
--- optimized for fast concatenation and appending on both sides.
-newtype BList a = BList { getBList :: [a] -> [a] }
--- | Convert a List to a 'BList'.
-blist_of_list :: [a] -> BList a
-blist_of_list s = BList (\x -> s ++ x)
--- | Convert a 'BList' to a List.
-list_of_blist :: BList a -> [a]
-list_of_blist buf = getBList buf []
--- | Fast concatenation of 'BList's or string buffers.
-(+++) :: BList a -> BList a -> BList a
-(+++) buf1 buf2 = BList ((getBList buf1) . (getBList buf2))
--- | The empty 'BList'.
-blist_empty :: BList a
-blist_empty = BList id
--- | Concatenate a list of 'Blist's.
-blist_concat :: [BList a] -> BList a
-blist_concat l = foldr (+++) blist_empty l
-instance (Show a) => Show (BList a) where
- show bl = show (list_of_blist bl)
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Strings optimized for fast concatenation
--- | A string buffer holds a string that is optimized for fast
--- concatenation. Note that this is an instance of 'BList', and hence
--- 'BList' operations (in particular '+++') can be applied to string
--- buffers. The following functions are synonyms of the respective
--- 'BList' functions, and are provided for convenience.
-type Strbuf = BList Char
--- | Convert a string to a string buffer.
-strbuf_of_string :: String -> Strbuf
-strbuf_of_string = blist_of_list
--- | Convert a string buffer to a string.
-string_of_strbuf :: Strbuf -> String
-string_of_strbuf = list_of_blist
--- | The empty string buffer.
-strbuf_empty :: Strbuf
-strbuf_empty = blist_empty
--- | Concatenate a list of string buffers.
-strbuf_concat :: [Strbuf] -> Strbuf
-strbuf_concat = blist_concat
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * The identity monad
--- | The identity monad. Using /m/ = 'Id' gives useful special cases
--- of monadic functions.
-newtype Id a = Id { getId :: a }
-instance Monad Id where
- return a = Id a
- (Id a) >>= b = b a
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Identity types
--- | The type 'Identity' /a/ /b/ witnesses the fact that /a/ and /b/
--- are the same type. In other words, this type is non-empty if and
--- only if /a/ = /b/. This property is not guaranteed by the type
--- system, but by the API, via the fact that the operators
--- 'relexivity', 'symmetry', and 'transitivity' are the only exposed
--- constructors for this type. The implementation of this type is
--- deliberately hidden, as this is the only way to guarantee its
--- defining property.
--- Identity types are useful in certain situations. For example, they
--- can be used to define a data type which is polymorphic in some type
--- variable /x/, and which has certain constructors that are only
--- available when /x/ is a particular type. For example, in the
--- declaration
--- > data ExampleType x = Constructor1 x | Constructor2 x (Identity x Bool),
--- @Constructor1@ is available for all /x/, but @Constructor2@ is only
--- available when /x/ = 'Bool'.
-newtype Identity a b = Identity (a -> b, b -> a)
--- | Witness the fact that /a/=/a/.
-reflexivity :: Identity a a
-reflexivity = Identity (id, id)
--- | Witness the fact that /a/=/b/ implies /b/=/a/.
-symmetry :: Identity a b -> Identity b a
-symmetry (Identity (f,g)) = Identity (g,f)
--- | Witness the fact that /a/=/b/ and /b/=/c/ implies /a/=/c/.
-transitivity :: Identity a b -> Identity b c -> Identity a c
-transitivity (Identity (f,g)) (Identity (f',g')) = Identity (f'',g'') where
- f'' = f' . f
- g'' = g . g'
--- | The identity function 'id' : /a/ → /b/, provided that /a/ and /b/
--- are the same type.
-identity :: Identity a b -> a -> b
-identity (Identity (f,g)) = f
-instance Show (Identity a b) where
- show x = "id"
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- * Isomorphism types
--- | The type 'Isomorphism' /a/ /b/ consists of isomorphisms between
--- /a/ and /b/, i.e. pairs (/f/,/g/) such that /g/./f/ == id :: /a/ -> /a/,
--- /f/./g/ == id :: /b/ -> /b/.
--- As with e.g. Haskell’s 'Monad' class, it is not possible in general
--- to guarantee that the intended laws hold; it is the programmer’s
--- responsibility to ensure this.
--- Under the hood, 'Isomorphism' and 'Identity' are in fact the same;
--- they differ just in the API exposed.
-newtype Isomorphism a b = Isomorphism (a -> b, b -> a)
--- | Map forwards along an isomorphism.
-iso_forwards :: Isomorphism a b -> a -> b
-iso_forwards (Isomorphism (f,g)) = f
--- | Map backwards along an isomorphism.
-iso_backwards :: Isomorphism a b -> b -> a
-iso_backwards (Isomorphism (f,g)) = g
--- ======================================================================
--- * Error messages
--- | Often a low-level function, such as 'qcdata_zip' and
--- 'qcdata_promote', throws an error because of a failure of some
--- low-level condition, such as \"list too short\". To produce error
--- messages that are meaningful to user-level code, these functions do
--- not have a hard-coded error message. Instead, they input a stub
--- error message.
--- A meaningful error message typically consists of at least three parts:
--- * the name of the user-level function where the error occurred, for
--- example: \"reverse_generic\";
--- * what the function was doing when the error occurred, for example:
--- \"operation not permitted in reversible circuit\";
--- * a specific low-level reason for the error, for example: \"dynamic
--- lifting\".
--- Thus, a meaningful error message may be: \"reverse_generic:
--- operation not permitted in reversible circuit: dynamic lifting\".
--- The problem is that the three pieces of information are not usually
--- present in the same place. The user-level function is often a
--- wrapper function that performs several different mid-level
--- operations (e.g., transforming, reversing). The mid-level function
--- knows what operation was being performed when the error occurred,
--- but often calls a lower-level function to do the actual work (e.g.,
--- encapsulating).
--- Therefore, a stub error message is a function that inputs some
--- lower-level reason for a failure (example: \"list too short\") and
--- translates this into a higher-level error message (example:
--- \"qterm: shape of parameter does not data: list too short\").
--- Sometimes, the stub error message may also ignore the low-level
--- message and completely replace it by a higher-level one. For
--- example, a function that implements integers as bit lists may wish
--- to report a problem with integers, rather than a problem with the
--- underlying lists.
-type ErrMsg = String -> String
--- ======================================================================
--- * The Curry type class
--- | The 'Curry' type class is used to implement functions that have a
--- variable number of arguments. It provides a family of type
--- isomorphisms
--- @fun ≅ args -> res,@
--- where
--- > fun = a1 -> a2 -> ... -> an -> res,
--- > args = (a1, (a2, (..., (an, ())))).
-class Curry fun args res | args res -> fun where
- -- | Multiple curry: map a function
- -- (/a/[sub 1], (/a/[sub 2], (…, ())) → /b/
- -- to its curried form
- -- /a/[sub 1] → /a/[sub 2] → … → /b/.
- mcurry :: (args -> res) -> fun
- -- | Multiple uncurry: map a function
- -- /a/[sub 1] → /a/[sub 2] → … → /b/
- -- to its uncurried form
- -- (/a/[sub 1], (/a/[sub 2], (…, ())) → /b/.
- muncurry :: fun -> (args -> res)
-instance Curry b () b where
- mcurry g = g ()
- muncurry x = const x
-instance Curry fun args res => Curry (a -> fun) (a,args) res where
- mcurry g x = mcurry (\xs -> g (x,xs))
- muncurry f (x,xs) = muncurry (f x) xs