# Hosts files for Tinc - updated by palo's CI (incl. /etc/hosts): [https://github.com/krebs/retiolum](https://github.com/krebs/retiolum) - updated by Mic92's CI (incl. /etc/hosts; also a flake): [https://git.thalheim.io/Mic92/retiolum](https://git.thalheim.io/Mic92/retiolum) - updated by [hotdog.r](http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm/tree/krebs/1systems/hotdog/config.nix) using [hosts](http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm/tree/krebs/3modules/github-hosts-sync.nix)[-](http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm/tree/krebs/5pkgs/simple/github-hosts-sync/default.nix)[sync](http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm/tree/krebs/5pkgs/simple/github-hosts-sync/src/hosts-sync): [https://github.com/krebs/hosts](https://github.com/krebs/hosts) # Supplemental services - [Retiolum world map](http://graph.r/) # FAQ ## Q: how to route LAN hosts into retiolum? First select a host in the LAN that has access to retiolum, let's say the host at `$ROUTERIP`. On that host open the firewall and enable forwarding (example for IPv4, but IPv6 works similarly): iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -o retiolum -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o retiolum -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Then other hosts in the LAN can use `$ROUTERIP` to access retiolum by adding a route like this: ip route add via $ROUTERIP