# Cordon Bleu Salt and pepper the meat. Putting those in the crust or flour is not as nice. Even if meat is preflattened, flattening it more more does not hurt and makes for a better end result. Cheese last inside, don't do meat, cheese, then meat but meat, meat, cheese instead. # Pizza Before you attempt to make pizza, clean the oven. Or else the vicinity will smell like a smokehouse. Also, ask anyone potentially participating if there's anything they don't want on it, e. g. vegetarians. # Bok Choi Generally wash and cut or break free the leaves. Or don't. I don't care. I also cut the leaves lengthwise and then I just put it on top of the rest of the meal (which happened to be carrots and [Kohlrabi] simmering in milk, butter and vegetable broth), while closing the lid.