texnix is based on tex2nix.
Generate Texlive environment containing all dependencies for your document rather than downloading gigabytes of texlive packages.
$ echo '\usepackage{babel}' | texnix -
# Generated with texnix 1.0.0
{ texlive, extraTexPackages ? {} }:
texlive.combine ({
inherit (texlive) scheme-small;
"babel" = texlive."babel";
"ctablestack" = texlive."ctablestack";
"luatexbase" = texlive."luatexbase";
} // extraTexPackages)
texnix does not follow \input
or \include
. However you can specify multiple
texfiles as input
$ texnix *.tex > tex-env.nix
The resulting expression can be imported like this to in your document directory:
# shell.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
mkShell {
buildInputs = [ (callPackage ./tex-env.nix {}) ];
$ nix-shell shell.nix
nix-shell> pdflatex --version
pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/NixOS.org)