path: root/src/Scanner.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Scanner.hs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/src/Scanner.hs b/src/Scanner.hs
index 3c96a6e..361a1c6 100644
--- a/src/Scanner.hs
+++ b/src/Scanner.hs
@@ -1,217 +1,102 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Scanner
- ( getKey
- , hGetKey
+ ( scan
) where
-import Prelude hiding ((/))
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Monad.Error
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Char
-import System.IO
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Event
+import System.IO (Handle, hGetChar, hLookAhead, hWaitForInput)
--- high level interface
-getKey :: IO String
-getKey = hGetKey stdin
-hGetKey :: Handle -> IO String
-hGetKey h = do
- _ <- hLookAhead h -- wait for input
- ((_, raw_s), _) <- runScanner $ scan h
- return $ map toChar raw_s
-type P = C
-type I = C
-type F = C
-data Token
- = CS [P] [I] F
- | Chr C
- deriving (Show)
-type ScanLog = [C]
-type ScanError = String
-data ScanState = ScanState
- { _result :: Maybe Token -- TODO underscore supresses warning, rename before usage..
- , buffer :: [C]
- }
-emptyScanState :: ScanState
-emptyScanState = ScanState Nothing []
-newtype Scanner m a = Scanner
- (ErrorT ScanError (WriterT ScanLog (StateT ScanState m)) a)
- deriving
- ( Applicative
- , Functor
- , Monad
- , MonadIO
- , MonadState ScanState
- , MonadError ScanError
- , MonadWriter ScanLog
- )
-runScanner :: Scanner m a -> m ((Either ScanError a, ScanLog), ScanState)
-runScanner (Scanner a) =
- runStateT (runWriterT (runErrorT a)) emptyScanState
--- TODO max timeout
timeout :: Int
timeout = 1
-scan, scanESC, scanCS ::
- ( Monad m
- , MonadIO m
- , MonadError ScanError m
- , MonadState ScanState m
- , MonadWriter ScanLog m
- )
- => Handle
- -> m ()
-scan h = do
- c <- liftIO $ hGetC h
- tell [c]
- case () of _
- | c == 01/11 -> scanESC h
- | otherwise -> return ()
-scanESC h = do
- mb_c <- liftIO $ hWaitGetC timeout h
- whenJust mb_c $ \ c -> do
- tell [c]
- case () of _
- | c == 05/11 ->
- -- CSI
- scanCS h
- | c == 01/11 ->
- -- XXX M-F1 and other crazy chords may cause
- -- \ESC\ESC... on wu, so we just recurse here...
- scanESC h
- | c == 04/15 ->
- -- XXX Non-CSI SS3
- one h $ between (04/00) (07/14)
- | otherwise -> return ()
-scanCS h = do
- zeroOrMore h $ between (03/00) (03/15) -- parameter bytes
- zeroOrMore h $ between (02/00) (02/15) -- intermediate bytes
- one h $ between (04/00) (07/14) -- final byte
-between :: C -> C -> (C -> Bool)
-between lo hi = \ x -> lo <= x && x <= hi
-zeroOrMore, one ::
- ( Monad m
- , MonadIO m
- , MonadError ScanError m
- , MonadState ScanState m
- , MonadWriter ScanLog m
- )
- => Handle
- -> (C -> Bool)
- -> m ()
-zeroOrMore h p = do
- mb_c <- liftIO $ hWaitLookAheadC timeout h
- whenJust mb_c $ \ c ->
- when (p c) $ do
- _ <- liftIO $ hGetC h -- drop
- tell [c]
- modify $ \q -> q { buffer = buffer q ++ [c] }
- zeroOrMore h p
-one h p = do
- mb_c <- liftIO $ hWaitLookAheadC timeout h
- whenJust mb_c $ \ c -> do
- if p c
- then do
- _ <- liftIO getChar
- tell [c]
- modify $ \q -> q { buffer = buffer q ++ [c] }
- else do
- throwError "expected one TODO"
-whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
-whenJust mb f =
- case mb of
- Just a -> f a
- Nothing -> return ()
-(/) :: Int -> Int -> C
-c / r = C c r
+scan :: Handle -> IO Event
+scan h =
+ hGetChar h >>= \case
+ '\ESC' -> scanESC h
+ c -> return $ EKey [c]
-data C = C { column :: Int, row :: Int }
- deriving (Eq)
+scanESC :: Handle -> IO Event
+scanESC h =
+ hWaitGetChar timeout h >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return $ EKey "\ESC"
+ Just c
+ | c == '[' -> -- 05/11
+ scanCS h
+ | c == '\ESC' -> -- 01/11
+ -- XXX M-F1 and other crazy chords may cause
+ -- \ESC\ESC... on wu, so we just recurse here...
+ scanESC h
+ | c == 'O' -> -- 04/15
+ -- XXX Non-CSI SS3
+ -- XXX finalByte is maybe calles somehow else here, but it's
+ -- the same range
+ one h finalByte ['O','\ESC'] >>=
+ return . EKey . reverse
+ | otherwise ->
+ return $ EKey ['\ESC',c]
+scanCS :: Handle -> IO Event
+scanCS h =
+ hWaitLookAhead timeout h >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return $ EKey "\ESC" -- TODO move this to scanESC
+ Just c
+ | c == 'M' -> do
+ -- VT200 mouse
+ _ <- hGetChar h -- drop 'M'
+ b <- hGetChar h
+ x <- hGetChar h
+ y <- hGetChar h
+ return $ EMouse b (ord x - 32) (ord y - 32)
+ | otherwise ->
+ zeroOrMore h parameterByte ['[', '\ESC'] >>=
+ zeroOrMore h intermediateByte >>=
+ one h finalByte >>=
+ return . EKey . reverse
-instance Show C where
- show C{..} =
- (padl 2 '0' $ show column) ++ "/" ++ (padl 2 '0' $ show row)
- where
- padl n c s
- | length s < n = padl n c (c : s)
- | otherwise = s
+zeroOrMore :: Handle -> (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> IO [Char]
+zeroOrMore h p buf =
+ hWaitLookAhead timeout h >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return buf
+ Just c
+ | p c ->
+ hGetChar h {-drop c-} >> zeroOrMore h p (c:buf)
+ | otherwise ->
+ return buf
-instance Ord C where
- compare (C c1 r1) (C c2 r2) =
- case compare c1 c2 of
- EQ -> compare r1 r2
- x -> x
+one :: Handle -> (Char -> Bool) -> [Char] -> IO [Char]
+one h p buf =
+ hWaitLookAhead timeout h >>= \case
+ Nothing -> return buf -- TODO error?
+ Just c
+ | p c -> do
+ _ <- hGetChar h -- drop c
+ return (c:buf)
+ | otherwise ->
+ error "expected one TODO"
-fromChar :: Char -> C
-fromChar c = let i = ord c in C ((shift i (-4)) .&. 0xf) (i .&. 0xf)
+parameterByte :: Char -> Bool
+parameterByte = between '0' '?' -- 03/00 03/15
-toChar :: C -> Char
-toChar (C col row) = chr $ (shift col 4) .|. row
+intermediateByte :: Char -> Bool
+intermediateByte = between ' ' '/' -- 02/00 02/15
+finalByte :: Char -> Bool
+finalByte = between '@' '~' -- 04/00 07/14
-hGetC :: Handle -> IO C
-hGetC h = hGetChar h >>= return . fromChar
+between :: Ord a => a -> a -> (a -> Bool)
+between lo hi = \ x -> lo <= x && x <= hi
hWaitGetChar :: Int -> Handle -> IO (Maybe Char)
@@ -222,17 +107,9 @@ hWaitGetChar t h = do
else return Nothing
-hWaitGetC :: Int -> Handle -> IO (Maybe C)
-hWaitGetC t h = do
- mb_ch <- hWaitGetChar t h
- case mb_ch of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just ch -> return $ Just $ fromChar $ ch
-hWaitLookAheadC :: Int -> Handle -> IO (Maybe C)
-hWaitLookAheadC t h = do
+hWaitLookAhead :: Int -> Handle -> IO (Maybe Char)
+hWaitLookAhead t h = do
ready <- hWaitForInput h t
if ready
- then hLookAhead h >>= return . Just . fromChar
+ then hLookAhead h >>= return . Just
else return Nothing
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/a9100000.lock: Permission denied (13)