{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: # The buildbot config is seilf-contained and provides a way to test "shared" # configuration (infrastructure to be used by every krebsminister). # You can add your own test, test steps as required. Deploy the config on a # shared host like wolf and everything should be fine. { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8010 9989 ]; krebs.buildbot.master = { secrets = [ "retiolum-ci.rsa_key.priv" "cac.json" ]; slaves = { testslave = "krebspass"; }; change_source.stockholm = '' stockholm_repo = 'http://cgit.gum/stockholm' cs.append(changes.GitPoller( stockholm_repo, workdir='stockholm-poller', branch='master', project='stockholm', pollinterval=120)) ''; scheduler = { force-scheduler = '' sched.append(schedulers.ForceScheduler( name="force", builderNames=["full-tests"])) ''; fast-tests-scheduler = '' # test the master real quick sched.append(schedulers.SingleBranchScheduler( change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(branch="master"), treeStableTimer=10, #only test the latest push name="fast-master-test", builderNames=["fast-tests"])) ''; test-cac-infest-master = '' # files everyone depends on or are part of the share branch def shared_files(change): r =re.compile("^((krebs|shared)/.*|Makefile|default.nix)") for file in change.files: if r.match(file): return True return False sched.append(schedulers.SingleBranchScheduler( change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(branch="master"), fileIsImportant=shared_files, treeStableTimer=60*60, # master was stable for the last hour name="full-master-test", builderNames=["full-tests"])) ''; }; builder_pre = '' # prepare grab_repo step for stockholm stockholm_repo = "http://cgit.gum.retiolum/stockholm" grab_repo = steps.Git(repourl=stockholm_repo, mode='incremental') env = {"LOGNAME": "shared", "NIX_REMOTE": "daemon"} # prepare nix-shell # the dependencies which are used by the test script deps = [ "gnumake", "jq","nix","rsync", "(import <stockholm> {}).pkgs.test.infest-cac-centos7" ] # TODO: --pure , prepare ENV in nix-shell command: # SSL_CERT_FILE,LOGNAME,NIX_REMOTE nixshell = ["nix-shell", "-I", "stockholm=.", "-I", "nixpkgs=/var/src/upstream-nixpkgs", "-p" ] + deps + [ "--run" ] # prepare addShell function def addShell(factory,**kwargs): factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(**kwargs)) ''; builder = { fast-tests = '' f = util.BuildFactory() f.addStep(grab_repo) for i in [ "test-centos7", "wolf", "test-failing" ]: addShell(f,name="populate-{}".format(i),env=env, command=nixshell + ["set -o pipefail;{}( nix-instantiate --arg configuration shared/1systems/{}.nix --eval --readonly-mode --show-trace -A config.krebs.build.populate --strict | jq -r .)".format("!" if "failing" in i else "",i)]) addShell(f,name="instantiate-test-all-modules",env=env, command=nixshell + \ ["touch retiolum.rsa_key.priv; \ nix-instantiate --eval -A \ users.shared.test-all-krebs-modules.system \ -I stockholm=. \ --show-trace \ -I secrets=. '<stockholm>' \ --strict --json"]) addShell(f,name="instantiate-test-minimal-deploy",env=env, command=nixshell + \ ["nix-instantiate --eval -A \ users.shared.test-minimal-deploy.system \ -I stockholm=. \ -I secrets=. '<stockholm>' \ --show-trace \ --strict --json"]) bu.append(util.BuilderConfig(name="fast-tests", slavenames=slavenames, factory=f)) ''; slow-tests = '' s = util.BuildFactory() s.addStep(grab_repo) # slave needs 2 files: # * cac.json # * retiolum s.addStep(steps.FileDownload(mastersrc="${config.krebs.buildbot.master.workDir}/cac.json", slavedest="cac.json")) s.addStep(steps.FileDownload(mastersrc="${config.krebs.buildbot.master.workDir}/retiolum-ci.rsa_key.priv", slavedest="retiolum.rsa_key.priv")) addShell(s, name="infest-cac-centos7",env=env, sigtermTime=60, # SIGTERM 1 minute before SIGKILL timeout=10800, # 3h command=nixshell + ["infest-cac-centos7"]) bu.append(util.BuilderConfig(name="full-tests", slavenames=slavenames, factory=s)) ''; }; enable = true; web = { enable = true; }; irc = { enable = true; nick = "shared-buildbot"; server = "cd.retiolum"; channels = [ "retiolum" ]; allowForce = true; }; }; krebs.buildbot.slave = { enable = true; masterhost = "localhost"; username = "testslave"; password = "krebspass"; packages = with pkgs;[ git nix ]; # all nix commands will need a working nixpkgs installation extraEnviron = { NIX_PATH="/var/src"; }; }; }