{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let rootdisk = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TS256GMTS800_C613840115"; datadisk = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JR10006PH3A02F"; user = config.makefu.gui.user; primaryIP = ""; in { imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. <stockholm/makefu> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/zsh-user.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/core.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/disable_v6.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/core-gui.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/extra-gui.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/media.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/virtualisation/libvirt.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tinc/retiolum.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/mqtt.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/gui/wbob-kiosk.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/client.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/gui/studio-virtual.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/audio/jack-on-pulse.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/audio/realtime-audio.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/vncserver.nix> # Services <stockholm/makefu/2configs/hydra/stockholm.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/share/wbob.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/bluetooth-mpd.nix> # Sensors <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/telegraf> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/led-fader.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/external/aralast.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/telegraf/airsensor.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/telegraf/bamstats.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/bureautomation> (let collectd-port = 25826; influx-port = 8086; grafana-port = 3000; # TODO nginx forward db = "collectd_db"; logging-interface = "enp0s25"; in { services.grafana.enable = true; services.grafana.addr = ""; services.influxdb.enable = true; services.influxdb.extraConfig = { meta.hostname = config.krebs.build.host.name; # meta.logging-enabled = true; http.bind-address = ":${toString influx-port}"; admin.bind-address = ":8083"; collectd = [{ enabled = true; typesdb = "${pkgs.collectd}/share/collectd/types.db"; database = db; bind-address = ":${toString collectd-port}"; }]; }; networking.firewall.extraCommands = '' iptables -A INPUT -i ${logging-interface} -p tcp --dport ${toString grafana-port} -j ACCEPT ''; }) # temporary # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/temp/rst-issue.nix> ]; krebs = { enable = true; build.host = config.krebs.hosts.wbob; }; swapDevices = [ { device = "/var/swap"; } ]; services.collectd.extraConfig = lib.mkAfter '' #LoadPlugin ping # does not work because it requires privileges #<Plugin "ping"> # Host "google.de" # Host "heise.de" #</Plugin> LoadPlugin curl <Plugin curl> TotalTime true NamelookupTime true ConnectTime true <Page "google"> MeasureResponseTime true MeasureResponseCode true URL "https://google.de" </Page> <Page "webde"> MeasureResponseTime true MeasureResponseCode true URL "http://web.de" </Page> </Plugin> #LoadPlugin netlink #<Plugin "netlink"> # Interface "enp0s25" # Interface "wlp2s0" # IgnoreSelected false #</Plugin> ''; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 655 ]; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 655 8081 #smokeping 49152 ]; networking.firewall.trustedInterfaces = [ "enp0s25" ]; #services.tinc.networks.siem = { # name = "display"; # extraConfig = '' # ConnectTo = sjump # Port = 1655 # ''; #}; # rt2870.bin wifi card, part of linux-unfree hardware.enableAllFirmware = true; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; networking.wireless.enable = true; # rt2870 with nonfree creates wlp2s0 from wlp0s20u2 # not explicitly setting the interface results in wpa_supplicant to crash networking.wireless.interfaces = [ "wlp2s0" ]; networking.interfaces.virbr1.ip4 = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; # nuc hardware boot.loader.grub.device = rootdisk; hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ehci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ]; boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" "snd-seq" "snd-rawmidi" ]; fileSystems = { "/" = { device = rootdisk + "-part1"; fsType = "ext4"; }; "/data" = { device = datadisk + "-part1"; fsType = "ext4"; }; }; # DualHead on NUC # TODO: update synergy package with these extras (username) # TODO: add crypto layer systemd.services."synergy-client" = { environment.DISPLAY = ":0"; serviceConfig.User = user; }; services.synergy = { client = { enable = true; screenName = "wbob"; serverAddress = "x.r"; }; }; }