{ lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) all any concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep const filter flip genid hasSuffix head isInt isString length match mergeOneOption mkOption mkOptionType optional optionalAttrs optionals range splitString stringLength tail typeOf; inherit (lib.types) attrsOf bool either enum int listOf nullOr path str string submodule; in rec { host = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = label; default = config._module.args.name; }; cores = mkOption { type = positive; }; nets = mkOption { type = attrsOf net; default = {}; }; binary-cache.pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr binary-cache-pubkey; default = null; }; owner = mkOption { type = user; }; extraZones = mkOption { default = {}; # TODO: string is either MX, NS, A or AAAA type = attrsOf string; }; secure = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = '' If true, then the host is capable of keeping secret information. TODO define minimum requirements for secure hosts ''; }; ssh.pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-pubkey; default = null; }; ssh.privkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-privkey; default = null; }; }; }); net = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = label; default = config._module.args.name; }; via = mkOption { type = nullOr net; default = null; }; addrs = mkOption { type = listOf addr; default = optional (config.ip4 != null) config.ip4.addr ++ optional (config.ip6 != null) config.ip6.addr; }; aliases = mkOption { # TODO nonEmptyListOf hostname type = listOf hostname; default = []; }; ip4 = mkOption { type = nullOr (submodule { options = { addr = mkOption { type = addr4; }; prefix = mkOption ({ type = str; # TODO routing prefix (CIDR) } // optionalAttrs (config.name == "retiolum") { default = ""; }); }; }); default = null; }; ip6 = mkOption { type = nullOr (submodule { options = { addr = mkOption { type = addr6; }; prefix = mkOption ({ type = str; # TODO routing prefix (CIDR) } // optionalAttrs (config.name == "retiolum") { default = "42::/16"; }); }; }); default = null; }; ssh = mkOption { type = submodule { options = { port = mkOption { type = int; default = 22; }; }; }; default = {}; }; tinc = mkOption { type = let net = config; in nullOr (submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { config = mkOption { type = str; default = concatStringsSep "\n" ( (optionals (net.via != null) (map (a: "Address = ${a} ${toString config.port}") net.via.addrs)) ++ (map (a: "Subnet = ${a}") net.addrs) ++ [config.extraConfig] ++ [config.pubkey] ); }; pubkey = mkOption { type = tinc-pubkey; }; extraConfig = mkOption { description = "Extra Configuration to be appended to the hosts file"; default = ""; type = string; }; port = mkOption { type = int; description = "tinc port to use to connect to host"; default = 655; }; }; })); default = null; }; }; }); positive = mkOptionType { name = "positive integer"; check = x: isInt x && x > 0; merge = mergeOneOption; }; uint = mkOptionType { name = "unsigned integer"; check = x: isInt x && x >= 0; merge = mergeOneOption; }; secret-file = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = filename; default = config._module.args.name; }; path = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; default = "/run/keys/${config.name}"; }; mode = mkOption { type = file-mode; default = "0400"; }; owner = mkOption { type = user; }; group-name = mkOption { type = str; default = "root"; }; source-path = mkOption { type = str; default = toString + "/${config.name}"; }; }; }); source = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { type = let types = ["file" "git" "symlink"]; in mkOption { type = enum types; default = let cands = filter (k: config.${k} != null) types; in if length cands == 1 then head cands else throw "cannot determine type"; }; file = let file-path = (file-source.getSubOptions "FIXME").path.type; in mkOption { type = nullOr (either file-source file-path); default = null; apply = x: if file-path.check x then { path = x; } else x; }; git = mkOption { type = nullOr git-source; default = null; }; symlink = let symlink-target = (symlink-source.getSubOptions "FIXME").target.type; in mkOption { type = nullOr (either symlink-source symlink-target); default = null; apply = x: if symlink-target.check x then { target = x; } else x; }; }; }); file-source = submodule { options = { path = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; }; }; }; git-source = submodule { options = { ref = mkOption { type = str; # TODO types.git.ref }; url = mkOption { type = str; # TODO types.git.url }; }; }; symlink-source = submodule { options = { target = mkOption { type = pathname; # TODO relative-pathname }; }; }; suffixed-str = suffs: mkOptionType { name = "string suffixed by ${concatStringsSep ", " suffs}"; check = x: isString x && any (flip hasSuffix x) suffs; merge = mergeOneOption; }; user = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { home = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; default = "/home/${config.name}"; }; mail = mkOption { type = str; # TODO retiolum mail address default = "${config._module.args.name}@${config.networking.hostName}.r"; }; name = mkOption { type = username; default = config._module.args.name; }; pgp.pubkeys = mkOption { type = attrsOf pgp-pubkey; default = {}; description = '' Set of user's PGP public keys. Modules supporting PGP may use well-known key names to define default values for options, in which case the well-known name should be documented in the respective option's description. ''; }; pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-pubkey; default = null; }; uid = mkOption { type = int; default = genid config.name; }; }; }); group = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = username; default = config._module.args.name; }; gid = mkOption { type = int; default = genid config.name; }; }; }); addr = either addr4 addr6; addr4 = mkOptionType { name = "IPv4 address"; check = let IPv4address = let d = "([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])"; in concatMapStringsSep "." (const d) (range 1 4); in x: isString x && match IPv4address x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; addr6 = mkOptionType { name = "IPv6 address"; check = let # TODO check IPv6 address harder IPv6address = "[0-9a-f.:]+"; in x: isString x && match IPv6address x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; binary-cache-pubkey = str; pgp-pubkey = str; ssh-pubkey = str; ssh-privkey = submodule { options = { bits = mkOption { type = nullOr (enum ["4096"]); default = null; }; path = mkOption { type = either path str; apply = x: { path = toString x; string = x; }.${typeOf x}; }; type = mkOption { type = enum ["rsa" "ed25519"]; default = "ed25519"; }; }; }; tinc-pubkey = str; krebs.file-location = submodule { options = { # TODO user host = mkOption { type = host; }; # TODO merge with ssl.privkey.path path = mkOption { type = either path str; apply = x: { path = toString x; string = x; }.${typeOf x}; }; }; }; file-mode = mkOptionType { name = "file mode"; check = x: isString x && match "[0-7]{4}" x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; haskell.conid = mkOptionType { name = "Haskell constructor identifier"; check = x: isString x && match "[[:upper:]][[:lower:]_[:upper:]0-9']*" x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; haskell.modid = mkOptionType { name = "Haskell module identifier"; check = x: isString x && all haskell.conid.check (splitString "." x); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # RFC952, B. Lexical grammar, hostname = mkOptionType { name = "hostname"; check = x: isString x && all label.check (splitString "." x); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # RFC952, B. Lexical grammar, # RFC1123, 2.1 Host Names and Numbers label = mkOptionType { name = "label"; # TODO case-insensitive labels check = x: isString x && match "[0-9A-Za-z]([0-9A-Za-z-]*[0-9A-Za-z])?" x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2013, 3.278 Portable Filename Character Set filename = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX filename"; check = x: isString x && match "([0-9A-Za-z._])[0-9A-Za-z._-]*" x != null; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2013, 3.2 Absolute Pathname # TODO normalize slashes # TODO two slashes absolute-pathname = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX absolute pathname"; check = x: let xs = splitString "/" x; xa = head xs; in isString x && stringLength x > 0 && (xa == "/" || (xa == "" && all filename.check (tail xs))); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2013, 3.267 Pathname # TODO normalize slashes pathname = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX pathname"; check = x: let xs = splitString "/" x; in isString x && all filename.check (if head xs == "" then tail xs else xs); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1-2013, 3.431 User Name username = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX username"; check = filename.check; merge = mergeOneOption; }; }