{ config, pkgs, ... }: with import <stockholm/lib>; { imports = [ <stockholm/lass> <stockholm/lass/2configs/mouse.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/retiolum.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/baseX.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/pipewire.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/exim-retiolum.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/browsers.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/programs.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/nfs-dl.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/yellow-mounts/samba.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/gg23.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/hass> <stockholm/lass/2configs/green-host.nix> <stockholm/krebs/2configs/news-host.nix> # <stockholm/lass/2configs/br.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/fetchWallpaper.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/home-media.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/syncthing.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/sync/sync.nix> # <stockholm/lass/2configs/idc.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/ppp/umts-stick.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/snapserver.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/snapclient.nix> ]; krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.styx; networking.firewall.interfaces.int0.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.smokeping.port ]; networking.firewall.interfaces.retiolum.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.smokeping.port ]; networking.firewall.interfaces.wiregrill.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.smokeping.port ]; krebs.power-action.enable = mkForce false; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wol (writeDashBin "wake-alien" '' ${wol}/bin/wol -h 10:65:30:68:83:a3 '') (writers.writeDashBin "iptv" '' set -efu /run/current-system/sw/bin/mpv \ --audio-display=no --audio-channels=stereo \ --audio-samplerate=48000 --audio-format=s16 \ --ao-pcm-file=/run/snapserver/snapfifo --ao=pcm \ --audio-delay=-1 \ --playlist=https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/index.nsfw.m3u \ --idle=yes \ --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv.ipc \ "$@" '') ]; users.users.mainUser.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ config.krebs.users.lass-android.pubkey ]; # services.smokeping = { enable = true; host = null; targetConfig = '' probe = FPing menu = top title = top + Local menu = Local title = Local Network ++ LocalMachine menu = Local Machine title = This host host = localhost + Internet menu = internet title = internet ++ CloudflareDNS menu = Cloudflare DNS title = Cloudflare DNS server host = ++ GoogleDNS menu = Google DNS title = Google DNS server host = + retiolum menu = retiolum title = retiolum ++ gum menu = gum.r title = gum.r host = gum.r ++ ni menu = ni.r title = ni.r host = ni.r ++ prism menu = prism.r title = prism.r host = prism.r ''; }; # for usb internet hardware.usbWwan.enable = true; }