{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }@args: with import <stockholm/lib>; { nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: let # This callPackage will try to detect obsolete overrides. callPackage = path: args: let override = pkgs.callPackage path args; upstream = optionalAttrs (override ? "name") (pkgs.${(parseDrvName override.name).name} or {}); in if upstream ? "name" && override ? "name" && compareVersions upstream.name override.name != -1 then trace "Upstream `${upstream.name}' gets overridden by `${override.name}'." override else override; in {} // import ./builders.nix args // mapAttrs (_: flip callPackage {}) (filterAttrs (_: dir: pathExists (dir + "/default.nix")) (subdirsOf ./.)) // { empty = pkgs.runCommand "empty-1.0.0" {} "mkdir $out"; haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: mapAttrs (name: path: self.callPackage path {}) (mapAttrs' (name: type: if hasSuffix ".nix" name then { name = removeSuffix ".nix" name; value = ./haskell-overrides + "/${name}"; } else null) (builtins.readDir ./haskell-overrides)); }; ReaktorPlugins = callPackage ./Reaktor/plugins.nix {}; buildbot = callPackage ./buildbot {}; buildbot-full = callPackage ./buildbot { plugins = with pkgs.buildbot-plugins; [ www console-view waterfall-view ]; }; buildbot-worker = callPackage ./buildbot/worker.nix {}; # https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot/issues/106 proot = pkgs.writeScriptBin "proot" '' #!${pkgs.dash}/bin/dash export PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 exec ${pkgs.proot}/bin/proot "$@" ''; # XXX symlinkJoin changed arguments somewhere around nixpkgs d541e0d symlinkJoin = { name, paths, ... }@args: let x = pkgs.symlinkJoin args; in if typeOf x != "lambda" then x else pkgs.symlinkJoin name paths; test = { infest-cac-centos7 = callPackage ./test/infest-cac-centos7 {}; }; }; }