pkgs: oldpkgs: with import ; foldl' mergeAttrs {} (map (name: import (./. + "/${name}") pkgs oldpkgs) (filter (name: name != "default.nix" && !hasPrefix "." name) (attrNames (readDir ./.)))) // { ReaktorPlugins = pkgs.callPackage ./simple/Reaktor/plugins.nix {}; buildbot-full = pkgs.callPackage ./simple/buildbot { plugins = with pkgs.buildbot-plugins; [ www console-view waterfall-view ]; }; buildbot-worker = pkgs.callPackage ./simple/buildbot/worker.nix {}; # proot = pkgs.writeDashBin "proot" '' export PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1 exec ${oldpkgs.proot}/bin/proot "$@" ''; # XXX symlinkJoin changed arguments somewhere around nixpkgs d541e0d symlinkJoin = { name, paths, ... }@args: let x = oldpkgs.symlinkJoin args; in if typeOf x != "lambda" then x else oldpkgs.symlinkJoin name paths; }