{ config, pkgs, ... }: with import ; let cfg = config.krebs.ci; hostname = config.networking.hostName; in { options.krebs.ci = { enable = mkEnableOption "krebs continous integration"; stockholmSrc = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "http://cgit.${hostname}.r/stockholm"; }; treeStableTimer = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 10; description = "how long to wait until we test changes (in minutes)"; }; hosts = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.host; default = []; description = '' List of hosts that should be build ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts.build = { serverAliases = [ "build.${hostname}.r" ]; locations."/".extraConfig = '' proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_pass${toString config.krebs.buildbot.master.web.port}; ''; }; }; krebs.buildbot.master = { slaves = { testslave = "lasspass"; }; change_source.stockholm = '' stockholm_repo = '${cfg.stockholmSrc}' cs.append( changes.GitPoller( stockholm_repo, workdir='stockholm-poller', branches=True, project='stockholm', pollinterval=10 ) ) ''; scheduler = { build-scheduler = '' # build all hosts sched.append( schedulers.SingleBranchScheduler( change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(branch_re=".*"), treeStableTimer=${toString cfg.treeStableTimer}*60, name="build-all-branches", builderNames=[ "build-hosts" ] ) ) ''; force-scheduler = '' sched.append( schedulers.ForceScheduler( name="force", builderNames=[ "build-hosts" ] ) ) ''; }; builder_pre = '' # prepare grab_repo step for stockholm grab_repo = steps.Git( repourl=stockholm_repo, mode='full' ) # prepare addShell function def addShell(factory,**kwargs): factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(**kwargs)) ''; builder = { build-hosts = '' f = util.BuildFactory() f.addStep(grab_repo) def build_host(user, host): addShell(f, name="{}".format(host), env={ "NIX_PATH": "secrets=/var/src/stockholm/null:/var/src", "NIX_REMOTE": "daemon", "dummy_secrets": "true", }, command=[ "nix-shell", "--run", " ".join(["test", "--user={}".format(user), "--system={}".format(host), "--force-populate", "--target=$LOGNAME@${config.krebs.build.host.name}$HOME/{}".format(user), ]) ], timeout=90001 ) ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (host: "build_host(\"${host.owner.name}\", \"${host.name}\")" ) cfg.hosts} bu.append( util.BuilderConfig( name="build-hosts", slavenames=slavenames, factory=f ) ) ''; }; enable = true; web.enable = true; irc = { enable = true; nick = "build|${hostname}"; server = "irc.r"; channels = [ "krebs" "noise" ]; allowForce = true; }; extraConfig = '' c['buildbotURL'] = "http://build.${hostname}.r/" ''; }; krebs.buildbot.slave = { enable = true; masterhost = "localhost"; username = "testslave"; password = "lasspass"; packages = with pkgs; [ gnumake jq nix populate ]; }; }; }