/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * File: rxvtd.C *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * All portions of code are copyright by their respective author/s. * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Marc Lehmann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "../config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(ENABLE_FRILLS) && defined(_POSIX_MEMLOCK) && _POSIX_MEMLOCK > 0 # define ENABLE_MLOCK 1 #endif #if ENABLE_MLOCK # include #endif #include #include "rxvt.h" #include "rxvtdaemon.h" #include "libptytty.h" struct server : rxvt_connection { log_callback log_cb; getfd_callback getfd_cb; void read_cb (ev::io &w, int revents); ev::io read_ev; void log_msg (const char *msg); int getfd (int remote_fd); server (int fd) { read_ev.set (this); log_cb.set (this); getfd_cb.set (this); this->fd = fd; fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, 0); read_ev.start (fd, ev::READ); } void err (const char *format = 0, ...); }; struct unix_listener { int fd; void accept_cb (ev::io &w, int revents); ev::io accept_ev; unix_listener (const char *sockname); }; unix_listener::unix_listener (const char *sockname) { accept_ev.set (this); sockaddr_un sa; if (strlen (sockname) >= sizeof(sa.sun_path)) { fputs ("socket name too long, aborting.\n", stderr); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((fd = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { perror ("unable to create listening socket"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); sa.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy (sa.sun_path, sockname); unlink (sockname); mode_t omask = umask (0077); if (bind (fd, (sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof (sa))) { perror ("unable to bind listening socket"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } umask (omask); if (listen (fd, 5)) { perror ("unable to listen on socket"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } accept_ev.start (fd, ev::READ); } void unix_listener::accept_cb (ev::io &w, int revents) { int fd2 = accept (fd, 0, 0); if (fd2 >= 0) new server (fd2); } int server::getfd (int remote_fd) { send ("GETFD"); send (remote_fd); return ptytty::recv_fd (fd); } void server::log_msg (const char *msg) { send ("MSG"), send (msg); } void server::err (const char *format, ...) { if (format) { char err[1024]; va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); vsnprintf (err, 1024, format, ap); va_end (ap); log_msg (err); } send ("END"), send (0); close (fd); delete this; } void server::read_cb (ev::io &w, int revents) { auto_str tok; if (recv (tok)) { if (!strcmp (tok, "NEW")) { stringvec *argv = new stringvec; stringvec *envv = new stringvec; for (;;) { if (!recv (tok)) return err (); if (!strcmp (tok, "END")) break; else if (!strcmp (tok, "ENV") && recv (tok)) envv->push_back (strdup (tok)); else if (!strcmp (tok, "ARG") && recv (tok)) argv->push_back (strdup (tok)); else return err ("protocol error: unexpected NEW token.\n"); } { rxvt_term *term = new rxvt_term; term->log_hook = &log_cb; term->getfd_hook = &getfd_cb; bool success = true; try { term->init (argv, envv); } catch (const class rxvt_failure_exception &e) { success = false; } term->log_hook = 0; chdir ("/"); // init might change to different working directory if (!success) term->destroy (); send ("END"); send (success ? 1 : 0); } } else if (!strcmp (tok, "QUIT")) _exit (0); else return err ("protocol error: request '%s' unsupported.\n", (char *)tok); } else return err (); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ptytty::init (); static char opt_fork, opt_opendisplay, opt_quiet; #if ENABLE_PERL static char *opt_eval; #endif #if ENABLE_MLOCK static char opt_lock; #endif for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-f") || !strcmp (argv [i], "--fork")) opt_fork = 1; else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-o") || !strcmp (argv [i], "--opendisplay")) opt_opendisplay = 1; else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-q") || !strcmp (argv [i], "--quiet")) opt_quiet = 1; #if ENABLE_MLOCK else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-m") || !strcmp (argv [i], "--mlock")) opt_lock = 1; #endif #if ENABLE_PERL else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-e") || !strcmp (argv [i], "--eval")) opt_eval = argv [++i]; #endif else { rxvt_log ("%s: unknown option '%s', aborting.\n", argv [0], argv [i]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } rxvt_init (); #if ENABLE_PERL if (opt_eval) { rxvt_perl.init (); rxvt_perl.eval (opt_eval); } #endif // optionally open display and never release it. if (opt_opendisplay) if (const char *dpy = getenv ("DISPLAY")) displays.get (dpy ? dpy : ":0"); // move string logic into rxvt_display maybe? char *sockname = rxvt_connection::unix_sockname (); unix_listener l (sockname); chdir ("/"); if (!opt_quiet) { printf ("rxvt-unicode daemon listening on %s.\n", sockname); fflush (stdout); } free (sockname); pid_t pid = 0; if (opt_fork) { pid = fork (); } #if ENABLE_MLOCK // Optionally perform an mlockall so this process does not get swapped out. if (opt_lock && !pid) if (mlockall (MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE) < 0) perror ("unable to lock into ram"); #endif if (opt_fork) { if (pid < 0) { rxvt_log ("unable to fork daemon, aborting.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (pid > 0) _exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); ev_loop_fork (EV_DEFAULT_UC); } ev_run (); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }