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diff --git a/doc/rxvt.1.pod b/doc/rxvt.1.pod
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index 0000000..f35d150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rxvt.1.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+=head1 NAME
+rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) - (a VT102 emulator for the X window system)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<@@RXVT_NAME@@> [options] [-e command [ args ]]
+B<rxvt-unicode>, version B<@@RXVT_VERSION@@>, is a colour vt102 terminal
+emulator intended as an I<xterm>(1) replacement for users who do not
+require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style
+configurability. As a result, B<rxvt-unicode> uses much less swap space --
+a significant advantage on a machine serving many X sessions.
+This document is also available on the World-Wide-Web at
+See @@RXVT_NAME@@(7) (try C<man 7 @@RXVT_NAME@@>) for a list of
+frequently asked questions and answer to them and some common
+problems. That document is also accessible on the World-Wide-Web at
+Unlike the original rxvt, B<rxvt-unicode> stores all text in Unicode
+internally. That means it can store and display most scripts in the
+world. Being a terminal emulator, however, some things are very difficult,
+especially cursive scripts such as arabic, vertically written scripts
+like mongolian or scripts requiring extremely complex combining rules,
+like tibetan or devanagari. Don't expect pretty output when using these
+scripts. Most other scripts, latin, cyrillic, kanji, thai etc. should work
+fine, though. A somewhat difficult case are right-to-left scripts, such
+as hebrew: B<rxvt-unicode> adopts the view that bidirectional algorithms
+belong in the application, not the terminal emulator (too many things --
+such as cursor-movement while editing -- break otherwise), but that might
+If you are looking for a terminal that supports more exotic scripts, let
+me recommend C<mlterm>, which is a very user friendly, lean and clean
+terminal emulator. In fact, the reason rxvt-unicode was born was solely
+because the author couldn't get C<mlterm> to use one font for latin1 and
+another for japanese.
+Therefore another design rationale was the use of multiple fonts to
+display characters: The idea of a single unicode font which many other
+programs force onto its users never made sense to me: You should be able
+to choose any font for any script freely.
+Apart from that, rxvt-unicode is also much better internationalised than
+its predecessor, supports things such as XFT and ISO 14755 that are handy
+in i18n-environments, is faster, and has a lot bugs less than the original
+rxvt. This all in addition to dozens of other small improvements.
+It is still faithfully following the original rxvt idea of being lean
+and nice on resources: for example, you can still configure rxvt-unicode
+without most of its features to get a lean binary. It also comes with
+a client/daemon pair that lets you open any number of terminal windows
+from within a single process, which makes startup time very fast and
+drastically reduces memory usage. See @@RXVT_NAME@@d(1) (daemon) and
+@@RXVT_NAME@@c(1) (client).
+It also makes technical information about escape sequences (which have
+been extended) more accessible: see @@RXVT_NAME@@(7) for technical
+reference documentation (escape sequences etc.).
+=head1 OPTIONS
+The B<@@RXVT_NAME@@> options (mostly a subset of I<xterm>'s) are listed
+below. In keeping with the smaller-is-better philosophy, options may be
+eliminated or default values chosen at compile-time, so options and
+defaults listed may not accurately reflect the version installed on
+your system. `@@RXVT_NAME@@ -h' gives a list of major compile-time options on
+the I<Options> line. Option descriptions may be prefixed with which
+compile option each is dependent upon. e.g. `Compile I<XIM>:' requires
+I<XIM> on the I<Options> line. Note: `@@RXVT_NAME@@ -help' gives a list of all
+command-line options compiled into your version.
+Note that B<@@RXVT_NAME@@> permits the resource name to be used as a
+long-option (--/++ option) so the potential command-line options are
+far greater than those listed. For example: `@@RXVT_NAME@@ --loginShell --color1
+The following options are available:
+=over 4
+=item B<-help>, B<--help>
+Print out a message describing available options.
+=item B<-display> I<displayname>
+Attempt to open a window on the named X display (the older form B<-d>
+is still respected. but deprecated). In the absence of this option, the
+display specified by the B<DISPLAY> environment variable is used.
+=item B<-depth> I<bitdepth>
+Compile I<frills>: Attempt to find a visual with the given bit depth;
+resource B<depth>.
+[Please note that many X servers (and libXft) are buggy with
+respect to C<-depth 32> and/or alpha channels, and will cause all sorts
+of graphical corruption. This is harmless, but we can't do anything about
+this, so watch out]
+=item B<-visual> I<visualID>
+Compile I<frills>: Use the given visual (see e.g. C<xdpyinfo> for
+possible visual ids) instead of the default, and also allocate a private
+colormap. All visual types except for DirectColor are supported.
+=item B<-geometry> I<geom>
+Window geometry (B<-g> still respected); resource B<geometry>.
+=item B<-rv>|B<+rv>
+Turn on/off simulated reverse video; resource B<reverseVideo>.
+=item B<-j>|B<+j>
+Turn on/off jump scrolling (allow multiple lines per refresh); resource B<jumpScroll>.
+=item B<-ss>|B<+ss>
+Turn on/off skip scrolling (allow multiple screens per refresh); resource B<skipScroll>.
+=item B<-fade> I<number>
+Fade the text by the given percentage when focus is lost. Small values
+fade a little only, 100 completely replaces all colours by the fade
+colour; resource B<fading>.
+=item B<-fadecolor> I<colour>
+Fade to this colour when fading is used (see B<-fade>). The default colour
+is opaque black. resource B<fadeColor>.
+=item B<-icon> I<file>
+Compile I<pixbuf>: Use the specified image as application icon. This
+is used by many window managers, taskbars and pagers to represent the
+application window; resource I<iconFile>.
+=item B<-bg> I<colour>
+Window background colour; resource B<background>.
+=item B<-fg> I<colour>
+Window foreground colour; resource B<foreground>.
+=item B<-cr> I<colour>
+The cursor colour; resource B<cursorColor>.
+=item B<-pr> I<colour>
+The mouse pointer foreground colour; resource B<pointerColor>.
+=item B<-pr2> I<colour>
+The mouse pointer background colour; resource B<pointerColor2>.
+=item B<-bd> I<colour>
+The colour of the border around the text area and between the scrollbar and the text;
+resource B<borderColor>.
+=item B<-fn> I<fontlist>
+Select the fonts to be used. This is a comma separated list of font names
+that are checked in order when trying to find glyphs for characters. The
+first font defines the cell size for characters; other fonts might be
+smaller, but not (in general) larger. A (hopefully) reasonable default
+font list is always appended to it. See resource B<font> for more details.
+In short, to specify an X11 core font, just specify its name or prefix it
+with C<x:>. To specify an XFT-font, you need to prefix it with C<xft:>,
+ @@RXVT_NAME@@ -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=15"
+ @@RXVT_NAME@@ -fn "9x15bold,xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"
+See also the question "How does rxvt-unicode choose fonts?" in the FAQ
+section of @@RXVT_NAME@@(7).
+=item B<-fb> I<fontlist>
+Compile I<font-styles>: The bold font list to use when B<bold> characters
+are to be printed. See resource B<boldFont> for details.
+=item B<-fi> I<fontlist>
+Compile I<font-styles>: The italic font list to use when I<italic>
+characters are to be printed. See resource B<italicFont> for details.
+=item B<-fbi> I<fontlist>
+Compile I<font-styles>: The bold italic font list to use when B<< I<bold
+italic> >> characters are to be printed. See resource B<boldItalicFont>
+for details.
+=item B<-is>|B<+is>
+Compile I<font-styles>: Bold/Blink font styles imply high intensity
+foreground/background (default). See resource B<intensityStyles> for
+=item B<-name> I<name>
+Specify the application name under which resources are to be obtained,
+rather than the default executable file name. Name should not contain
+`.' or `*' characters. Also sets the icon and title name.
+=item B<-ls>|B<+ls>
+Start as a login-shell/sub-shell; resource B<loginShell>.
+=item B<-mc> I<milliseconds>
+Specify the maximum time between multi-click selections.
+=item B<-ut>|B<+ut>
+Compile I<utmp>: Inhibit/enable writing a utmp entry; resource
+=item B<-vb>|B<+vb>
+Turn on/off visual bell on receipt of a bell character; resource
+=item B<-sb>|B<+sb>
+Turn on/off scrollbar; resource B<scrollBar>.
+=item B<-sr>|B<+sr>
+Put scrollbar on right/left; resource B<scrollBar_right>.
+=item B<-st>|B<+st>
+Display rxvt (non XTerm/NeXT) scrollbar without/with a trough;
+resource B<scrollBar_floating>.
+=item B<-si>|B<+si>
+Turn on/off scroll-to-bottom on TTY output inhibit; resource
+B<scrollTtyOutput> has opposite effect.
+=item B<-sk>|B<+sk>
+Turn on/off scroll-to-bottom on keypress; resource
+=item B<-sw>|B<+sw>
+Turn on/off scrolling with the scrollback buffer as new lines appear.
+This only takes effect if B<-si> is also given; resource
+=item B<-ptab>|B<+ptab>
+If enabled (default), "Horizontal Tab" characters are being stored as
+actual wide characters in the screen buffer, which makes it possible to
+select and paste them. Since a horizontal tab is a cursor movement and
+not an actual glyph, this can sometimes be visually annoying as the cursor
+on a tab character is displayed as a wide cursor; resource B<pastableTabs>.
+=item B<-bc>|B<+bc>
+Blink the cursor; resource B<cursorBlink>.
+=item B<-uc>|B<+uc>
+Make the cursor underlined; resource B<cursorUnderline>.
+=item B<-iconic>
+Start iconified, if the window manager supports that option.
+Alternative form is B<-ic>.
+=item B<-sl> I<number>
+Save I<number> lines in the scrollback buffer. See resource entry for
+limits; resource B<saveLines>.
+=item B<-b> I<number>
+Compile I<frills>: Internal border of I<number> pixels. See resource
+entry for limits; resource B<internalBorder>.
+=item B<-w> I<number>
+Compile I<frills>: External border of I<number> pixels. Also, B<-bw>
+and B<-borderwidth>. See resource entry for limits; resource
+=item B<-bl>
+Compile I<frills>: Set MWM hints to request a borderless window, i.e.
+if honoured by the WM, the rxvt-unicode window will not have window
+decorations; resource B<borderLess>. If the window manager does not
+support MWM hints (e.g. kwin), enables override-redirect mode.
+=item B<-override-redirect>
+Compile I<frills>: Sets override-redirect on the window; resource
+=item B<-dockapp>
+Sets the initial state of the window to WithdrawnState, which makes
+window managers that support this extension treat it as a dockapp.
+=item B<-sbg>
+Compile I<frills>: Disable the usage of the built-in block graphics/line
+drawing characters and just rely on what the specified fonts provide. Use
+this if you have a good font and want to use its block graphic glyphs;
+resource B<skipBuiltinGlyphs>.
+=item B<-lsp> I<number>
+Compile I<frills>: Lines (pixel height) to insert between each row of
+the display. Useful to work around font rendering problems; resource
+=item B<-letsp> I<number>
+Compile I<frills>: Amount to adjust the computed character width by
+to control overall letter spacing. Negative values will tighten up the
+letter spacing, positive values will space letters out more. Useful to
+work around odd font metrics; resource B<letterSpace>.
+=item B<-tn> I<termname>
+This option specifies the name of the terminal type to be set in the
+B<TERM> environment variable. This terminal type must exist in the
+I<termcap(5)> database and should have I<li#> and I<co#> entries;
+resource B<termName>.
+=item B<-e> I<command [arguments]>
+Run the command with its command-line arguments in the B<@@RXVT_NAME@@>
+window; also sets the window title and icon name to be the basename of
+the program being executed if neither I<-title> (I<-T>) nor I<-n> are
+given on the command line. If this option is used, it must be the last
+on the command-line. If there is no B<-e> option then the default is to
+run the program specified by the B<SHELL> environment variable or,
+failing that, I<sh(1)>.
+Please note that you must specify a program with arguments. If you want to
+run shell commands, you have to specify the shell, like this:
+ @@RXVT_NAME@@ -e sh -c "shell commands"
+=item B<-title> I<text>
+Window title (B<-T> still respected); the default title is the basename
+of the program specified after the B<-e> option, if any, otherwise the
+application name; resource B<title>.
+=item B<-n> I<text>
+Icon name; the default name is the basename of the program specified
+after the B<-e> option, if any, otherwise the application name;
+resource B<iconName>.
+=item B<-C>
+Capture system console messages.
+=item B<-pt> I<style>
+Compile I<XIM>: input style for input method; B<OverTheSpot>,
+B<OffTheSpot>, B<Root>; resource B<preeditType>.
+If the perl extension C<xim-onthespot> is used (which is the default),
+then additionally the C<OnTheSpot> preedit type is available.
+=item B<-im> I<text>
+Compile I<XIM>: input method name. resource B<inputMethod>.
+=item B<-imlocale> I<string>
+The locale to use for opening the IM. You can use an C<LC_CTYPE> of e.g.
+C<de_DE.UTF-8> for normal text processing but C<ja_JP.EUC-JP> for the
+input extension to be able to input japanese characters while staying in
+another locale. resource B<imLocale>.
+=item B<-imfont> I<fontset>
+Set the font set to use for the X Input Method, see resource B<imFont>
+for more info.
+=item B<-tcw>
+Change the meaning of triple-click selection with the left mouse
+button. Only effective when the original (non-perl) selection code is
+in-use. Instead of selecting a full line it will extend the selection to
+the end of the logical line only. resource B<tripleclickwords>.
+=item B<-insecure>
+Enable "insecure" mode, which currently enables most of the escape
+sequences that echo strings. See the resource B<insecure> for more
+=item B<-mod> I<modifier>
+Override detection of Meta modifier with specified key: B<alt>,
+B<meta>, B<hyper>, B<super>, B<mod1>, B<mod2>, B<mod3>, B<mod4>,
+B<mod5>; resource I<modifier>.
+=item B<-ssc>|B<+ssc>
+Turn on/off secondary screen (default enabled); resource
+=item B<-ssr>|B<+ssr>
+Turn on/off secondary screen scroll (default enabled); resource
+=item B<-hold>|B<+hold>
+Turn on/off hold window after exit support. If enabled, @@RXVT_NAME@@
+will not immediately destroy its window when the program executed within
+it exits. Instead, it will wait till it is being killed or closed by the
+user; resource B<hold>.
+=item B<-cd> I<path>
+Sets the working directory for the shell (or the command specified via
+B<-e>). The I<path> must be an absolute path and it must exist for
+@@RXVT_NAME@@ to start; resource B<chdir>.
+=item B<-xrm> I<string>
+Works like the X Toolkit option of the same name, by adding the I<string>
+as if it were specified in a resource file. Resource values specified this
+way take precedence over all other resource specifications.
+Note that you need to use the I<same> syntax as in the .Xdefaults file,
+e.g. C<*.background: black>. Also note that all @@RXVT_NAME@@-specific
+options can be specified as long-options on the commandline, so use
+of B<-xrm> is mostly limited to cases where you want to specify other
+resources (e.g. for input methods) or for compatibility with other
+=item B<-keysym.>I<sym> I<string>
+Remap a key symbol. See resource B<keysym>.
+=item B<-embed> I<windowid>
+Tells @@RXVT_NAME@@ to embed its windows into an already-existing window,
+which enables applications to easily embed a terminal.
+Right now, @@RXVT_NAME@@ will first unmap/map the specified window, so it
+shouldn't be a top-level window. @@RXVT_NAME@@ will also reconfigure it
+quite a bit, so don't expect it to keep some specific state. It's best to
+create an extra subwindow for @@RXVT_NAME@@ and leave it alone.
+The window will not be destroyed when @@RXVT_NAME@@ exits.
+It might be useful to know that @@RXVT_NAME@@ will not close file
+descriptors passed to it (except for stdin/out/err, of course), so you
+can use file descriptors to communicate with the programs within the
+terminal. This works regardless of whether the C<-embed> option was used or
+Here is a short Gtk2-perl snippet that illustrates how this option can be
+used (a longer example is in F<doc/embed>):
+ my $rxvt = new Gtk2::Socket;
+ $rxvt->signal_connect_after (realize => sub {
+ my $xid = $_[0]->window->get_xid;
+ system "@@RXVT_NAME@@ -embed $xid &";
+ });
+=item B<-pty-fd> I<file descriptor>
+Tells @@RXVT_NAME@@ NOT to execute any commands or create a new pty/tty
+pair but instead use the given file descriptor as the tty master. This is
+useful if you want to drive @@RXVT_NAME@@ as a generic terminal emulator
+without having to run a program within it.
+If this switch is given, @@RXVT_NAME@@ will not create any utmp/wtmp
+entries and will not tinker with pty/tty permissions - you have to do that
+yourself if you want that.
+As an extremely special case, specifying C<-1> will completely suppress
+pty/tty operations, which is probably only useful in conjunction with some
+perl extension that manages the terminal.
+Here is a example in perl that illustrates how this option can be used (a
+longer example is in F<doc/pty-fd>):
+ use IO::Pty;
+ use Fcntl;
+ my $pty = new IO::Pty;
+ fcntl $pty, F_SETFD, 0; # clear close-on-exec
+ system "@@RXVT_NAME@@ -pty-fd " . (fileno $pty) . "&";
+ close $pty;
+ # now communicate with rxvt
+ my $slave = $pty->slave;
+ while (<$slave>) { print $slave "got <$_>\n" }
+=item B<-pe> I<string>
+Comma-separated list of perl extension scripts to use (or not to use) in
+this terminal instance. See resource B<perl-ext> for details.
+Note: `@@RXVT_NAME@@ --help' gives a list of all resources (long
+options) compiled into your version. All resources are also available as
+You can set and change the resources using X11 tools like B<xrdb>. Many
+distribution do also load settings from the B<~/.Xresources> file when X
+starts. @@RXVT_NAME@@ will consult the following files/resources in order,
+with later settings overwriting earlier ones:
+ 1. app-defaults file in $XAPPLRESDIR
+ 2. $HOME/.Xdefaults
+ 3. RESOURCE_MANAGER property on root-window of screen 0
+ 4. SCREEN_RESOURCES property on root-window of the current screen
+ 5. $XENVIRONMENT file OR $HOME/.Xdefaults-<nodename>
+ 6. resources specified via -xrm on the commandline
+Note that when reading X resources, B<@@RXVT_NAME@@> recognizes two class
+names: B<Rxvt> and B<URxvt>. The class name B<Rxvt> allows resources
+common to both B<@@RXVT_NAME@@> and the original I<rxvt> to be easily
+configured, while the class name B<URxvt> allows resources unique to
+B<@@RXVT_NAME@@>, to be shared between different B<@@RXVT_NAME@@>
+configurations. If no resources are specified, suitable defaults will
+be used. Command-line arguments can be used to override resource
+settings. The following resources are supported (you might want to
+check the @@RXVT_NAME@@perl(3) manpage for additional settings by perl
+extensions not documented here):
+=over 4
+=item B<depth:> I<bitdepth>
+Compile I<xft>: Attempt to find a visual with the given bit depth;
+option B<-depth>.
+=item B<buffered:> I<boolean>
+Compile I<xft>: Turn on/off double-buffering for xft (default enabled).
+On some card/driver combination enabling it slightly decreases
+performance, on most it greatly helps it. The slowdown is small, so it
+should normally be enabled.
+=item B<geometry:> I<geom>
+Create the window with the specified X window geometry [default 80x24];
+option B<-geometry>.
+=item B<background:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour as the window's background colour [default
+White]; option B<-bg>.
+=item B<foreground:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour as the window's foreground colour [default
+Black]; option B<-fg>.
+=item B<color>I<n>B<:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour for the colour value I<n>, where 0-7
+corresponds to low-intensity (normal) colours and 8-15 corresponds to
+high-intensity (bold = bright foreground, blink = bright background)
+colours. The canonical names are as follows: 0=black, 1=red, 2=green,
+3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, 7=white, but the actual colour
+names used are listed in the B<COLOURS AND GRAPHICS> section.
+Colours higher than 15 cannot be set using resources (yet), but can be
+changed using an escape command (see @@RXVT_NAME@@(7)).
+Colours 16-79 form a standard 4x4x4 colour cube (the same as xterm with
+88 colour support). Colours 80-87 are evenly spaces grey steps.
+=item B<colorBD:> I<colour>
+=item B<colorIT:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour to display bold or italic characters when the
+foreground colour is the default. If font styles are not available
+(Compile I<styles>) and this option is unset, reverse video is used instead.
+=item B<colorUL:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour to display underlined characters when the
+foreground colour is the default.
+=item B<underlineColor:> I<colour>
+If set, use the specified colour as the colour for the underline
+itself. If unset, use the foreground colour.
+=item B<highlightColor:> I<colour>
+If set, use the specified colour as the background for highlighted
+characters. If unset, use reverse video.
+=item B<highlightTextColor:> I<colour>
+If set and highlightColor is set, use the specified colour as the
+foreground for highlighted characters.
+=item B<cursorColor:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour for the cursor. The default is to use the
+foreground colour; option B<-cr>.
+=item B<cursorColor2:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour for the colour of the cursor text. For this to
+take effect, B<cursorColor> must also be specified. The default is to
+use the background colour.
+=item B<reverseVideo:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: simulate reverse video by foreground and background colours;
+option B<-rv>. B<False>: regular screen colours [default]; option
+B<+rv>. See note in B<COLOURS AND GRAPHICS> section.
+=item B<jumpScroll:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: specify that jump scrolling should be used. When receiving lots
+of lines, @@RXVT_NAME@@ will only scroll once a whole screen height of lines
+has been read, resulting in fewer updates while still displaying every
+received line; option B<-j>.
+B<False>: specify that smooth scrolling should be used. @@RXVT_NAME@@ will
+force a screen refresh on each new line it received; option B<+j>.
+=item B<skipScroll:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: (the default) specify that skip scrolling should be used. When
+receiving lots of lines, @@RXVT_NAME@@ will only scroll once in a while
+(around 60 times per second), resulting in far fewer updates. This can
+result in @@RXVT_NAME@@ not ever displaying some of the lines it receives;
+option B<-ss>.
+B<False>: specify that everything is to be displayed, even
+if the refresh is too fast for the human eye to read anything (or the
+monitor to display anything); option B<+ss>.
+=item B<fading:> I<number>
+Fade the text by the given percentage when focus is lost; option B<-fade>.
+=item B<fadeColor:> I<colour>
+Fade to this colour, when fading is used (see B<fading:>). The default
+colour is black; option B<-fadecolor>.
+=item B<iconFile:> I<file>
+Set the application icon pixmap; option B<-icon>.
+=item B<scrollColor:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour for the scrollbar [default #B2B2B2].
+=item B<troughColor:> I<colour>
+Use the specified colour for the scrollbar's trough area [default
+#969696]. Only relevant for rxvt (non XTerm/NeXT) scrollbar.
+=item B<borderColor:> I<colour>
+The colour of the border around the text area and between the scrollbar
+and the text.
+=item B<font:> I<fontlist>
+Select the fonts to be used. This is a comma separated list of font names
+that are checked in order when trying to find glyphs for characters. The
+first font defines the cell size for characters; other fonts might be
+smaller, but not (in general) larger. A (hopefully) reasonable default
+font list is always appended to it; option B<-fn>.
+Each font can either be a standard X11 core font (XLFD) name, with
+optional prefix C<x:> or a Xft font (Compile I<xft>), prefixed with C<xft:>.
+In addition, each font can be prefixed with additional hints and
+specifications enclosed in square brackets (C<[]>). The only available
+hint currently is C<codeset=codeset-name>, and this is only used for Xft
+For example, this font resource
+ URxvt.font: 9x15bold,\
+ -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1,\
+ -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1, \
+ [codeset=JISX0208]xft:Kochi Gothic:antialias=false, \
+ xft:Code2000:antialias=false
+specifies five fonts to be used. The first one is C<9x15bold> (actually
+the iso8859-1 version of the second font), which is the base font (because
+it is named first) and thus defines the character cell grid to be 9 pixels
+wide and 15 pixels high.
+The second font is just used to add additional unicode characters not in
+the base font, likewise the third, which is unfortunately non-bold, but
+the bold version of the font does contain fewer characters, so this is a
+useful supplement.
+The third font is an Xft font with aliasing turned off, and the characters
+are limited to the B<JIS 0208> codeset (i.e. japanese kanji). The font
+contains other characters, but we are not interested in them.
+The last font is a useful catch-all font that supplies most of the
+remaining unicode characters.
+=item B<boldFont:> I<fontlist>
+=item B<italicFont:> I<fontlist>
+=item B<boldItalicFont:> I<fontlist>
+The font list to use for displaying B<bold>, I<italic> or B<< I<bold
+italic> >> characters, respectively.
+If specified and non-empty, then the syntax is the same as for the
+B<font>-resource, and the given font list will be used as is, which makes
+it possible to substitute completely different font styles for bold and
+If unset (the default), a suitable font list will be synthesized by
+"morphing" the normal text font list into the desired shape. If that is
+not possible, replacement fonts of the desired shape will be tried.
+If set, but empty, then this specific style is disabled and the normal
+text font will being used for the given style.
+=item B<intensityStyles:> I<boolean>
+When font styles are not enabled, or this option is enabled (B<True>,
+option B<-is>, the default), bold/blink font styles imply high
+intensity foreground/background colours. Disabling this option (B<False>,
+option B<+is>) disables this behaviour, the high intensity colours are not
+=item B<title:> I<string>
+Set window title string, the default title is the command-line
+specified after the B<-e> option, if any, otherwise the application
+name; option B<-title>.
+=item B<iconName:> I<string>
+Set the name used to label the window's icon or displayed in an icon
+manager window, it also sets the window's title unless it is explicitly
+set; option B<-n>.
+=item B<mapAlert:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: de-iconify (map) on receipt of a bell character. B<False>: no
+de-iconify (map) on receipt of a bell character [default].
+=item B<urgentOnBell:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: set the urgency hint for the wm on receipt of a bell character.
+B<False>: do not set the urgency hint [default].
+@@RXVT_NAME@@ resets the urgency hint on every focus change.
+=item B<visualBell:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: use visual bell on receipt of a bell character; option B<-vb>.
+B<False>: no visual bell [default]; option B<+vb>.
+=item B<loginShell:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: start as a login shell by prepending a `-' to B<argv[0]> of
+the shell; option B<-ls>. B<False>: start as a normal sub-shell
+[default]; option B<+ls>.
+=item B<multiClickTime:> I<number>
+Specify the maximum time in milliseconds between multi-click select
+events. The default is 500 milliseconds; option B<-mc>.
+=item B<utmpInhibit:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: inhibit writing record into the system log file B<utmp>;
+option B<-ut>. B<False>: write record into the system log file B<utmp>
+[default]; option B<+ut>.
+=item B<print-pipe:> I<string>
+Specify a command pipe for vt100 printer [default I<lpr(1)>]. Use
+B<Print> to initiate a screen dump to the printer and B<Ctrl-Print> or
+B<Shift-Print> to include the scrollback as well.
+The string will be interpreted as if typed into the shell as-is.
+ URxvt.print-pipe: cat > $(TMPDIR=$HOME mktemp urxvt.XXXXXX)
+This creates a new file in your home directory with the screen contents
+every time you hit C<Print>.
+=item B<scrollstyle:> I<mode>
+Set scrollbar style to B<rxvt>, B<plain>, B<next> or B<xterm>. B<plain> is
+the author's favourite.
+=item B<thickness:> I<number>
+Set the scrollbar width in pixels.
+=item B<scrollBar:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: enable the scrollbar [default]; option B<-sb>. B<False>:
+disable the scrollbar; option B<+sb>.
+=item B<scrollBar_right:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: place the scrollbar on the right of the window; option B<-sr>.
+B<False>: place the scrollbar on the left of the window; option B<+sr>.
+=item B<scrollBar_floating:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: display an rxvt scrollbar without a trough; option B<-st>.
+B<False>: display an rxvt scrollbar with a trough; option B<+st>.
+=item B<scrollBar_align:> I<mode>
+Align the B<top>, B<bottom> or B<centre> [default] of the scrollbar
+thumb with the pointer on middle button press/drag.
+=item B<scrollTtyOutput:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: scroll to bottom when tty receives output; option B<-si>.
+B<False>: do not scroll to bottom when tty receives output; option
+=item B<scrollWithBuffer:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: scroll with scrollback buffer when tty receives new lines (i.e.
+try to show the same lines) and B<scrollTtyOutput> is False; option
+B<-sw>. B<False>: do not scroll with scrollback buffer when tty receives
+new lines; option B<+sw>.
+=item B<scrollTtyKeypress:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: scroll to bottom when a non-special key is pressed. Special keys
+are those which are intercepted by rxvt-unicode for special handling and
+are not passed onto the shell; option B<-sk>. B<False>: do not scroll to
+bottom when a non-special key is pressed; option B<+sk>.
+=item B<saveLines:> I<number>
+Save I<number> lines in the scrollback buffer [default 1000]; option B<-sl>.
+=item B<internalBorder:> I<number>
+Internal border of I<number> pixels. This resource is limited to 100;
+option B<-b>.
+=item B<externalBorder:> I<number>
+External border of I<number> pixels. This resource is limited to 100;
+option B<-w>, B<-bw>, B<-borderwidth>.
+=item B<borderLess:> I<boolean>
+Set MWM hints to request a borderless window, i.e. if honoured by the
+WM, the rxvt-unicode window will not have window decorations; option B<-bl>.
+=item B<skipBuiltinGlyphs:> I<boolean>
+Compile I<frills>: Disable the usage of the built-in block graphics/line
+drawing characters and just rely on what the specified fonts provide. Use
+this if you have a good font and want to use its block graphic glyphs;
+option B<-sbg>.
+=item B<termName:> I<termname>
+Specifies the terminal type name to be set in the B<TERM> environment
+variable; option B<-tn>.
+=item B<lineSpace:> I<number>
+Specifies number of lines (pixel height) to insert between each row of
+the display [default 0]; option B<-lsp>.
+=item B<meta8:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: handle Meta (Alt) + keypress to set the 8th bit. B<False>:
+handle Meta (Alt) + keypress as an escape prefix [default].
+=item B<mouseWheelScrollPage:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: the mouse wheel scrolls a page full. B<False>: the mouse wheel
+scrolls five lines [default].
+=item B<pastableTabs:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: store tabs as wide characters. B<False>: interpret tabs as cursor
+movement only; option C<-ptab>.
+=item B<cursorBlink:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: blink the cursor. B<False>: do not blink the cursor [default];
+option B<-bc>.
+=item B<cursorUnderline:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: Make the cursor underlined. B<False>: Make the cursor a box [default];
+option B<-uc>.
+=item B<pointerBlank:> I<boolean>
+B<True>: blank the pointer when a key is pressed or after a set number
+of seconds of inactivity. B<False>: the pointer is always visible
+=item B<pointerColor:> I<colour>
+Mouse pointer foreground colour.
+=item B<pointerColor2:> I<colour>
+Mouse pointer background colour.
+=item B<pointerShape:> I<string>
+Compile I<frills>: Specifies the name of the mouse pointer shape
+[default B<xterm>]. See the macros in the B<X11/cursorfont.h> include
+file for possible values (omit the C<XC_> prefix).
+=item B<pointerBlankDelay:> I<number>
+Specifies number of seconds before blanking the pointer [default 2]. Use a
+large number (e.g. C<987654321>) to effectively disable the timeout.
+=item B<backspacekey:> I<string>
+The string to send when the backspace key is pressed. If set to B<DEC>
+or unset it will send B<Delete> (code 127) or, with control, B<Backspace>
+(code 8) - which can be reversed with the appropriate DEC private mode
+escape sequence.
+=item B<deletekey:> I<string>
+The string to send when the delete key (not the keypad delete key) is
+pressed. If unset it will send the sequence traditionally associated
+with the B<Execute> key.
+=item B<cutchars:> I<string>
+The characters used as delimiters for double-click word selection
+(whitespace delimiting is added automatically if resource is given).
+When the perl selection extension is in use (the default if compiled
+in, see the @@RXVT_NAME@@perl(3) manpage), a suitable regex using these
+characters will be created (if the resource exists, otherwise, no regex
+will be created). In this mode, characters outside ISO-8859-1 can be used.
+When the selection extension is not used, only ISO-8859-1 characters can
+be used. If not specified, the built-in default is used:
+B<< BACKSLASH `"'&()*,;<=>?@[]^{|} >>
+=item B<preeditType:> I<style>
+B<OnTheSpot>, B<OverTheSpot>, B<OffTheSpot>, B<Root>; option B<-pt>.