diff options
1 files changed, 1279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rxvttoolkit.C b/src/rxvttoolkit.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92c5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rxvttoolkit.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1279 @@
+ * File: rxvttoolkit.C
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ *
+ * All portions of code are copyright by their respective author/s.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Marc Lehmann <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Emanuele Giaquinta <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "../config.h"
+#include <rxvt.h>
+#include <rxvttoolkit.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#if XFT
+# include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
+static const char *const xa_names[] =
+ "TEXT",
+ "INCR",
+ "SLANT",
+ "_NET_WM_PID",
+#if USE_XIM
+ "_XEMBED",
+ "cursor",
+# if USE_XIM
+# endif
+refcounted::refcounted (const char *id)
+ this->id = strdup (id);
+refcounted::~refcounted ()
+ free (id);
+template<class T>
+T *refcache<T>::get (const char *id)
+ for (T **i = this->begin (); i < this->end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp (id, (*i)->id))
+ {
+ ++(*i)->referenced;
+ (*i)->ref_next ();
+ return *i;
+ }
+ }
+ T *obj = new T (id);
+ if (obj && obj->ref_init ())
+ {
+ obj->referenced = 1;
+ this->push_back (obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete obj;
+ return 0;
+ }
+template<class T>
+void refcache<T>::put (T *obj)
+ if (!obj)
+ return;
+ if (!--obj->referenced)
+ {
+ this->erase (find (this->begin (), this->end (), obj));
+ delete obj;
+ }
+template<class T>
+void refcache<T>::clear ()
+ while (this->size ())
+ put (*this->begin ());
+#if USE_XIM
+static void
+im_destroy_cb (XIC unused1, XPointer client_data, XPointer unused3)
+im_destroy_cb (XIM unused1, XPointer client_data, XPointer unused3)
+ rxvt_xim *xim = (rxvt_xim *)client_data;
+ rxvt_display *display = xim->display;
+ xim->xim = 0;
+ display->xims.erase (find (display->xims.begin (), display->xims.end (), xim));
+ display->im_change_cb ();
+rxvt_xim::ref_init ()
+ display = GET_R->display; //HACK: TODO
+ xim = XOpenIM (display->dpy, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!xim)
+ return false;
+ XIMCallback ximcallback;
+ ximcallback.client_data = (XPointer)this;
+ ximcallback.callback = im_destroy_cb;
+ XSetIMValues (xim, XNDestroyCallback, &ximcallback, (char *)0);
+ return true;
+rxvt_xim::~rxvt_xim ()
+ if (xim)
+ XCloseIM (xim);
+#if XFT
+rxvt_drawable::~rxvt_drawable ()
+ if (xftdrawable)
+ XftDrawDestroy (xftdrawable);
+rxvt_drawable::operator XftDraw *()
+ if (!xftdrawable)
+ xftdrawable = XftDrawCreate (screen->dpy, drawable, screen->visual, screen->cmap);
+ return xftdrawable;
+#if XFT
+// not strictly necessary as it is only used with superclass of zero_initialised
+rxvt_screen::rxvt_screen ()
+: scratch_area (0)
+rxvt_drawable &rxvt_screen::scratch_drawable (int w, int h)
+ if (!scratch_area || w > scratch_w || h > scratch_h)
+ {
+ if (scratch_area)
+ {
+ XFreePixmap (dpy, scratch_area->drawable);
+ delete scratch_area;
+ }
+ Pixmap pm = XCreatePixmap (dpy, RootWindowOfScreen (ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, display->screen)),
+ scratch_w = w, scratch_h = h, depth);
+ scratch_area = new rxvt_drawable (this, pm);
+ }
+ return *scratch_area;
+rxvt_screen::set (rxvt_display *disp)
+ display = disp;
+ dpy = disp->dpy;
+ Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, disp->screen);
+ depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen (screen);
+ visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen);
+ cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (screen);
+rxvt_screen::select_visual (int id)
+ XVisualInfo vinfo;
+ vinfo.visualid = id;
+ int n;
+ if (XVisualInfo *vi = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualIDMask, &vinfo, &n))
+ {
+ depth = vi->depth;
+ visual = vi->visual;
+ XFree (vi);
+ cmap = XCreateColormap (dpy, display->root, visual, AllocNone);
+ }
+ else
+ rxvt_warn ("no visual found for requested id 0x%02x, using default visual.\n", id);
+rxvt_screen::select_depth (int bitdepth)
+ XVisualInfo vinfo;
+ if (XMatchVisualInfo (dpy, display->screen, bitdepth, TrueColor, &vinfo))
+ select_visual (vinfo.visualid);
+ else
+ rxvt_warn ("no visual found for requested depth %d, using default visual.\n", bitdepth);
+rxvt_screen::clear ()
+#if XFT
+ if (scratch_area)
+ {
+ XFreePixmap (dpy, scratch_area->drawable);
+ delete scratch_area;
+ }
+ if (cmap != DefaultColormapOfScreen (ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, display->screen)))
+ XFreeColormap (dpy, cmap);
+rxvt_display::rxvt_display (const char *id)
+: refcounted (id)
+, selection_owner (0)
+, clipboard_owner (0)
+ x_ev .set<rxvt_display, &rxvt_display::x_cb > (this);
+ flush_ev.set<rxvt_display, &rxvt_display::flush_cb> (this);
+rxvt_display::get_resources (bool refresh)
+ char *homedir = getenv ("HOME");
+ char fname[1024];
+ /*
+ * get resources using the X library function
+ */
+ char *displayResource, *xe;
+ XrmDatabase rdb1, database = 0;
+ /* work around a bug in XrmSetDatabase where it frees the db, see ref_next */
+ database = XrmGetStringDatabase ("");
+ // for ordering, see for example Subject: 20
+ // as opposed to "standard practise", we always read in ~/.Xdefaults
+ // 6. System wide per application default file.
+ /* Add in $XAPPLRESDIR/Rxvt only; not bothering with XUSERFILESEARCHPATH */
+ if ((xe = getenv ("XAPPLRESDIR")))
+ {
+ snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/%s", xe, RESCLASS);
+ if ((rdb1 = XrmGetFileDatabase (fname)))
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ }
+ // 5. User's per application default file.
+ // none
+ // 4. User's defaults file.
+ if (homedir)
+ {
+ snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/.Xdefaults", homedir);
+ if ((rdb1 = XrmGetFileDatabase (fname)))
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ }
+ /* Get any Xserver defaults */
+ if (refresh)
+ {
+ // fucking xlib keeps a copy of the rm string
+ Atom actual_type;
+ int actual_format;
+ unsigned long nitems, nremaining;
+ char *val = 0;
+ if (dpy->xdefaults)
+ XFree (dpy->xdefaults);
+ if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, 0), XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER,
+ 0L, 100000000L, False,
+ XA_STRING, &actual_type, &actual_format,
+ &nitems, &nremaining,
+ (unsigned char **)&val) == Success
+ && actual_type == XA_STRING
+ && actual_format == 8)
+ displayResource = val;
+ else
+ {
+ displayResource = 0;
+ if (val)
+ XFree (val);
+ }
+ dpy->xdefaults = displayResource;
+ }
+ else
+ displayResource = XResourceManagerString (dpy);
+ if (displayResource)
+ {
+ if ((rdb1 = XrmGetStringDatabase (displayResource)))
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ }
+ if (refresh && displayResource)
+ XFree (displayResource);
+ /* Get screen specific resources */
+ displayResource = XScreenResourceString (ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, screen));
+ if (displayResource)
+ {
+ if ((rdb1 = XrmGetStringDatabase (displayResource)))
+ /* Merge with screen-independent resources */
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ XFree (displayResource);
+ }
+ // 3. User's per host defaults file
+ /* Add in XENVIRONMENT file */
+ if ((xe = getenv ("XENVIRONMENT"))
+ && (rdb1 = XrmGetFileDatabase (xe)))
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ else if (homedir)
+ {
+ struct utsname un;
+ if (!uname (&un))
+ {
+ snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/.Xdefaults-%s", homedir, un.nodename);
+ if ((rdb1 = XrmGetFileDatabase (fname)))
+ XrmMergeDatabases (rdb1, &database);
+ }
+ }
+ return database;
+bool rxvt_display::ref_init ()
+ if (id[0] == ':')
+ {
+ char *val = rxvt_temp_buf<char> (5 + strlen (id) + 1);
+ strcpy (val, "unix/");
+ strcat (val, id);
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay (val);
+ }
+ else
+ dpy = 0;
+ if (!dpy)
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay (id);
+ if (!dpy)
+ return false;
+ screen = DefaultScreen (dpy);
+ root = DefaultRootWindow (dpy);
+ assert (ecb_array_length (xa_names) == NUM_XA);
+ XInternAtoms (dpy, (char **)xa_names, NUM_XA, False, xa);
+ XrmSetDatabase (dpy, get_resources (false));
+ XColor blackcolour;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ Font f = XLoadFont (dpy, "fixed");
+ blank_cursor = XCreateGlyphCursor (dpy, f, f, ' ', ' ',
+ &blackcolour, &blackcolour);
+ XUnloadFont (dpy, f);
+ flags = 0;
+ int major, minor;
+ if (XRenderQueryVersion (dpy, &major, &minor))
+ if (major > 0 || (major == 0 && minor >= 11))
+ {
+ if (XFilters *filters = XRenderQueryFilters (dpy, root))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < filters->nfilter; i++)
+ if (!strcmp (filters->filter [i], FilterConvolution))
+ XFree (filters);
+ }
+ }
+ int fd = XConnectionNumber (dpy);
+ // try to detect whether we have a local connection.
+ // assume unix domain socket == local, everything else not
+ // TODO: might want to check for inet/
+ is_local = 0;
+ sockaddr_un sa;
+ socklen_t sl = sizeof (sa);
+ if (!getsockname (fd, (sockaddr *)&sa, &sl))
+ is_local = sa.sun_family == AF_UNIX;
+ flush_ev.start ();
+ x_ev.start (fd, ev::READ);
+ fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ XSelectInput (dpy, root, PropertyChangeMask);
+ flush ();
+ return true;
+rxvt_display::ref_next ()
+ // TODO: somehow check whether the database files/resources changed
+ // before affording re-loading/parsing
+ XrmDestroyDatabase (XrmGetDatabase (dpy));
+ /* work around a bug in XrmSetDatabase where it frees the db */
+ dpy->db = 0;
+ XrmSetDatabase (dpy, get_resources (true));
+rxvt_display::~rxvt_display ()
+ if (!dpy)
+ return;
+ XFreeCursor (dpy, blank_cursor);
+ x_ev.stop ();
+ flush_ev.stop ();
+#if USE_XIM
+ xims.clear ();
+ XrmDestroyDatabase (XrmGetDatabase (dpy));
+ XCloseDisplay (dpy);
+#if USE_XIM
+void rxvt_display::im_change_cb ()
+ for (im_watcher **i = imw.begin (); i != imw.end (); ++i)
+ (*i)->call ();
+void rxvt_display::im_change_check ()
+ // try to only call im_change_cb when a new input method
+ // registers, as xlib crashes due to a race otherwise.
+ Atom actual_type, *atoms;
+ int actual_format;
+ unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
+ if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, root, xa[XA_XIM_SERVERS], 0L, 1000000L,
+ False, XA_ATOM, &actual_type, &actual_format,
+ &nitems, &bytes_after, (unsigned char **)&atoms)
+ != Success)
+ return;
+ if (actual_type == XA_ATOM && actual_format == 32)
+ for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
+ if (XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atoms[i]))
+ {
+ im_change_cb ();
+ break;
+ }
+ XFree (atoms);
+void rxvt_display::x_cb (ev::io &w, int revents)
+ flush_ev.start ();
+void rxvt_display::flush_cb (ev::prepare &w, int revents)
+ while (XEventsQueued (dpy, QueuedAfterFlush))
+ do
+ {
+ XEvent xev;
+ XNextEvent (dpy, &xev);
+#if USE_XIM
+ if (!XFilterEvent (&xev, None))
+ {
+ if (xev.type == PropertyNotify
+ && xev.xany.window == root
+ && xev.xproperty.atom == xa[XA_XIM_SERVERS])
+ im_change_check ();
+ if (xev.type == MappingNotify)
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping (&xev.xmapping);
+ for (int i = xw.size (); i--; )
+ {
+ if (!xw[i])
+ xw.erase_unordered (i);
+ else if (xw[i]->window == xev.xany.window)
+ xw[i]->call (xev);
+ }
+#if USE_XIM
+ }
+ }
+ while (XEventsQueued (dpy, QueuedAlready));
+ w.stop ();
+void rxvt_display::reg (xevent_watcher *w)
+ if (!w->active)
+ {
+ xw.push_back (w);
+ w->active = xw.size ();
+ }
+void rxvt_display::unreg (xevent_watcher *w)
+ if (w->active)
+ {
+ xw[w->active - 1] = 0;
+ w->active = 0;
+ }
+void rxvt_display::set_selection_owner (rxvt_term *owner, bool clipboard)
+ rxvt_term * &cur_owner = !clipboard ? selection_owner : clipboard_owner;
+ if (cur_owner && cur_owner != owner)
+ {
+ rxvt_term *term = cur_owner;
+ term->selection_clear (clipboard);
+ term->flush ();
+ }
+ cur_owner = owner;
+#if USE_XIM
+void rxvt_display::reg (im_watcher *w)
+ imw.push_back (w);
+void rxvt_display::unreg (im_watcher *w)
+ imw.erase (find (imw.begin (), imw.end (), w));
+rxvt_xim *rxvt_display::get_xim (const char *locale, const char *modifiers)
+ char *id;
+ int l, m;
+ l = strlen (locale);
+ m = strlen (modifiers);
+ if (!(id = rxvt_temp_buf<char> (l + m + 2)))
+ return 0;
+ memcpy (id, locale, l); id[l] = '\n';
+ memcpy (id + l + 1, modifiers, m); id[l + m + 1] = 0;
+ rxvt_xim *xim = xims.get (id);
+ return xim;
+void rxvt_display::put_xim (rxvt_xim *xim)
+ xims.put (xim);
+# endif
+Atom rxvt_display::atom (const char *name)
+ return XInternAtom (dpy, name, False);
+rxvt_display::get_pixmap_property (Atom property)
+ Pixmap pixmap = None;
+ int aformat;
+ unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
+ Atom atype;
+ unsigned char *prop;
+ int result = XGetWindowProperty (dpy, root, property,
+ 0L, 1L, False, XA_PIXMAP, &atype, &aformat,
+ &nitems, &bytes_after, &prop);
+ if (result == Success)
+ {
+ if (atype == XA_PIXMAP)
+ pixmap = *(Pixmap *)prop;
+ XFree (prop);
+ }
+ return pixmap;
+template class refcache<rxvt_display>;
+refcache<rxvt_display> displays;
+static unsigned int
+insert_component (unsigned int value, unsigned int mask, unsigned int shift)
+ return (value * (mask + 1) >> 16) << shift;
+rxvt_color::alloc (rxvt_screen *screen, const rgba &color)
+ //TODO: only supports 24 bit
+ unsigned int alpha = color.a >= 0xff00 ? 0xffff : color.a;
+#if XFT
+ XRenderPictFormat *format;
+ // not needed by XftColorAlloc, but by the other paths (ours
+ // and fallback), so just set all components here.
+ = color.r;
+ = color.g;
+ = color.b;
+ c.color.alpha = alpha;
+ // FUCKING Xft gets it wrong, of course, so work around it.
+ // Transparency users should eat shit and die, and then
+ // XRenderQueryPictIndexValues themselves plenty.
+ if ((screen->visual->c_class == TrueColor)
+ && (format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (screen->dpy, screen->visual)))
+ {
+ // the fun lies in doing everything manually...
+ // Xft wants premultiplied alpha, but abuses the alpha channel
+ // as blend factor, and doesn't allow us to set the alpha channel
+ = * alpha / 0xffff;
+ = * alpha / 0xffff;
+ = * alpha / 0xffff;
+ c.pixel = insert_component ( , format->direct.redMask , format-> )
+ | insert_component (, format->direct.greenMask, format->
+ | insert_component ( , format->direct.blueMask , format-> )
+ | insert_component (alpha , format->direct.alphaMask, format->direct.alpha);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XRenderColor d;
+ = color.r;
+ = color.g;
+ = color.b;
+ d.alpha = alpha;
+ // XftColorAlloc always returns 100% transparent pixels(!)
+ if (XftColorAllocValue (screen->dpy, screen->visual, screen->cmap, &d, &c))
+ return true;
+ }
+ = color.r;
+ = color.g;
+ = color.b;
+ if (screen->visual->c_class == TrueColor)
+ {
+ c.pixel = (color.r >> (16 - ecb_popcount32 (screen->visual->red_mask )) << ecb_ctz32 (screen->visual->red_mask ))
+ | (color.g >> (16 - ecb_popcount32 (screen->visual->green_mask)) << ecb_ctz32 (screen->visual->green_mask))
+ | (color.b >> (16 - ecb_popcount32 (screen->visual->blue_mask )) << ecb_ctz32 (screen->visual->blue_mask ));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (XAllocColor (screen->dpy, screen->cmap, &c))
+ return true;
+ c.pixel = (color.r * 2 + color.g * 3 + color.b) >= 0x8000 * 6
+ ? WhitePixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (screen->dpy))
+ : BlackPixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (screen->dpy));
+ return false;
+rxvt_color::set (rxvt_screen *screen, const char *name)
+ rgba c;
+ char eos;
+ int skip = 0;
+ c.a = rgba::MAX_CC;
+ // parse the nonstandard "[alphapercent]" prefix
+ if (1 <= sscanf (name, "[%hd]%n", &c.a, &skip))
+ {
+ c.a = lerp<int, int, int> (0, rgba::MAX_CC, c.a);
+ name += skip;
+ }
+ // parse the non-standard "rgba:rrrr/gggg/bbbb/aaaa" format
+ if (strlen (name) != 4+5*4 || 4 != sscanf (name, "rgba:%4hx/%4hx/%4hx/%4hx%c", &c.r, &c.g, &c.b, &c.a, &eos))
+ {
+ XColor xc;
+ if (XParseColor (screen->dpy, screen->cmap, name, &xc))
+ {
+ c.r =;
+ c.g =;
+ c.b =;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c.r = 0xffff;
+ c.g = 0x6969;
+ c.b = 0xb4b4;
+ rxvt_warn ("unable to parse color '%s', using pink instead.\n", name);
+ }
+ }
+ return set (screen, c);
+rxvt_color::set (rxvt_screen *screen, const rgba &color)
+ bool got = alloc (screen, color);
+ int cmap_size = screen->visual->map_entries;
+ if (!got
+ && screen->visual->c_class == PseudoColor
+ && cmap_size < 4096)
+ {
+ XColor *colors = new XColor [screen->visual->map_entries];
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmap_size; i++)
+ colors [i].pixel = i;
+ // many kilobytes transfer per colour, but pseudocolor isn't worth
+ // many extra optimisations.
+ XQueryColors (screen->dpy, screen->cmap, colors, cmap_size);
+ while (cmap_size)
+ {
+ int diff = 0x7fffffffL;
+ XColor *best = colors;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmap_size; i++)
+ {
+ // simple weighted rgb distance sucks, but keeps it simple
+ int d = abs (color.r - colors [i].red ) * 2
+ + abs (color.g - colors [i].green) * 3
+ + abs (color.b - colors [i].blue );
+ if (d < diff)
+ {
+ diff = d;
+ best = colors + i;
+ }
+ }
+ //rxvt_warn ("could not allocate %04x %04x %04x, getting %04x %04x %04x instead (%d,%d)\n",
+ // color.r, color.g, color.b, best->red, best->green, best->blue, diff, best - colors);
+ got = alloc (screen, rgba (best->red, best->green, best->blue));
+ if (got)
+ break;
+ *best = colors [--cmap_size];
+ }
+ delete [] colors;
+ }
+ return got;
+rxvt_color::get (rgba &color) const
+#if XFT
+ color.r =;
+ color.g =;
+ color.b =;
+ color.a = c.color.alpha;
+ if (IN_RANGE_INC (color.a, 0x0001, 0xfffe))
+ {
+ color.r = color.r * 0xffff / color.a;
+ color.g = color.g * 0xffff / color.a;
+ color.b = color.b * 0xffff / color.a;
+ }
+ color.r =;
+ color.g =;
+ color.b =;
+ color.a = rgba::MAX_CC;
+rxvt_color::get (XColor &color) const
+ rgba c;
+ get (c);
+ = c.r;
+ = c.g;
+ = c.b;
+ color.pixel = (Pixel)*this;
+rxvt_color::free (rxvt_screen *screen)
+ if (screen->visual->c_class == TrueColor)
+ return; // nothing to do
+#if XFT
+ XftColorFree (screen->dpy, screen->visual, screen->cmap, &c);
+ XFreeColors (screen->dpy, screen->cmap, &c.pixel, 1, AllPlanes);
+rxvt_color::fade (rxvt_screen *screen, int percent, rxvt_color &result, const rgba &to)
+ rgba c;
+ get (c);
+ result.set (
+ screen,
+ rgba (
+ lerp (c.r, to.r, percent),
+ lerp (c.g, to.g, percent),
+ lerp (c.b, to.b, percent),
+ lerp (c.a, to.a, percent)
+ )
+ );
+rxvt_selection::rxvt_selection (rxvt_display *disp, int selnum, Time tm, Window win, Atom prop, rxvt_term *term)
+: display (disp), request_time (tm), request_win (win), request_prop (prop), term (term)
+ assert (selnum >= Sel_Primary && selnum <= Sel_Clipboard);
+ timer_ev.set<rxvt_selection, &rxvt_selection::timer_cb> (this);
+ timer_ev.repeat = 10.;
+ x_ev.set<rxvt_selection, &rxvt_selection::x_cb> (this);
+ incr_buf = 0;
+ incr_buf_size = incr_buf_fill = 0;
+ selection_wait = Sel_normal;
+ selection_type = selnum;
+ cb_sv = 0;
+rxvt_selection::stop ()
+ free (incr_buf);
+ incr_buf = 0;
+ timer_ev.stop ();
+ x_ev.stop (display);
+rxvt_selection::~rxvt_selection ()
+ stop ();
+rxvt_selection::run ()
+ int selnum = selection_type;
+ if (selnum == Sel_Primary && display->selection_owner)
+ {
+ /* internal selection */
+ char *str = rxvt_wcstombs (display->selection_owner->selection.text, display->selection_owner->selection.len);
+ finish (str, strlen (str));
+ free (str);
+ return;
+ }
+ selection_type = Sel_UTF8String;
+ if (request (display->xa[XA_UTF8_STRING], selnum))
+ return;
+ selection_type = Sel_CompoundText;
+ if (request (display->xa[XA_COMPOUND_TEXT], selnum))
+ return;
+ // fallback to CUT_BUFFER0 if the requested property has no owner
+ handle_selection (display->root, XA_CUT_BUFFER0, false);
+rxvt_selection::finish (char *data, unsigned int len)
+ if (!cb_sv)
+ {
+ if (data)
+ term->paste (data, len);
+ term->selection_req = 0;
+ delete this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stop (); // we do not really trust perl callbacks
+ rxvt_perl.selection_finish (this, data, len);
+ }
+rxvt_selection::request (Atom target, int selnum)
+ Atom sel;
+ selection_type |= selnum;
+ if (selnum == Sel_Primary)
+ sel = XA_PRIMARY;
+ else if (selnum == Sel_Secondary)
+ else
+ sel = display->xa[XA_CLIPBOARD];
+ if (XGetSelectionOwner (display->dpy, sel) != None)
+ {
+ XConvertSelection (display->dpy, sel, target, request_prop,
+ request_win, request_time);
+ x_ev.start (display, request_win);
+ timer_ev.again ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+rxvt_selection::handle_selection (Window win, Atom prop, bool delete_prop)
+ Display *dpy = display->dpy;
+ char *data = 0;
+ unsigned int data_len = 0;
+ unsigned long bytes_after;
+ XTextProperty ct;
+ // check for failed XConvertSelection
+ if (prop == None)
+ {
+ bool error = true;
+ int selnum = selection_type & Sel_whereMask;
+ if (selection_type & Sel_CompoundText)
+ {
+ selection_type = 0;
+ error = !request (XA_STRING, selnum);
+ }
+ if (selection_type & Sel_UTF8String)
+ {
+ selection_type = Sel_CompoundText;
+ error = !request (display->xa[XA_COMPOUND_TEXT], selnum);
+ }
+ if (error)
+ {
+ ct.value = 0;
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // length == (2^31 - 1) / 4, as gdk
+ if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, win, prop,
+ 0, 0x1fffffff,
+ delete_prop, AnyPropertyType,
+ &ct.encoding, &ct.format,
+ &ct.nitems, &bytes_after,
+ &ct.value) != Success)
+ {
+ ct.value = 0;
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if (ct.encoding == None)
+ goto bailout;
+ if (ct.value == 0)
+ goto bailout;
+ if (ct.encoding == display->xa[XA_INCR])
+ {
+ // INCR selection, start handshake
+ if (!delete_prop)
+ XDeleteProperty (dpy, win, prop);
+ selection_wait = Sel_incr;
+ timer_ev.again ();
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if (ct.nitems == 0)
+ {
+ if (selection_wait == Sel_incr)
+ {
+ XFree (ct.value);
+ // finally complete, now paste the whole thing
+ selection_wait = Sel_normal;
+ ct.value = (unsigned char *)incr_buf;
+ ct.nitems = incr_buf_fill;
+ incr_buf = 0;
+ timer_ev.stop ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // avoid recursion
+ if (win != display->root || prop != XA_CUT_BUFFER0)
+ {
+ XFree (ct.value);
+ // fallback to CUT_BUFFER0 if the requested property
+ // has an owner but is empty
+ handle_selection (display->root, XA_CUT_BUFFER0, False);
+ return;
+ }
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (selection_wait == Sel_incr)
+ {
+ timer_ev.again ();
+ while (incr_buf_fill + ct.nitems > incr_buf_size)
+ {
+ incr_buf_size = incr_buf_size ? incr_buf_size * 2 : 128*1024;
+ incr_buf = (char *)rxvt_realloc (incr_buf, incr_buf_size);
+ }
+ memcpy (incr_buf + incr_buf_fill, ct.value, ct.nitems);
+ incr_buf_fill += ct.nitems;
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ char **cl;
+ int cr;
+ // we honour the first item only
+ // xlib is horribly broken with respect to UTF8_STRING, and nobody cares to fix it
+ // so recode it manually
+ if (ct.encoding == display->xa[XA_UTF8_STRING])
+ {
+ wchar_t *w = rxvt_utf8towcs ((const char *)ct.value, ct.nitems);
+ data = rxvt_wcstombs (w);
+ free (w);
+ }
+ else
+ if (XmbTextPropertyToTextList (dpy, &ct, &cl, &cr) >= 0
+ && cl)
+ {
+ data = strdup (cl[0]);
+ XFreeStringList (cl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // paste raw
+ data = strdup ((const char *)ct.value);
+ }
+ data_len = strlen (data);
+ XFree (ct.value);
+ if (selection_wait == Sel_normal)
+ {
+ finish (data, data_len);
+ free (data);
+ }
+rxvt_selection::timer_cb (ev::timer &w, int revents)
+ if (selection_wait == Sel_incr)
+ rxvt_warn ("data loss: timeout on INCR selection paste, ignoring.\n");
+ finish ();
+rxvt_selection::x_cb (XEvent &xev)
+ switch (xev.type)
+ {
+ case PropertyNotify:
+ if (selection_wait == Sel_incr
+ && xev.xproperty.atom == request_prop
+ && xev.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue)
+ handle_selection (xev.xproperty.window, xev.xproperty.atom, true);
+ break;
+ case SelectionNotify:
+ if (selection_wait == Sel_normal
+ && xev.xselection.time == request_time)
+ {
+ timer_ev.stop ();
+ handle_selection (xev.xselection.requestor,, true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }