path: root/src
diff options
authorsf-exg <sf-exg>2015-03-17 09:25:16 +0000
committersf-exg <sf-exg>2015-03-17 09:25:16 +0000
commit44d318546fd8869fd6d27193c770fddc83ffc8f4 (patch)
treeef3b6fb0881e4a8c8233b564e5bc003e4ffb33cf /src
parentb9c6cb17162c7703f1e7565e753c37ea6bfe5926 (diff)
Add support in matcher to cycle through the matches with a key combination bound to 'matcher:select'.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/perl/matcher b/src/perl/matcher
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d991d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/perl/matcher
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+#! perl
+# Author: Tim Pope <>
+# Bob Farrell <>
+# Emanuele Giaquinta
+#:META:RESOURCE:%.launcher:string:default launcher command
+#:META:RESOURCE:%.button:string:the mouse button used to activate a match
+#:META:RESOURCE:%.pattern.:string:extra pattern to match
+#:META:RESOURCE:%.launcher.:string:custom launcher for pattern
+#:META:RESOURCE:%.rend.:string:custom rendition for pattern
+=head1 NAME
+matcher - match strings in terminal output and change their rendition
+Uses per-line display filtering (C<on_line_update>) to underline text
+matching a certain pattern and make it clickable. When clicked with the
+mouse button specified in the C<matcher.button> resource (default 2, or
+middle), the program specified in the C<matcher.launcher> resource
+(default, the C<url-launcher> resource, C<sensible-browser>) will be started
+with the matched text as first argument. The default configuration is
+suitable for matching URLs and launching a web browser, like the
+former "mark-urls" extension.
+The default pattern to match URLs can be overridden with the
+C<matcher.pattern.0> resource, and additional patterns can be specified
+with numbered patterns, in a manner similar to the "selection" extension.
+The launcher can also be overridden on a per-pattern basis.
+It is possible to activate the most recently seen match or a list of matches
+from the keyboard. Simply bind a keysym to "matcher:last" or
+"matcher:list" as seen in the example below.
+The C<matcher:select> action enables a mode in which it is possible to
+iterate over the matches using the keyboard and either activate them
+or copy them to the clipboard. While the mode is active, normal terminal
+input/output is suspended and the following bindings are recognized:
+=over 4
+=item C<Up>
+Search for a match upwards.
+=item C<Down>
+Search for a match downwards.
+=item C<Home>
+Jump to the topmost match.
+=item C<End>
+Jump to the bottommost match.
+=item C<Escape>
+Leave the mode and return to the point where search was started.
+=item C<Enter>
+Activate the current match.
+=item C<y>
+Copy the current match to the clipboard.
+It is also possible to cycle through the matches using a key
+combination bound to the C<matcher:select> action.
+Example: load and use the matcher extension with defaults.
+ URxvt.perl-ext: default,matcher
+Example: use a custom configuration.
+ URxvt.url-launcher: sensible-browser
+ URxvt.keysym.C-Delete: matcher:last
+ URxvt.keysym.M-Delete: matcher:list
+ URxvt.matcher.button: 1
+ URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]+\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
+ URxvt.matcher.pattern.2: \\B(/\\S+?):(\\d+)(?=:|$)
+ URxvt.matcher.launcher.2: gvim +$2 $1
+my $url =
+ qr{
+ (?:https?://|ftp://|news://|mailto:|file://|\bwww\.)
+ [\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$.+!*\x27,~#]*
+ (
+ \([\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$.+!*\x27,~#]*\)| # Allow a pair of matched parentheses
+ [\w\-\@;\/?:&=%\$+*~] # exclude some trailing characters (heuristic)
+ )+
+ }x;
+sub matchlist_key_press {
+ my ($self, $event, $keysym, $octets) = @_;
+ delete $self->{overlay};
+ $self->disable ("key_press");
+ my $i = ($keysym == 96 ? 0 : $keysym - 48);
+ if ($i >= 0 && $i < @{ $self->{matches} }) {
+ my @exec = @{ $self->{matches}[$i] };
+ $self->exec_async (@exec[5 .. $#exec]);
+ }
+ 1
+# backwards compat
+sub on_user_command {
+ my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq "matcher:list") {
+ $self->matchlist;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq "matcher:last") {
+ $self->most_recent;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq "matcher:select") {
+ $self->select_enter;
+ } elsif ($cmd eq "matcher") {
+ # for backward compatibility
+ $self->most_recent;
+ }
+ ()
+sub on_action {
+ my ($self, $action) = @_;
+ if ($action eq "list") {
+ $self->matchlist;
+ } elsif ($action eq "last") {
+ $self->most_recent;
+ } elsif ($action eq "select") {
+ $self->select_enter;
+ }
+ ()
+sub matchlist {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{matches} = [];
+ my $row = $self->nrow - 1;
+ while ($row >= 0 && @{ $self->{matches} } < 10) {
+ my $line = $self->line ($row);
+ my @matches = $self->find_matches ($row);
+ for (sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] or $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @matches) {
+ push @{ $self->{matches} }, $_;
+ last if @{ $self->{matches} } == 10;
+ }
+ $row = $line->beg - 1;
+ }
+ return unless @{ $self->{matches} };
+ my $width = 0;
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $match (@{ $self->{matches} }) {
+ my $text = $match->[4];
+ my $w = $self->strwidth ("$i-$text");
+ $width = $w if $w > $width;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $width = $self->ncol - 2 if $width > $self->ncol - 2;
+ $self->{overlay} = $self->overlay (0, 0, $width, scalar (@{ $self->{matches} }), urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE, 2);
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $match (@{ $self->{matches} }) {
+ my $text = $match->[4];
+ $self->{overlay}->set (0, $i, "$i-$text");
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $self->enable (key_press => \&matchlist_key_press);
+sub most_recent {
+ my ($self) = shift;
+ my $row = $self->nrow - 1;
+ my @exec;
+ while ($row >= $self->top_row) {
+ my $line = $self->line ($row);
+ @exec = $self->command_for($row);
+ last if(@exec);
+ $row = $line->beg - 1;
+ }
+ if(@exec) {
+ return $self->exec_async (@exec);
+ }
+ ()
+sub my_resource {
+ $_[0]->x_resource ("%.$_[1]")
+# turn a rendition spec in the resource into a sub that implements it on $_
+sub parse_rend {
+ my ($self, $str) = @_;
+ my ($mask, $fg, $bg, $failed) = $str ? urxvt::rend2mask($str)
+ : (urxvt::RS_Uline, undef, undef, []);
+ warn "Failed to parse rendition string: " . join(',', @$failed) if @$failed;
+ my @rend;
+ push @rend, sub { $_ |= $mask } if $mask;
+ push @rend, sub { $_ = urxvt::SET_FGCOLOR($_, $fg) } if defined $fg;
+ push @rend, sub { $_ = urxvt::SET_BGCOLOR($_, $bg) } if defined $bg;
+ sub {
+ for my $s ( @rend ) { &$s };
+ }
+sub on_start {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{launcher} = $self->my_resource ("launcher") || $self->x_resource("url-launcher") || "sensible-browser";
+ $self->{button} = 2;
+ $self->{state} = 0;
+ if($self->{argv}[0] || $self->my_resource ("button")) {
+ my @mods = split '', $self->{argv}[0] || $self->my_resource ("button");
+ for my $mod (@mods) {
+ if($mod =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $self->{button} = $mod;
+ } elsif($mod eq "C") {
+ $self->{state} |= urxvt::ControlMask;
+ } elsif($mod eq "S") {
+ $self->{state} |= urxvt::ShiftMask;
+ } elsif($mod eq "M") {
+ $self->{state} |= $self->ModMetaMask;
+ } elsif($mod ne "-" && $mod ne " ") {
+ warn("$mod is invalid in $self->{_name}<$self->{argv}[0]>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @defaults = ($url);
+ my @matchers;
+ for (my $idx = 0; defined (my $res = $self->my_resource ("pattern.$idx") || $defaults[$idx]); $idx++) {
+ $res = $self->locale_decode ($res);
+ utf8::encode $res;
+ my $launcher = $self->my_resource ("launcher.$idx");
+ $launcher =~ s/\$&|\$\{&\}/\${0}/g if $launcher;
+ my $rend = $self->parse_rend($self->my_resource ("rend.$idx"));
+ unshift @matchers, [qr($res)x,$launcher,$rend];
+ }
+ $self->{matchers} = \@matchers;
+ ()
+sub on_line_update {
+ my ($self, $row) = @_;
+ # fetch the line that has changed
+ my $line = $self->line ($row);
+ my $text = $line->t;
+ my $rend;
+ # find all urls (if any)
+ for my $matcher (@{$self->{matchers}}) {
+ while ($text =~ /$matcher->[0]/g) {
+ #print "$&\n";
+ $rend ||= $line->r;
+ # mark all characters as underlined. we _must_ not toggle underline,
+ # as we might get called on an already-marked url.
+ &{$matcher->[2]}
+ for @{$rend}[$-[0] .. $+[0] - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ $line->r ($rend) if $rend;
+ ()
+sub valid_button {
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ my $mask = $self->ModLevel3Mask | $self->ModMetaMask
+ | urxvt::ShiftMask | urxvt::ControlMask;
+ return ($event->{button} == $self->{button} &&
+ ($event->{state} & $mask) == $self->{state});
+sub find_matches {
+ my ($self, $row, $col) = @_;
+ my $line = $self->line ($row);
+ my $text = $line->t;
+ my $off = $line->offset_of ($row, $col) if defined $col;
+ my @matches;
+ for my $matcher (@{$self->{matchers}}) {
+ my $launcher = $matcher->[1] || $self->{launcher};
+ while ($text =~ /$matcher->[0]/g) {
+ my $match = substr $text, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0];
+ my @begin = @-;
+ my @end = @+;
+ my @exec;
+ if (!defined($off) || ($-[0] <= $off && $+[0] >= $off)) {
+ if ($launcher !~ /\$/) {
+ @exec = ($launcher, $match);
+ } else {
+ # It'd be nice to just access a list like ($&,$1,$2...),
+ # but alas, m//g behaves differently in list context.
+ @exec = map { s/\$(\d+)|\$\{(\d+)\}/
+ substr $text, $begin[$1 || $2], $end[$1 || $2] - $begin[$1 || $2]
+ /egx; $_ } split /\s+/, $launcher;
+ }
+ push @matches, [ $line->coord_of ($begin[0]), $line->coord_of ($end[0]), $match, @exec ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @matches;
+sub command_for {
+ my ($self, $row, $col) = @_;
+ my @matches = $self->find_matches ($row, $col);
+ if (@matches) {
+ my @match = @{ $matches[0] };
+ return @match[5 .. $#match];
+ }
+ ()
+sub on_button_press {
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ if($self->valid_button($event)
+ && (my @exec = $self->command_for($event->{row},$event->{col}))) {
+ $self->{row} = $event->{row};
+ $self->{col} = $event->{col};
+ $self->{cmd} = \@exec;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ delete $self->{row};
+ delete $self->{col};
+ delete $self->{cmd};
+ }
+ ()
+sub on_button_release {
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ my $row = delete $self->{row};
+ my $col = delete $self->{col};
+ my $cmd = delete $self->{cmd};
+ return if !defined $row;
+ if($row == $event->{row} && abs($col-$event->{col}) < 2
+ && join("\x00", @$cmd) eq join("\x00", $self->command_for($row,$col))) {
+ if($self->valid_button($event)) {
+ $self->exec_async (@$cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+sub select_enter {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{view_start} = $self->view_start;
+ $self->{pty_ev_events} = $self->pty_ev_events (urxvt::EV_NONE);
+ $self->{cur_row} = $self->nrow - 1;
+ $self->enable (
+ key_press => \&select_key_press,
+ refresh_begin => \&select_refresh,
+ refresh_end => \&select_refresh,
+ );
+ $self->{overlay} = $self->overlay (0, -1, $self->ncol, 1, urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE, 0);
+ $self->{overlay}->set (0, 0, "match-select");
+sub select_leave {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->disable ("key_press", "refresh_begin", "refresh_end");
+ $self->pty_ev_events ($self->{pty_ev_events});
+ delete $self->{overlay};
+ delete $self->{matches};
+ delete $self->{id};
+sub select_search {
+ my ($self, $dir, $row) = @_;
+ while ($self->nrow > $row && $row >= $self->top_row) {
+ my $line = $self->line ($row)
+ or last;
+ my @matches = $self->find_matches ($row);
+ if (@matches) {
+ @matches = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @matches;
+ $self->{matches} = \@matches;
+ $self->{cur_row} = $row;
+ $self->{id} = $dir < 0 ? @{ $self->{matches} } - 1 : 0;
+ $self->view_start (List::Util::min 0, $row - ($self->nrow >> 1));
+ $self->want_refresh;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $row = $dir < 0 ? $line->beg - 1 : $line->end + 1;
+ }
+ $self->scr_bell;
+ ()
+sub select_refresh {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{matches};
+ my $cur = $self->{matches}[$self->{id}];
+ $self->scr_xor_span (@$cur[0 .. 3], urxvt::RS_RVid);
+ ()
+sub select_key_press {
+ my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) = @_;
+ if ($keysym == 0xff0d || $keysym == 0xff8d) { # enter
+ if ($self->{matches}) {
+ my @match = @{ $self->{matches}[$self->{id}] };
+ $self->exec_async (@match[5 .. $#match]);
+ }
+ $self->select_leave;
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0x79) { # y
+ if ($self->{matches}) {
+ $self->selection ($self->{matches}[$self->{id}][4], 1);
+ $self->selection_grab (urxvt::CurrentTime, 1);
+ }
+ $self->select_leave;
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0xff1b) { # escape
+ $self->view_start ($self->{view_start});
+ $self->select_leave;
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0xff50) { # home
+ $self->select_search (+1, $self->top_row)
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0xff57) { # end
+ $self->select_search (-1, $self->nrow - 1)
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0xff52) { # up
+ if ($self->{id} > 0) {
+ $self->{id}--;
+ $self->want_refresh;
+ } else {
+ my $line = $self->line ($self->{cur_row});
+ $self->select_search (-1, $line->beg - 1)
+ if $line->beg > $self->top_row;
+ }
+ } elsif ($keysym == 0xff54) { # down
+ if ($self->{id} < @{ $self->{matches} } - 1) {
+ $self->{id}++;
+ $self->want_refresh;
+ } else {
+ my $line = $self->line ($self->{cur_row});
+ $self->select_search (+1, $line->end + 1)
+ if $line->end < $self->nrow;
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->lookup_keysym ($keysym, $event->{state}) eq "matcher:select") {
+ if ($self->{id} > 0) {
+ $self->{id}--;
+ $self->want_refresh;
+ } else {
+ my $line = $self->line ($self->{cur_row});
+ $self->select_search (-1, $self->nrow - 1)
+ unless $self->select_search (-1, $line->beg - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ 1
+# vim:set sw=3 sts=3 et: