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authorroot <root>2016-05-14 08:28:25 +0000
committerroot <root>2016-05-14 08:28:25 +0000
commita13900490c816a2570522c42cb807615cc943cdd (patch)
parent4fcbbe406aa48688091166e55f2aec57e1db4bbf (diff)
7 files changed, 15364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.FAQ b/README.FAQ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be6ffc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+ Meta, Features & Commandline Issues
+ My question isn't answered here, can I ask a human?
+ Before sending me mail, you could go to IRC: "", channel
+ "#rxvt-unicode" has some rxvt-unicode enthusiasts that might be
+ interested in learning about new and exciting problems (but not FAQs :).
+ I use Gentoo, and I have a problem...
+ There are two big problems with Gentoo Linux: first, most if not all
+ Gentoo systems are completely broken (missing or mismatched header
+ files, broken compiler etc. are just the tip of the iceberg); secondly,
+ it should be called Gentoo GNU/Linux.
+ For these reasons, it is impossible to support rxvt-unicode on Gentoo.
+ Problems appearing on Gentoo systems will usually simply be ignored
+ unless they can be reproduced on non-Gentoo systems.
+ Does it support tabs, can I have a tabbed rxvt-unicode?
+ Beginning with version 7.3, there is a perl extension that implements a
+ simple tabbed terminal. It is installed by default, so any of these
+ should give you tabs:
+ urxvt -pe tabbed
+ URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed
+ It will also work fine with tabbing functionality of many window
+ managers or similar tabbing programs, and its embedding-features allow
+ it to be embedded into other programs, as witnessed by doc/rxvt-tabbed
+ or the upcoming "Gtk2::URxvt" perl module, which features a tabbed urxvt
+ (murxvt) terminal as an example embedding application.
+ How do I know which rxvt-unicode version I'm using?
+ The version number is displayed with the usage (-h). Also the escape
+ sequence "ESC [ 8 n" sets the window title to the version number. When
+ using the urxvtc client, the version displayed is that of the daemon.
+ Rxvt-unicode uses gobs of memory, how can I reduce that?
+ Rxvt-unicode tries to obey the rule of not charging you for something
+ you don't use. One thing you should try is to configure out all settings
+ that you don't need, for example, Xft support is a resource hog by
+ design, when used. Compiling it out ensures that no Xft font will be
+ loaded accidentally when rxvt-unicode tries to find a font for your
+ characters.
+ Also, many people (me included) like large windows and even larger
+ scrollback buffers: Without "--enable-unicode3", rxvt-unicode will use 6
+ bytes per screen cell. For a 160x?? window this amounts to almost a
+ kilobyte per line. A scrollback buffer of 10000 lines will then (if
+ full) use 10 Megabytes of memory. With "--enable-unicode3" it gets
+ worse, as rxvt-unicode then uses 8 bytes per screen cell.
+ How can I start urxvtd in a race-free way?
+ Try "urxvtd -f -o", which tells urxvtd to open the display, create the
+ listening socket and then fork.
+ How can I start urxvtd automatically when I run urxvtc?
+ If you want to start urxvtd automatically whenever you run urxvtc and
+ the daemon isn't running yet, use this script:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ urxvtc "$@"
+ if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
+ urxvtd -q -o -f
+ urxvtc "$@"
+ fi
+ This tries to create a new terminal, and if fails with exit status 2,
+ meaning it couldn't connect to the daemon, it will start the daemon and
+ re-run the command. Subsequent invocations of the script will re-use the
+ existing daemon.
+ How do I distinguish whether I'm running rxvt-unicode or a regular
+xterm? I need this to decide about setting colours etc.
+ The original rxvt and rxvt-unicode always export the variable
+ "COLORTERM", so you can check and see if that is set. Note that several
+ programs, JED, slrn, Midnight Commander automatically check this
+ variable to decide whether or not to use colour.
+ How do I set the correct, full IP address for the DISPLAY variable?
+ If you've compiled rxvt-unicode with DISPLAY_IS_IP and have enabled
+ insecure mode then it is possible to use the following shell script
+ snippets to correctly set the display. If your version of rxvt-unicode
+ wasn't also compiled with ESCZ_ANSWER (as assumed in these snippets)
+ then the COLORTERM variable can be used to distinguish rxvt-unicode from
+ a regular xterm.
+ Courtesy of Chuck Blake <cblake@BBN.COM> with the following shell script
+ snippets:
+ # Bourne/Korn/POSIX family of shells:
+ [ ${TERM:-foo} = foo ] && TERM=xterm # assume an xterm if we don't know
+ if [ ${TERM:-foo} = xterm ]; then
+ stty -icanon -echo min 0 time 15 # see if enhanced rxvt or not
+ printf "\eZ"
+ read term_id
+ stty icanon echo
+ if [ ""${term_id} = '^[[?1;2C' -a ${DISPLAY:-foo} = foo ]; then
+ printf '\e[7n' # query the rxvt we are in for the DISPLAY string
+ read DISPLAY # set it in our local shell
+ fi
+ fi
+ How do I compile the manual pages on my own?
+ You need to have a recent version of perl installed as /usr/bin/perl,
+ one that comes with pod2man, pod2text and pod2xhtml (from Pod::Xhtml).
+ Then go to the doc subdirectory and enter "make alldoc".
+ Isn't rxvt-unicode supposed to be small? Don't all those features bloat?
+ I often get asked about this, and I think, no, they didn't cause extra
+ bloat. If you compare a minimal rxvt and a minimal urxvt, you can see
+ that the urxvt binary is larger (due to some encoding tables always
+ being compiled in), but it actually uses less memory (RSS) after
+ startup. Even with "--disable-everything", this comparison is a bit
+ unfair, as many features unique to urxvt (locale, encoding conversion,
+ iso14755 etc.) are already in use in this mode.
+ text data bss drs rss filename
+ 98398 1664 24 15695 1824 rxvt --disable-everything
+ 188985 9048 66616 18222 1788 urxvt --disable-everything
+ When you "--enable-everything" (which *is* unfair, as this involves xft
+ and full locale/XIM support which are quite bloaty inside libX11 and my
+ libc), the two diverge, but not unreasonably so.
+ text data bss drs rss filename
+ 163431 2152 24 20123 2060 rxvt --enable-everything
+ 1035683 49680 66648 29096 3680 urxvt --enable-everything
+ The very large size of the text section is explained by the east-asian
+ encoding tables, which, if unused, take up disk space but nothing else
+ and can be compiled out unless you rely on X11 core fonts that use those
+ encodings. The BSS size comes from the 64k emergency buffer that my c++
+ compiler allocates (but of course doesn't use unless you are out of
+ memory). Also, using an xft font instead of a core font immediately adds
+ a few megabytes of RSS. Xft indeed is responsible for a lot of RSS even
+ when not used.
+ Of course, due to every character using two or four bytes instead of
+ one, a large scrollback buffer will ultimately make rxvt-unicode use
+ more memory.
+ Compared to e.g. Eterm (5112k), aterm (3132k) and xterm (4680k), this
+ still fares rather well. And compared to some monsters like
+ gnome-terminal (21152k + extra 4204k in separate processes) or konsole
+ (22200k + extra 43180k in daemons that stay around after exit, plus half
+ a minute of startup time, including the hundreds of warnings it spits
+ out), it fares extremely well *g*.
+ Why C++, isn't that unportable/bloated/uncool?
+ Is this a question? :) It comes up very often. The simple answer is: I
+ had to write it, and C++ allowed me to write and maintain it in a
+ fraction of the time and effort (which is a scarce resource for me). Put
+ even shorter: It simply wouldn't exist without C++.
+ My personal stance on this is that C++ is less portable than C, but in
+ the case of rxvt-unicode this hardly matters, as its portability limits
+ are defined by things like X11, pseudo terminals, locale support and
+ unix domain sockets, which are all less portable than C++ itself.
+ Regarding the bloat, see the above question: It's easy to write programs
+ in C that use gobs of memory, and certainly possible to write programs
+ in C++ that don't. C++ also often comes with large libraries, but this
+ is not necessarily the case with GCC. Here is what rxvt links against on
+ my system with a minimal config:
+ => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00002aaaaabc3000)
+ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaaadde000)
+ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaab01d000)
+ /lib64/ (0x00002aaaaaaab000)
+ And here is rxvt-unicode:
+ => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00002aaaaabc3000)
+ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaaada2000)
+ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaaaeb0000)
+ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaab0ee000)
+ /lib64/ (0x00002aaaaaaab000)
+ No large bloated libraries (of course, none were linked in statically),
+ except maybe libX11 :)
+ Rendering, Font & Look and Feel Issues
+ I can't get transparency working, what am I doing wrong?
+ First of all, transparency isn't officially supported in rxvt-unicode,
+ so you are mostly on your own. Do not bug the author about it (but you
+ may bug everybody else). Also, if you can't get it working consider it a
+ rite of passage: ... and you failed.
+ Here are four ways to get transparency. Do read the manpage and option
+ descriptions for the programs mentioned and rxvt-unicode. Really, do it!
+ 1. Use transparent mode:
+ Esetroot wallpaper.jpg
+ urxvt -tr -tint red -sh 40
+ That works. If you think it doesn't, you lack transparency and tinting
+ support, or you are unable to read. This method requires that the
+ background-setting program sets the _XROOTPMAP_ID or ESETROOT_PMAP_ID
+ property. Compatible programs are Esetroot, hsetroot and feh.
+ 2. Use a simple pixmap and emulate pseudo-transparency. This enables you
+ to use effects other than tinting and shading: Just shade/tint/whatever
+ your picture with gimp or any other tool:
+ convert wallpaper.jpg -blur 20x20 -modulate 30 background.jpg
+ urxvt -pixmap "background.jpg;:root"
+ That works. If you think it doesn't, you lack GDK-PixBuf support, or you
+ are unable to read.
+ 3. Use an ARGB visual:
+ urxvt -depth 32 -fg grey90 -bg rgba:0000/0000/4444/cccc
+ This requires XFT support, and the support of your X-server. If that
+ doesn't work for you, blame Xorg and Keith Packard. ARGB visuals aren't
+ there yet, no matter what they claim. Rxvt-Unicode contains the
+ necessary bugfixes and workarounds for Xft and Xlib to make it work, but
+ that doesn't mean that your WM has the required kludges in place.
+ 4. Use xcompmgr and let it do the job:
+ xprop -frame -f _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 32c \
+ -set _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 0xc0000000
+ Then click on a window you want to make transparent. Replace 0xc0000000
+ by other values to change the degree of opacity. If it doesn't work and
+ your server crashes, you got to keep the pieces.
+ Why does rxvt-unicode sometimes leave pixel droppings?
+ Most fonts were not designed for terminal use, which means that
+ character size varies a lot. A font that is otherwise fine for terminal
+ use might contain some characters that are simply too wide. Rxvt-unicode
+ will avoid these characters. For characters that are just "a bit" too
+ wide a special "careful" rendering mode is used that redraws adjacent
+ characters.
+ All of this requires that fonts do not lie about character sizes,
+ however: Xft fonts often draw glyphs larger than their acclaimed
+ bounding box, and rxvt-unicode has no way of detecting this (the correct
+ way is to ask for the character bounding box, which unfortunately is
+ wrong in these cases).
+ It's not clear (to me at least), whether this is a bug in Xft, freetype,
+ or the respective font. If you encounter this problem you might try
+ using the "-lsp" option to give the font more height. If that doesn't
+ work, you might be forced to use a different font.
+ All of this is not a problem when using X11 core fonts, as their
+ bounding box data is correct.
+ How can I keep rxvt-unicode from using reverse video so much?
+ First of all, make sure you are running with the right terminal settings
+ ("TERM=rxvt-unicode"), which will get rid of most of these effects. Then
+ make sure you have specified colours for italic and bold, as otherwise
+ rxvt-unicode might use reverse video to simulate the effect:
+ URxvt.colorBD: white
+ URxvt.colorIT: green
+ Some programs assume totally weird colours (red instead of blue), how can I fix that?
+ For some unexplainable reason, some rare programs assume a very weird
+ colour palette when confronted with a terminal with more than the
+ standard 8 colours (rxvt-unicode supports 88). The right fix is, of
+ course, to fix these programs not to assume non-ISO colours without very
+ good reasons.
+ In the meantime, you can either edit your "rxvt-unicode" terminfo
+ definition to only claim 8 colour support or use "TERM=rxvt", which will
+ fix colours but keep you from using other rxvt-unicode features.
+ Can I switch the fonts at runtime?
+ Yes, using an escape sequence. Try something like this, which has the
+ same effect as using the "-fn" switch, and takes effect immediately:
+ printf '\33]50;%s\007' "9x15bold,xft:Kochi Gothic"
+ This is useful if you e.g. work primarily with japanese (and prefer a
+ japanese font), but you have to switch to chinese temporarily, where
+ japanese fonts would only be in your way.
+ You can think of this as a kind of manual ISO-2022 switching.
+ Why do italic characters look as if clipped?
+ Many fonts have difficulties with italic characters and hinting. For
+ example, the otherwise very nicely hinted font "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans
+ Mono" completely fails in its italic face. A workaround might be to
+ enable freetype autohinting, i.e. like this:
+ URxvt.italicFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:italic:autohint=true
+ URxvt.boldItalicFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:bold:italic:autohint=true
+ Can I speed up Xft rendering somehow?
+ Yes, the most obvious way to speed it up is to avoid Xft entirely, as it
+ is simply slow. If you still want Xft fonts you might try to disable
+ antialiasing (by appending ":antialias=false"), which saves lots of
+ memory and also speeds up rendering considerably.
+ Rxvt-unicode doesn't seem to anti-alias its fonts, what is wrong?
+ Rxvt-unicode will use whatever you specify as a font. If it needs to
+ fall back to its default font search list it will prefer X11 core fonts,
+ because they are small and fast, and then use Xft fonts. It has
+ antialiasing disabled for most of them, because the author thinks they
+ look best that way.
+ If you want antialiasing, you have to specify the fonts manually.
+ What's with this bold/blink stuff?
+ If no bold colour is set via "colorBD:", bold will invert text using the
+ standard foreground colour.
+ For the standard background colour, blinking will actually make the text
+ blink when compiled with "--enable-text-blink". Without
+ "--enable-text-blink", the blink attribute will be ignored.
+ On ANSI colours, bold/blink attributes are used to set high-intensity
+ foreground/background colours.
+ color0-7 are the low-intensity colours.
+ color8-15 are the corresponding high-intensity colours.
+ I don't like the screen colours. How do I change them?
+ You can change the screen colours at run-time using ~/.Xdefaults
+ resources (or as long-options).
+ Here are values that are supposed to resemble a VGA screen, including
+ the murky brown that passes for low-intensity yellow:
+ URxvt.color0: #000000
+ URxvt.color1: #A80000
+ URxvt.color2: #00A800
+ URxvt.color3: #A8A800
+ URxvt.color4: #0000A8
+ URxvt.color5: #A800A8
+ URxvt.color6: #00A8A8
+ URxvt.color7: #A8A8A8
+ URxvt.color8: #000054
+ URxvt.color9: #FF0054
+ URxvt.color10: #00FF54
+ URxvt.color11: #FFFF54
+ URxvt.color12: #0000FF
+ URxvt.color13: #FF00FF
+ URxvt.color14: #00FFFF
+ URxvt.color15: #FFFFFF
+ And here is a more complete set of non-standard colours.
+ URxvt.cursorColor: #dc74d1
+ URxvt.pointerColor: #dc74d1
+ URxvt.background: #0e0e0e
+ URxvt.foreground: #4ad5e1
+ URxvt.color0: #000000
+ URxvt.color8: #8b8f93
+ URxvt.color1: #dc74d1
+ URxvt.color9: #dc74d1
+ URxvt.color2: #0eb8c7
+ URxvt.color10: #0eb8c7
+ URxvt.color3: #dfe37e
+ URxvt.color11: #dfe37e
+ URxvt.color5: #9e88f0
+ URxvt.color13: #9e88f0
+ URxvt.color6: #73f7ff
+ URxvt.color14: #73f7ff
+ URxvt.color7: #e1dddd
+ URxvt.color15: #e1dddd
+ They have been described (not by me) as "pretty girly".
+ Why do some characters look so much different than others?
+ See next entry.
+ How does rxvt-unicode choose fonts?
+ Most fonts do not contain the full range of Unicode, which is fine.
+ Chances are that the font you (or the admin/package maintainer of your
+ system/os) have specified does not cover all the characters you want to
+ display.
+ rxvt-unicode makes a best-effort try at finding a replacement font.
+ Often the result is fine, but sometimes the chosen font looks
+ bad/ugly/wrong. Some fonts have totally strange characters that don't
+ resemble the correct glyph at all, and rxvt-unicode lacks the artificial
+ intelligence to detect that a specific glyph is wrong: it has to believe
+ the font that the characters it claims to contain indeed look correct.
+ In that case, select a font of your taste and add it to the font list,
+ e.g.:
+ urxvt -fn basefont,font2,font3...
+ When rxvt-unicode sees a character, it will first look at the base font.
+ If the base font does not contain the character, it will go to the next
+ font, and so on. Specifying your own fonts will also speed up this
+ search and use less resources within rxvt-unicode and the X-server.
+ The only limitation is that none of the fonts may be larger than the
+ base font, as the base font defines the terminal character cell size,
+ which must be the same due to the way terminals work.
+ Why do some chinese characters look so different than others?
+ This is because there is a difference between script and language --
+ rxvt-unicode does not know which language the text that is output is, as
+ it only knows the unicode character codes. If rxvt-unicode first sees a
+ japanese/chinese character, it might choose a japanese font for display.
+ Subsequent japanese characters will use that font. Now, many chinese
+ characters aren't represented in japanese fonts, so when the first
+ non-japanese character comes up, rxvt-unicode will look for a chinese
+ font -- unfortunately at this point, it will still use the japanese font
+ for chinese characters that are also in the japanese font.
+ The workaround is easy: just tag a chinese font at the end of your font
+ list (see the previous question). The key is to view the font list as a
+ preference list: If you expect more japanese, list a japanese font
+ first. If you expect more chinese, put a chinese font first.
+ In the future it might be possible to switch language preferences at
+ runtime (the internal data structure has no problem with using different
+ fonts for the same character at the same time, but no interface for this
+ has been designed yet).
+ Until then, you might get away with switching fonts at runtime (see "Can
+ I switch the fonts at runtime?" later in this document).
+ How can I make mplayer display video correctly?
+ We are working on it, in the meantime, as a workaround, use something
+ like:
+ urxvt -b 600 -geometry 20x1 -e sh -c 'mplayer -wid $WINDOWID file...'
+ Why is the cursor now blinking in emacs/vi/...?
+ This is likely caused by your editor/program's use of the "cvvis"
+ terminfo capability. Emacs uses it by default, as well as some versions
+ of vi and possibly other programs.
+ In emacs, you can switch that off by adding this to your ".emacs" file:
+ (setq visible-cursor nil)
+ For other programs, if they do not have an option, your have to remove
+ the "cvvis" capability from the terminfo description.
+ When urxvt first added the blinking cursor option, it didn't add a
+ "cvvis" capability, which served no purpose before. Version 9.21
+ introduced "cvvis" (and the ability to control blinking independent of
+ cursor shape) for compatibility with other terminals, which
+ traditionally use a blinking cursor for "cvvis". This also reflects the
+ intent of programs such as emacs, who expect "cvvis" to enable a
+ blinking cursor.
+ Keyboard, Mouse & User Interaction
+ The new selection selects pieces that are too big, how can I select single words?
+ If you want to select e.g. alphanumeric words, you can use the following
+ setting:
+ URxvt.selection.pattern-0: ([[:word:]]+)
+ If you click more than twice, the selection will be extended more and
+ more.
+ To get a selection that is very similar to the old code, try this
+ pattern:
+ URxvt.selection.pattern-0: ([^"&'()*,;<=>?@[\\\\]^`{|})]+)
+ Please also note that the *LeftClick Shift-LeftClick* combination also
+ selects words like the old code.
+ I don't like the new selection/popups/hotkeys/perl, how do I change/disable it?
+ You can disable the perl extension completely by setting the
+ perl-ext-common resource to the empty string, which also keeps
+ rxvt-unicode from initialising perl, saving memory.
+ If you only want to disable specific features, you first have to
+ identify which perl extension is responsible. For this, read the section
+ PREPACKAGED EXTENSIONS in the urxvtperl(3) manpage. For example, to
+ disable the selection-popup and option-popup, specify this
+ perl-ext-common resource:
+ URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,-selection-popup,-option-popup
+ This will keep the default extensions, but disable the two popup
+ extensions. Some extensions can also be configured, for example,
+ scrollback search mode is triggered by M-s. You can move it to any other
+ combination by adding a keysym resource that binds the desired
+ combination to the "start" action of "searchable-scrollback" and another
+ one that binds M-s to the "builtin:" action:
+ URxvt.keysym.CM-s: searchable-scrollback:start
+ URxvt.keysym.M-s: builtin:
+ The cursor moves when selecting text in the current input line, how do I switch this off?
+ See next entry.
+ During rlogin/ssh/telnet/etc. sessions, clicking near the cursor outputs strange escape sequences, how do I fix this?
+ These are caused by the "readline" perl extension. Under normal
+ circumstances, it will move your cursor around when you click into the
+ line that contains it. It tries hard not to do this at the wrong moment,
+ but when running a program that doesn't parse cursor movements or in
+ some cases during rlogin sessions, it fails to detect this properly.
+ You can permanently switch this feature off by disabling the "readline"
+ extension:
+ URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,-readline
+ My numeric keypad acts weird and generates differing output?
+ Some Debian GNU/Linux users seem to have this problem, although no
+ specific details were reported so far. It is possible that this is
+ caused by the wrong "TERM" setting, although the details of whether and
+ how this can happen are unknown, as "TERM=rxvt" should offer a
+ compatible keymap. See the answer to the previous question, and please
+ report if that helped.
+ My Compose (Multi_key) key is no longer working.
+ The most common causes for this are that either your locale is not set
+ correctly, or you specified a preeditType that is not supported by your
+ input method. For example, if you specified OverTheSpot and your input
+ method (e.g. the default input method handling Compose keys) does not
+ support this (for instance because it is not visual), then rxvt-unicode
+ will continue without an input method.
+ In this case either do not specify a preeditType or specify more than
+ one pre-edit style, such as OverTheSpot,Root,None.
+ If it still doesn't work, then maybe your input method doesn't support
+ compose sequences - to fall back to the built-in one, make sure you
+ don't specify an input method via "-im" or "XMODIFIERS".
+ I cannot type "Ctrl-Shift-2" to get an ASCII NUL character due to ISO 14755
+ Either try "Ctrl-2" alone (it often is mapped to ASCII NUL even on
+ international keyboards) or simply use ISO 14755 support to your
+ advantage, typing <Ctrl-Shift-0> to get a ASCII NUL. This works for
+ other codes, too, such as "Ctrl-Shift-1-d" to type the default telnet
+ escape character and so on.
+ Mouse cut/paste suddenly no longer works.
+ Make sure that mouse reporting is actually turned off since killing some
+ editors prematurely may leave it active. I've heard that tcsh may use
+ mouse reporting unless it is otherwise specified. A quick check is to
+ see if cut/paste works when the Alt or Shift keys are pressed.
+ What's with the strange Backspace/Delete key behaviour?
+ Assuming that the physical Backspace key corresponds to the Backspace
+ keysym (not likely for Linux ... see the following question) there are
+ two standard values that can be used for Backspace: "^H" and "^?".
+ Historically, either value is correct, but rxvt-unicode adopts the
+ debian policy of using "^?" when unsure, because it's the one and only
+ correct choice :).
+ It is possible to toggle between "^H" and "^?" with the DECBKM private
+ mode:
+ # use Backspace = ^H
+ $ stty erase ^H
+ $ printf "\e[?67h"
+ # use Backspace = ^?
+ $ stty erase ^?
+ $ printf "\e[?67l"
+ This helps satisfy some of the Backspace discrepancies that occur, but
+ if you use Backspace = "^H", make sure that the termcap/terminfo value
+ properly reflects that.
+ The Delete key is a another casualty of the ill-defined Backspace
+ problem. To avoid confusion between the Backspace and Delete keys, the
+ Delete key has been assigned an escape sequence to match the vt100 for
+ Execute ("ESC [ 3 ~") and is in the supplied termcap/terminfo.
+ Some other Backspace problems:
+ some editors use termcap/terminfo, some editors (vim I'm told) expect
+ Backspace = ^H, GNU Emacs (and Emacs-like editors) use ^H for help.
+ Perhaps someday this will all be resolved in a consistent manner.
+ I don't like the key-bindings. How do I change them?
+ There are some compile-time selections available via configure. Unless
+ you have run "configure" with the "--disable-resources" option you can
+ use the `keysym' resource to alter the keystrings associated with
+ keysyms.
+ Here's an example for a URxvt session started using "urxvt -name URxvt"
+ URxvt.keysym.Prior: \033[5~
+ URxvt.keysym.Next: \033[6~
+ URxvt.keysym.Home: \033[7~
+ URxvt.keysym.End: \033[8~
+ URxvt.keysym.Up: \033[A
+ URxvt.keysym.Down: \033[B
+ URxvt.keysym.Right: \033[C
+ URxvt.keysym.Left: \033[D
+ See some more examples in the documentation for the keysym resource.
+ I'm using keyboard model XXX that has extra Prior/Next/Insert keys. How do I make use of them? For example, the Sun Keyboard type 4 has the following map
+ KP_Insert == Insert
+ F22 == Print
+ F27 == Home
+ F29 == Prior
+ F33 == End
+ F35 == Next
+ Rather than have rxvt-unicode try to accommodate all the various
+ possible keyboard mappings, it is better to use `xmodmap' to remap the
+ keys as required for your particular machine.
+ Terminal Configuration
+ Can I see a typical configuration?
+ The default configuration tries to be xterm-like, which I don't like
+ that much, but it's least surprise to regular users.
+ As a rxvt or rxvt-unicode user, you are practically supposed to invest
+ time into customising your terminal. To get you started, here is the
+ author's .Xdefaults entries, with comments on what they do. It's
+ certainly not *typical*, but what's typical...
+ URxvt.cutchars: "()*,<>[]{}|'
+ URxvt.print-pipe: cat >/tmp/xxx
+ These are just for testing stuff.
+ URxvt.imLocale: ja_JP.UTF-8
+ URxvt.preeditType: OnTheSpot,None
+ This tells rxvt-unicode to use a special locale when communicating with
+ the X Input Method, and also tells it to only use the OnTheSpot pre-edit
+ type, which requires the "xim-onthespot" perl extension but rewards me
+ with correct-looking fonts.
+ URxvt.perl-lib: /root/lib/urxvt
+ URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,selection-autotransform,selection-pastebin,xim-onthespot,remote-clipboard
+ URxvt.selection.pattern-0: ( at .*? line \\d+)
+ URxvt.selection.pattern-1: ^(/[^:]+):\
+ URxvt.selection-autotransform.0: s/^([^:[:space:]]+):(\\d+):?$/:e \\Q$1\\E\\x0d:$2\\x0d/
+ URxvt.selection-autotransform.1: s/^ at (.*?) line (\\d+)$/:e \\Q$1\\E\\x0d:$2\\x0d/
+ This is my perl configuration. The first two set the perl library
+ directory and also tells urxvt to use a large number of extensions. I
+ develop for myself mostly, so I actually use most of the extensions I
+ write.
+ The selection stuff mainly makes the selection perl-error-message aware
+ and tells it to convert perl error messages into vi-commands to load the
+ relevant file and go to the error line number.
+ URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
+ URxvt.secondaryScroll: true
+ As the documentation says: plain is the preferred scrollbar for the
+ author. The "secondaryScroll" configures urxvt to scroll in full-screen
+ apps, like screen, so lines scrolled out of screen end up in urxvt's
+ scrollback buffer.
+ URxvt.background: #000000
+ URxvt.foreground: gray90
+ URxvt.color7: gray90
+ URxvt.colorBD: #ffffff
+ URxvt.cursorColor: #e0e080
+ URxvt.throughColor: #8080f0
+ URxvt.highlightColor: #f0f0f0
+ Some colours. Not sure which ones are being used or even non-defaults,
+ but these are in my .Xdefaults. Most notably, they set
+ foreground/background to light gray/black, and also make sure that the
+ colour 7 matches the default foreground colour.
+ URxvt.underlineColor: yellow
+ Another colour, makes underline lines look different. Sometimes hurts,
+ but is mostly a nice effect.
+ URxvt.geometry: 154x36
+ URxvt.loginShell: false
+ URxvt.meta: ignore
+ URxvt.utmpInhibit: true
+ Uh, well, should be mostly self-explanatory. By specifying some defaults
+ manually, I can quickly switch them for testing.
+ URxvt.saveLines: 8192
+ A large scrollback buffer is essential. Really.
+ URxvt.mapAlert: true
+ The only case I use it is for my IRC window, which I like to keep
+ iconified till people msg me (which beeps).
+ URxvt.visualBell: true
+ The audible bell is often annoying, especially when in a crowd.
+ URxvt.insecure: true
+ Please don't hack my mutt! Ooops...
+ URxvt.pastableTabs: false
+ I once thought this is a great idea.
+ urxvt.font: 9x15bold,\
+ -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1,\
+ -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso10646-1, \
+ [codeset=JISX0208]xft:Kochi Gothic, \
+ xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:autohint=true, \
+ xft:Code2000:antialias=false
+ urxvt.boldFont: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso8859-15
+ urxvt.italicFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:italic:autohint=true
+ urxvt.boldItalicFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:bold:italic:autohint=true
+ I wrote rxvt-unicode to be able to specify fonts exactly. So don't be
+ overwhelmed. A special note: the "9x15bold" mentioned above is actually
+ the version from XFree-3.3, as XFree-4 replaced it by a totally
+ different font (different glyphs for ";" and many other harmless
+ characters), while the second font is actually the "9x15bold" from
+ XFree4/XOrg. The bold version has less chars than the medium version, so
+ I use it for rare characters, too. When editing sources with vim, I use
+ italic for comments and other stuff, which looks quite good with
+ Bitstream Vera anti-aliased.
+ Terminus is a quite bad font (many very wrong glyphs), but for most of
+ my purposes, it works, and gives a different look, as my normal
+ (Non-bold) font is already bold, and I want to see a difference between
+ bold and normal fonts.
+ Please note that I used the "urxvt" instance name and not the "URxvt"
+ class name. That is because I use different configs for different
+ purposes, for example, my IRC window is started with "-name IRC", and
+ uses these defaults:
+ IRC*title: IRC
+ IRC*geometry: 87x12+535+542
+ IRC*saveLines: 0
+ IRC*mapAlert: true
+ IRC*font: suxuseuro
+ IRC*boldFont: suxuseuro
+ IRC*colorBD: white
+ IRC*keysym.M-C-1: command:\033]710;suxuseuro\007\033]711;suxuseuro\007
+ IRC*keysym.M-C-2: command:\033]710;9x15bold\007\033]711;9x15bold\007
+ "Alt-Ctrl-1" and "Alt-Ctrl-2" switch between two different font sizes.
+ "suxuseuro" allows me to keep an eye (and actually read) stuff while
+ keeping a very small window. If somebody pastes something complicated
+ (e.g. japanese), I temporarily switch to a larger font.
+ The above is all in my ".Xdefaults" (I don't use ".Xresources" nor
+ "xrdb"). I also have some resources in a separate ".Xdefaults-hostname"
+ file for different hosts, for example, on my main desktop, I use:
+ URxvt.keysym.C-M-q: command:\033[3;5;5t
+ URxvt.keysym.C-M-y: command:\033[3;5;606t
+ URxvt.keysym.C-M-e: command:\033[3;1605;5t
+ URxvt.keysym.C-M-c: command:\033[3;1605;606t
+ URxvt.keysym.C-M-p: perl:test
+ The first for keysym definitions allow me to quickly bring some windows
+ in the layout I like most. Ion users might start laughing but will stop
+ immediately when I tell them that I use my own Fvwm2 module for much the
+ same effect as Ion provides, and I only very rarely use the above key
+ combinations :->
+ Why doesn't rxvt-unicode read my resources?
+ Well, why, indeed? It does, in a way very similar to other X
+ applications. Most importantly, this means that if you or your OS loads
+ resources into the X display (the right way to do it), rxvt-unicode will
+ ignore any resource files in your home directory. It will only read
+ $HOME/.Xdefaults when no resources are attached to the display.
+ If you have or use an $HOME/.Xresources file, chances are that resources
+ are loaded into your X-server. In this case, you have to re-login after
+ every change (or run xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources).
+ Also consider the form resources have to use:
+ URxvt.resource: value
+ If you want to use another form (there are lots of different ways of
+ specifying resources), make sure you understand whether and why it
+ works. If unsure, use the form above.
+ When I log-in to another system it tells me about missing terminfo data?
+ The terminal description used by rxvt-unicode is not as widely available
+ as that for xterm, or even rxvt (for which the same problem often
+ arises).
+ The correct solution for this problem is to install the terminfo, this
+ can be done by simply installing rxvt-unicode on the remote system as
+ well (in case you have a nice package manager ready), or you can install
+ the terminfo database manually like this (with ncurses infocmp. works as
+ user and root):
+ REMOTE=remotesystem.domain
+ infocmp rxvt-unicode | ssh $REMOTE "mkdir -p .terminfo && cat >/tmp/ti && tic /tmp/ti"
+ One some systems you might need to set $TERMINFO to the full path of
+ $HOME/.terminfo for this to work.
+ If you cannot or do not want to do this, then you can simply set
+ "TERM=rxvt" or even "TERM=xterm", and live with the small number of
+ problems arising, which includes wrong keymapping, less and different
+ colours and some refresh errors in fullscreen applications. It's a nice
+ quick-and-dirty workaround for rare cases, though.
+ If you always want to do this (and are fine with the consequences) you
+ can either recompile rxvt-unicode with the desired TERM value or use a
+ resource to set it:
+ URxvt.termName: rxvt
+ If you don't plan to use rxvt (quite common...) you could also replace
+ the rxvt terminfo file with the rxvt-unicode one and use "TERM=rxvt".
+ nano fails with "Error opening terminal: rxvt-unicode"
+ This exceptionally confusing and useless error message is printed by