BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastermanually derive SafeCopy for Cookie and CookieJartv3 years
ni/mastermigrate to wreq 0.4tv8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2022-07-26manually derive SafeCopy for Cookie and CookieJarHEADmastertv1-4/+11
2021-08-03support decoding "[email protected]" in rrdatatv3-5/+49
2021-08-03env.nix -> shell.nixtv5-50/+86
2021-08-03migrate to GHC 8.10tv3-4/+3
2016-10-22migrate to wreq 0.4ni/mastertv1-2/+2
2016-10-22migrate to GHC 8.0tv3-5/+1
2016-10-22migrate to nixpkgs 16.09tv1-1/+1
2015-02-24use haskell-ngtv1-6/+6
2014-12-27env.nix: ~/.env-home-reduction ref load-env 58f2234tv1-6/+1
2014-11-18Change display order of `list`.tv1-3/+3