# This file should be kept in sync with requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt
# It is particularly required by the Nix environment (see shell.nix). To update versions,
# normally one would run "poetry update --lock"
name = "qmk_firmware"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = []

python = "^3.8"
appdirs = "*"
argcomplete = "*"
colorama = "*"
dotty-dict = "*"
hid = "*"
hjson = "*"
jsonschema = ">=4"
milc = ">=1.4.2"
Pygments = "*"
pyserial = "*"
pyusb = "*"
pillow = "*"

# This dependency is not mentioned in requirements.txt (QMK CLI is not a
# library package that is required by the Python code in qmk_firmware), but is
# required to build a proper nix-shell environment.
qmk = "*"

nose2 = "*"
flake8 = "*"
pep8-naming = "*"
pyflakes = "*"
yapf = "*"

# These dependencies are required by the jsonschema >= 4.11.0 build system, but
# are not detected automatically; they are also not present in the used Nixpkgs
# snapshot, so need to be obtained through Poetry.
hatchling = "*"
hatch-vcs = "*"
hatch-fancy-pypi-readme = "*"

# The `pytest` module in the used Nixpkgs snapshot has an upper bound on the
# `pluggy` dependency, which conflicts with the dependency of the `hatchling`
# module; upgrading the `pytest` module fixes the conflict.
pytest = "*"

# Building the `tomli` module, which is in the dependency tree of `hatchling`,
# requires a newer `flit-core` module than found in the used Nixpkgs snapshot.
flit-core = "*"

# Building `dotty-dict` >= 1.3.1 requires the `poetry-core` module, and the
# version of that module provided by the used Nixpkgs snapshot cannot be built
# on Darwin due to the regex compatibility issue in the old Nixpkgs code
# (https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/4758).
poetry-core = "*"

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"