#ifndef NQN_BASIC_LAYOUT_H #define NQN_BASIC_LAYOUT_H /* This is the basic NQN layout It consists of a block of 5x3, 5x4, 6x3, or 6x4 for each hand. This allows us to use these blocks for a variety of keyboards like the planck, preonic and even splits like the ergodox. You can see that we use some quirky preprocessor defines to achive what we desire. In the future I would like to see qmk taking a more generic approach like the KLL. The naming convention for these blocks is L<LAYER>_<SIDE>_<ROW> The LAYER is a number following the neo2 manner starting at 1 for the base layer, 2 is shift, 3 is for special chars etc. SIDE is, well either the left or right side/half of a keyboard. The ROW is starting from the top, numbering beginning at 1. */ #include "nqn-common.h" /* * * LEFT RIGHT * ,----------------------------------. ,----------------------------------. * 01 | x | v | l | c | w | | k | h | g | f | q | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 02 | u | i | a | e | o | | s | n | r | t | d | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 03 | y | < | # | p | z | | b | m | , | . | j | * `----------------------------------' `----------------------------------' */ #define L01_LEFT_01 KC_X, KC_V, KC_L, KC_C, KC_W #define L01_LEFT_02 KC_U, KC_I, KC_A, KC_E, KC_O #define L01_LEFT_03 N_Y, N_LT, N_HS, KC_P, N_Z #define L01_RIGHT_02 KC_S, KC_N, KC_R, KC_T, KC_D #define L01_RIGHT_01 KC_K, KC_H, KC_G, KC_F, KC_Q #define L01_RIGHT_03 KC_B, KC_M, KC_COMM, KC_DOT, KC_J /* * * LEFT RIGHT * ,----------------------------------. ,----------------------------------. * 01 | … | _ | [ | ] | ^ | | ! | < | > | = | & | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 02 | \ | / | { | } | * | | ? | ( | ) | - | @ | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 03 | # | $ | | | ~ | ` | | + | % | " | ' | ° | * `----------------------------------' `----------------------------------' */ #define L03_LEFT_01 N_DOTS, N_USC, N_LSQBR, N_RSQBR, N_CIRC #define L03_LEFT_02 N_BSLS, N_SLSH, N_LCUBR, N_RCUBR, N_ASTR #define L03_LEFT_03 N_HASH, N_DLR, N_PIPE, N_TILD, N_GRAVE #define L03_RIGHT_01 N_EXKL, N_LT, N_GT, N_EQ, N_AMP #define L03_RIGHT_02 N_QUES, N_LPARN, N_RPARN, N_MINS, N_AT #define L03_RIGHT_03 N_PLUS, N_PERC, N_QUOT, N_SING, N_DEGRE /* * * LEFT RIGHT * ,----------------------------------. ,----------------------------------. * 01 | PAGEU| BACKS| UP | DELET| PAGED| | / | 7 | 8 | 9 | - | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 02 | HOME | LEFT | DOWN | RIGHT| END | | * | 4 | 5 | 6 | + | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 03 | ESC | TAB | INSRT| ENTER| UNDO | | ENTER| 1 | 2 | 3 | , | * `----------------------------------' `----------------------------------' */ #define L04_LEFT_01 KC_PGUP, KC_BSPC, KC_UP, KC_DEL, KC_PGDN #define L04_LEFT_02 KC_HOME, KC_LEFT, KC_DOWN, KC_RIGHT, KC_END #define L04_LEFT_03 KC_ESC, KC_TAB, KC_INS, KC_ENTER, N_UNDO #define L04_RIGHT_01 KC_KP_SLASH, KC_KP_7, KC_KP_8, KC_KP_9, KC_KP_MINUS #define L04_RIGHT_02 KC_KP_ASTERISK, KC_KP_4, KC_KP_5, KC_KP_6, KC_KP_PLUS #define L04_RIGHT_03 KC_KP_ENTER, KC_KP_1, KC_KP_2, KC_KP_3, KC_KP_DOT /* * LEFT RIGHT * ,----------------------------------. ,----------------------------------. * 01 | | | | | | | | | | | | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 02 | ü | | ä | € | ö | | ß | | | | | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 03 | | | | | | | | µ | | | | * `----------------------------------' `----------------------------------' */ #define L05_LEFT_01 _______, _______, _______, _______, _______ #define L05_LEFT_02 N_UE, _______, N_AE, N_EURO, N_OE #define L05_LEFT_03 _______, _______, _______, _______, _______ #define L05_RIGHT_01 _______, _______, _______, _______, _______ #define L05_RIGHT_02 N_SS, _______, _______, _______, _______ #define L05_RIGHT_03 _______, N_MU, _______, _______, _______ /* * * LEFT RIGHT * ,----------------------------------. ,----------------------------------. * 01 | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | | | MAIL | MUSIC| FILES| CALC | PASTE| * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 02 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | | | PREV |PLAY/P| NEXT | STOP | COPY | * |------+------+------+------+------| |------+------+------+------+------| * 03 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | | | PRINT| SCROL| PAUSE| NUMLK| CUT | * `----------------------------------' `----------------------------------' */ #define L06_LEFT_01 KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, _______ #define L06_LEFT_02 KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, _______ #define L06_LEFT_03 KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, _______ #define L06_RIGHT_01 KC_MAIL, KC_MSEL, KC_MY_COMPUTER, KC_CALCULATOR, N_PASTE #define L06_RIGHT_02 KC_MPRV, KC_MPLY, KC_MNXT, KC_MSTP, N_COPY #define L06_RIGHT_03 KC_PSCR, KC_SCRL, KC_PAUS, KC_NUM, N_CUT #endif