# Tap Mods ## Standard Keys | Keycode | Tap | Hold | Description | | -------- | ------- | ----- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | `HY_ESC` | Esc | Hyper | Esc on tap; hyper when held | | `HR_*` | A, O | LGUI | Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad. | | \'\' | R, I, 6 | LALT | Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad. | | \'\' | S, E, 5 | LCTL | Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad. | | \'\' | T, N, 4 | LSFT | Home-row for Colemak mod-DH and right-handed numpad. | ## Layers | Keycode | Tap | Hold | Description | | ------- | ----- | ----- | --------------------------- | | LOWER | -- | Lower | Temporarily activate layer. | | RAISE | -- | Raise | Temporarily activate layer. | | NAV | -- | Nav | Temporarily activate layer. | | LOW_ENT | Enter | Lower | | | LOW_SPC | Space | Lower | | | NAV_SPC | Space | Nav | | | RAI_ENT | Enter | Raise | | | RAI_SPC | Space | Raise | | | RAI_TAB | Tab | Raise | |