#pragma once
  Copyright 2018 Eric Gebhart <e.a.gebhart@gmail.com>

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "core_keys.h"
/* Non-Base Layer Definitions.                                       */
/*                                                                   */
/* Keypads, sympads, funcpads, symbols, RGB, Layers, Controls, etc.  */
/* Qwerty and Bepo versions exist as needed.                         */
/*                                                                   */
/* This file defines every auxillary layer I use on every keyboard   */
/* Ergodox, keebio/viterbi, xd75, rebound, crkbd, morpho, dactyl,..  */
/* The following Transient/Non-Base Layers are provided within.                 */
/* Each layer is named with the size of Keymatrix it has entries for.           */
/* 3x12 or 4x12 are usual for these. Splitting is managed in the macros as      */
/* needed. BP indicates the Bepo equivalent to the Qwerty layer when needed.    */
/*                                                                              */
/* Explore below to see what they all are.                                      */
/* Naming gives the sizes of things, a prefix number is the length.             */
/* BP is the bepo version of things.                                            */
/* BKL is the beakl 15 version of a layout or chunk.                            */
/* C on the end of a name means its a compact version of something.             */
/* Compact meaning for use on a 3 row layout.                                   */
/*                                                                              */
/* TOPROWS - numbers, symbols, functions, all on one layer.                     */
/* ___TOPROWS_3x12___                                                           */
/* ___TOPROWS_BP_3x12___                                                        */
/*    // just numbers on the home row                                           */
/* ___NUM_HOME_BEAKL_3x12___                                                    */
/* ___NUM_HOME_BEAKL_BP_3x12___                                                 */
/* ___NUM_HOME_3x12___                                                          */
/* ___NUM_HOME_BP_3x12___                                                       */
/*                                                                              */
/* KEYPADS/FUNCPADS.                                                            */
/* ___KEY_BKL_FUNC_4x12___   -- The BEAKL15 Keypad with a Funcpad on the right  */
/* ___KEY_BKL_FUNC_BP_4x12___                                                   */
/* ___FUNC_KEYPAD_4x12___    -- A Funcpad and a keypad                          */
/* ___FUNC_KEYPAD_BP_4x12___ -- For Bepo                                        */
/*                                                                              */
/* // Compact Funcpad and keypad, 3x12                                          */
/* ___KP_C_3x12___                                                              */
/* ___KP_C_BP_3x12___                                                           */
/* ___KP_C_BKL_FUNC_3x12___  -- BEAKL key/func pads.                            */
/* ___KP_C_BKL_FUNC_BP_3x12___                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/* SYMBOLS   -Beakl or Beakl extended                                           */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKL_3x12___                                                        */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKL_BP_3x12___                                                     */
/*                                                                              */
/* Beakl extended symbol layer with additional corner symbols.                  */
/* For use with non-beakl base layers.                                          */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKLA_3x12___                                                       */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKLA_BP_3x12___                                                    */
/* For use with vi bindings optimized                                           */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKLB_3x12___                                                       */
/* ___SYMB_BEAKLB_BP_3x12___                                                    */
/*                                                                              */
/* NAVIGATION                                                                   */
/* ___NAV_3x12___                                                               */
/* ___NAV_4x12___                                                               */
/*                                                                              */
/* CONTROLS                                                                     */
/* ___RGB_3x12___                                                               */
/* ___ADJUST_3x12___                                                            */
/* ___LAYERS_3x12___                                                            */
/* XXXXXX Layer chunk  -- These are the final layers.                */
/*                                                                   */
/* Each section defines the necessary pieces to create a layer.      */
/* It builds them up into consistently shaped lists for the layout   */
/* wrapper.                                                          */
/*                                                                   */
/* Each Section ends with a _Layer Chunk_. This is so the            */
/* layer can be easily given to the Layout Wrapper macros which      */
/* takes a list of keys in lengths of 2x3x5, 2x3x6, 2x4x5, or 2x4x6. */
/*                                                                   */
/* All of my keyboard definitions use these same chunks with similar */
/* macros. The differences between keyboards are all managed in the  */
/* macro. Here we just have nice rectangular sets of keys to         */
/* complete a layout.                                                */

/* A Top Rows layer.  Pick your parts.  Bepo and Qwerty            */
/*                                                                 */
/* This is, to me, a stop gap layer. If I need symbols, numbers or */
/* function keys these rows are nicely predictable to most people. */
/* I currently use the beakl number row with regular symbols.      */
/* I never use function keys for anything.                         */
#define ___12_SYMB___        ___, ___SYMS___, ___
#define ___12_SYMB_BP___       ___12_SYMS_BEPO___,

#define ___12_NUM___         ___, ___NUMS___, ___
#define ___12_NUM_BP___        ___, ___NUMS_BP___, ___
#define ___12_NUM_BEAKL___   ___, ___BKLNUMS___, ___
#define ___12_NUM_BEAKL_BP___ ___, ___BKLNUMS_BP___, ___

#define ___12_FUNC___        ___FUNC_1_6___, ___FUNC_7_12___
#define ___12_SYMS_BEPO___   ___6SYMBOL_BEPO_L___, ___6SYMBOL_BEPO_R___
#define ___12_SYMS_FR___     ___SYMB_L_FR___, ___SYMB_R_FR___

// Kinesis function key row. I don't use them. but might as well define them.
#define ___KINTFUNC_L___ KC_ESC, ___FUNC_1_6___, KC_F7, KC_F8
#define ___KINTFUNC_R___ KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, RESET

// A TOPROWS Layer.
// set it how you like it, if you like it.
#define ___TOPROW_1___    ___12_SYMB___
#define ___TOPROW_2___    ___12_NUM_BEAKL___
#define ___TOPROW_3___    ___12_FUNC___

#define ___TOPROW_1_BP___ ___12_SYMS_BEPO___
#define ___TOPROW_2_BP___ ___12_NUM_BEAKL_BP___
#define ___TOPROW_3_BP___ ___12_FUNC___

/* TOPROWS Layer chunk                                                          */
// altogether in a chunk.
#define ___TOPROWS_3x12___     ___TOPROW_1___,    ___TOPROW_2___,    ___TOPROW_3___
#define ___TOPROWS_BP_3x12___ ___TOPROW_1_BP___, ___TOPROW_2_BP___, ___TOPROW_3_BP___

// Some layers with just a home row of numbers.
// The beakl ones, r the usual ones.
#define ___NUM_HOME_BEAKL_3x12___    ___12___, ___12_NUM_BEAKL___,    ___12___
#define ___NUM_HOME_BEAKL_BP_3x12___ ___12___, ___12_NUM_BEAKL_BP___, ___12___
#define ___NUM_HOME_3x12___          ___12___, ___12_NUM___,          ___12___
#define ___NUM_HOME_BP_3x12___       ___12___, ___12_NUM_BP___,       ___12___

/*  KEYPADS.  Mostly all in Bepo and Qwerty versions                            */
/*      4 row Pads:                                                             */
/*         * The BEAKL 15 Number pad, for the left hand.                        */
/*         * Regular Number pad, for the right hand.                            */
/*         * 12 Function pad.                                                   */
/*      3 row pads:                                                             */
/*         keypad                                                               */
/*         function pad                                                         */
/*                                                                              */
/*  LAYERS:                                                                     */
/*      4 Row:                                                                  */
/*         * BEAKL with a compact FuncPad on the right.                         */
/*         * Funcpad on the left, keypad on the right.                          */
/*      3 Row:                                                                  */
/*         * Funcpad on the left, keypad on the right.                          */
/*         * BEAKL with a compact FuncPad on the right.                         */
/*                                                                              */

// BEAKL 15 (numpad layer):
/*    +=*   ^%~ */
/*   ↹523:      */
/* - 7.104      */
/*   /698,      */

// Keypads
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L1___     ___, _X_,        KC_PLUS,  KC_PEQL,  KC_ASTR, _X_
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L2___     ___, TAB_BKTAB,  KC_5,     KC_2,     KC_3,   KC_COLON
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L3___ KC_MINS, KC_7,       KC_DOT,   KC_1,     KC_0,   KC_4
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L4___     ___, KC_SLASH,   KC_6,     KC_9,     KC_8,   KC_COMM

#define ___5KEYPAD_BEAKL_R1___     ___, KC_CIRC,  KC_PERC,  KC_TILD, ___

#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L1_BP___     ___, _X_,        BP_PLUS,  BP_EQL,  BP_ASTR, _X_
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L2_BP___     ___, TAB_BKTAB,  BP_5,     BP_2,     BP_3,   BP_COLN
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L3_BP___ BP_MINS, BP_7,       BP_DOT,   BP_1,     BP_0,   BP_4
#define ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L4_BP___     ___, BP_SLSH,   BP_6,     BP_9,     BP_8,   BP_COMM

#define ___5KEYPAD_BEAKL_R1_BP___     ___, BP_CIRC,  BP_PERC,  BP_TILD, ___

#define ___5KEYPAD_1___ _X_, KC_7,  KC_8,    KC_9,     KC_PSLS
#define ___5KEYPAD_2___ _X_, KC_4,  KC_5,    KC_6,     KC_PAST
#define ___5KEYPAD_3___ _X_, KC_1,  KC_2,    KC_3,     KC_PMNS
#define ___5KEYPAD_4___ _X_, KC_0,  KC_DOT,  KC_PEQL,  KC_PPLS
// For Bepo
#define ___5KEYPAD_1_BP___ _X_, DB_7,  DB_8,    DB_9,     BP_SLSH
#define ___5KEYPAD_2_BP___ _X_, DB_4,  DB_5,    DB_6,     BP_ASTR
#define ___5KEYPAD_3_BP___ _X_, DB_1,  DB_2,    DB_3,     DB_MINUS
#define ___5KEYPAD_4_BP___ _X_, DB_0,  DB_DOT,  DB_EQL,   BP_PLUS

// Keypad from the default keymap.c of the xd75
#define ___4KEYPAD_1_ALT___ _X_, KC_P7, KC_P8,  KC_P9,   KC_MINS
#define ___4KEYPAD_2_ALT___ _X_, KC_P4, KC_P5,  KC_P6,   KC_PLUS
#define ___4KEYPAD_3_ALT___ _X_, KC_P1, KC_P2,  KC_P3,   KC_PENT
#define ___4KEYPAD_4_ALT___ _X_, KC_P0, KC_DOT, KC_PENT, KC_PENT

// Function pad.  Same idea as above, but for function keys.
// For the left side.
#define ___5FUNCPAD_T___   _X_, KC_F10,  KC_F11,  KC_F12, _X_
#define ___5FUNCPAD_1___   _X_, KC_F7,   KC_F8,   KC_F9, _X_
#define ___5FUNCPAD_2___   _X_, KC_F4,   KC_F5,   KC_F6, _X_
#define ___5FUNCPAD_3___   _X_, KC_F1,   KC_F2,   KC_F3, _X_

// Put them together for complete left and right layers.
// Beakl keypad with a funcpad
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_1___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L1___, _X_, ___5KEYPAD_BEAKL_R1___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L2___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_1___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L3___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_2___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_4___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L4___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_3___

#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_1_BP___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L1_BP___, _X_, ___5KEYPAD_BEAKL_R1_BP___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2_BP___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L2_BP___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_1___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3_BP___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L3_BP___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_2___
#define ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_4_BP___ ___6KEYPAD_BEAKL_L4_BP___, _X_, ___5_FUNCPADC_3___

// Funcpad and keypad layer for Qwerty based layers.
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_1___ ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_T___,  ___5KEYPAD_1___,  ___
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_2___ ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_1___,  ___5KEYPAD_2___,  ___
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_3___ ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_2___,  ___5KEYPAD_3___,  KC_PENT
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_4___ ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_3___,  ___5KEYPAD_4___,  ___

// Funcpad and keypad layer for BEPO
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_1___    ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_T_BP___,  ___5KEYPAD_1_BP___,  ___
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_2___    ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_1_BP___,  ___5KEYPAD_2_BP___,  ___
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_3___    ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_2_BP___,  ___5KEYPAD_3_BP___,  KC_PENT
#define ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_4___    ___,  ___5FUNCPAD_3_BP___,  ___5KEYPAD_4_BP___,  ___

/* COMPACT - KEYPAD and FUNCPAD.  3 Rows.                                       */
// Compact versions of each. 3 rows.
//Compact keypad, 3 rows.
#define ___6KEYPADC_1___ ___,    KC_7,  KC_8,    KC_9,     KC_PSLS, ___
#define ___6KEYPADC_2___ KC_DOT, KC_4,  KC_5,    KC_6,     KC_PAST, KC_PEQL
#define ___6KEYPADC_3___ KC_0,   KC_1,  KC_2,    KC_3,     KC_PMNS, KC_PPLS
// For Bepo
#define ___6KEYPADC_1_BP___ ___,    DB_7,  DB_8,    DB_9,  BP_SLSH
#define ___6KEYPADC_2_BP___ DB_DOT, DB_4,  DB_5,    DB_6,  BP_ASTR,  DB_EQL
#define ___6KEYPADC_3_BP___ DB_0,   DB_1,  DB_2,    DB_3,  DB_MINUS, DB_PLUS

// compact 1-12 funcpad for 3 row keyboards.
#define ___5_FUNCPADC_1___   KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, ___
#define ___5_FUNCPADC_2___   KC_F5, KC_F6,  KC_F7,  KC_F8,  ___
#define ___5_FUNCPADC_3___   KC_F1, KC_F2,  KC_F3,  KC_F4,  ___

// Compact funcpads/keypad Layer
#define ___12_KP_1C___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_1___,   ___5KEYPAD_1___, ___
#define ___12_KP_2C___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_2___,   ___5KEYPAD_2___, ___
#define ___12_KP_3C___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_3___,   ___5KEYPAD_3___, ___
// Reversed
#define ___12_KP_FP_1C___ ___,  ___5KEYPAD_1___,   ___5_FUNCPADC_1___, ___
#define ___12_KP_FP_2C___ ___,  ___5KEYPAD_2___,   ___5_FUNCPADC_2___, ___
#define ___12_KP_FP_3C___ ___,  ___5KEYPAD_3___,   ___5_FUNCPADC_3___, ___

//Bepo funcpad and keypad Layer
#define ___12_KP_1_BP___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_1___, ___5KEYPAD_1_BP___, ___
#define ___12_KP_2_BP___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_2___, ___5KEYPAD_2_BP___, ___
#define ___12_KP_3_BP___ ___,  ___5_FUNCPADC_3___, ___5KEYPAD_3_BP___, ___

/* FUNCPAD and Keypad Layer chunks                                              */
// Full size, 4x12
#define ___KEYPAD_BKL_FUNC_4x12___ \
  ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_1___,                                        \
    ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2___,                                      \
    ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3___, \
#define ___KEYPAD_BKL_FUNC_BP_4x12___                                   \
   ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_1_BP___,                                    \
     ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2_BP___,                                  \
     ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3_BP___,                                  \
#define ___FUNC_KEYPAD_4x12___ \
  ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_1___,                                    \
    ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_2___,                                  \
    ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_3___,                                \
#define ___FUNC_KEYPAD_BP_4x12___ \
    ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_1___,                                       \
      ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_2___,                                     \
      ___12_FUNCPAD_KEYPAD_BP_3___,                                     \

// Compact, 3x12
#define ___KP_C_BKL_FUNC_3x12___                \
  ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2___,                \
    ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3___,              \
#define ___KP_C_BKL_FUNC_BP_3x12___             \
  ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_2_BP___,             \
    ___12_KEYPAD_BKL_FUNCPAD_3_BP___,           \

#define ___KP_C_3x12___    ___12_KP_1C___,   ___12_KP_2C___,   ___12_KP_3C___
#define ___KP_FP_C_3x12___  ___12_KP_FP_1C___,   ___12_KP_FP_2C___,   ___12_KP_FP_3C___
#define ___KP_C_BP_3x12___ ___12_KP_1_BP___, ___12_KP_2_BP___, ___12_KP_3_BP___

/* SYMBOLS.  The BEAKL15 Symbol layer with or without additions.  */
/*                                                                */
/* Symbol layers:                                                 */
/*                                                                */
/*     BEAKL symbol layer                                         */
/*         <$>   [_]                                              */
/*      - \(")# %{=}| ;                                           */
/*         :*+   &^~                                              */
/*                                                                */
/*     BEAKL Extended symbol layer                                */
/*        `<$>' ?[_]                                              */
/*      - \(")# %{=}| ;                                           */
/*        @:*+; !&^~/                                             */
/*                                                                */
/* This layer has replaced my former Symbol pad and Symbols       */
/* layer. The Sympad was nice, But this incorporates the matching */
/* (){}[] that I had and at the same time provides an easily      */
/* Learnable layer that makes sense. It was also easy to          */
/* Supplement with new keys that other layouts might need.        */
/*                                                                */
/* The first Layer defined is the "Official" version.             */
/* The second Layer defined only adds to the original by          */
/* Placing 8 keys in the pinky and index corners                  */
/* at the edges of the, 3x3, BEAKL home Region.                   */
/*                                                                */
/* Namely these: !?@`'/-;                                         */
/*                                                                */
/* Beakl has these keys in it's base layer which isn't the case   */
/* for other layouts like dvorak, colemak, etc.                   */
/*                                                                */

/* Official BEAKL15 Symbol layer. */
/* BEAKL 15 (punctuation layer): */
/*                 */
/*    <$>   [_]    */
/* - \(")# %{=}| ; */
/*    :*+   &^~    */
/* The expanded Beakl Symbol Layer                                              */
/*                                                                              */
/* Expanded with: !?@`'/-;                                                      */
/*                                                                              */
/* This insures access to all common symbols, regardless of availabilily on     */
/* other layers. All the extra characters are added to the pinky and index      */
/* corners which are empty in the BEAKL symbol layer.                           */
/*                                                                              */
/* Both ; and ' could find their dvorak positions.                              */
/* Analysis showed that only caused pinky overuse. Rotating the symbols around  */
/* Put better keys on the index finger which showed a huge improvement          */
/* in efficiency.  The same is true of the exclamation point.                   */
/*                                                                              */
/* A:                                                                           */
/*   `<$>' ?[_]                                              */
/* - \(")# %{=}| ;                                           */
/*   @:*+; !&^~/                                             */
/*                                                                              */
/* B:                                                                           */
/*  With vi bindings /:? and a leader key for vi/emacs.*/
/*  ; is popular, I use , it's easy in dvorak.:   */
/*                                                                              */
/*   `<$>' ?[_]-                                             */
/* - \(")# !{:}/ ;                                           */
/*   @=*+; %&^~|                                             */
// Left
#define ___SB_L1___               KC_OCLTGT,     KC_DLR,   KC_GT
#define ___SB_L3___               KC_COLON,  KC_ASTR,  KC_PLUS
#define ___SB_L3b___              KC_EQL,  KC_ASTR,  KC_PLUS

// Bepo
#define ___SB_L1_BP___                BP_OCLTGT,   BP_DLR,   DB_GRTR
#define ___SB_L3_BP___                KC_COLON,  BP_ASTR,  BP_PLUS
#define ___SB_L3b_BP___               BP_EQL,  BP_ASTR,  BP_PLUS

// Right
#define ___SB_R1___               KC_OCBRC,   KC_UNDS,  KC_RBRC
#define ___SB_R2___    KC_PERC,   KC_OCCBR,   KC_EQL,   KC_RCBR,  KC_PIPE
#define ___SB_R3___               KC_AMPR,   KC_CIRC,  KC_TILD

#define ___SB_R2a___   KC_PERC, KC_OCCBR,   KC_EXLM,   KC_RCBR,  KC_PIPE
#define ___SB_R2b___   KC_EXLM,   KC_OCCBR,   KC_COLN,  KC_RCBR,  KC_SLASH

// Bepo
#define ___SB_R1_BP___            BP_OCBRC,   BP_UNDS,  DB_RBRC
#define ___SB_R2_BP___  BP_PERC, BP_OCCBR,   BP_EQL,   DB_RCBR,  DB_PIPE
#define ___SB_R3_BP___            BP_AMPR,   DB_CIRC,  DB_TILD

#define ___SB_R2a_BP___ BP_PERC, BP_OCCBR,   BP_EXLM,   DB_RCBR,  DB_PIPE

// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------

// Square it to 6, Add in the - and ;.
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1___  ___,     ___,  ___SB_L1___, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2___  KC_MINS, ___SB_L2___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3___  ___,     ___,  ___SB_L3___, ___

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1___  ___, ___SB_R1___,  ___, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2___  ___SB_R2___,            KC_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3___  ___, ___SB_R3___,  ___, ___
// ---------------------------
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1a___  ___, KC_OCGRV,  ___SB_L1___,  KC_OCQUOT
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2a___  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3a___  ___, KC_AT,  ___SB_L3___,  KC_SCLN

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1a___  LSFT(KC_SLASH), ___SB_R1___,  KC_MINS, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2a___  ___SB_R2a___, KC_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3a___  KC_EXLM, ___SB_R3___,  KC_SLASH,    ___
// ---------------------------
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1b___  ___, KC_OCGRV,  ___SB_L1___,  KC_OCQUOT
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2b___  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3b___  ___, KC_AT,  ___SB_L3b___,  KC_SCLN

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1b___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1a___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2b___  ___SB_R2b___,            KC_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3b___  KC_PERC, ___SB_R3___,  KC_PIPE,    ___

// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------
// Bepo
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1_BP___    ___,     ___,  ___SB_L1_BP___, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2_BP___    BP_MINS, ___SB_L2_BP___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3_BP___    ___,     ___,  ___SB_L3_BP___, ___

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1_BP___   ___,     ___SB_R1_BP___,  ___, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2_BP___   ___SB_R2_BP___,                BP_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3_BP___   ___,     ___SB_R3_BP___,  ___, ___
// ---------------------------
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1a_BP___  ___, BP_GRV, ___SB_L1_BP___,  BP_AT
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2a_BP___  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2_BP___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3a_BP___  ___, BP_AT, ___SB_L3_BP___,  BP_SCLN

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1a_BP___  BP_QUES, ___SB_R1_BP___,  BP_MINS, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2a_BP___  ___SB_R2a_BP___, BP_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3a_BP___  BP_EXLM, ___SB_R3_BP___,  BP_SLSH, ___
// ---------------------------
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1b_BP___  ___, BP_GRV,  ___SB_L1___,  BP_OCQUOT
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2b_BP___  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2_BP___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3b_BP___  ___, BP_AT,  ___SB_L3b_BP___,  BP_SCLN

#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1b_BP___  ___, ___SB_R1_BP___,  BP_MINS, ___
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2b_BP___  ___SB_R2b_BP___,            BP_SCLN
#define ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3b_BP___  BP_PERC, ___SB_R3_BP___,  BP_PIPE, ___
// ---------------------------

// Some 12 column rows.
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_1_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_2_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_3_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3_BP___

#define ___12_SYM_BKL_1___    ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_2___    ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_3___    ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3___

// Some 12 column rows.
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A1_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1a_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1a_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A2_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2a_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2a_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A3_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3a_BP___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3a_BP___

#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A1___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1a___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1a___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A2___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2a___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2a___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_A3___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3a___,  ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3a___

#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B1_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1b_BP___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1b_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B2_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2b_BP___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2b_BP___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B3_BP___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3b_BP___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3b_BP___

#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B1___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L1b___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R1b___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B2___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L2b___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R2b___
#define ___12_SYM_BKL_B3___ ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_L3b___, ___6SYMBOLS_BEAKL_R3b___

/* The BEAKL and BEAKL-A SYMBOL LAYER Chunks                                    */
// The Official beakl symbol layer as a chunk, Bepo and Qwerty
#define ___SYMB_BEAKL_BP_3x12___ ___12_SYM_BKL_1_BP___, \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_2_BP___,                              \

#define ___SYMB_BEAKL_3x12___    ___12_SYM_BKL_1___,    \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_2___,                                 \

// Alternate Beakle symbol layer with additional corner symbols.
#define ___SYMB_BEAKLA_BP_3x12___ ___12_SYM_BKL_A1_BP___, \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_A2_BP___,                               \

#define ___SYMB_BEAKLA_3x12___    ___12_SYM_BKL_A1___,  \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_A2___,                                \

#define ___SYMB_BEAKLB_BP_3x12___ ___12_SYM_BKL_B1_BP___,       \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_B2_BP___,                                     \

#define ___SYMB_BEAKLB_3x12___    ___12_SYM_BKL_B1___,  \
    ___12_SYM_BKL_B2___,                                \

/* NAVIGATION  - MOUSE, Scroll, Buttons, Arrows, Tab, Home, page up/down, End   */
/* Navigation layers:                                                           */
/*    3 row Layer                                                               */
/*    4 Row Layer with repeated and swapped VI arrows, and Scroll wheel.        */
/*                                                                              */
/* Navigation layer with optional 4th Row....                                   */
/*                                                                              */
/* M = Mouse                                                                    */
/* B = Button                                                                   */
/* W = Wheel                                                                    */
/* AC   = Acceleration                                                          */
/* CCCV = Tap -> Ctrl-C, hold for double tap duration -> Ctrl-V                 */
/* CTCN = Tap -> Ctrl-T, hold for double tap duration -> Ctrl-N                 */
/* CWCQ = Tap -> Ctrl-W, hold for double tap duration -> Ctrl-Q                 */
/* TAB  = Tap -> Tab,    Double-tap -> Back Tab                                 */
/* HOME = Tap -> Home,   Double-tap -> End                                      */
/*                                                                              */
/* MB5  MB4    MB3    MB2  MB1     MAC0  |  CTCN  MB1    MB2    MB3  MB4   MB5 */
/* TAB  MLeft  MDown  MUp  MRight  MAC1  |  CCCV  Left   Down   UP   Right TAB */
/*      WLeft  WDown  WUp  WRight  MAC2  |  CWCQ  HOME   PGDN   PGUP END       */
/*                                                                              */
/*      Left   Down   Up   Right   CCCV  |  CCCV   MLeft  MDown  MUp  MRight    */
/*                                                                              */

#define ___MOUSE_LDUR___      KC_MS_L,  KC_MS_D,  KC_MS_U,  KC_MS_R
#define ___MWHEEL_LDUR___     KC_WH_L,  KC_WH_D,  KC_WH_U,  KC_WH_R
//  really BTN 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 - according to xev.
#define ___MOUSE_BTNS_R___    KC_BTN1,  KC_BTN3,  KC_BTN2,  KC_BTN4,  KC_BTN5
//  really BTN 9, 8, 3, 2, 1 - according to xev
#define ___MOUSE_BTNS_L___    KC_BTN5,  KC_BTN4,  KC_BTN2,  KC_BTN3,  KC_BTN1
#define ___MOUSE_ACCL_012___  KC_ACL0,  KC_ACL1,  KC_ACL2
#define ___MACCL___ ___MOUSE_ACCL_012___

#define ___VI_ARROWS___          KC_LEFT, KC_DOWN, KC_UP,   KC_RIGHT

#define ___6NAV_L_1___ ___MOUSE_BTNS_L___,           KC_ACL0
#define ___6NAV_L_2___ TAB_BKTAB, ___MOUSE_LDUR___,  KC_ACL1
#define ___6NAV_L_3___ ___,       ___MWHEEL_LDUR___, KC_ACL2
#define ___6NAV_L_4___ ___,       ___VI_ARROWS___,   KC_CCCV

#define ___6NAV_R_1___ KC_CTCN, ___MOUSE_BTNS_R___
#define ___6NAV_R_2___ KC_CCCV, ___VI_ARROWS___,          TAB_BKTAB
#define ___6NAV_R_3___ KC_CWCQ, ___HOME_PGDN_PGUP_END___, ___
#define ___6NAV_R_4___ KC_CCCV, ___MOUSE_LDUR___, ___

  // compact. Initially for corne. So 3x12 per layer.
#define ___12_NAV_1___ ___6NAV_L_1___, ___6NAV_R_1___
#define ___12_NAV_2___ ___6NAV_L_2___, ___6NAV_R_2___
#define ___12_NAV_3___ ___6NAV_L_3___, ___6NAV_R_3___

#define ___12_NAV_4___ ___6NAV_L_4___, ___6NAV_R_4___

/* The Navigation LAYER Chunks                                                  */
// A Navigation Layer
#define ___NAV_3x12___ ___12_NAV_1___, ___12_NAV_2___, ___12_NAV_3___
#define ___NAV_4x12___ ___NAV_3x12___, ___12_NAV_4___

/* MEDIA  - Mute, Vol, play, pause, stop, next, prev, etc.   */


/* RGB  - Control those lights.                                                 */

/* ___, HUE SAT_INT MOD (UP),            | */
/* ___, HUE SAT INT MOD (DOWN), RGB_TOG  | P_B_R_SW_SN___, ___ */
/* ___6___,                              | ___, ___RGB_KXGT___, ___ */
// RGB row for the _FN layer from the redo of the default keymap.c
#define ___RGB_TOGGLE___         RGB_TOG
#define ___RGB_P_B_R_SW_SN___    RGB_M_P, RGB_M_B, RGB_M_R, RGB_M_SW, RGB_M_SN
#define ___RGB_KXGT___           RGB_M_K, RGB_M_X, RGB_M_G, RGB_M_T

/// An RGB Layer
#define ___12_RGB_1___ ___, ___RGB_HUE_SAT_INT_UP___, ___,     ___6___
#define ___12_RGB_2___ ___, ___RGB_HUE_SAT_INT_DN___, RGB_TOG, ___RGB_P_B_R_SW_SN___, ___
#define ___12_RGB_3___ ___6___,                                ___, ___RGB_KXGT___, ___

/* The RGB LAYER Chunk                                                          */
#define ___RGB_3x12___ ___12_RGB_1___, ___12_RGB_2___, ___12_RGB_3___

/* ADJUST - Miscellaneous Melange.                                              */
// For an Adjust layer. Like RBB with audio, flash, etc.
#define ___6_ADJUST_L1___ KC_MAKE,  ___RGB_HUE_SAT_INT_UP___,       RGB_TOG
#define ___6_ADJUST_L2___ VRSN,     MU_TOG, CK_TOGG, AU_ON, AU_OFF, CG_NORM
#define ___6_ADJUST_L3___ MG_NKRO,  ___RGB_HUE_SAT_INT_DN___,        KC_RGB_T

#define ___6_ADJUST_R1___  ___5___,                          KC_RESET
#define ___6_ADJUST_R2___  ___,     ___PRV_PLAY_NXT_STOP___, EEP_RST
#define ___6_ADJUST_R3___  MG_NKRO, ___VDN_MUTE_VUP___, ___, RGB_IDL

/* The Adjust LAYER Chunks                                                      */
#define ___ADJUST_3x12___  ___6_ADJUST_L1___, ___6_ADJUST_R1___,    \
                           ___6_ADJUST_L2___, ___6_ADJUST_R2___,       \
                           ___6_ADJUST_L3___, ___6_ADJUST_R3___

/* LAYERS - Define a base layer, switch to any layer. Get around. Experiment.   */
/*                                                                              */
/* Base Layers on the left hand,                                                */
/* transient layers on the right. Centered on the home region.                  */
/* A good place to attach an experimental layer.                                */
/*                                                                              */
//  Base Layers
#define ___5_LAYERS_B1___ ___,        KC_BEPO,    KC_DVORAK_BP, KC_BEAKL_BP, ___

#define ___5_LAYERS_B3___ ___, KC_QWERTY,    KC_NORMAN,    KC_WORKMAN, ___
#define ___5_LAYERS_B4___ ___, DF(_MALTRON), DF(_EUCALYN), DF(_CARPLAX), ___

#define ___5_LAYERS_B1b___ DF(_NORMAN),  DF(_MALTRON), DF(_CARPLAX), DF(_COLEMAK), ___
#define ___5_LAYERS_B2b___ DF(_EUCALYN), DF(_WORKMAN), DF(_QWERTY),  DF(_DVORAK), ___
#define ___5_LAYERS_B3b___ ___,          DF(_BEAKL),   DF(_BEPO),    DF(_DVORAK_BP), ___

// transient layers.
#define ___5_LAYERS_T___     ___, MO(_NAV),  MO(_SYMB),     MO(_KEYPAD),       MO(_TOPROWS)
#define ___5_LAYERS_T_BP___  ___, MO(_NAV),  MO(_SYMB_BP),  MO(_KEYPAD_BP),    MO(_TOPROWS_BP)
#define ___5_LAYERS_T_CTL___ ___, MO(_RGB),  ___,                 ___, MO(_ADJUST)

/// A Layers Layer
#define ___12_LAYERS_1___ ___, ___5_LAYERS_B1___,  ___5_LAYERS_T_BP___,  ___
#define ___12_LAYERS_2___ ___, ___5_LAYERS_B2___,  ___5_LAYERS_T___,     ___
#define ___12_LAYERS_3___ KC_SPACETEST, ___5___,            ___5_LAYERS_T_CTL___, ___

/* The LAYERS LAYER Chunk                                                       */
#define ___LAYERS_3x12___ ___12_LAYERS_1___, ___12_LAYERS_2___, ___12_LAYERS_3___