#pragma once /* Copyright 2018-2022 Eric Gebhart <e.a.gebhart@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // https://sites.google.com/alanreiser.com/handsdown/home // The only 3x12 layout. The rest are 3x10. #define CARTE_HD_NEU \ carte_de_map( " wfmpv /.q\"'z", \ " rsntb ,aeihj", \ " xcldg -uoykK") #define ___HD_NEU___ \ LANG_MAP(_SML_NAV, _W, _F, _M, _P, _V , TL_SLSH, TL_DOT, _Q, TL_DQUO, TL_QUOT, _Z, \ _TAB, _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, _J, \ _OS_ACCENT, _X, _C, _L, _D, _G , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K, _SML_KEYPAD) // modified to fit 3x10. #define CARTE_HD_NEU_NARROW \ carte_de_map(" xcldb zuoyq", \ " rsntg ,aeih", \ " wfmpv ;./jk") #define ___HD_NEU_NARROW___ \ LANG_MAP(_X, _C, _L, _D, _B, _Z, _U, _O, _Y, _Q, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _G, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \ _W, _F, _M, _P, _V, _SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, _J, _K) #define CARTE_HD_REF \ carte_de_map(" qchpv kyoj/", \ " rsntg wueia", \ " xmldb zf',.") #define ___HD_REF___ \ LANG_MAP(_Q, _C, _H, _P, _V, _K, _Y, _O, _J, TL_SLSH, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _G, _W, _U, _E, _I, _A, \ _X, _M, _L, _D, _B, _Z, _F, TL_QUOT, TL_COMM, TL_DOT ) // All of these have a consonant or vowel on the thumb keys. /* alt shift keys "? '! dash and elan */ /* (< {[ - elan */ /* dash has thumbs of ,; and .: */ /* dash and the rest get these too. */ /* alt shifts ;: .& /\* '? "! ,| -+ */ /* COMBOS - z = jg, z=vg, q=uk, q=mp. */ // no z or q, use combos. #define CARTE_HD_TITANIUM \ carte_de_map(" jgmpv ;./\"' ", \ " csntw ,aeih ", \ " xfldb -uoyk r") #define ___HD_TITANIUM___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G, _M, _P, _V, TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, TL_DQUO, TL_QUOT, \ _C, _S, _N, _T, _W , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \ _X, _F, _L, _D, _B , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K) #define CARTE_HD_GOLD \ carte_de_map(" jgmpv ;./\"' ", \ " rsndb ,aeih ", \ " xflcw -uoyk t") #define ___HD_GOLD___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G, _M, _P, _V, TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, TL_DQUO, TL_QUOT, \ _R, _S, _N, _D, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _H, \ _X, _F, _L, _C, _W , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _Y, _K) /* t, ␣ */ /* jz pq alt shifts ;: .& /\* '? "! ,| -+ */ #define CARTE_HD_PLATINUM \ carte_de_map( "jghpv ;./'\"", \ "rsntb ,aeic", \ "xfmdk -uowy l") /* l ␣ */ #define ___HD_PLATINUM___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G, _H, _P, _V, TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, TL_QUOT, TL_DQUO, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _B, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \ _X, _F, _M, _D, _K, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y) #define CARTE_HD_SILVER \ carte_de_map("jgmpv ;./'\"", \ "rshtb ,aeic", \ "xfldk -uowy n") /* n ␣ */ #define ___HD_SILVER___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G, _M, _P, _V, TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH, TL_QUOT, TL_DQUO, \ _R, _S, _H, _T, _B, TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \ _X, _F, _L, _D, _K, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y) #define CARTE_HD_BRONZE \ carte_de_map("jgmpv ;./'\"", \ "rsntb ,aeic", \ "xfldk -uowy h") /* h ␣ */ #define ___HD_BRONZE___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G , _M, _P, _V , TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_SLSH , TL_QUOT, TL_DQUO, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _A, _E, _I, _C, \ _X, _F, _L, _D, _K , TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y) #define CARTE_HD_ELAN \ carte_de_map("vghpk /({'\"", \ "rsntf jaeci", \ "xmldb -uowy") /* ,; .: ␣ ⏎ */ /* vz g h p kq /\* (< {[ '! "? */ /* TL_COMM; TL_DOT: _␣ ⏎ */ #define ___HD_ELAN___ \ LANG_MAP(_V, _G, _H, _P, _K, TL_SLSH, TL_LPRN, TL_LCBR, TL_QUOT, TL_DQUO, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _F, _J, _A, _E, _C, _I, \ _X, _M, _L, _D, _B, TL_MINS, _U, _O, _W, _Y) #define CARTE_HD_DASH \ carte_de_map("jgmpv ;.'\"/", \ "rsntb ,haoi", \ "xcldw -fuky e") /* e ␣ */ #define ___HD_DASH___ \ LANG_MAP(_J, _G, _M, _P, _V , TL_SCLN, TL_DOT, TL_QUOT, TL_DQUO, TL_SLSH, \ _R, _S, _N, _T, _B , TL_COMM, _H, _A, _O, _I, \ _X, _C, _L, _D, _W , TL_MINS, _F, _U, _K, _Y)