/* * This software is experimental and a work in progress. * Under no circumstances should these files be used in relation to any critical system(s). * Use of these files is at your own risk. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * This files are free to use from https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32 and * https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple * * Modifications for QMK and STM32F303 by Yiancar */ #include <hal.h> #include "flash_stm32.h" #if defined(EEPROM_EMU_STM32F103xB) # define FLASH_SR_WRPERR FLASH_SR_WRPRTERR #endif /* Delay definition */ #define EraseTimeout ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) #define ProgramTimeout ((uint32_t)0x0000001F) #define ASSERT(exp) (void)((0)) /** * @brief Inserts a time delay. * @param None * @retval None */ static void delay(void) { __IO uint32_t i = 0; for (i = 0xFF; i != 0; i--) { } } /** * @brief Returns the FLASH Status. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP or FLASH_COMPLETE */ FLASH_Status FLASH_GetStatus(void) { if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY) == FLASH_SR_BSY) return FLASH_BUSY; if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_PGERR) != 0) return FLASH_ERROR_PG; if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_WRPERR) != 0) return FLASH_ERROR_WRP; if ((FLASH->SR & FLASH_OBR_OPTERR) != 0) return FLASH_ERROR_OPT; return FLASH_COMPLETE; } /** * @brief Waits for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur. * @param Timeout: FLASH progamming Timeout * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(uint32_t Timeout) { FLASH_Status status; /* Check for the Flash Status */ status = FLASH_GetStatus(); /* Wait for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while ((status == FLASH_BUSY) && (Timeout != 0x00)) { delay(); status = FLASH_GetStatus(); Timeout--; } if (Timeout == 0) status = FLASH_TIMEOUT; /* Return the operation status */ return status; } /** * @brief Erases a specified FLASH page. * @param Page_Address: The page address to be erased. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ErasePage(uint32_t Page_Address) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ ASSERT(IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(Page_Address)); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if (status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the page */ FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PER; FLASH->AR = Page_Address; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_STRT; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if (status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the PER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PER; } FLASH->SR = (FLASH_SR_EOP | FLASH_SR_PGERR | FLASH_SR_WRPERR); } /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Programs a half word at a specified address. * @param Address: specifies the address to be programmed. * @param Data: specifies the data to be programmed. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ProgramHalfWord(uint32_t Address, uint16_t Data) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_BAD_ADDRESS; if (IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(Address)) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if (status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new data */ FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PG; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if (status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PG; } FLASH->SR = (FLASH_SR_EOP | FLASH_SR_PGERR | FLASH_SR_WRPERR); } } return status; } /** * @brief Unlocks the FLASH Program Erase Controller. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_Unlock(void) { if (FLASH->CR & FLASH_CR_LOCK) { /* Authorize the FPEC Access */ FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY2; } } /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Program Erase Controller. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_Lock(void) { /* Set the Lock Bit to lock the FPEC and the FCR */ FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_LOCK; }