/* Copyright 2017 Fred Sundvik * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "test_common.hpp" using testing::_; using testing::Return; class KeyPress : public TestFixture {}; TEST_F(KeyPress, SendKeyboardIsNotCalledWhenNoKeyIsPressed) { TestDriver driver; EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(_)).Times(0); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, CorrectKeyIsReportedWhenPressed) { TestDriver driver; press_key(0, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_A))); keyboard_task(); release_key(0, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport())); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, CorrectKeysAreReportedWhenTwoKeysArePressed) { TestDriver driver; press_key(1, 0); press_key(0, 3); //Note that QMK only processes one key at a time //See issue #1476 for more information EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_B))); keyboard_task(); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_B, KC_C))); keyboard_task(); release_key(1, 0); release_key(0, 3); //Note that the first key released is the first one in the matrix order EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_C))); keyboard_task(); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport())); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, ANonMappedKeyDoesNothing) { TestDriver driver; press_key(2, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(_)).Times(0); keyboard_task(); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, LeftShiftIsReportedCorrectly) { TestDriver driver; press_key(3, 0); press_key(0, 0); // Unfortunately modifiers are also processed in the wrong order // See issue #1476 for more information EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_A))); keyboard_task(); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_A, KC_LSFT))); keyboard_task(); release_key(0, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_LSFT))); keyboard_task(); release_key(3, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport())); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, PressLeftShiftAndControl) { TestDriver driver; press_key(3, 0); press_key(5, 0); // Unfortunately modifiers are also processed in the wrong order // See issue #1476 for more information EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_LSFT))); keyboard_task(); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_LSFT, KC_LCTRL))); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, LeftAndRightShiftCanBePressedAtTheSameTime) { TestDriver driver; press_key(3, 0); press_key(4, 0); // Unfortunately modifiers are also processed in the wrong order // See issue #1476 for more information EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_LSFT))); keyboard_task(); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_LSFT, KC_RSFT))); keyboard_task(); } TEST_F(KeyPress, RightShiftLeftControlAndCharWithTheSameKey) { TestDriver driver; press_key(6, 0); // BUG: The press is split into two reports // BUG: It reports RSFT instead of LSFT // See issue #524 for more information // The underlying cause is that we use only one bit to represent the right hand // modifiers. EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_RSFT, KC_RCTRL))); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_RSFT, KC_RCTRL, KC_O))); keyboard_task(); release_key(6, 0); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport(KC_RSFT, KC_RCTRL))); EXPECT_CALL(driver, send_keyboard_mock(KeyboardReport())); keyboard_task(); }