// Copyright 2022 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <numeric>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "backing_mocks.hpp"

class WearLeveling2Byte : public ::testing::Test {
    void SetUp() override {

static std::array<std::uint8_t, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE> verify_data;

static wear_leveling_status_t test_write(const uint32_t address, const void* value, size_t length) {
    memcpy(&verify_data[address], value, length);
    return wear_leveling_write(address, value, length);

 * This test verifies that the first write after initialisation occurs after the FNV1a_64 hash location.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, FirstWriteOccursAfterHash) {
    auto&   inst       = MockBackingStore::Instance();
    uint8_t test_value = 0x15;
    test_write(0x02, &test_value, sizeof(test_value));
    EXPECT_EQ(inst.log_begin()->address, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE + 8) << "Invalid first write address.";

 * This test verifies that the first write after initialisation occurs after the FNV1a_64 hash location, after an erase has occurred.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, FirstWriteOccursAfterHash_AfterErase) {
    auto&   inst       = MockBackingStore::Instance();
    uint8_t test_value = 0x15;
    test_write(0x02, &test_value, sizeof(test_value));
    EXPECT_EQ((inst.log_begin() + 1)->address, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE + 8) << "Invalid first write address.";

 * This test forces consolidation by writing enough to the write log that it overflows, consolidating the data into the
 * base logical area.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, ConsolidationOverflow) {
    auto& inst = MockBackingStore::Instance();

    // Generate a test block of data which forces OPTIMIZED_64 writes
    std::array<std::uint8_t, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE> testvalue;

    // Write the data
    std::iota(testvalue.begin(), testvalue.end(), 0x20);
    EXPECT_EQ(test_write(0, testvalue.data(), testvalue.size()), WEAR_LEVELING_CONSOLIDATED) << "Write returned incorrect status";
    uint8_t dummy = 0x40;
    EXPECT_EQ(test_write(0x04, &dummy, sizeof(dummy)), WEAR_LEVELING_SUCCESS) << "Write returned incorrect status";

    // All writes are at address<64, so each logical byte written will generate 1 write log entry, thus 1 backing store write.
    // Expected log:
    // [0..11]:  optimised64,        backing address 0x18, logical address 0x00
    // [12]:     erase
    // [13..20]: consolidated data,  backing address 0x00, logical address 0x00
    // [21..24]: FNV1a_64 result,    backing address 0x10
    // [25]:     optimised64,        backing address 0x18, logical address 0x04
    EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(inst.log_begin(), inst.log_end()), 26);

    // Verify the backing store writes for the write log
    std::size_t       index;
    write_log_entry_t e;
    for (index = 0; index < 12; ++index) {
        auto write_iter = inst.log_begin() + index;
        EXPECT_EQ(write_iter->address, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE + 8 + (index * BACKING_STORE_WRITE_SIZE)) << "Invalid write log address";
        e.raw16[0] = write_iter->value;
        EXPECT_EQ(LOG_ENTRY_GET_TYPE(e), LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_64) << "Invalid write log entry type";

    // Verify the backing store erase
        index           = 12;
        auto write_iter = inst.log_begin() + index;
        e.raw16[0]      = write_iter->value;
        EXPECT_TRUE(write_iter->erased) << "Backing store erase did not occur as required";

    // Verify the backing store writes for consolidation
    for (index = 13; index < 21; ++index) {
        auto write_iter = inst.log_begin() + index;
        EXPECT_EQ(write_iter->address, (index - 13) * BACKING_STORE_WRITE_SIZE) << "Invalid write log entry address";

    // Verify the FNV1a_64 write
        EXPECT_EQ((inst.log_begin() + 21)->address, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE) << "Invalid write log address";
        e.raw16[0] = (inst.log_begin() + 21)->value;
        e.raw16[1] = (inst.log_begin() + 22)->value;
        e.raw16[2] = (inst.log_begin() + 23)->value;
        e.raw16[3] = (inst.log_begin() + 24)->value;
        EXPECT_EQ(e.raw64, fnv_64a_buf(testvalue.data(), testvalue.size(), FNV1A_64_INIT)) << "Invalid checksum"; // Note that checksum is based on testvalue, as we overwrote one byte and need to consult the consolidated data, not the current

    // Verify the final write
    EXPECT_EQ((inst.log_begin() + 25)->address, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE + 8) << "Invalid write log address";

    // Verify the data is what we expected
    std::array<std::uint8_t, WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE> readback;
    EXPECT_EQ(wear_leveling_read(0, readback.data(), WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE), WEAR_LEVELING_SUCCESS) << "Failed to read back the saved data";
    EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(readback.data(), verify_data.data(), WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE) == 0) << "Readback did not match";

    // Re-init and re-read, verifying the reload capability
    EXPECT_NE(wear_leveling_init(), WEAR_LEVELING_FAILED) << "Re-initialisation failed";
    EXPECT_EQ(wear_leveling_read(0, readback.data(), WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE), WEAR_LEVELING_SUCCESS) << "Failed to read back the saved data";
    EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(readback.data(), verify_data.data(), WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE) == 0) << "Readback did not match";

 * This test verifies multibyte readback gets canceled with an out-of-bounds address.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, PlaybackReadbackMultibyte_OOB) {
    auto& inst     = MockBackingStore::Instance();
    auto  logstart = inst.storage_begin() + (WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE / sizeof(backing_store_int_t));

    // Invalid FNV1a_64 hash
    (logstart + 0)->set(0);
    (logstart + 1)->set(0);
    (logstart + 2)->set(0);
    (logstart + 3)->set(0);

    // Set up a 2-byte logical write of [0x11,0x12] at logical offset 0x01
    auto entry0    = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_MULTIBYTE(0x01, 2);
    entry0.raw8[3] = 0x11;
    entry0.raw8[4] = 0x12;
    (logstart + 4)->set(~entry0.raw16[0]);
    (logstart + 5)->set(~entry0.raw16[1]);
    (logstart + 6)->set(~entry0.raw16[2]);

    // Set up a 2-byte logical write of [0x13,0x14] at logical offset 0x1000 (out of bounds)
    auto entry1    = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_MULTIBYTE(0x1000, 2);
    entry1.raw8[3] = 0x13;
    entry1.raw8[4] = 0x14;
    (logstart + 7)->set(~entry1.raw16[0]);
    (logstart + 8)->set(~entry1.raw16[1]);
    (logstart + 9)->set(~entry1.raw16[2]);

    // Set up a 2-byte logical write of [0x15,0x16] at logical offset 0x01
    auto entry2    = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_MULTIBYTE(0x01, 2);
    entry2.raw8[3] = 0x15;
    entry2.raw8[4] = 0x16;
    (logstart + 10)->set(~entry2.raw16[0]);
    (logstart + 11)->set(~entry2.raw16[1]);
    (logstart + 12)->set(~entry2.raw16[2]);

    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 0) << "Invalid initial erase count";
    EXPECT_EQ(wear_leveling_init(), WEAR_LEVELING_CONSOLIDATED) << "Readback should have failed and triggered consolidation";
    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 1) << "Invalid final erase count";

    uint8_t buf[2];
    wear_leveling_read(0x01, buf, sizeof(buf));
    EXPECT_EQ(buf[0], 0x11) << "Readback should have maintained the previous pre-failure value from the write log";
    EXPECT_EQ(buf[1], 0x12) << "Readback should have maintained the previous pre-failure value from the write log";

 * This test verifies optimized 64 readback gets canceled with an out-of-bounds address.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, PlaybackReadbackOptimized64_OOB) {
    auto& inst     = MockBackingStore::Instance();
    auto  logstart = inst.storage_begin() + (WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE / sizeof(backing_store_int_t));

    // Invalid FNV1a_64 hash
    (logstart + 0)->set(0);
    (logstart + 1)->set(0);
    (logstart + 2)->set(0);
    (logstart + 3)->set(0);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 0x11 at logical offset 0x01
    auto entry0 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_OPTIMIZED_64(0x01, 0x11);
    (logstart + 4)->set(~entry0.raw16[0]);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 0x11 at logical offset 0x30 (out of bounds)
    auto entry1 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_OPTIMIZED_64(0x30, 0x11);
    (logstart + 5)->set(~entry1.raw16[0]);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 0x12 at logical offset 0x01
    auto entry2 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_OPTIMIZED_64(0x01, 0x12);
    (logstart + 6)->set(~entry2.raw16[0]);

    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 0) << "Invalid initial erase count";
    EXPECT_EQ(wear_leveling_init(), WEAR_LEVELING_CONSOLIDATED) << "Readback should have failed and triggered consolidation";
    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 1) << "Invalid final erase count";
    uint8_t tmp;
    wear_leveling_read(0x01, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
    EXPECT_EQ(tmp, 0x11) << "Readback should have maintained the previous pre-failure value from the write log";

 * This test verifies word 0/1 readback gets canceled with an out-of-bounds address.
TEST_F(WearLeveling2Byte, PlaybackReadbackWord01_OOB) {
    auto& inst     = MockBackingStore::Instance();
    auto  logstart = inst.storage_begin() + (WEAR_LEVELING_LOGICAL_SIZE / sizeof(backing_store_int_t));

    // Invalid FNV1a_64 hash
    (logstart + 0)->set(0);
    (logstart + 1)->set(0);
    (logstart + 2)->set(0);
    (logstart + 3)->set(0);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 1 at logical offset 0x02
    auto entry0 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_WORD_01(0x02, 1);
    (logstart + 4)->set(~entry0.raw16[0]);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 1 at logical offset 0x1000 (out of bounds)
    auto entry1 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_WORD_01(0x1000, 1);
    (logstart + 5)->set(~entry1.raw16[0]);

    // Set up a 1-byte logical write of 0 at logical offset 0x02
    auto entry2 = LOG_ENTRY_MAKE_WORD_01(0x02, 0);
    (logstart + 6)->set(~entry2.raw16[0]);

    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 0) << "Invalid initial erase count";
    EXPECT_EQ(wear_leveling_init(), WEAR_LEVELING_CONSOLIDATED) << "Readback should have failed and triggered consolidation";
    EXPECT_EQ(inst.erasure_count(), 1) << "Invalid final erase count";
    uint8_t tmp;
    wear_leveling_read(0x02, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
    EXPECT_EQ(tmp, 1) << "Readback should have maintained the previous pre-failure value from the write log";