/* Copyright 2017 Joseph Wasson * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "process_steno.h" #include "quantum_keycodes.h" #include "eeprom.h" #include "keymap_steno.h" #include "virtser.h" // TxBolt Codes #define TXB_NUL 0 #define TXB_S_L 0b00000001 #define TXB_T_L 0b00000010 #define TXB_K_L 0b00000100 #define TXB_P_L 0b00001000 #define TXB_W_L 0b00010000 #define TXB_H_L 0b00100000 #define TXB_R_L 0b01000001 #define TXB_A_L 0b01000010 #define TXB_O_L 0b01000100 #define TXB_STR 0b01001000 #define TXB_E_R 0b01010000 #define TXB_U_R 0b01100000 #define TXB_F_R 0b10000001 #define TXB_R_R 0b10000010 #define TXB_P_R 0b10000100 #define TXB_B_R 0b10001000 #define TXB_L_R 0b10010000 #define TXB_G_R 0b10100000 #define TXB_T_R 0b11000001 #define TXB_S_R 0b11000010 #define TXB_D_R 0b11000100 #define TXB_Z_R 0b11001000 #define TXB_NUM 0b11010000 #define TXB_GRP0 0b00000000 #define TXB_GRP1 0b01000000 #define TXB_GRP2 0b10000000 #define TXB_GRP3 0b11000000 #define TXB_GRPMASK 0b11000000 #define TXB_GET_GROUP(code) ((code & TXB_GRPMASK) >> 6) #define BOLT_STATE_SIZE 4 #define GEMINI_STATE_SIZE 6 #define MAX_STATE_SIZE GEMINI_STATE_SIZE uint8_t state[MAX_STATE_SIZE] = {0}; uint8_t pressed = 0; steno_mode_t mode; uint8_t boltmap[64] = { TXB_NUL, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_S_L, TXB_S_L, TXB_T_L, TXB_K_L, TXB_P_L, TXB_W_L, TXB_H_L, TXB_R_L, TXB_A_L, TXB_O_L, TXB_STR, TXB_STR, TXB_NUL, TXB_NUL, TXB_NUL, TXB_STR, TXB_STR, TXB_E_R, TXB_U_R, TXB_F_R, TXB_R_R, TXB_P_R, TXB_B_R, TXB_L_R, TXB_G_R, TXB_T_R, TXB_S_R, TXB_D_R, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_NUM, TXB_Z_R }; void steno_clear_state(void) { __builtin_memset(state, 0, sizeof(state)); } void steno_init() { if (!eeconfig_is_enabled()) { eeconfig_init(); } mode = eeprom_read_byte(EECONFIG_STENOMODE); } void steno_set_mode(steno_mode_t new_mode) { steno_clear_state(); mode = new_mode; eeprom_update_byte(EECONFIG_STENOMODE, mode); } void send_steno_state(uint8_t size, bool send_empty) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (state[i] || send_empty) { virtser_send(state[i]); } } steno_clear_state(); } bool update_state_bolt(uint8_t key) { uint8_t boltcode = boltmap[key]; state[TXB_GET_GROUP(boltcode)] |= boltcode; return false; } bool send_state_bolt(void) { send_steno_state(BOLT_STATE_SIZE, false); virtser_send(0); // terminating byte return false; } bool update_state_gemini(uint8_t key) { state[key / 7] |= 1 << (6 - (key % 7)); return false; } bool send_state_gemini(void) { state[0] |= 0x80; // Indicate start of packet send_steno_state(GEMINI_STATE_SIZE, true); return false; } bool process_steno(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { switch (keycode) { case QK_STENO_BOLT: if (IS_PRESSED(record->event)) { steno_set_mode(STENO_MODE_BOLT); } return false; case QK_STENO_GEMINI: if (IS_PRESSED(record->event)) { steno_set_mode(STENO_MODE_GEMINI); } return false; case STN__MIN...STN__MAX: if (IS_PRESSED(record->event)) { uint8_t key = keycode - QK_STENO; ++pressed; switch(mode) { case STENO_MODE_BOLT: return update_state_bolt(key); case STENO_MODE_GEMINI: return update_state_gemini(key); default: return false; } } else { --pressed; if (pressed <= 0) { pressed = 0; switch(mode) { case STENO_MODE_BOLT: return send_state_bolt(); case STENO_MODE_GEMINI: return send_state_gemini(); default: return false; } } } } return true; }