"""Format python code according to QMK's style. """ from milc import cli import subprocess @cli.argument('-n', '--dry-run', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help="Flag only, don't automatically format.") @cli.subcommand("Format python code according to QMK's style.", hidden=False if cli.config.user.developer else True) def pyformat(cli): """Format python code according to QMK's style. """ edit = '--diff' if cli.args.dry_run else '--in-place' yapf_cmd = ['yapf', '-vv', '--recursive', edit, 'bin/qmk', 'lib/python'] try: cli.run(yapf_cmd, check=True, capture_output=False) cli.log.info('Python code in `bin/qmk` and `lib/python` is correctly formatted.') return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if cli.args.dry_run: cli.log.error('Python code in `bin/qmk` and `lib/python` incorrectly formatted!') else: cli.log.error('Error formatting python code!') return False