"""Convert raw KLE to JSON """ import json import os from pathlib import Path from milc import cli from kle2xy import KLE2xy from qmk.converter import kle2qmk from qmk.info_json_encoder import InfoJSONEncoder @cli.argument('filename', help='The KLE raw txt to convert') @cli.argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Flag to overwrite current info.json') @cli.subcommand('Convert a KLE layout to a Configurator JSON', hidden=False if cli.config.user.developer else True) def kle2json(cli): """Convert a KLE layout to QMK's layout format. """ # If filename is a path if cli.args.filename.startswith("/") or cli.args.filename.startswith("./"): file_path = Path(cli.args.filename) # Otherwise assume it is a file name else: file_path = Path(os.environ['ORIG_CWD'], cli.args.filename) # Check for valid file_path for more graceful failure if not file_path.exists(): cli.log.error('File {fg_cyan}%s{style_reset_all} was not found.', file_path) return False out_path = file_path.parent raw_code = file_path.read_text(encoding='utf-8') # Check if info.json exists, allow overwrite with force if Path(out_path, "info.json").exists() and not cli.args.force: cli.log.error('File {fg_cyan}%s/info.json{style_reset_all} already exists, use -f or --force to overwrite.', out_path) return False try: # Convert KLE raw to x/y coordinates (using kle2xy package from skullydazed) kle = KLE2xy(raw_code) except Exception as e: cli.log.error('Could not parse KLE raw data: %s', raw_code) cli.log.exception(e) return False keyboard = { 'keyboard_name': kle.name, 'url': '', 'maintainer': 'qmk', 'width': kle.columns, 'height': kle.rows, 'layouts': { 'LAYOUT': { 'layout': kle2qmk(kle) } }, } # Write our info.json keyboard = json.dumps(keyboard, indent=4, separators=(', ', ': '), sort_keys=False, cls=InfoJSONEncoder) info_json_file = out_path / 'info.json' info_json_file.write_text(keyboard) cli.log.info('Wrote out {fg_cyan}%s/info.json', out_path)