# A tweaked keymap for Redox I copied fculpo's layout and made a few modifcations more suited for my own needs. In general it seems to be a fairly straight foward adaptation of a standard QWERTY full size keyboard. At least for me.  ## Changes to the default keymap Keymap changes from the default keymap are: - Move `GUI` (`SUPER`) key to where default left `CTRL` is - Move `/?` into usual location next to right `SHIFT` - the default flash from Falbatech put `\|` here (might not be the Redox default?), which felt unintuitive - Put `\|` into bottom-left spot where `GUI` (`SUPER`) was - had to go somewhere and this bottom-left placement sort of balances with the almost bottom-right `/?` - Change default `ESC` into `ESC` on tap, `CTRL` on hold - for the love of the UNIX-ey `CTRL` key location and to keep `ESC` in the original position - Add `F11` and `F12` keys to two layers - needed on macOS if you want to control volume up and down from your keyboard (not shown, on a different layer)S - Access ADJUST layer by holding either `END` or `PAGEUP` off default layer. Changes by KL1RL are: - Remove the right hand `CTRL` combo key, it was bugging me. - Add Brightness Up and Brightness Down on the right hand thumb cluster on the ADJUST layer. - Add Mute, Vol Down and Vol Up on LH thumb cluster also on the ADJUST layer.