![Clueboard Layout Image](http://i.imgur.com/ngg4EAY.png) # MouseKeys Layout This layout is a combination of the `mouse_keys` and the `win_optimized` layouts. This layout is optimized for an ISO layout. It adds a mouse layer. When you hold down the spacebar the arrow keys will move your mouse cursor. You can click using the 3 mods to the left of the arrow keys, or the 3 keys under your primary fingers on the home row. The Left, Down, Up and Right for the mouse movement are also VIM-Like on the HJKL keys The CapsLock is disabled and works as Function key. There is also a separate media layer with Volume/Play controls The different layers are signalled throug setting of the underlight: - Base layer: White - Function layer: Yellow - Media layer: Green - Mouse layer: Blue - Control layer: Red