// Copyright (c) 2018 Cirque Corp. Restrictions apply. See: www.cirque.com/sw-license #pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_TIMEOUT # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_TIMEOUT 20 // I2C timeout in milliseconds #endif #define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_ABSOLUTE_MODE 1 #define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_RELATIVE_MODE 0 #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_POSITION_MODE # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_POSITION_MODE CIRQUE_PINNACLE_ABSOLUTE_MODE #endif // Coordinate scaling values #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_LOWER # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_LOWER 127 // min "reachable" X value #endif #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_UPPER # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_UPPER 1919 // max "reachable" X value #endif #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_LOWER # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_LOWER 63 // min "reachable" Y value #endif #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_UPPER # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_UPPER 1471 // max "reachable" Y value #endif #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_RANGE # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_RANGE (CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_UPPER - CIRQUE_PINNACLE_X_LOWER) #endif #ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_RANGE # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_RANGE (CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_UPPER - CIRQUE_PINNACLE_Y_LOWER) #endif #if !defined(POINTING_DEVICE_TASK_THROTTLE_MS) # define POINTING_DEVICE_TASK_THROTTLE_MS 10 // Cirque Pinnacle in normal operation produces data every 10ms. Advanced configuration for pen/stylus usage might require lower values. #endif #if defined(POINTING_DEVICE_DRIVER_cirque_pinnacle_i2c) # include "i2c_master.h" // Cirque's 7-bit I2C Slave Address # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_ADDR # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_ADDR 0x2A # endif #elif defined(POINTING_DEVICE_DRIVER_cirque_pinnacle_spi) # include "spi_master.h" # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_CLOCK_SPEED # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_CLOCK_SPEED 10000000 # endif # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_LSBFIRST # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_LSBFIRST false # endif # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_MODE # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_MODE 1 # endif # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_DIVISOR # ifdef __AVR__ # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_DIVISOR (F_CPU / CIRQUE_PINNACLE_CLOCK_SPEED) # else # define CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_DIVISOR 64 # endif # ifndef CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_CS_PIN # error "No Chip Select pin has been defined -- missing CIRQUE_PINNACLE_SPI_CS_PIN define" # endif # endif #endif // Convenient way to store and access measurements typedef struct { bool valid; // true if valid data was read, false if no data was ready #if CIRQUE_PINNACLE_POSITION_MODE uint16_t xValue; uint16_t yValue; uint16_t zValue; uint8_t buttonFlags; bool touchDown; #else uint8_t xDelta; uint8_t yDelta; uint8_t wheelCount; uint8_t buttons; #endif } pinnacle_data_t; void cirque_pinnacle_init(void); pinnacle_data_t cirque_pinnacle_read_data(void); void cirque_pinnacle_scale_data(pinnacle_data_t* coordinates, uint16_t xResolution, uint16_t yResolution); uint16_t cirque_pinnacle_get_scale(void); void cirque_pinnacle_set_scale(uint16_t scale);