path: root/quantum/painter
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Diffstat (limited to 'quantum/painter')
21 files changed, 3599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qff.c b/quantum/painter/qff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd6af788f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// Quantum Font File "QFF" File Format.
+// See for more information.
+#include "qff.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+bool qff_read_font_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *line_height, bool *has_ascii_table, uint16_t *num_unicode_glyphs, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette, painter_compression_t *compression_scheme, uint32_t *total_bytes) {
+ // Seek to the start
+ qp_stream_setpos(stream, 0);
+ // Read and validate the font descriptor
+ qff_font_descriptor_v1_t font_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&font_descriptor, sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read font_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&font_descriptor.header, QFF_FONT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) - sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the magic and version are correct
+ if (font_descriptor.magic != QFF_MAGIC || font_descriptor.qff_version != 0x01) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate font_descriptor, expected magic 0x%06X was 0x%06X, expected version = 0x%02X was 0x%02X\n", (int)QFF_MAGIC, (int)font_descriptor.magic, (int)0x01, (int)font_descriptor.qff_version);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the file length is valid
+ if (font_descriptor.neg_total_file_size != ~font_descriptor.total_file_size) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate font_descriptor, expected negated length 0x%08X was 0x%08X\n", (int)(~font_descriptor.total_file_size), (int)font_descriptor.neg_total_file_size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (line_height) {
+ *line_height = font_descriptor.line_height;
+ }
+ if (has_ascii_table) {
+ *has_ascii_table = font_descriptor.has_ascii_table;
+ }
+ if (num_unicode_glyphs) {
+ *num_unicode_glyphs = font_descriptor.num_unicode_glyphs;
+ }
+ if (bpp || has_palette) {
+ if (!qgf_parse_format(font_descriptor.format, bpp, has_palette)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (compression_scheme) {
+ *compression_scheme = font_descriptor.compression_scheme;
+ }
+ if (total_bytes) {
+ *total_bytes = font_descriptor.total_file_size;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool qff_validate_ascii_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ // Read the raw descriptor
+ qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t ascii_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&ascii_descriptor, sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read ascii_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&ascii_descriptor.header, QFF_ASCII_GLYPH_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t) - sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool qff_validate_unicode_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t num_unicode_glyphs) {
+ // Read the raw descriptor
+ qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t unicode_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&unicode_descriptor, sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read unicode_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&unicode_descriptor.header, QFF_UNICODE_GLYPH_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, num_unicode_glyphs * 6)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Skip the necessary amount of data to get to the next block
+ qp_stream_seek(stream, num_unicode_glyphs * sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t), SEEK_CUR);
+ return true;
+bool qff_validate_stream(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ bool has_ascii_table;
+ uint16_t num_unicode_glyphs;
+ if (!qff_read_font_descriptor(stream, NULL, &has_ascii_table, &num_unicode_glyphs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (has_ascii_table) {
+ if (!qff_validate_ascii_descriptor(stream)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_unicode_glyphs > 0) {
+ if (!qff_validate_unicode_descriptor(stream, num_unicode_glyphs)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+uint32_t qff_get_total_size(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ // Get the original location
+ uint32_t oldpos = qp_stream_tell(stream);
+ // Read the font descriptor, grabbing the size
+ uint32_t total_size;
+ if (!qff_read_font_descriptor(stream, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &total_size)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Restore the original location
+ qp_stream_setpos(stream, oldpos);
+ return total_size;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qff.h b/quantum/painter/qff.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f1a1fd815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+// Quantum Font File "QFF" File Format.
+// See for more information.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "qp_stream.h"
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qgf.h"
+// QFF structures
+// Font descriptor
+typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) qff_font_descriptor_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x00, .neg_type_id = (~0x00), .length = 20 }
+ uint32_t magic : 24; // constant, equal to 0x464651 ("QFF")
+ uint8_t qff_version; // constant, equal to 0x01
+ uint32_t total_file_size; // total size of the entire file, starting at offset zero
+ uint32_t neg_total_file_size; // negated value of total_file_size, used for detecting parsing errors
+ uint8_t line_height; // glyph height in pixels
+ bool has_ascii_table; // whether the font has an ascii table of glyphs (0x20...0x7E)
+ uint16_t num_unicode_glyphs; // the number of glyphs in the unicode table -- no table specified if zero
+ qp_image_format_t format : 8; // Frame format, see qp.h.
+ uint8_t flags; // frame flags, see below.
+ uint8_t compression_scheme; // compression scheme, see below.
+ uint8_t transparency_index; // palette index used for transparent pixels (not yet implemented)
+} qff_font_descriptor_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) == (sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) + 20), "qff_font_descriptor_v1_t must be 25 bytes in v1 of QFF");
+#define QFF_MAGIC 0x464651
+// ASCII glyph table descriptor
+typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t {
+ uint32_t value : 24; // Uses QFF_GLYPH_*_(BITS|MASK) as bitfield ordering is compiler-defined
+} qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t) == 3, "qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t must be 3 bytes in v1 of QFF");
+typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x01, .neg_type_id = (~0x01), .length = 285 }
+ qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t glyph[95]; // 95 glyphs, 0x20..0x7E
+} qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t) == (sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) + (95 * sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t))), "qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t must be 290 bytes in v1 of QFF");
+// Unicode glyph table descriptor
+typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t {
+ uint32_t code_point : 24;
+ uint32_t value : 24; // Uses QFF_GLYPH_*_(BITS|MASK) as bitfield ordering is compiler-defined
+} qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t) == 6, "qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t must be 6 bytes in v1 of QFF");
+typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x02, .neg_type_id = (~0x02), .length = (N * 6) }
+ qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t glyph[0]; // Extent of '0' signifies that this struct is immediately followed by the glyph data
+} qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t;
+bool qff_validate_stream(qp_stream_t *stream);
+uint32_t qff_get_total_size(qp_stream_t *stream);
+bool qff_read_font_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *line_height, bool *has_ascii_table, uint16_t *num_unicode_glyphs, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette, painter_compression_t *compression_scheme, uint32_t *total_bytes);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qgf.c b/quantum/painter/qgf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..834837105b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qgf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+// Quantum Graphics File "QGF" File Format.
+// See for more information.
+#include "qgf.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+bool qgf_validate_block_header(qgf_block_header_v1_t *desc, uint8_t expected_typeid, int32_t expected_length) {
+ if (desc->type_id != expected_typeid || desc->neg_type_id != ((~expected_typeid) & 0xFF)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate header, expected typeid 0x%02X, was 0x%02X, expected negated typeid 0x%02X, was 0x%02X\n", (int)expected_typeid, (int)desc->type_id, (int)((~desc->type_id) & 0xFF), (int)desc->neg_type_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (expected_length >= 0 && desc->length != expected_length) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate header (typeid 0x%02X), expected length %d, was %d\n", (int)desc->type_id, (int)expected_length, (int)desc->length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qgf_parse_format(qp_image_format_t format, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette) {
+ // clang-format off
+ static const struct QP_PACKED {
+ uint8_t bpp;
+ bool has_palette;
+ } formats[] = {
+ [GRAYSCALE_1BPP] = {.bpp = 1, .has_palette = false},
+ [GRAYSCALE_2BPP] = {.bpp = 2, .has_palette = false},
+ [GRAYSCALE_4BPP] = {.bpp = 4, .has_palette = false},
+ [GRAYSCALE_8BPP] = {.bpp = 8, .has_palette = false},
+ [PALETTE_1BPP] = {.bpp = 1, .has_palette = true},
+ [PALETTE_2BPP] = {.bpp = 2, .has_palette = true},
+ [PALETTE_4BPP] = {.bpp = 4, .has_palette = true},
+ [PALETTE_8BPP] = {.bpp = 8, .has_palette = true},
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (format > PALETTE_8BPP) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to parse frame_descriptor, invalid format 0x%02X\n", (int)format);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (bpp) {
+ *bpp = formats[format].bpp;
+ }
+ if (has_palette) {
+ *has_palette = formats[format].has_palette;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qgf_parse_frame_descriptor(qgf_frame_v1_t *frame_descriptor, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette, bool *is_delta, painter_compression_t *compression_scheme, uint16_t *delay) {
+ // Decode the format
+ qgf_parse_format(frame_descriptor->format, bpp, has_palette);
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (is_delta) {
+ *is_delta = (frame_descriptor->flags & QGF_FRAME_FLAG_DELTA) == QGF_FRAME_FLAG_DELTA;
+ }
+ if (compression_scheme) {
+ *compression_scheme = frame_descriptor->compression_scheme;
+ }
+ if (delay) {
+ *delay = frame_descriptor->delay;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t *image_width, uint16_t *image_height, uint16_t *frame_count, uint32_t *total_bytes) {
+ // Seek to the start
+ qp_stream_setpos(stream, 0);
+ // Read and validate the graphics descriptor
+ qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t graphics_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&graphics_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read graphics_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&graphics_descriptor.header, QGF_GRAPHICS_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (sizeof(qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t) - sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the magic and version are correct
+ if (graphics_descriptor.magic != QGF_MAGIC || graphics_descriptor.qgf_version != 0x01) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate graphics_descriptor, expected magic 0x%06X was 0x%06X, expected version = 0x%02X was 0x%02X\n", (int)QGF_MAGIC, (int)graphics_descriptor.magic, (int)0x01, (int)graphics_descriptor.qgf_version);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the file length is valid
+ if (graphics_descriptor.neg_total_file_size != ~graphics_descriptor.total_file_size) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate graphics_descriptor, expected negated length 0x%08X was 0x%08X\n", (int)(~graphics_descriptor.total_file_size), (int)graphics_descriptor.neg_total_file_size);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (image_width) {
+ *image_width = graphics_descriptor.image_width;
+ }
+ if (image_height) {
+ *image_height = graphics_descriptor.image_height;
+ }
+ if (frame_count) {
+ *frame_count = graphics_descriptor.frame_count;
+ }
+ if (total_bytes) {
+ *total_bytes = graphics_descriptor.total_file_size;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool qgf_read_frame_offset(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number, uint32_t *frame_offset) {
+ uint16_t frame_count;
+ if (!qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(stream, NULL, NULL, &frame_count, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Read the frame offsets descriptor
+ qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t frame_offsets;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&frame_offsets, sizeof(qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read frame_offsets, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&frame_offsets.header, QGF_FRAME_OFFSET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (frame_count * sizeof(uint32_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (frame_number >= frame_count) {
+ qp_dprintf("Invalid frame number, was %d but only %d frames in image\n", (int)frame_number, (int)frame_count);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Skip the necessary amount of data to get to the requested frame offset
+ qp_stream_seek(stream, frame_number * sizeof(uint32_t), SEEK_CUR);
+ // Read the frame offset
+ uint32_t offset = 0;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&offset, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read frame offset, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(uint32_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy out the required info
+ if (frame_offset) {
+ *frame_offset = offset;
+ }
+ return true;
+void qgf_seek_to_frame_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number) {
+ // Read the offset
+ uint32_t offset = 0;
+ qgf_read_frame_offset(stream, frame_number, &offset);
+ // Move to the offset
+ qp_stream_setpos(stream, offset);
+bool qgf_validate_frame_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette, bool *is_delta) {
+ // Seek to the correct location
+ qgf_seek_to_frame_descriptor(stream, frame_number);
+ // Read the raw descriptor
+ qgf_frame_v1_t frame_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&frame_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read frame_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&frame_descriptor.header, QGF_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t) - sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return qgf_parse_frame_descriptor(&frame_descriptor, bpp, has_palette, is_delta, NULL, NULL);
+bool qgf_validate_palette_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number, uint8_t bpp) {
+ // Read the palette descriptor
+ qgf_palette_v1_t palette_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&palette_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read palette_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ uint32_t expected_length = (1 << bpp) * 3 * sizeof(uint8_t);
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&palette_descriptor.header, QGF_FRAME_PALETTE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, expected_length)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Move forward in the stream to the next block
+ qp_stream_seek(stream, expected_length, SEEK_CUR);
+ return true;
+bool qgf_validate_delta_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number) {
+ // Read the delta descriptor
+ qgf_delta_v1_t delta_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&delta_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read delta_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure this block is valid
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&delta_descriptor.header, QGF_FRAME_DELTA_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, (sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t) - sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qgf_validate_frame_data_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number) {
+ // Read and validate the data block
+ qgf_data_v1_t data_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&data_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_data_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read data_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_data_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qgf_validate_block_header(&data_descriptor.header, QGF_FRAME_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEID, -1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qgf_validate_stream(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ uint16_t frame_count;
+ if (!qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(stream, NULL, NULL, &frame_count, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Read and validate all the frames (automatically validates the frame offset descriptor in the process)
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
+ // Validate the frame descriptor block
+ uint8_t bpp;
+ bool has_palette;
+ bool has_delta;
+ if (!qgf_validate_frame_descriptor(stream, i, &bpp, &has_palette, &has_delta)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If we've got a palette block, check it
+ if (has_palette && !qgf_validate_palette_descriptor(stream, i, bpp)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If we've got a delta block, check it
+ if (has_delta && !qgf_validate_delta_descriptor(stream, i)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check the data block
+ if (!qgf_validate_frame_data_descriptor(stream, i)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Work out the total size of an image definition, assuming we can read far enough into the file
+uint32_t qgf_get_total_size(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ // Get the original location
+ uint32_t oldpos = qp_stream_tell(stream);
+ // Read the graphics descriptor, grabbing the size
+ uint32_t total_size;
+ if (!qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(stream, NULL, NULL, NULL, &total_size)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Restore the original location
+ qp_stream_setpos(stream, oldpos);
+ return total_size;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qgf.h b/quantum/painter/qgf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54585edd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qgf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+// Quantum Graphics File "QGF" File Format.
+// See for more information.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "qp_stream.h"
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// QGF structures
+// Common block header
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_block_header_v1_t {
+ uint8_t type_id; // See each respective block type below.
+ uint8_t neg_type_id; // Negated type ID, used for detecting parsing errors.
+ uint32_t length : 24; // 24-bit blob length, allowing for block sizes of a maximum of 16MB.
+} qgf_block_header_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) == 5, "qgf_block_header_v1_t must be 5 bytes in v1 of QGF");
+// Graphics descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x00, .neg_type_id = (~0x00), .length = 18 }
+ uint32_t magic : 24; // constant, equal to 0x464751 ("QGF")
+ uint8_t qgf_version; // constant, equal to 0x01
+ uint32_t total_file_size; // total size of the entire file, starting at offset zero
+ uint32_t neg_total_file_size; // negated value of total_file_size
+ uint16_t image_width; // in pixels
+ uint16_t image_height; // in pixels
+ uint16_t frame_count; // minimum of 1
+} qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t) == (sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) + 18), "qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t must be 23 bytes in v1 of QGF");
+#define QGF_MAGIC 0x464751
+// Frame offset descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x01, .neg_type_id = (~0x01), .length = (N * sizeof(uint32_t)) }
+ uint32_t offset[0]; // '0' signifies that this struct is immediately followed by the frame offsets
+} qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t) == sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t), "qgf_frame_offsets_v1_t must only contain qgf_block_header_v1_t in v1 of QGF");
+// Frame descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_frame_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x02, .neg_type_id = (~0x02), .length = 6 }
+ qp_image_format_t format : 8; // Frame format, see qp.h.
+ uint8_t flags; // Frame flags, see below.
+ painter_compression_t compression_scheme : 8; // Compression scheme, see qp.h.
+ uint8_t transparency_index; // palette index used for transparent pixels (not yet implemented)
+ uint16_t delay; // frame delay time for animations (in units of milliseconds)
+} qgf_frame_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t) == (sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) + 6), "qgf_frame_v1_t must be 11 bytes in v1 of QGF");
+#define QGF_FRAME_FLAG_DELTA 0x02
+// Frame palette descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_palette_entry_v1_t {
+ uint8_t h; // hue component: `[0,360)` degrees is mapped to `[0,255]` uint8_t.
+ uint8_t s; // saturation component: `[0,1]` is mapped to `[0,255]` uint8_t.
+ uint8_t v; // value component: `[0,1]` is mapped to `[0,255]` uint8_t.
+} qgf_palette_entry_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_palette_entry_v1_t) == 3, "Palette entry is not 3 bytes in size");
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_palette_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x03, .neg_type_id = (~0x03), .length = (N * 3 * sizeof(uint8_t)) }
+ qgf_palette_entry_v1_t hsv[0]; // N * hsv, where N is the number of palette entries depending on the frame format in the descriptor
+} qgf_palette_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t) == sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t), "qgf_palette_v1_t must only contain qgf_block_header_v1_t in v1 of QGF");
+// Frame delta descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_delta_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x04, .neg_type_id = (~0x04), .length = 8 }
+ uint16_t left; // The left pixel location to draw the delta image
+ uint16_t top; // The top pixel location to draw the delta image
+ uint16_t right; // The right pixel location to to draw the delta image
+ uint16_t bottom; // The bottom pixel location to to draw the delta image
+} qgf_delta_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t) == (sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) + 8), "qgf_delta_v1_t must be 13 bytes in v1 of QGF");
+// Frame data descriptor
+typedef struct QP_PACKED qgf_data_v1_t {
+ qgf_block_header_v1_t header; // = { .type_id = 0x05, .neg_type_id = (~0x05), .length = N }
+ uint8_t data[0]; // 0 signifies that this struct is immediately followed by the length of data specified in the header
+} qgf_data_v1_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qgf_data_v1_t) == sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t), "qgf_data_v1_t must only contain qgf_block_header_v1_t in v1 of QGF");
+uint32_t qgf_get_total_size(qp_stream_t *stream);
+bool qgf_validate_stream(qp_stream_t *stream);
+bool qgf_validate_block_header(qgf_block_header_v1_t *desc, uint8_t expected_typeid, int32_t expected_length);
+bool qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t *image_width, uint16_t *image_height, uint16_t *frame_count, uint32_t *total_bytes);
+bool qgf_parse_format(qp_image_format_t format, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette);
+void qgf_seek_to_frame_descriptor(qp_stream_t *stream, uint16_t frame_number);
+bool qgf_parse_frame_descriptor(qgf_frame_v1_t *frame_descriptor, uint8_t *bpp, bool *has_palette, bool *is_delta, painter_compression_t *compression_scheme, uint16_t *delay);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp.c b/quantum/painter/qp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e292ff6497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include <quantum.h>
+#include <utf8.h>
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+// Internal driver validation
+static bool validate_driver_vtable(struct painter_driver_t *driver) {
+ return (driver->driver_vtable && driver->driver_vtable->init && driver->driver_vtable->power && driver->driver_vtable->clear && driver->driver_vtable->viewport && driver->driver_vtable->pixdata && driver->driver_vtable->palette_convert && driver->driver_vtable->append_pixels) ? true : false;
+static bool validate_comms_vtable(struct painter_driver_t *driver) {
+ return (driver->comms_vtable && driver->comms_vtable->comms_init && driver->comms_vtable->comms_start && driver->comms_vtable->comms_stop && driver->comms_vtable->comms_send) ? true : false;
+static bool validate_driver_integrity(struct painter_driver_t *driver) {
+ return validate_driver_vtable(driver) && validate_comms_vtable(driver);
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_init
+bool qp_init(painter_device_t device, painter_rotation_t rotation) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_init: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ driver->validate_ok = false;
+ if (!validate_driver_integrity(driver)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to validate driver integrity in qp_init\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ driver->validate_ok = true;
+ if (!qp_comms_init(device)) {
+ driver->validate_ok = false;
+ qp_dprintf("qp_init: fail (could not init comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_init: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set the rotation before init
+ driver->rotation = rotation;
+ // Invoke init
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->init(device, rotation);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_init: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_power
+bool qp_power(painter_device_t device, bool power_on) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_power: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_power: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_power: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->power(device, power_on);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_power: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_clear
+bool qp_clear(painter_device_t device) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_clear: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_clear: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_clear: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->clear(device);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_clear: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_flush
+bool qp_flush(painter_device_t device) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_flush: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_flush: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_flush: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->flush(device);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_flush: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_get_geometry
+void qp_get_geometry(painter_device_t device, uint16_t *width, uint16_t *height, painter_rotation_t *rotation, uint16_t *offset_x, uint16_t *offset_y) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_geometry: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ switch (driver->rotation) {
+ default:
+ case QP_ROTATION_0:
+ case QP_ROTATION_180:
+ if (width) {
+ *width = driver->panel_width;
+ }
+ if (height) {
+ *height = driver->panel_height;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QP_ROTATION_90:
+ case QP_ROTATION_270:
+ if (width) {
+ *width = driver->panel_height;
+ }
+ if (height) {
+ *height = driver->panel_width;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rotation) {
+ *rotation = driver->rotation;
+ }
+ if (offset_x) {
+ *offset_x = driver->offset_x;
+ }
+ if (offset_y) {
+ *offset_y = driver->offset_y;
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_geometry: ok\n");
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_set_viewport_offsets
+void qp_set_viewport_offsets(painter_device_t device, uint16_t offset_x, uint16_t offset_y) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_set_viewport_offsets: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ driver->offset_x = offset_x;
+ driver->offset_y = offset_y;
+ qp_dprintf("qp_set_viewport_offsets: ok\n");
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_viewport
+bool qp_viewport(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_viewport: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_viewport: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_viewport: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set the viewport
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->viewport(device, left, top, right, bottom);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_viewport: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_pixdata
+bool qp_pixdata(painter_device_t device, const void *pixel_data, uint32_t native_pixel_count) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_pixdata: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_pixdata: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_pixdata: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(device, pixel_data, native_pixel_count);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_pixdata: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp.h b/quantum/painter/qp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1c14d156c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "deferred_exec.h"
+// Quantum Painter global configurables (add to your keyboard's config.h)
+ * @def This controls the maximum number of images that Quantum Painter can load at any one time. Images can be loaded
+ * using \ref qp_load_image_mem, and can be unloaded by calling \ref qp_close_image. Increasing this number in
+ * order to load more images increases the amount of RAM required. Image data is not held in RAM, just metadata.
+ */
+ * @def This controls the maximum number of fonts that Quantum Painter can load. Fonts can be loaded using
+ * \ref qp_load_font_mem, and can be unloaded by calling \ref qp_close_font. Increasing this number in order to
+ * load more fonts increases the amount of RAM required. Font data is not held in RAM, unless
+ */
+ * @def This controls whether or not fonts should be cached in RAM. Under normal circumstances, fonts can have quite
+ * random access patterns, and due to timing of flash memory or external storage, it may be a significant speedup
+ * moving the font into RAM before use. Defaults to "off", but if it's enabled it will fallback to reading from the
+ * original location if corresponding RAM could not be allocated (such as being too large).
+ */
+ * @def This controls the maximum number of animations that Quantum Painter can play simultaneously. Increasing this
+ * number in order to play more animations at the same time increases the amount of RAM required.
+ */
+ * @def This controls the maximum size of the pixel data buffer used for single blocks of transmission. Larger buffers
+ * means more data is processed at one time, with less frequent transmissions, at the cost of RAM.
+ */
+ * @def This controls whether 256-color palettes are supported. This has relatively hefty requirements on RAM -- at
+ * least 1kB extra is required just to store the palette information, with more required for other metadata.
+ */
+// Quantum Painter types
+ * @typedef A handle to a Quantum Painter device, such as an LCD or OLED. Most Quantum Painter APIs require this
+ * argument in order to perform operations on the display.
+ */
+typedef const void *painter_device_t;
+ * @typedef The desired rotation of a panel. Used as a parameter to \ref qp_init, and can be queried by
+ * \ref qp_get_geometry.
+ */
+typedef enum { QP_ROTATION_0, QP_ROTATION_90, QP_ROTATION_180, QP_ROTATION_270 } painter_rotation_t;
+ * @typedef A descriptor for a Quantum Painter image.
+ */
+typedef struct painter_image_desc_t {
+ uint16_t width; ///< Image width
+ uint16_t height; ///< Image height
+ uint16_t frame_count; ///< Number of frames in this image
+} painter_image_desc_t;
+ * @typedef A handle to a Quantum Painter image.
+ */
+typedef const painter_image_desc_t *painter_image_handle_t;
+ * @typedef A descriptor for a Quantum Painter font.
+ */
+typedef struct painter_font_desc_t {
+ uint8_t line_height; ///< The number of pixels in height for each line
+} painter_font_desc_t;
+ * @typedef A handle to a Quantum Painter font.
+ */
+typedef const painter_font_desc_t *painter_font_handle_t;
+// Quantum Painter External API
+ * Initialize a device and set its rotation.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to initialize
+ * @param rotation[in] the rotation to use
+ * @return true if initialization succeeded
+ * @return false if initialization failed
+ */
+bool qp_init(painter_device_t device, painter_rotation_t rotation);
+ * Controls whether a display is on or off.
+ *
+ * @note If backlighting is used to control brightness (such as for an LCD), it will need to be handled external to
+ * Quantum Painter.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param power_on[in] whether or not the device should be on
+ * @return true if controlling the power state succeeded
+ * @return false if controlling the power state failed
+ */
+bool qp_power(painter_device_t device, bool power_on);
+ * Clears a device's screen.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @return true if clearing the screen succeeded
+ * @return false if clearing the screen failed
+ */
+bool qp_clear(painter_device_t device);
+ * Transmits any outstanding data to the screen in order to persist all changes to the display.
+ *
+ * @note Drivers without internal framebuffers will likely ignore this API.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @return true if flushing changes to the screen succeeded
+ * @return false if flushing changes to the screen failed
+ */
+bool qp_flush(painter_device_t device);
+ * Retrieves the size, rotation, and offsets for the display.
+ *
+ * @note Any arguments of NULL will be ignored.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param width[out] the device's width
+ * @param height[out] the device's height
+ * @param rotation[out] the device's rotation
+ * @param offset_x[out] the device's x-offset applied while drawing
+ * @param offset_y[out] the device's y-offset applied while drawing
+ */
+void qp_get_geometry(painter_device_t device, uint16_t *width, uint16_t *height, painter_rotation_t *rotation, uint16_t *offset_x, uint16_t *offset_y);
+ * Allows repositioning of the viewport if the panel geometry offsets are non-zero.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param offset_x[in] the device's x-offset applied while drawing
+ * @param offset_y[in] the device's y-offset applied while drawing
+ */
+void qp_set_viewport_offsets(painter_device_t device, uint16_t offset_x, uint16_t offset_y);
+ * Sets a pixel to the specified color.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position to draw onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position to draw onto the device
+ * @param hue[in] the hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat[in] the saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val[in] the value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @return true if setting the pixel succeeded
+ * @return false if setting the pixel failed
+ */
+bool qp_setpixel(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val);
+ * Draws a line using the specified color.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x0[in] the device's x-position to start
+ * @param y0[in] the device's y-position to start
+ * @param x1[in] the device's x-position to finish
+ * @param y1[in] the device's y-position to finish
+ * @param hue[in] the hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat[in] the saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val[in] the value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @return true if drawing the line succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the line failed
+ */
+bool qp_line(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val);
+ * Draws a rectangle using the specified color, optionally filled.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param left[in] the device's x-position to start
+ * @param top[in] the device's y-position to start
+ * @param right[in] the device's x-position to finish
+ * @param bottom[in] the device's y-position to finish
+ * @param hue[in] the hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat[in] the saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val[in] the value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param filled[in] whether the rectangle should be filled
+ * @return true if drawing the rectangle succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the rectangle failed
+ */
+bool qp_rect(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled);
+ * Draws a circle using the specified color, optionally filled.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position of the centre of the circle to draw onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position of the centre of the circle to draw onto the device
+ * @param radius[in] the radius of the circle to draw
+ * @param hue[in] the hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat[in] the saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val[in] the value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param filled[in] whether the circle should be filled
+ * @return true if drawing the circle succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the circle failed
+ */
+bool qp_circle(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled);
+ * Draws a ellipse using the specified color, optionally filled.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position of the centre of the ellipse to draw onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position of the centre of the ellipse to draw onto the device
+ * @param sizex[in] the horizontal size of the ellipse
+ * @param sizey[in] the vertical size of the ellipse
+ * @param hue[in] the hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat[in] the saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val[in] the value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param filled[in] whether the ellipse should be filled
+ * @return true if drawing the ellipse succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the ellipse failed
+ */
+bool qp_ellipse(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t sizex, uint16_t sizey, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled);
+ * Sets up the location on the display to stream raw pixel data to the display, using \ref qp_pixdata.
+ *
+ * @note This is for advanced uses only, and should not be required for normal Quantum Painter functionality.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param left[in] the device's x-position to start
+ * @param top[in] the device's y-position to start
+ * @param right[in] the device's x-position to finish
+ * @param bottom[in] the device's y-position to finish
+ * @return true if setting the viewport succeeded
+ * @return false if setting the viewport failed
+ */
+bool qp_viewport(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom);
+ * Streams raw pixel data (in the native panel format) to the area previously set by \ref qp_viewport.
+ *
+ * @note This is for advanced uses only, and should not be required for normal Quantum Painter functionality.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param pixel_data[in] pointer to buffer data
+ * @param native_pixel_count[in] the number of pixels to transmit
+ * @return true if streaming of data succeeded
+ * @return false if streaming of data failed
+ */
+bool qp_pixdata(painter_device_t device, const void *pixel_data, uint32_t native_pixel_count);
+ * Loads an image into memory.
+ *
+ * @note Images can be unloaded by calling \ref qp_close_image.
+ *
+ * @param buffer[in] the image data to load
+ * @return an image handle usable with \ref qp_drawimage, \ref qp_drawimage_recolor, \ref qp_animate, and
+ * \ref qp_animate_recolor.
+ * @return NULL if loading the image failed
+ */
+painter_image_handle_t qp_load_image_mem(const void *buffer);
+ * Closes an image handle when no longer in use.
+ *
+ * @param image[in] the handle of the image to unload
+ * @return true if unloading the image succeeded
+ * @return false if unloading the image failed
+ */
+bool qp_close_image(painter_image_handle_t image);
+ * Draws an image to the display.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param image[in] the handle of the image to draw
+ * @return true if drawing the image succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the image failed
+ */
+bool qp_drawimage(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image);
+ * Draws an image to the display, recoloring monochrome images to the desired foreground/background.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param image[in] the handle of the image to draw
+ * @param hue_fg[in] the foreground hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_fg[in] the foreground saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_fg[in] the foreground value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param hue_bg[in] the background hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_bg[in] the background saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_bg[in] the background value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @return true if drawing the image succeeded
+ * @return false if drawing the image failed
+ */
+bool qp_drawimage_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg);
+ * Draws an animation to the display.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param image[in] the handle of the image to draw
+ * @return the \ref deferred_token to use with \ref qp_stop_animation in order to stop animating
+ * @return INVALID_DEFERRED_TOKEN if animating the image failed
+ */
+deferred_token qp_animate(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image);
+ * Draws an animation to the display, recoloring monochrome images to the desired foreground/background.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the image should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param image[in] the handle of the image to draw
+ * @param hue_fg[in] the foreground hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_fg[in] the foreground saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_fg[in] the foreground value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param hue_bg[in] the background hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_bg[in] the background saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_bg[in] the background value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @return the \ref deferred_token to use with \ref qp_stop_animation in order to stop animating
+ * @return INVALID_DEFERRED_TOKEN if animating the image failed
+ */
+deferred_token qp_animate_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg);
+ * Cancels a running animation.
+ *
+ * @param anim_token[in] the animation token returned by \ref qp_animate, or \ref qp_animate_recolor.
+ */
+void qp_stop_animation(deferred_token anim_token);
+ * Loads a font into memory.
+ *
+ * @note Fonts can be unloaded by calling \ref qp_close_font.
+ *
+ * @param buffer[in] the font data to load
+ * @return an image handle usable with \ref qp_textwidth, \ref qp_drawtext, and \ref qp_drawtext_recolor.
+ * @return NULL if loading the font failed
+ */
+painter_font_handle_t qp_load_font_mem(const void *buffer);
+ * Closes a font handle when no longer in use.
+ *
+ * @param font[in] the handle of the font to unload
+ * @return true if unloading the font succeeded
+ * @return false if unloading the font failed
+ */
+bool qp_close_font(painter_font_handle_t font);
+ * Measures the width (in pixels) of the supplied string, given the specified font.
+ *
+ * @param font[in] the handle of the font
+ * @param str[in] the string to measure
+ * @return the width (in pixels) needed to draw the specified string
+ */
+int16_t qp_textwidth(painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str);
+ * Draws text to the display.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the text should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the text should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param font[in] the handle of the font
+ * @param str[in] the string to draw
+ * @return the width (in pixels) used when drawing the specified string
+ */
+int16_t qp_drawtext(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str);
+ * Draws text to the display, recoloring monochrome fonts to the desired foreground/background.
+ *
+ * @param device[in] the handle of the device to control
+ * @param x[in] the x-position where the text should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param y[in] the y-position where the text should be drawn onto the device
+ * @param font[in] the handle of the font
+ * @param str[in] the string to draw
+ * @param hue_fg[in] the foreground hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_fg[in] the foreground saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_fg[in] the foreground value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param hue_bg[in] the background hue to use, with 0-360 mapped to 0-255
+ * @param sat_bg[in] the background saturation to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @param val_bg[in] the background value to use, with 0-100% mapped to 0-255
+ * @return the width (in pixels) used when drawing the specified string
+ */
+int16_t qp_drawtext_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg);
+// Quantum Painter Drivers
+# include "qp_ili9163.h"
+# include "qp_ili9341.h"
+# include "qp_st7789.h"
+# include "qp_gc9a01.h"
+# include "qp_ssd1351.h"
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_comms.c b/quantum/painter/qp_comms.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc17b49460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_comms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+// Base comms APIs
+bool qp_comms_init(painter_device_t device) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_comms_init: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return driver->comms_vtable->comms_init(device);
+bool qp_comms_start(painter_device_t device) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_comms_start: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return driver->comms_vtable->comms_start(device);
+void qp_comms_stop(painter_device_t device) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_comms_stop: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ driver->comms_vtable->comms_stop(device);
+uint32_t qp_comms_send(painter_device_t device, const void *data, uint32_t byte_count) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_comms_send: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return driver->comms_vtable->comms_send(device, data, byte_count);
+// Comms APIs that use a D/C pin
+void qp_comms_command(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd) {
+ struct painter_driver_t * driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ struct painter_comms_with_command_vtable_t *comms_vtable = (struct painter_comms_with_command_vtable_t *)driver->comms_vtable;
+ comms_vtable->send_command(device, cmd);
+void qp_comms_command_databyte(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data) {
+ qp_comms_command(device, cmd);
+ qp_comms_send(device, &data, sizeof(data));
+uint32_t qp_comms_command_databuf(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd, const void *data, uint32_t byte_count) {
+ qp_comms_command(device, cmd);
+ return qp_comms_send(device, data, byte_count);
+void qp_comms_bulk_command_sequence(painter_device_t device, const uint8_t *sequence, size_t sequence_len) {
+ struct painter_driver_t * driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ struct painter_comms_with_command_vtable_t *comms_vtable = (struct painter_comms_with_command_vtable_t *)driver->comms_vtable;
+ comms_vtable->bulk_command_sequence(device, sequence, sequence_len);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_comms.h b/quantum/painter/qp_comms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fbf25c201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_comms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// Base comms APIs
+bool qp_comms_init(painter_device_t device);
+bool qp_comms_start(painter_device_t device);
+void qp_comms_stop(painter_device_t device);
+uint32_t qp_comms_send(painter_device_t device, const void* data, uint32_t byte_count);
+// Comms APIs that use a D/C pin
+void qp_comms_command(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd);
+void qp_comms_command_databyte(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data);
+uint32_t qp_comms_command_databuf(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd, const void* data, uint32_t byte_count);
+void qp_comms_bulk_command_sequence(painter_device_t device, const uint8_t* sequence, size_t sequence_len);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw.h b/quantum/painter/qp_draw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7094d80eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_stream.h"
+// Quantum Painter utility functions
+// Global variable used for native pixel data streaming.
+extern uint8_t qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer[QUANTUM_PAINTER_PIXDATA_BUFFER_SIZE];
+// Check if the supplied bpp is capable of being rendered
+bool qp_internal_bpp_capable(uint8_t bits_per_pixel);
+// Returns the number of pixels that can fit in the pixdata buffer
+uint32_t qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(painter_device_t device);
+// Fills the supplied buffer with equivalent native pixels matching the supplied HSV
+void qp_internal_fill_pixdata(painter_device_t device, uint32_t num_pixels, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val);
+// qp_setpixel internal implementation, but uses the global pixdata buffer with pre-converted native pixel. Only the first pixel is used.
+bool qp_internal_setpixel_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
+// qp_rect internal implementation, but uses the global pixdata buffer with pre-converted native pixels.
+bool qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t l, uint16_t t, uint16_t r, uint16_t b);
+// Convert from input pixel data + palette to equivalent pixels
+typedef int16_t (*qp_internal_byte_input_callback)(void* cb_arg);
+typedef bool (*qp_internal_pixel_output_callback)(qp_pixel_t* palette, uint8_t index, void* cb_arg);
+bool qp_internal_decode_palette(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_pixel_t* palette, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg);
+bool qp_internal_decode_grayscale(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg);
+bool qp_internal_decode_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg);
+// Global variable used for interpolated pixel lookup table.
+extern qp_pixel_t qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[256];
+extern qp_pixel_t qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[16];
+// Generates a color-interpolated lookup table based off the number of items, from foreground to background, for use with monochrome image rendering.
+// Returns true if a palette was created, false if the palette is reused.
+// As this uses a global, this may present a problem if using the same parameters but a different screen converts pixels -- use qp_internal_invalidate_palette() below to reset.
+bool qp_internal_interpolate_palette(qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, int16_t steps);
+// Resets the global palette so that it can be regenerated. Only needed if the colors are identical, but a different display is used with a different internal pixel format.
+void qp_internal_invalidate_palette(void);
+// Helper shared between image and font rendering -- sets up the global palette to match the palette block specified in the asset. Expects the stream to be positioned at the start of the block header.
+bool qp_internal_load_qgf_palette(qp_stream_t* stream, uint8_t bpp);
+// Quantum Painter codec functions
+enum qp_internal_rle_mode_t {
+struct qp_internal_byte_input_state {
+ painter_device_t device;
+ qp_stream_t* src_stream;
+ int16_t curr;
+ union {
+ // RLE-specific
+ struct {
+ enum qp_internal_rle_mode_t mode;
+ uint8_t remain; // number of bytes remaining in the current mode
+ } rle;
+ };
+struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state {
+ painter_device_t device;
+ uint32_t pixel_write_pos;
+ uint32_t max_pixels;
+bool qp_internal_pixel_appender(qp_pixel_t* palette, uint8_t index, void* cb_arg);
+qp_internal_byte_input_callback qp_internal_prepare_input_state(struct qp_internal_byte_input_state* input_state, painter_compression_t compression);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_circle.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_circle.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edaae35835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_circle.c
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Paul Cotter (@gr1mr3aver)
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp.h"
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+// Utilize 8-way symmetry to draw circles
+static bool qp_circle_helper_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t centerx, uint16_t centery, uint16_t offsetx, uint16_t offsety, bool filled) {
+ /*
+ Circles have the property of 8-way symmetry, so eight pixels can be drawn
+ for each computed [offsetx,offsety] given the center coordinates
+ represented by [centerx,centery].
+ For filled circles, we can draw horizontal lines between each pair of
+ pixels with the same final value of y.
+ Two special cases exist and have been optimized:
+ 1) offsetx == offsety (the final point), makes half the coordinates
+ equivalent, so we can omit them (and the corresponding fill lines)
+ 2) offsetx == 0 (the starting point) means that some horizontal lines
+ would be a single pixel in length, so we write individual pixels instead.
+ This also makes half the symmetrical points identical to their twins,
+ so we only need four points or two points and one line
+ */
+ int16_t xpx = ((int16_t)centerx) + ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t xmx = ((int16_t)centerx) - ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t xpy = ((int16_t)centerx) + ((int16_t)offsety);
+ int16_t xmy = ((int16_t)centerx) - ((int16_t)offsety);
+ int16_t ypx = ((int16_t)centery) + ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t ymx = ((int16_t)centery) - ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t ypy = ((int16_t)centery) + ((int16_t)offsety);
+ int16_t ymy = ((int16_t)centery) - ((int16_t)offsety);
+ if (offsetx == 0) {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, centerx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, centerx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (filled) {
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpy, centery, xmy, centery)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpy, centery)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmy, centery)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (offsetx == offsety) {
+ if (filled) {
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpy, ypy, xmy, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpy, ymy, xmy, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpy, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmy, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpy, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmy, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (filled) {
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpx, ypy, xmx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpx, ymy, xmx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpy, ypx, xmy, ypx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpy, ymx, xmy, ymx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpy, ypx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmy, ypx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpy, ymx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmy, ymx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_circle
+bool qp_circle(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_circle: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_circle: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // plot the initial set of points for x, y and r
+ int16_t xcalc = 0;
+ int16_t ycalc = (int16_t)radius;
+ int16_t err = ((5 - (radius >> 2)) >> 2);
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, (radius * 2) + 1, hue, sat, val);
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_circle: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (!qp_circle_helper_impl(device, x, y, xcalc, ycalc, filled)) {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ while (xcalc < ycalc) {
+ xcalc++;
+ if (err < 0) {
+ err += (xcalc << 1) + 1;
+ } else {
+ ycalc--;
+ err += ((xcalc - ycalc) << 1) + 1;
+ }
+ if (!qp_circle_helper_impl(device, x, y, xcalc, ycalc, filled)) {
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_circle: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_codec.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_codec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..438dce3994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_codec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+// Palette / Monochrome-format decoder
+static const qp_pixel_t qp_pixel_white = {.hsv888 = {.h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255}};
+static const qp_pixel_t qp_pixel_black = {.hsv888 = {.h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 0}};
+bool qp_internal_bpp_capable(uint8_t bits_per_pixel) {
+ if (bits_per_pixel > 4) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_internal_decode_palette: image bpp greater than 4\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bits_per_pixel > 8) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_internal_decode_palette: image bpp greater than 8\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qp_internal_decode_palette(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_pixel_t* palette, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg) {
+ const uint8_t pixel_bitmask = (1 << bits_per_pixel) - 1;
+ const uint8_t pixels_per_byte = 8 / bits_per_pixel;
+ uint32_t remaining_pixels = pixel_count; // don't try to derive from byte_count, we may not use an entire byte
+ while (remaining_pixels > 0) {
+ uint8_t byteval = input_callback(input_arg);
+ if (byteval < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t loop_pixels = remaining_pixels < pixels_per_byte ? remaining_pixels : pixels_per_byte;
+ for (uint8_t q = 0; q < loop_pixels; ++q) {
+ if (!output_callback(palette, byteval & pixel_bitmask, output_arg)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ byteval >>= bits_per_pixel;
+ }
+ remaining_pixels -= loop_pixels;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qp_internal_decode_grayscale(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg) {
+ return qp_internal_decode_recolor(device, pixel_count, bits_per_pixel, input_callback, input_arg, qp_pixel_white, qp_pixel_black, output_callback, output_arg);
+bool qp_internal_decode_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t bits_per_pixel, qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback, void* input_arg, qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, qp_internal_pixel_output_callback output_callback, void* output_arg) {
+ struct painter_driver_t* driver = (struct painter_driver_t*)device;
+ int16_t steps = 1 << bits_per_pixel; // number of items we need to interpolate
+ if (qp_internal_interpolate_palette(fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888, steps)) {
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->palette_convert(device, steps, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return qp_internal_decode_palette(device, pixel_count, bits_per_pixel, input_callback, input_arg, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table, output_callback, output_arg);
+// Progressive pull of bytes, push of pixels
+static inline int16_t qp_drawimage_byte_uncompressed_decoder(void* cb_arg) {
+ struct qp_internal_byte_input_state* state = (struct qp_internal_byte_input_state*)cb_arg;
+ state->curr = qp_stream_get(state->src_stream);
+ return state->curr;
+static inline int16_t qp_drawimage_byte_rle_decoder(void* cb_arg) {
+ struct qp_internal_byte_input_state* state = (struct qp_internal_byte_input_state*)cb_arg;
+ // Work out if we're parsing the initial marker byte
+ if (state->rle.mode == MARKER_BYTE) {
+ uint8_t c = qp_stream_get(state->src_stream);
+ if (c >= 128) {
+ state->rle.mode = NON_REPEATING_RUN; // non-repeated run
+ state->rle.remain = c - 127;
+ } else {
+ state->rle.mode = REPEATING_RUN; // repeated run
+ state->rle.remain = c;
+ }
+ state->curr = qp_stream_get(state->src_stream);
+ }
+ // Work out which byte we're returning
+ uint8_t c = state->curr;
+ // Decrement the counter of the bytes remaining
+ state->rle.remain--;
+ if (state->rle.remain > 0) {
+ // If we're in a non-repeating run, queue up the next byte
+ if (state->rle.mode == NON_REPEATING_RUN) {
+ state->curr = qp_stream_get(state->src_stream);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Swap back to querying the marker byte mode
+ state->rle.mode = MARKER_BYTE;
+ }
+ return c;
+bool qp_internal_pixel_appender(qp_pixel_t* palette, uint8_t index, void* cb_arg) {
+ struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state* state = (struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state*)cb_arg;
+ struct painter_driver_t* driver = (struct painter_driver_t*)state->device;
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->append_pixels(state->device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, palette, state->pixel_write_pos++, 1, &index)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If we've hit the transmit limit, send out the entire buffer and reset the write position
+ if (state->pixel_write_pos == state->max_pixels) {
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(state->device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, state->pixel_write_pos)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ state->pixel_write_pos = 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+qp_internal_byte_input_callback qp_internal_prepare_input_state(struct qp_internal_byte_input_state* input_state, painter_compression_t compression) {
+ switch (compression) {
+ return qp_drawimage_byte_uncompressed_decoder;
+ input_state->rle.mode = MARKER_BYTE;
+ input_state->rle.remain = 0;
+ return qp_drawimage_byte_rle_decoder;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_core.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_core.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c31c734132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// Copyright 2021-2022 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// Copyright 2021 Paul Cotter (@gr1mr3aver)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+#include "qgf.h"
+// Global variables
+// NOTE: The variables in this section are intentionally outside a stack frame. They are able to be defined with larger
+// sizes than the normal stack frames would allow, and as such need to be external.
+// **** DO NOT refactor this and decide to place the variables inside the function calling them -- you will ****
+// **** very likely get artifacts rendered to the screen as a result. ****
+// Buffer used for transmitting native pixel data to the downstream device.
+uint8_t qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer[QUANTUM_PAINTER_PIXDATA_BUFFER_SIZE];
+// Static buffer to contain a generated color palette
+static bool generated_palette = false;
+static int16_t generated_steps = -1;
+static qp_pixel_t interpolated_fg_hsv888;
+static qp_pixel_t interpolated_bg_hsv888;
+qp_pixel_t qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[256];
+qp_pixel_t qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[16];
+// Helpers
+uint32_t qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(painter_device_t device) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ return ((QUANTUM_PAINTER_PIXDATA_BUFFER_SIZE * 8) / driver->native_bits_per_pixel);
+// qp_setpixel internal implementation, but accepts a buffer with pre-converted native pixel. Only the first pixel is used.
+bool qp_internal_setpixel_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ return driver->driver_vtable->viewport(device, x, y, x, y) && driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, 1);
+// Fills the global native pixel buffer with equivalent pixels matching the supplied HSV
+void qp_internal_fill_pixdata(painter_device_t device, uint32_t num_pixels, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ uint32_t pixels_in_pixdata = qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(device);
+ num_pixels = QP_MIN(pixels_in_pixdata, num_pixels);
+ // Convert the color to native pixel format
+ qp_pixel_t color = {.hsv888 = {.h = hue, .s = sat, .v = val}};
+ driver->driver_vtable->palette_convert(device, 1, &color);
+ // Append the required number of pixels
+ uint8_t palette_idx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
+ driver->driver_vtable->append_pixels(device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, &color, i, 1, &palette_idx);
+ }
+// Resets the global palette so that it can be regenerated. Only needed if the colors are identical, but a different display is used with a different internal pixel format.
+void qp_internal_invalidate_palette(void) {
+ generated_palette = false;
+ generated_steps = -1;
+// Interpolates between two colors to generate a palette
+bool qp_internal_interpolate_palette(qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, int16_t steps) {
+ // Check if we need to generate a new palette -- if the input parameters match then assume the palette can stay unchanged.
+ // This may present a problem if using the same parameters but a different screen converts pixels -- use qp_internal_invalidate_palette() to reset.
+ if (generated_palette == true && generated_steps == steps && memcmp(&interpolated_fg_hsv888, &fg_hsv888, sizeof(fg_hsv888)) == 0 && memcmp(&interpolated_bg_hsv888, &bg_hsv888, sizeof(bg_hsv888)) == 0) {
+ // We already have the correct palette, no point regenerating it.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Save the parameters so we know whether we can skip generation
+ generated_palette = true;
+ generated_steps = steps;
+ interpolated_fg_hsv888 = fg_hsv888;
+ interpolated_bg_hsv888 = bg_hsv888;
+ int16_t hue_fg = fg_hsv888.hsv888.h;
+ int16_t hue_bg = bg_hsv888.hsv888.h;
+ // Make sure we take the "shortest" route from one hue to the other
+ if ((hue_fg - hue_bg) >= 128) {
+ hue_bg += 256;
+ } else if ((hue_fg - hue_bg) <= -128) {
+ hue_bg -= 256;
+ }
+ // Interpolate each of the lookup table entries
+ for (int16_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.h = (uint8_t)((hue_fg - hue_bg) * i / (steps - 1) + hue_bg);
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.s = (uint8_t)((fg_hsv888.hsv888.s - bg_hsv888.hsv888.s) * i / (steps - 1) + bg_hsv888.hsv888.s);
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.v = (uint8_t)((fg_hsv888.hsv888.v - bg_hsv888.hsv888.v) * i / (steps - 1) + bg_hsv888.hsv888.v);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_internal_interpolate_palette: %3d of %d -- H: %3d, S: %3d, V: %3d\n", (int)(i + 1), (int)steps, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.h, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.s, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.v);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Helper shared between image and font rendering -- sets up the global palette to match the palette block specified in the asset. Expects the stream to be positioned at the start of the block header.
+bool qp_internal_load_qgf_palette(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t bpp) {
+ qgf_palette_v1_t palette_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&palette_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read palette_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // BPP determines the number of palette entries, each entry is a HSV888 triplet.
+ const uint16_t palette_entries = 1u << bpp;
+ // Ensure we aren't reusing any palette
+ qp_internal_invalidate_palette();
+ // Read the palette entries
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < palette_entries; ++i) {
+ // Read the palette entry
+ qgf_palette_entry_v1_t entry;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&entry, sizeof(qgf_palette_entry_v1_t), 1, stream) != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Update the lookup table
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.h = entry.h;
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.s = entry.s;
+ qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.v = entry.v;
+ qp_dprintf("qp_internal_load_qgf_palette: %3d of %d -- H: %3d, S: %3d, V: %3d\n", (int)(i + 1), (int)palette_entries, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.h, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.s, (int)qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table[i].hsv888.v);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_setpixel
+bool qp_setpixel(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_setpixel: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to start comms in qp_setpixel\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, 1, hue, sat, val);
+ bool ret = qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, x, y);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_setpixel: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_line
+bool qp_line(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val) {
+ if (x0 == x1 || y0 == y1) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_line(%d, %d, %d, %d): entry (deferring to qp_rect)\n", (int)x0, (int)y0, (int)x1, (int)y1);
+ bool ret = qp_rect(device, x0, y0, x1, y1, hue, sat, val, true);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_line(%d, %d, %d, %d): %s (deferred to qp_rect)\n", (int)x0, (int)y0, (int)x1, (int)y1, ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_line(%d, %d, %d, %d): entry\n", (int)x0, (int)y0, (int)x1, (int)y1);
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_line: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to start comms in qp_line\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, 1, hue, sat, val);
+ // draw angled line using Bresenham's algo
+ int16_t x = ((int16_t)x0);
+ int16_t y = ((int16_t)y0);
+ int16_t slopex = ((int16_t)x0) < ((int16_t)x1) ? 1 : -1;
+ int16_t slopey = ((int16_t)y0) < ((int16_t)y1) ? 1 : -1;
+ int16_t dx = abs(((int16_t)x1) - ((int16_t)x0));
+ int16_t dy = -abs(((int16_t)y1) - ((int16_t)y0));
+ int16_t e = dx + dy;
+ int16_t e2 = 2 * e;
+ bool ret = true;
+ while (x != x1 || y != y1) {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, x, y)) {
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ e2 = 2 * e;
+ if (e2 >= dy) {
+ e += dy;
+ x += slopex;
+ }
+ if (e2 <= dx) {
+ e += dx;
+ y += slopey;
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the last pixel
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, x, y)) {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_line(%d, %d, %d, %d): %s\n", (int)x0, (int)y0, (int)x1, (int)y1, ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_rect
+bool qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom) {
+ uint32_t pixels_in_pixdata = qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(device);
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ uint16_t l = QP_MIN(left, right);
+ uint16_t r = QP_MAX(left, right);
+ uint16_t t = QP_MIN(top, bottom);
+ uint16_t b = QP_MAX(top, bottom);
+ uint16_t w = r - l + 1;
+ uint16_t h = b - t + 1;
+ uint32_t remaining = w * h;
+ driver->driver_vtable->viewport(device, l, t, r, b);
+ while (remaining > 0) {
+ uint32_t transmit = QP_MIN(remaining, pixels_in_pixdata);
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, transmit)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ remaining -= transmit;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool qp_rect(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_rect(%d, %d, %d, %d): entry\n", (int)left, (int)top, (int)right, (int)bottom);
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_rect: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Cater for cases where people have submitted the coordinates backwards
+ uint16_t l = QP_MIN(left, right);
+ uint16_t r = QP_MAX(left, right);
+ uint16_t t = QP_MIN(top, bottom);
+ uint16_t b = QP_MAX(top, bottom);
+ uint16_t w = r - l + 1;
+ uint16_t h = b - t + 1;
+ bool ret = true;
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to start comms in qp_rect\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (filled) {
+ // Fill up the pixdata buffer with the required number of native pixels
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, w * h, hue, sat, val);
+ // Perform the draw
+ ret = qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, l, t, r, b);
+ } else {
+ // Fill up the pixdata buffer with the required number of native pixels
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, QP_MAX(w, h), hue, sat, val);
+ // Draw 4x filled single-width rects to create an outline
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, l, t, r, t) || !qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, l, b, r, b) || !qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, l, t + 1, l, b - 1) || !qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, r, t + 1, r, b - 1)) {
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ }
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_rect(%d, %d, %d, %d): %s\n", (int)l, (int)t, (int)r, (int)b, ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ return ret;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_ellipse.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_ellipse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f2f4abcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_ellipse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Paul Cotter (@gr1mr3aver)
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+// Utilize 4-way symmetry to draw an ellipse
+static bool qp_ellipse_helper_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t centerx, uint16_t centery, uint16_t offsetx, uint16_t offsety, bool filled) {
+ /*
+ Ellipses have the property of 4-way symmetry, so four pixels can be drawn
+ for each computed [offsetx,offsety] given the center coordinates
+ represented by [centerx,centery].
+ For filled ellipses, we can draw horizontal lines between each pair of
+ pixels with the same final value of y.
+ When offsetx == 0 only two pixels can be drawn for filled or unfilled ellipses
+ */
+ int16_t xpx = ((int16_t)centerx) + ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t xmx = ((int16_t)centerx) - ((int16_t)offsetx);
+ int16_t ypy = ((int16_t)centery) + ((int16_t)offsety);
+ int16_t ymy = ((int16_t)centery) - ((int16_t)offsety);
+ if (offsetx == 0) {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (filled) {
+ if (!qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpx, ypy, xmx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (offsety > 0 && !qp_internal_fillrect_helper_impl(device, xpx, ymy, xmx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xpx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmx, ypy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_internal_setpixel_impl(device, xmx, ymy)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_ellipse
+bool qp_ellipse(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t sizex, uint16_t sizey, uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, bool filled) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_ellipse: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_ellipse: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ int16_t aa = ((int16_t)sizex) * ((int16_t)sizex);
+ int16_t bb = ((int16_t)sizey) * ((int16_t)sizey);
+ int16_t fa = 4 * ((int16_t)aa);
+ int16_t fb = 4 * ((int16_t)bb);
+ int16_t dx = 0;
+ int16_t dy = ((int16_t)sizey);
+ qp_internal_fill_pixdata(device, QP_MAX(sizex, sizey), hue, sat, val);
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_ellipse: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (int16_t delta = (2 * bb) + (aa * (1 - (2 * sizey))); bb * dx <= aa * dy; dx++) {
+ if (!qp_ellipse_helper_impl(device, x, y, dx, dy, filled)) {
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (delta >= 0) {
+ delta += fa * (1 - dy);
+ dy--;
+ }
+ delta += bb * (4 * dx + 6);
+ }
+ dx = sizex;
+ dy = 0;
+ for (int16_t delta = (2 * aa) + (bb * (1 - (2 * sizex))); aa * dy <= bb * dx; dy++) {
+ if (!qp_ellipse_helper_impl(device, x, y, dx, dy, filled)) {
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (delta >= 0) {
+ delta += fb * (1 - dx);
+ dx--;
+ }
+ delta += aa * (4 * dy + 6);
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_ellipse: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_image.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_image.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5822758dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_image.c
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qgf.h"
+#include "deferred_exec.h"
+// QGF image handles
+typedef struct qgf_image_handle_t {
+ painter_image_desc_t base;
+ bool validate_ok;
+ union {
+ qp_stream_t stream;
+ qp_memory_stream_t mem_stream;
+ qp_file_stream_t file_stream;
+ };
+} qgf_image_handle_t;
+static qgf_image_handle_t image_descriptors[QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_IMAGES] = {0};
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_load_image_mem
+painter_image_handle_t qp_load_image_mem(const void *buffer) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_image_mem: entry\n");
+ qgf_image_handle_t *image = NULL;
+ // Find a free slot
+ for (int i = 0; i < QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_IMAGES; ++i) {
+ if (!image_descriptors[i].validate_ok) {
+ image = &image_descriptors[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop out if not found
+ if (!image) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_image_mem: fail (no free slot)\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Assume we can read the graphics descriptor
+ image->mem_stream = qp_make_memory_stream((void *)buffer, sizeof(qgf_graphics_descriptor_v1_t));
+ // Update the length of the stream to match, and rewind to the start
+ image->mem_stream.length = qgf_get_total_size(&image->stream);
+ image->mem_stream.position = 0;
+ // Now that we know the length, validate the input data
+ if (!qgf_validate_stream(&image->stream)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_image_mem: fail (failed validation)\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Fill out the QP image descriptor
+ qgf_read_graphics_descriptor(&image->stream, &image->base.width, &image->base.height, &image->base.frame_count, NULL);
+ // Validation success, we can return the handle
+ image->validate_ok = true;
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_image_mem: ok\n");
+ return (painter_image_handle_t)image;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_close_image
+bool qp_close_image(painter_image_handle_t image) {
+ qgf_image_handle_t *qgf_image = (qgf_image_handle_t *)image;
+ if (!qgf_image->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_close_image: fail (invalid image)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Free up this image for use elsewhere.
+ qgf_image->validate_ok = false;
+ return true;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawimage
+bool qp_drawimage(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image) {
+ return qp_drawimage_recolor(device, x, y, image, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0);
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawimage_recolor
+typedef struct qgf_frame_info_t {
+ painter_compression_t compression_scheme;
+ uint8_t bpp;
+ bool has_palette;
+ bool is_delta;
+ uint16_t left;
+ uint16_t top;
+ uint16_t right;
+ uint16_t bottom;
+ uint16_t delay;
+} qgf_frame_info_t;
+static bool qp_drawimage_prepare_frame_for_stream_read(painter_device_t device, qgf_image_handle_t *qgf_image, uint16_t frame_number, qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, qgf_frame_info_t *info) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ // Drop out if we can't actually place the data we read out anywhere
+ if (!info) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to prepare stream for read, output info buffer unavailable\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Seek to the frame
+ qgf_seek_to_frame_descriptor(&qgf_image->stream, frame_number);
+ // Read the frame descriptor
+ qgf_frame_v1_t frame_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&frame_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t), 1, &qgf_image->stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read frame_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_frame_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Parse out the frame info
+ if (!qgf_parse_frame_descriptor(&frame_descriptor, &info->bpp, &info->has_palette, &info->is_delta, &info->compression_scheme, &info->delay)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Ensure we aren't reusing any palette
+ qp_internal_invalidate_palette();
+ if (!qp_internal_bpp_capable(info->bpp)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (image bpp too high (%d), check QUANTUM_PAINTER_SUPPORTS_256_PALETTE)\n", (int)info->bpp);
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Handle palette if needed
+ const uint16_t palette_entries = 1u << info->bpp;
+ bool needs_pixconvert = false;
+ if (info->has_palette) {
+ // Load the palette from the stream
+ if (!qp_internal_load_qgf_palette((qp_stream_t *)&qgf_image->stream, info->bpp)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ needs_pixconvert = true;
+ } else {
+ // Interpolate from fg/bg
+ needs_pixconvert = qp_internal_interpolate_palette(fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888, palette_entries);
+ }
+ if (needs_pixconvert) {
+ // Convert the palette to native format
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->palette_convert(device, palette_entries, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (could not convert pixels to native)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle delta if needed
+ if (info->is_delta) {
+ qgf_delta_v1_t delta_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&delta_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t), 1, &qgf_image->stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read delta_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_delta_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ info->left = delta_descriptor.left;
+ info->top =;
+ info->right = delta_descriptor.right;
+ info->bottom = delta_descriptor.bottom;
+ }
+ // Read the data block
+ qgf_data_v1_t data_descriptor;
+ if (qp_stream_read(&data_descriptor, sizeof(qgf_data_v1_t), 1, &qgf_image->stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read data_descriptor, expected length was not %d\n", (int)sizeof(qgf_data_v1_t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Stream is now at the point of being able to read pixdata
+ return true;
+static bool qp_drawimage_recolor_impl(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image, int frame_number, qgf_frame_info_t *frame_info, qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ qgf_image_handle_t *qgf_image = (qgf_image_handle_t *)image;
+ if (!qgf_image->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (invalid image)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Read the frame info
+ if (!qp_drawimage_prepare_frame_for_stream_read(device, qgf_image, frame_number, fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888, frame_info)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (could not read frame %d)\n", frame_number);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint16_t l, t, r, b;
+ if (frame_info->is_delta) {
+ l = x + frame_info->left;
+ t = y + frame_info->top;
+ r = x + frame_info->right - 1;
+ b = y + frame_info->bottom - 1;
+ } else {
+ l = x;
+ t = y;
+ r = x + image->width - 1;
+ b = y + image->height - 1;
+ }
+ uint32_t pixel_count = ((uint32_t)(r - l + 1)) * (b - t + 1);
+ // Configure where we're going to be rendering to
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->viewport(device, l, t, r, b)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (could not set viewport)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set up the input state
+ struct qp_internal_byte_input_state input_state = {.device = device, .src_stream = &qgf_image->stream};
+ qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback = qp_internal_prepare_input_state(&input_state, frame_info->compression_scheme);
+ if (input_callback == NULL) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: fail (invalid image compression scheme)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set up the output state
+ struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state output_state = {.device = device, .pixel_write_pos = 0, .max_pixels = qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(device)};
+ // Decode the pixel data and stream to the display
+ bool ret = qp_internal_decode_palette(device, pixel_count, frame_info->bpp, input_callback, &input_state, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table, qp_internal_pixel_appender, &output_state);
+ // Any leftovers need transmission as well.
+ if (ret && output_state.pixel_write_pos > 0) {
+ ret &= driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, output_state.pixel_write_pos);
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawimage_recolor: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret;
+bool qp_drawimage_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg) {
+ qgf_frame_info_t frame_info = {0};
+ qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888 = {.hsv888 = {.h = hue_fg, .s = sat_fg, .v = val_fg}};
+ qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888 = {.hsv888 = {.h = hue_bg, .s = sat_bg, .v = val_bg}};
+ return qp_drawimage_recolor_impl(device, x, y, image, 0, &frame_info, fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888);
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_animate
+deferred_token qp_animate(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image) {
+ return qp_animate_recolor(device, x, y, image, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0);
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_animate_recolor
+typedef struct animation_state_t {
+ painter_device_t device;
+ uint16_t x;
+ uint16_t y;
+ painter_image_handle_t image;
+ qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888;
+ qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888;
+ uint16_t frame_number;
+ deferred_token defer_token;
+} animation_state_t;
+static deferred_executor_t animation_executors[QUANTUM_PAINTER_CONCURRENT_ANIMATIONS] = {0};
+static animation_state_t animation_states[QUANTUM_PAINTER_CONCURRENT_ANIMATIONS] = {0};
+static deferred_token qp_render_animation_state(animation_state_t *state, uint16_t *delay_ms) {
+ qgf_frame_info_t frame_info = {0};
+ qp_dprintf("qp_render_animation_state: entry (frame #%d)\n", (int)state->frame_number);
+ bool ret = qp_drawimage_recolor_impl(state->device, state->x, state->y, state->image, state->frame_number, &frame_info, state->fg_hsv888, state->bg_hsv888);
+ if (ret) {
+ ++state->frame_number;
+ if (state->frame_number >= state->image->frame_count) {
+ state->frame_number = 0;
+ }
+ *delay_ms = frame_info.delay;
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_render_animation_state: %s (delay %dms)\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail", (int)(*delay_ms));
+ return ret;
+static uint32_t animation_callback(uint32_t trigger_time, void *cb_arg) {
+ animation_state_t *state = (animation_state_t *)cb_arg;
+ uint16_t delay_ms;
+ bool ret = qp_render_animation_state(state, &delay_ms);
+ if (!ret) {
+ // Setting the device to NULL clears the animation slot
+ state->device = NULL;
+ }
+ // If we're successful, keep animating -- returning 0 cancels the deferred execution
+ return ret ? delay_ms : 0;
+deferred_token qp_animate_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_image_handle_t image, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_animate_recolor: entry\n");
+ animation_state_t *anim_state = NULL;
+ if (animation_states[i].device == NULL) {
+ anim_state = &animation_states[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!anim_state) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_animate_recolor: fail (could not find free animation slot)\n");
+ }
+ // Prepare the animation state
+ anim_state->device = device;
+ anim_state->x = x;
+ anim_state->y = y;
+ anim_state->image = image;
+ anim_state->fg_hsv888 = (qp_pixel_t){.hsv888 = {.h = hue_fg, .s = sat_fg, .v = val_fg}};
+ anim_state->bg_hsv888 = (qp_pixel_t){.hsv888 = {.h = hue_bg, .s = sat_bg, .v = val_bg}};
+ anim_state->frame_number = 0;
+ // Draw the first frame
+ uint16_t delay_ms;
+ if (!qp_render_animation_state(anim_state, &delay_ms)) {
+ anim_state->device = NULL; // disregard the allocated animation slot
+ qp_dprintf("qp_animate_recolor: fail (could not render first frame)\n");
+ }
+ // Set up the timer
+ anim_state->defer_token = defer_exec_advanced(animation_executors, QUANTUM_PAINTER_CONCURRENT_ANIMATIONS, delay_ms, animation_callback, anim_state);
+ if (anim_state->defer_token == INVALID_DEFERRED_TOKEN) {
+ anim_state->device = NULL; // disregard the allocated animation slot
+ qp_dprintf("qp_animate_recolor: fail (could not set up animation executor)\n");
+ }
+ qp_dprintf("qp_animate_recolor: ok (deferred token = %d)\n", (int)anim_state->defer_token);
+ return anim_state->defer_token;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_stop_animation
+void qp_stop_animation(deferred_token anim_token) {
+ if (animation_states[i].defer_token == anim_token) {
+ cancel_deferred_exec_advanced(animation_executors, QUANTUM_PAINTER_CONCURRENT_ANIMATIONS, anim_token);
+ animation_states[i].device = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// Quantum Painter Core API: qp_internal_animation_tick
+void qp_internal_animation_tick(void) {
+ static uint32_t last_anim_exec = 0;
+ deferred_exec_advanced_task(animation_executors, QUANTUM_PAINTER_CONCURRENT_ANIMATIONS, &last_anim_exec);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_draw_text.c b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_text.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f99e082cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_draw_text.c
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include <quantum.h>
+#include <utf8.h>
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_draw.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qff.h"
+// QFF font handles
+typedef struct qff_font_handle_t {
+ painter_font_desc_t base;
+ bool validate_ok;
+ bool has_ascii_table;
+ uint16_t num_unicode_glyphs;
+ uint8_t bpp;
+ bool has_palette;
+ painter_compression_t compression_scheme;
+ union {
+ qp_stream_t stream;
+ qp_memory_stream_t mem_stream;
+ qp_file_stream_t file_stream;
+ };
+ bool owns_buffer;
+ void *buffer;
+} qff_font_handle_t;
+static qff_font_handle_t font_descriptors[QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_FONTS] = {0};
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_load_font_mem
+painter_font_handle_t qp_load_font_mem(const void *buffer) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: entry\n");
+ qff_font_handle_t *font = NULL;
+ // Find a free slot
+ for (int i = 0; i < QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_FONTS; ++i) {
+ if (!font_descriptors[i].validate_ok) {
+ font = &font_descriptors[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop out if not found
+ if (!font) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: fail (no free slot)\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Assume we can read the graphics descriptor
+ font->mem_stream = qp_make_memory_stream((void *)buffer, sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t));
+ // Update the length of the stream to match, and rewind to the start
+ font->mem_stream.length = qff_get_total_size(&font->stream);
+ font->mem_stream.position = 0;
+ // Now that we know the length, validate the input data
+ if (!qff_validate_stream(&font->stream)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: fail (failed validation)\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Clear out any existing data
+ font->owns_buffer = false;
+ font->buffer = NULL;
+ void *ram_buffer = malloc(font->mem_stream.length);
+ if (ram_buffer == NULL) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: could not allocate enough RAM for font, falling back to original\n");
+ } else {
+ do {
+ // Copy the data into RAM
+ if (qp_stream_read(ram_buffer, 1, font->mem_stream.length, &font->mem_stream) != font->mem_stream.length) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: could not copy from flash to RAM, falling back to original\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Create the new stream with the new buffer
+ font->buffer = ram_buffer;
+ font->owns_buffer = true;
+ font->mem_stream = qp_make_memory_stream(font->buffer, font->mem_stream.length);
+ } while (0);
+ }
+ // Free the buffer if we were unable to recreate the RAM copy.
+ if (ram_buffer != NULL && !font->owns_buffer) {
+ free(ram_buffer);
+ }
+ // Read the info (parsing already successful above, no need to check return value)
+ qff_read_font_descriptor(&font->stream, &font->base.line_height, &font->has_ascii_table, &font->num_unicode_glyphs, &font->bpp, &font->has_palette, &font->compression_scheme, NULL);
+ if (!qp_internal_bpp_capable(font->bpp)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: fail (image bpp too high (%d), check QUANTUM_PAINTER_SUPPORTS_256_PALETTE)\n", (int)font->bpp);
+ qp_close_font((painter_font_handle_t)font);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Validation success, we can return the handle
+ font->validate_ok = true;
+ qp_dprintf("qp_load_font_mem: ok\n");
+ return (painter_font_handle_t)font;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_close_font
+bool qp_close_font(painter_font_handle_t font) {
+ qff_font_handle_t *qff_font = (qff_font_handle_t *)font;
+ if (!qff_font->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_close_font: fail (invalid font)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Nuke the buffer, if required
+ if (qff_font->owns_buffer) {
+ free(qff_font->buffer);
+ qff_font->buffer = NULL;
+ qff_font->owns_buffer = false;
+ }
+ // Free up this font for use elsewhere.
+ qff_font->validate_ok = false;
+ return true;
+// Helpers
+// Callback to be invoked for each codepoint detected in the UTF8 input string
+typedef bool (*code_point_handler)(qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, uint32_t code_point, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, void *cb_arg);
+// Helper that sets up the palette (if required) and returns the offset in the stream that the data starts
+static inline bool qp_drawtext_prepare_font_for_render(painter_device_t device, qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888, qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888, uint32_t *data_offset) {
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ // Drop out if we can't actually place the data we read out anywhere
+ if (!data_offset) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to prepare stream for read, output info buffer unavailable\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Work out where we're reading from
+ uint32_t offset = sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t);
+ if (qff_font->has_ascii_table) {
+ offset += sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t);
+ }
+ if (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs > 0) {
+ offset += sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t) + (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs * 6);
+ }
+ // Handle palette if needed
+ const uint16_t palette_entries = 1u << qff_font->bpp;
+ bool needs_pixconvert = false;
+ if (qff_font->has_palette) {
+ // If this font has a palette, we need to read it out and set up the pixel lookup table
+ qp_stream_setpos(&qff_font->stream, offset);
+ if (!qp_internal_load_qgf_palette(&qff_font->stream, qff_font->bpp)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Skip this block, as far as offset calculations go
+ offset += sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t) + (palette_entries * 3);
+ needs_pixconvert = true;
+ } else {
+ // Interpolate from fg/bg
+ int16_t palette_entries = 1 << qff_font->bpp;
+ needs_pixconvert = qp_internal_interpolate_palette(fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888, palette_entries);
+ }
+ if (needs_pixconvert) {
+ // Convert the palette to native format
+ if (!driver->driver_vtable->palette_convert(device, palette_entries, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (could not convert pixels to native)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ *data_offset = offset;
+ return true;
+static inline bool qp_drawtext_prepare_glyph_for_render(qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, uint32_t code_point, uint8_t *width) {
+ if (code_point >= 0x20 && code_point < 0x7F && qff_font->has_ascii_table) {
+ // Do ascii table
+ qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t glyph_info;
+ uint32_t glyph_info_offset = sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) // Skip the font descriptor
+ + sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) // Skip the ascii table header
+ + (code_point - 0x20) * sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t); // Jump direct to the data offset based on the glyph index
+ if (qp_stream_setpos(&qff_font->stream, glyph_info_offset) < 0) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to set stream position while reading ascii glyph info\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (qp_stream_read(&glyph_info, sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t), 1, &qff_font->stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to read glyph info\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t glyph_width = (uint8_t)(glyph_info.value & QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_MASK);
+ uint32_t glyph_offset = ((glyph_info.value & QFF_GLYPH_OFFSET_MASK) >> QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_BITS);
+ uint32_t data_offset = sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) // Skip the font descriptor
+ + sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t) // Skip the ascii table
+ + (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs > 0 ? (sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t) + (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs * sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t))) : 0) // Skip the unicode table
+ + (qff_font->has_palette ? (sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t) + ((1 << qff_font->bpp) * sizeof(qgf_palette_entry_v1_t))) : 0) // Skip the palette
+ + sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) // Skip the data block header
+ + glyph_offset; // Jump to the specified glyph offset
+ if (qp_stream_setpos(&qff_font->stream, data_offset) < 0) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to set stream position while preparing ascii glyph data\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ *width = glyph_width;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Do unicode table, which may include singular ascii glyphs if full ascii table isn't specified
+ uint32_t glyph_info_offset = sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) // Skip the font descriptor
+ + (qff_font->has_ascii_table ? sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t) : 0) // Skip the ascii table
+ + sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t); // Skip the unicode block header
+ if (qp_stream_setpos(&qff_font->stream, glyph_info_offset) < 0) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to set stream position while preparing glyph data\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t glyph_info;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs; ++i) {
+ if (qp_stream_read(&glyph_info, sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t), 1, &qff_font->stream) != 1) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to set stream position while reading unicode glyph info\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (glyph_info.code_point == code_point) {
+ uint8_t glyph_width = (uint8_t)(glyph_info.value & QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_MASK);
+ uint32_t glyph_offset = ((glyph_info.value & QFF_GLYPH_OFFSET_MASK) >> QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_BITS);
+ uint32_t data_offset = sizeof(qff_font_descriptor_v1_t) // Skip the font descriptor
+ + sizeof(qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t) // Skip the ascii table
+ + (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs > 0 ? (sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t) + (qff_font->num_unicode_glyphs * sizeof(qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t))) : 0) // Skip the unicode table
+ + (qff_font->has_palette ? (sizeof(qgf_palette_v1_t) + ((1 << qff_font->bpp) * sizeof(qgf_palette_entry_v1_t))) : 0) // Skip the palette
+ + sizeof(qgf_block_header_v1_t) // Skip the data block header
+ + glyph_offset; // Jump to the specified glyph offset
+ if (qp_stream_setpos(&qff_font->stream, data_offset) < 0) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to set stream position while preparing unicode glyph data\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ *width = glyph_width;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not found
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to find unicode glyph info\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Function to iterate over each UTF8 codepoint, invoking the callback for each decoded glyph
+static inline bool qp_iterate_code_points(qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, const char *str, code_point_handler handler, void *cb_arg) {
+ while (*str) {
+ int32_t code_point = 0;
+ str = decode_utf8(str, &code_point);
+ if (code_point < 0) {
+ qp_dprintf("Invalid unicode code point decoded. Cannot render.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t width;
+ if (!qp_drawtext_prepare_glyph_for_render(qff_font, code_point, &width)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to prepare glyph for rendering.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!handler(qff_font, code_point, width, qff_font->base.line_height, cb_arg)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to execute glyph handler.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// String width calculation
+// Callback state
+struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state {
+ int16_t width;
+// Codepoint handler callback: width calc
+static inline bool qp_font_code_point_handler_calcwidth(qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, uint32_t code_point, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, void *cb_arg) {
+ struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state *state = (struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state *)cb_arg;
+ // Increment the overall width by this glyph's width
+ state->width += width;
+ return true;
+// String drawing implementation
+// Callback state
+struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state {
+ painter_device_t device;
+ int16_t xpos;
+ int16_t ypos;
+ qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback;
+ struct qp_internal_byte_input_state * input_state;
+ struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state *output_state;
+// Codepoint handler callback: drawing
+static inline bool qp_font_code_point_handler_drawglyph(qff_font_handle_t *qff_font, uint32_t code_point, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, void *cb_arg) {
+ struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state *state = (struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state *)cb_arg;
+ struct painter_driver_t * driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)state->device;
+ // Reset the input state's RLE mode -- the stream should already be correctly positioned by qp_iterate_code_points()
+ state->input_state->rle.mode = MARKER_BYTE; // ignored if not using RLE
+ // Reset the output state
+ state->output_state->pixel_write_pos = 0;
+ // Configure where we're going to be rendering to
+ driver->driver_vtable->viewport(state->device, state->xpos, state->ypos, state->xpos + width - 1, state->ypos + height - 1);
+ // Move the x-position for the next glyph
+ state->xpos += width;
+ // Decode the pixel data for the glyph
+ uint32_t pixel_count = ((uint32_t)width) * height;
+ bool ret = qp_internal_decode_palette(state->device, pixel_count, qff_font->bpp, state->input_callback, state->input_state, qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table, qp_internal_pixel_appender, state->output_state);
+ // Any leftovers need transmission as well.
+ if (ret && state->output_state->pixel_write_pos > 0) {
+ ret &= driver->driver_vtable->pixdata(state->device, qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer, state->output_state->pixel_write_pos);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_textwidth
+int16_t qp_textwidth(painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str) {
+ qff_font_handle_t *qff_font = (qff_font_handle_t *)font;
+ if (!qff_font->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_textwidth: fail (invalid font)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Create the codepoint iterator state
+ struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state state = {.width = 0};
+ // Iterate each codepoint, return the calculated width if successful.
+ return qp_iterate_code_points(qff_font, str, qp_font_code_point_handler_calcwidth, &state) ? state.width : 0;
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawtext
+int16_t qp_drawtext(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str) {
+ // Offload to the recolor variant, substituting fg=white bg=black.
+ // Traditional LCDs with those colors will need to manually invoke qp_drawtext_recolor with the colors reversed.
+ return qp_drawtext_recolor(device, x, y, font, str, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0);
+// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawtext_recolor
+int16_t qp_drawtext_recolor(painter_device_t device, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, painter_font_handle_t font, const char *str, uint8_t hue_fg, uint8_t sat_fg, uint8_t val_fg, uint8_t hue_bg, uint8_t sat_bg, uint8_t val_bg) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: entry\n");
+ struct painter_driver_t *driver = (struct painter_driver_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (validation_ok == false)\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ qff_font_handle_t *qff_font = (qff_font_handle_t *)font;
+ if (!qff_font->validate_ok) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (invalid font)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!qp_comms_start(device)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (could not start comms)\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Set up the byte input state and input callback
+ struct qp_internal_byte_input_state input_state = {.device = device, .src_stream = &qff_font->stream};
+ qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback = qp_internal_prepare_input_state(&input_state, qff_font->compression_scheme);
+ if (input_callback == NULL) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (invalid font compression scheme)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set up the pixel output state
+ struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state output_state = {.device = device, .pixel_write_pos = 0, .max_pixels = qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer(device)};
+ // Set up the codepoint iteration state
+ struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state state = {// Common
+ .device = device,
+ .xpos = x,
+ .ypos = y,
+ // Input
+ .input_callback = input_callback,
+ .input_state = &input_state,
+ // Output
+ .output_state = &output_state};
+ qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888 = {.hsv888 = {.h = hue_fg, .s = sat_fg, .v = val_fg}};
+ qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888 = {.hsv888 = {.h = hue_bg, .s = sat_bg, .v = val_bg}};
+ uint32_t data_offset;
+ if (!qp_drawtext_prepare_font_for_render(driver, qff_font, fg_hsv888, bg_hsv888, &data_offset)) {
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (failed to prepare font for rendering)\n");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Iterate the codepoints with the drawglyph callback
+ bool ret = qp_iterate_code_points(qff_font, str, qp_font_code_point_handler_drawglyph, &state);
+ qp_dprintf("qp_drawtext_recolor: %s\n", ret ? "ok" : "fail");
+ qp_comms_stop(device);
+ return ret ? (state.xpos - x) : 0;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_internal.h b/quantum/painter/qp_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7a6d113c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "quantum.h"
+#include "qp.h"
+// Helpers
+// Mark certain types that there should be no padding bytes between members.
+#define QP_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
+// Min/max defines
+#define QP_MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
+#define QP_MAX(X, Y) (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
+# include <debug.h>
+# include <print.h>
+# define qp_dprintf(...) dprintf(__VA_ARGS__)
+# define qp_dprintf(...) \
+ do { \
+ } while (0)
+// Specific internal definitions
+#include <qp_internal_formats.h>
+#include <qp_internal_driver.h>
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_internal_driver.h b/quantum/painter/qp_internal_driver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9d6bc848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_internal_driver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// Driver callbacks
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_init_func)(painter_device_t device, painter_rotation_t rotation);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_power_func)(painter_device_t device, bool power_on);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_clear_func)(painter_device_t device);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_flush_func)(painter_device_t device);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_viewport_func)(painter_device_t device, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_pixdata_func)(painter_device_t device, const void *pixel_data, uint32_t native_pixel_count);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_convert_palette_func)(painter_device_t device, int16_t palette_size, qp_pixel_t *palette);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_append_pixels)(painter_device_t device, uint8_t *target_buffer, qp_pixel_t *palette, uint32_t pixel_offset, uint32_t pixel_count, uint8_t *palette_indices);
+// Driver vtable definition
+struct painter_driver_vtable_t {
+ painter_driver_init_func init;
+ painter_driver_power_func power;
+ painter_driver_clear_func clear;
+ painter_driver_flush_func flush;
+ painter_driver_viewport_func viewport;
+ painter_driver_pixdata_func pixdata;
+ painter_driver_convert_palette_func palette_convert;
+ painter_driver_append_pixels append_pixels;
+// Comms callbacks
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_comms_init_func)(painter_device_t device);
+typedef bool (*painter_driver_comms_start_func)(painter_device_t device);
+typedef void (*painter_driver_comms_stop_func)(painter_device_t device);
+typedef uint32_t (*painter_driver_comms_send_func)(painter_device_t device, const void *data, uint32_t byte_count);
+struct painter_comms_vtable_t {
+ painter_driver_comms_init_func comms_init;
+ painter_driver_comms_start_func comms_start;
+ painter_driver_comms_stop_func comms_stop;
+ painter_driver_comms_send_func comms_send;
+typedef void (*painter_driver_comms_send_command_func)(painter_device_t device, uint8_t cmd);
+typedef void (*painter_driver_comms_bulk_command_sequence)(painter_device_t device, const uint8_t *sequence, size_t sequence_len);
+struct painter_comms_with_command_vtable_t {
+ struct painter_comms_vtable_t base; // must be first, so this object can be cast from the painter_comms_vtable_t* type
+ painter_driver_comms_send_command_func send_command;
+ painter_driver_comms_bulk_command_sequence bulk_command_sequence;
+// Driver base definition
+struct painter_driver_t {
+ const struct painter_driver_vtable_t *driver_vtable;
+ const struct painter_comms_vtable_t * comms_vtable;
+ // Flag signifying if validation was successful
+ bool validate_ok;
+ // Panel geometry
+ uint16_t panel_width;
+ uint16_t panel_height;
+ // Target drawing rotation
+ painter_rotation_t rotation;
+ // Automated offsets for setting viewport
+ uint16_t offset_x;
+ uint16_t offset_y;
+ // Number of bits per pixel, used for determining how many pixels can be sent during a transmission of the pixdata buffer
+ uint8_t native_bits_per_pixel;
+ // Comms config pointer -- needs to point to an appropriate comms config if the comms driver requires it.
+ void *comms_config;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_internal_formats.h b/quantum/painter/qp_internal_formats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a86f0345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_internal_formats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// Quantum Painter pixel formats
+// Datatype containing a pixel's color. The internal member used is dependent on the external context.
+typedef union QP_PACKED qp_pixel_t {
+ uint8_t mono;
+ uint8_t palette_idx;
+ struct QP_PACKED {
+ uint8_t h;
+ uint8_t s;
+ uint8_t v;
+ } hsv888;
+ struct QP_PACKED {
+ uint8_t r;
+ uint8_t g;
+ uint8_t b;
+ } rgb888;
+ uint16_t rgb565;
+ uint32_t dummy;
+} qp_pixel_t;
+_Static_assert(sizeof(qp_pixel_t) == 4, "Invalid size for qp_pixel_t");
+// Quantum Painter image format
+typedef enum qp_image_format_t {
+ // Pixel formats available in the QGF frame format
+ GRAYSCALE_1BPP = 0x00,
+ GRAYSCALE_2BPP = 0x01,
+ GRAYSCALE_4BPP = 0x02,
+ GRAYSCALE_8BPP = 0x03,
+ PALETTE_1BPP = 0x04,
+ PALETTE_2BPP = 0x05,
+ PALETTE_4BPP = 0x06,
+ PALETTE_8BPP = 0x07,
+} qp_image_format_t;
+typedef enum painter_compression_t { IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED, IMAGE_COMPRESSED_RLE } painter_compression_t;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_stream.c b/quantum/painter/qp_stream.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f00ae5ed38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_stream.c
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include "qp_stream.h"
+// Stream API
+uint32_t qp_stream_read_impl(void *output_buf, uint32_t member_size, uint32_t num_members, qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ uint8_t *output_ptr = (uint8_t *)output_buf;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (num_members * member_size); ++i) {
+ int16_t c = qp_stream_get(stream);
+ if (c < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ output_ptr[i] = (uint8_t)(c & 0xFF);
+ }
+ return i / member_size;
+uint32_t qp_stream_write_impl(const void *input_buf, uint32_t member_size, uint32_t num_members, qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ uint8_t *input_ptr = (uint8_t *)input_buf;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (num_members * member_size); ++i) {
+ if (!qp_stream_put(stream, input_ptr[i])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return i / member_size;
+// Memory streams
+int16_t mem_get(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t *s = (qp_memory_stream_t *)stream;
+ if (s->position >= s->length) {
+ s->is_eof = true;
+ return STREAM_EOF;
+ }
+ return s->buffer[s->position++];
+bool mem_put(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t c) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t *s = (qp_memory_stream_t *)stream;
+ if (s->position >= s->length) {
+ s->is_eof = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ s->buffer[s->position++] = c;
+ return true;
+int mem_seek(qp_stream_t *stream, int32_t offset, int origin) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t *s = (qp_memory_stream_t *)stream;
+ // Handle as per fseek
+ int32_t position = s->position;
+ switch (origin) {
+ case SEEK_SET:
+ position = offset;
+ break;
+ case SEEK_CUR:
+ position += offset;
+ break;
+ case SEEK_END:
+ position = s->length + offset;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // If we're before the start, ignore it.
+ if (position < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // If we're at the end it's okay, we only care if we're after the end for failure purposes -- as per lseek()
+ if (position > s->length) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Update the offset
+ s->position = position;
+ // Successful invocation of fseek() results in clearing of the EOF flag by default, mirror the same functionality
+ s->is_eof = false;
+ return 0;
+int32_t mem_tell(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t *s = (qp_memory_stream_t *)stream;
+ return s->position;
+bool mem_is_eof(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t *s = (qp_memory_stream_t *)stream;
+ return s->is_eof;
+qp_memory_stream_t qp_make_memory_stream(void *buffer, int32_t length) {
+ qp_memory_stream_t stream = {
+ .base =
+ {
+ .get = mem_get,
+ .put = mem_put,
+ .seek = mem_seek,
+ .tell = mem_tell,
+ .is_eof = mem_is_eof,
+ },
+ .buffer = (uint8_t *)buffer,
+ .length = length,
+ .position = 0,
+ };
+ return stream;
+// FILE streams
+int16_t file_get(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_file_stream_t *s = (qp_file_stream_t *)stream;
+ int c = fgetc(s->file);
+ if (c < 0 || feof(s->file)) return STREAM_EOF;
+ return (uint16_t)c;
+bool file_put(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t c) {
+ qp_file_stream_t *s = (qp_file_stream_t *)stream;
+ return fputc(c, s->file) == c;
+int file_seek(qp_stream_t *stream, int32_t offset, int origin) {
+ qp_file_stream_t *s = (qp_file_stream_t *)stream;
+ return fseek(s->file, offset, origin);
+int32_t file_tell(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_file_stream_t *s = (qp_file_stream_t *)stream;
+ return (int32_t)ftell(s->file);
+bool file_is_eof(qp_stream_t *stream) {
+ qp_file_stream_t *s = (qp_file_stream_t *)stream;
+ return (bool)feof(s->file);
+qp_file_stream_t qp_make_file_stream(FILE *f) {
+ qp_file_stream_t stream = {
+ .base =
+ {
+ .get = file_get,
+ .put = file_put,
+ .seek = file_seek,
+ .tell = file_tell,
+ .is_eof = file_is_eof,
+ },
+ .file = f,
+ };
+ return stream;
diff --git a/quantum/painter/qp_stream.h b/quantum/painter/qp_stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..878b9bf530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/qp_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// Stream API
+typedef struct qp_stream_t qp_stream_t;
+#define qp_stream_get(stream_ptr) (((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))->get((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr)))
+#define qp_stream_put(stream_ptr, c) (((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))->put((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr), (c)))
+#define qp_stream_seek(stream_ptr, offset, origin) (((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))->seek((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr), (offset), (origin)))
+#define qp_stream_tell(stream_ptr) (((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))->tell((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr)))
+#define qp_stream_eof(stream_ptr) (((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))->is_eof((qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr)))
+#define qp_stream_setpos(stream_ptr, offset) qp_stream_seek((stream_ptr), (offset), SEEK_SET)
+#define qp_stream_getpos(stream_ptr) qp_stream_tell((stream_ptr))
+#define qp_stream_read(output_buf, member_size, num_members, stream_ptr) qp_stream_read_impl((output_buf), (member_size), (num_members), (qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))
+#define qp_stream_write(input_buf, member_size, num_members, stream_ptr) qp_stream_write_impl((input_buf), (member_size), (num_members), (qp_stream_t *)(stream_ptr))
+uint32_t qp_stream_read_impl(void *output_buf, uint32_t member_size, uint32_t num_members, qp_stream_t *stream);
+uint32_t qp_stream_write_impl(const void *input_buf, uint32_t member_size, uint32_t num_members, qp_stream_t *stream);
+#define STREAM_EOF ((int16_t)(-1))
+// Stream definition
+struct qp_stream_t {
+ int16_t (*get)(qp_stream_t *stream);
+ bool (*put)(qp_stream_t *stream, uint8_t c);
+ int (*seek)(qp_stream_t *stream, int32_t offset, int origin);
+ int32_t (*tell)(qp_stream_t *stream);
+ bool (*is_eof)(qp_stream_t *stream);
+// Memory streams
+typedef struct qp_memory_stream_t {
+ qp_stream_t base;
+ uint8_t * buffer;
+ int32_t length;
+ int32_t position;
+ bool is_eof;
+} qp_memory_stream_t;
+qp_memory_stream_t qp_make_memory_stream(void *buffer, int32_t length);
+// FILE streams
+typedef struct qp_file_stream_t {
+ qp_stream_t base;
+ FILE * file;
+} qp_file_stream_t;
+qp_file_stream_t qo_make_file_stream(FILE *f);
diff --git a/quantum/painter/ b/quantum/painter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9115d3d406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/painter/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Quantum Painter Configurables
+# The list of permissible drivers that can be listed in QUANTUM_PAINTER_DRIVERS
+VALID_QUANTUM_PAINTER_DRIVERS := ili9163_spi ili9341_spi st7789_spi gc9a01_spi ssd1351_spi
+SRC += \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/utf8.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/color.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_stream.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qgf.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qff.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_core.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_codec.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_circle.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_ellipse.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_image.c \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_draw_text.c
+# Check if people want animations... enable the defered exec if so.
+# Comms flags
+# Handler for each driver
+define handle_quantum_painter_driver
+ $$(error "$$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)" is not a valid Quantum Painter driver)
+ else ifeq ($$(strip $$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)),ili9163_spi)
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ili9xxx
+ SRC += \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel/qp_tft_panel.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ili9xxx/qp_ili9163.c \
+ else ifeq ($$(strip $$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)),ili9341_spi)
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ili9xxx
+ SRC += \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel/qp_tft_panel.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ili9xxx/qp_ili9341.c \
+ else ifeq ($$(strip $$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)),st7789_spi)
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/st77xx
+ SRC += \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel/qp_tft_panel.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/st77xx/qp_st7789.c
+ else ifeq ($$(strip $$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)),gc9a01_spi)
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/gc9a01
+ SRC += \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel/qp_tft_panel.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/gc9a01/qp_gc9a01.c
+ else ifeq ($$(strip $$(CURRENT_PAINTER_DRIVER)),ssd1351_spi)
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ssd1351
+ SRC += \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/tft_panel/qp_tft_panel.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/ssd1351/qp_ssd1351.c
+ endif
+# Iterate through the listed drivers for the build, including what's necessary
+$(foreach qp_driver,$(QUANTUM_PAINTER_DRIVERS),$(eval $(call handle_quantum_painter_driver,$(qp_driver))))
+# If SPI comms is needed, set up the required files
+ifeq ($(strip $(QUANTUM_PAINTER_NEEDS_COMMS_SPI)), yes)
+ QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += spi_master.c
+ VPATH += $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/comms
+ SRC += \
+ $(QUANTUM_DIR)/painter/qp_comms.c \
+ $(DRIVER_PATH)/painter/comms/qp_comms_spi.c
+ endif
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/45000000.lock: Permission denied (13)