path: root/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages
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diff --git a/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildSystem.txt b/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildSystem.txt
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index e0d84f0acd..0000000000
--- a/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildSystem.txt
+++ /dev/null
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-/** \file
- *
- * This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
- * documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
- */
-/** \page Page_BuildSystem The LUFA Build System
- *
- * \section Sec_BuildSystem_Overview Overview of the LUFA Build System
- * The LUFA build system was originally an attempt at making a set of
- * re-usable, modular build make files which could be referenced in a LUFA
- * powered project, to minimize the amount of code required in an
- * application makefile.
- *
- * As it turned out to be fairly generic in nature, it was split out into its
- * own separate project, called DMBS (<i>Dean's Makefile Build System</i>)
- * which is released into the public domain. LUFA-specific portions of the
- * LUFA build system extend DMBS, and provide a universal build system for all
- * LUFA projects.
- *
- * The latest DMBS project information and documentation can be found at:
- *
- *
- * DMBS is written in GNU Make, and each module is independent of one-another.
- *
- * LUFA now uses DMBS for its build system, with some LUFA specific extension
- * modules.
- *
- * If you have problems building using LUFA, see \subpage Page_BuildTroubleshooting for resolution steps.
- *
- * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES - The LUFA SOURCES extension module for DMBS
- * \li \subpage Page_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC - The LUFA GCC extension module for DMBS
- */
-/** \page Page_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES LUFA SOURCES extension module for DMBS
- *
- * The LUFA SOURCES extension more for DMBS provides LUFA specific variables
- * listing the various LUFA source files required to be build by a project for
- * a given LUFA module. This module gives a way to reference LUFA source files
- * symbolically, so that changes to the library structure do not break the
- * library makefile.
- *
- * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
- * \code
- * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/LUFA/
- * \endcode
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_Requirements Requirements
- * None.
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_Targets Targets
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_PATH</tt></td>
- * <td>Path to the LUFA library core, either relative or absolute (e.g. <tt>../LUFA-000000/LUFA/</tt>).</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>ARCH</tt></td>
- * <td>Architecture of the target processor (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport).</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_USB</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA USB driver source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_USBCLASS</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA USB Class driver source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_TEMPERATURE</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA temperature sensor driver source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_SERIAL</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA Serial U(S)ART driver source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_TWI</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA TWI driver source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_SRC_PLATFORM</tt></td>
- * <td>List of LUFA architecture specific platform management source files.</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- */
-/** \page Page_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC LUFA GCC extension module for DMBS
- *
- * The LUFA GCC extension module for the standard DMBS GCC module extends the
- * latter to support the compilation of LUFA powered projects. It should be
- * imported into your LUFA powered project makefiles to ensure that the correct
- * build settings are used for the project's configuration.
- *
- * To use this module in your application makefile, add the following code:
- * \code
- * include $(LUFA_PATH)/Build/LUFA/
- * \endcode
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_Requirements Requirements
- * This module should be included in your makefile *after* the DMBS GCC module.
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_Targets Targets
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_MandatoryParams Mandatory Parameters
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>LUFA_PATH</tt></td>
- * <td>Path to the LUFA library core, either relative or absolute (e.g. <tt>../LUFA-000000/LUFA/</tt>).</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_OptionalParams Optional Parameters
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><tt>BOARD</tt></td>
- * <td>LUFA board hardware drivers to use (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport).</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_ProvidedVariables Module Provided Variables
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * \section SSec_BuildModule_LUFA_GCC_ProvidedMacros Module Provided Macros
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <td><i>None</i></td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- */
-/** \page Page_BuildTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Information
- *
- * LUFA uses a lot of advanced features of the AVR-GCC compiler, linker, and
- * surrounding binaries. This can sometimes lead to problems compiling
- * applications if one of these features is buggy in the version of the tools
- * used in a build environment. Missing utilities and incorrectly set makefile
- * configuration options can also result in different errors being produced
- * when compilation or other operations are attempted. The table below lists a
- * set of commonly encountered errors and their resolutions.
- *
- * <table>
- * <tr>
- * <th>Problem</th>
- * <th>Resolution</th>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against symbol <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>Try compiling with the setting <tt>LINKER_RELAXATIONS=N</tt> in your LUFA Build System 2.0 makefile, or remove the line <tt>-Wl,--relax</tt>
- * from other makefiles. Alternatively, make sure you have the latest version of the Atmel Toolchain installed for your system.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>error: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>Try compiling with the setting <tt>DEBUG_LEVEL=2</tt> in your LUFA Build System 2.0 makefile, or make sure you are using <tt>binutils</tt> version 2.22 or later.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>EMERGENCY ABORT: INFINITE RECURSION DETECTED</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>Make sure you are using an up to date version of GNU Make when compiling. This error is a safety system added to the mid-level makefiles, to prevent an issue with
- * GNU make or other variants of Make causing an infinitely recursive build.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Unsupported architecture &quot;<i>{X}</i>&quot;</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>Ensure your makefile's <tt>ARCH</tt> setting is set to one of the architecture names (case-sensitive) supported by the version of LUFA you are compiling against.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> value not set</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The specified Makefile value was not configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, and the nominated setting is required by one or more LUFA
- * build system modules. Define the value in your project makefile and try again.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> option cannot be blank</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The specified Makefile value was configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, but was set to an empty value. For the nominated configuration
- * option, an empty value is not allowed. Define the nominated setting to a correct non-blank value and try again.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Makefile <i>{X}</i> option must be Y or N</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The specified Makefile value was configured in your project's makefile or on the command line, but was set to a value other than a Y (for "Yes") or "N" (for "No").
- * This configuration option is required to be one of the aforementioned boolean values, and other values are invalid. Set this option to either Y or N and try again.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Unknown input source file formats: <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The nominated source files, specified in your project's makefile in the <tt>SRC</tt> configuration option, has an extension that the LUFA build system does not
- * recognise. The file extensions are case sensitive, and must be one of the supported formats (<tt>*.c</tt>, <tt>*.cpp</tt> or <tt>*.S</tt>).</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Cannot build with OBJDIR parameter set - one or more object file name is not unique</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>When a project is built with a non-empty <tt>OBJDIR</tt> object directory name set, all input source files must have unique names, excluding extension and path.
- * This means that input files that are named identically and differ only by their path or extension are invalid when this mode is used.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Source file does not exist: <i>{X}</i></tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The nominated input source file, specified in the user project's <tt>SRC</tt> parameter, could not be found. Ensure the source file exists and the absolute or
- * relative path given in the user project makefile is correct and try again.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>Doxygen configuration file <i>{X}</i> does not exist</tt></b>&quot; shown when upgrading a Doxygen configuration file.</td>
- * <td>The nominated Doxygen configuration file, specified in the user project's <tt>DOXYGEN_CONF</tt> parameter, could not be found. Ensure the configuration file exists
- * and the absolute or relative path given in the user project makefile is correct and try again, or run the appropriate makefile target to generate a new configuration
- * file.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>avr-gcc: error: unrecognized option '<i>{X}</i>'</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>An unrecognised option was supplied to the compiler, usually in the <tt>C_FLAGS</tt>, <tt>CPP_FLAGS</tt>, <tt>ASM_FLAGS</tt> or <tt>CC_FLAGS</tt> configuration
- * options. The nominated compiler switch may be invalid, or unsupported by the version of AVR-GCC on the host system. Remove the unrecognised flag if invalid, or
- * upgrade to the latest AVR-GCC. If the option is a valid linker option, use the prefix "-Wl," to ensure it is passed to the linker correctly.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>makefile:{X}: {Y}.mk: No such file or directory</tt></b>&quot; shown when make is invoked.</td>
- * <td>The path to the nominated makefile module was incorrect. This usually indicates that the makefile <tt>LUFA_PATH</tt> option is not set to a valid relative or
- * absolute path to the LUFA library core.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>fatal error: LUFAConfig.h: No such file or directory</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The <tt>USE_LUFA_CONFIG_HEADER</tt> compile time option was set in the user project makefile, but the user supplied <tt>LUFAConfig.h</tt> header could not be
- * found. Ensure that the directory that contains this configuration file is correctly passed to the compiler via the -I switch in the makefile <tt>CC_FLAGS</tt>
- * parameter.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>ld.exe: section .apitable_trampolines loaded at <i>{X}</i> overlaps section .text</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling a bootloader.</td>
- * <td>The bootloader is compiling too large for the given <tt>FLASH_SIZE_KB</tt> and <tt>BOOT_SECTION_SIZE_KB</tt> parameters set in the bootloader makefile. This
- * usually indicates that these values are incorrect for the specified device the bootloader is targeting. If these values are correct, a newer version of the
- * compiler may need to be used to ensure that the bootloader is built within the section size constraints of the target device.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>unknown MCU '<i>{X}</i>' specified</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>The specified microcontroller device model name set in the user application's makefile as the <tt>MCU</tt> parameter is incorrect, or unsupported by the
- * version of the compiler being used. Make sure the model name is correct, or upgrade to the latest Atmel Toolchain to obtain newer device support.</td>
- * </tr>
- * <tr>
- * <td>Error &quot;<b><tt>undefined reference to `<i>{X}</i>'</tt></b>&quot; shown when compiling.</td>
- * <td>This is usually caused by a missing source file in the user application's <tt>SRC</tt> configuration parameter. If the indicated symbol is one from the LUFA
- * library, you may be missing a LUFA source makefile module (see \ref Page_BuildModule_LUFA_SOURCES).</td>
- * </tr>
- * </table>
- *
- * For troubleshooting other errors you encounter, please see \ref Sec_ProjectHelp.
- */
diff --git a/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildingLinkableLibraries.txt b/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/BuildingLinkableLibraries.txt
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/** \file
- *
- * This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
- * documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
- */
-/** \page Page_BuildLibrary Building as a Linkable Library
- *
- * The LUFA library can be built as a proper linkable library (with the extension .a) under AVR-GCC, so that
- * the library does not need to be recompiled with each revision of a user project. Instructions for creating
- * a library from a given source tree can be found in the AVR-GCC user manual included in the WinAVR install
- * /Docs/ directory.
- *
- * However, building the library is <b>not recommended</b>, as the static (compile-time) options will be
- * unable to be changed without a recompilation of the LUFA code. Therefore, if the library is to be built
- * from the LUFA source, it should be made to be application-specific and compiled with the static options
- * that are required for each project (which should be recorded along with the library).
- *
- * Normal library use has the library components compiled in at the same point as the application code, as
- * demonstrated in the library demos and applications. This is the preferred method, as the library is recompiled
- * each time to ensure that all static options for a particular application are applied.
- */
diff --git a/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/ChangeLog.txt b/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/ChangeLog.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aedfd3ce53..0000000000
--- a/lib/lufa/LUFA/DoxygenPages/ChangeLog.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1653 +0,0 @@
-/** \file
- *
- * This file contains special DoxyGen information for the generation of the main page and other special
- * documentation pages. It is not a project source file.
- */
- /** \page Page_ChangeLog Project Changelog
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog170418 Version 170418
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Added support for the Pololu A-Star Micro board (thanks to Joh Schneider)
- * - Added new \c LUFA_VERSION_RELEASE_TYPE macro to the library version header, to determine release type (thanks to NicoHood)
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - The CALLBACK_USB_GetDescriptor() callback function into the user application erroneously had a uint8_t type for the wIndex
- * parameter, instead of uint16_t (thanks to Matlo)
- * - Fixed broken USE_RAM_DESCRIPTORS compile time option when the FIXED_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS compile time option is not enabled
- * in a user application (thanks to Matlo)
- * - Fixed missing \c va_end() calls in the HID bootloader CLI app which could cause portability issues
- * - Fixed void pointer arithmetic in the \c Serial_SendData() functions for AVR8 and XMEGA architectures
- * - Fixed void pointer arithmetic in the low level and class driver RNDIS demo protocol decoders
- * - Fixed low level RNDIS demo incorrectly setting the RNDIS state when a null packet filter was requested
- * - Fixed missing entries in several project's Atmel Studio integration files, such as driver INF files
- * - Fixed invalid endpoint indexes causing memory corruption in device Clear/Set Feature standard requests (thanks to Peter Popovec)
- * - Fixed incorrect serialization in USB_SetHIDReportItemInfo() function (thanks to e-chip)
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Added signed alternative libUSB driver for the AVRISP-MKII clone project, to support Atmel Studio 7 (thanks to Atmel)
- * - Removed no longer required LIBUSB_DRIVER_COMPAT and RESET_TOGGLES_LIBUSB_COMPAT configuration options from the AVRISP-MKII
- * clone project, as the new libUSB driver works for AVRDUDE and Atmel Studio 7 under Windows
- * - Replaced the LUFA build system with its (compatible) successor, DMBS (Dean's Makefile Build System)
- * - Removed obsolete library TAR export and associated documentation
- * - Fixed incorrect HID_DESCRIPTOR_KEYBOARD() macro definition (thanks to Eric Tang)
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog151115 Version 151115
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Added support for the Atmel Xplained-MINI series of development kits
- * - Added new PROGMEM variant send functions to the CDC class device driver (thanks to Stefan Hellermann)
- * - Added new PROGMEM variant send functions to the CDC class host driver
- * - Added additional Arduino Uno board definitions for the main processor reset (thanks to NicoHood)
- * - Added modified DocBook transforms to generate Atmel Studio 6/7 internal help documentation (thanks to Morten Engelhardt Olsen)
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - The TWI peripheral driver's TWI_WritePacket() and TWI_ReadPacket() functions now takes a 16-bit Length rather than an 8-bit
- * length, for longer transfers
- * - Library Applications:
- * - The CDC, DFU, Mass Storage and Printer class bootloaders will no longer run the user application if the application reset
- * vector is blank (thanks to Alex Kazik)
- * - The CDC, DFU and Printer class bootloaders are now compatible with the original Atmel XPLAIN and Arduino Leonardo boards
- * - The CDC, DFU, Mass Storage and Printer class bootloaders are not compatible with devices with the BOOTRST fuse set and will
- * exit automatically unless an external reset was the last reset cause (thanks to Alex Kazik)
- * - Added missing force-inline attribute to the endianness utility functions (thanks to Stefan Hellermann)
- * - Updated the DFU build system module to use updated EEPROM programming command arguments for dfu-programmer 0.6.2 or newer
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Fixed broken XMEGA serial stream driver due to missing USART base pointer parameter (thanks to William Patterson)
- * - Fixed incorrect signature reported in the CDC/DFU bootloaders for the AT90USB82 (thanks to NicoHood)
- * - Fixed broken RNDIS demos on Linux machines whose DHCP hosts require a Lease Time option (thanks to Stefan Hellermann)
- * - Fixed broken LEDs_Disable() implementation for the Arduino Uno board (thanks to NicoHood)
- * - Fixed missing bounds checks and off-by-one in the DFU bootloader signature bytes (thanks to Reuti)
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog140928 Version 140928
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Updated the BUILD build system module to add a new COMPILER_PATH optional variable
- * - Added Serial_IsSendReady() and Serial_IsSendComplete() functions to the Serial hardware peripheral driver
- * - Added support for the Arduino Yun board (ATMEGA32U4 co-processor)
- * - Added support for the Arduino Micro board (thanks to Zoltán Szőke)
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Added new Dual MIDI class driver device demo
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - The RNDIS device class driver now takes a user-supplied buffer and buffer length for the internal RNDIS
- * message management (thanks to Peter Mc Shane)
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Fixed device class driver pipe configuration routines returning success with a partially constructed instance
- * when a pipe configuration failed (thanks to Helge Suess)
- * - Fixed incorrect XMEGA DFLL reference frequency (thanks to Martin Aakerberg)
- * - Fixed possible infinite loop in the control endpoint stream write function (thanks to Clayton Knight)
- * - Fixed missing HID report ID prefix on HID class driver GetReport request responses (thanks to Bert van Hall)
- * - Fixed incorrect XMEGA USB controller clock division factory for non-Full Speed operation (thanks to Bert van Hall)
- * - Fixed the LUFA build system to prevent incorrect code from being generated in newer toolchains when building for larger
- * FLASH memory devices (thanks to demultiplexer)
- * - Fixed missing parenthesis in the MIDI_EVENT() macro which could cause incorrect results (thanks to hexwab)
- * - Fixed mixed capitalization of TWI in the XMEGA TWI driver causing compilation failures (thanks to Jacob Schloss)
- * - Fixed broken AVR8 USART-SPI peripheral driver (thanks to Phil Zakielarz)
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Fixed spurious 0xFE USART byte sent in the USBtoSerial project when the baud rate is changed (thanks to Carl Kjeldsen)
- * - Fixed blocking USART reads causing low throughput on slow baud rates in the USBtoSerial project (thanks to Nevada Smith)
- * - Fixed USART reception overrun corrupting the internal buffers in the USBtoSerial project (thanks to Nevada Smith)
- * - Fixed broken LowLevel Audio Out demo sampling frequency configuration (thanks to Torsten Duwe)
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog140302 Version 140302
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Added new Bulk Vendor low level device demo
- * - Added new libUSB host Python and NodeJS application examples for the Class driver GenericHID demo (thanks to Laszlo Monda)
- * - Added new AVR8 USB option to keep 3.3V regulator enabled (thanks to Michael Hanselmann)
- * - Added new USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR() and USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY() convenience macros (thanks to Laszlo Monda)
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Refactored out USB interface IDs in the demo applications into enums (thanks to Laszlo Monda)
- * - AVRISP-MKII Clone Project PDI/TPI frequency increased from 250KHz to 2MHz as it is now stable
- * - Increased TPI/PDI handshake delay to 100us from 1us to support targets with high amounts of capacitance on their
- * /RESET lines (thanks to Paul Duke)
- * - Changed the VERSION_BCD() macro to accept the major/minor/revision values as separate parameters
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Fixed MIDI device class driver MIDI_Device_ReceiveEventPacket() for the XMEGA architecture
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Fixed incorrect signature bytes returned in the DFU bootloader
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog130901 Version 130901
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Added additional MIDI command definitions to the MIDI class driver (thanks to Daniel Dreibrodt)
- * - Added new CONCAT() and CONCAT_EXPANDED() convenience macros
- * - Added new Printer Device Class driver
- * - Added support for the XMEGA C3 Xplained board
- * - Added support for the U2S board (thanks to megal0maniac)
- * - Added TWI Master driver for the XMEGA architecture (thanks to Michael Janssen)
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Added new Printer class bootloader
- * - Added new Mass Storage class bootloader
- * - Added XMEGA support for class driver device demos (where applicable)
- * - Added Python host application example for the Generic HID class driver device demo
- * - Added Python alternative host application for the HID class bootloader
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Updated the BUILD build system module to produce binary BIN files in addition to Intel HEX files
- * - Updated the Android Accessory Class to accept version 2 protocol devices (with version 1 functionality)
- * - All board drivers now implement dummy functions and constants when BOARD is set to NONE
- * - Added missing LEDs to the XMEGA A3BU Xplained board LED driver (thanks to Michael Janssen)
- * - Changed board Dataflash drivers to automatically configure the appropriate SPI interface for the selected board
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Re-added Set Control Line State request handling to the CDC class bootloader to prevent issues with the .NET serial
- * class (thanks to Erik Lins)
- * - TemperatureDataLogger project dummy RTC mode now tracks real time (thanks to David Lazarus)
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Fixed Low Speed USB devices broken when using the library HID Class driver (thanks to Michael)
- * - Fixed possible register corruption in USB Host mode on AVR8 devices when ORDERED_EP_CONFIG is used (thanks to Martin Aakerberg)
- * - Fixed Pipe_GetBoundEndpointAddress() returning invalid endpoint directions on AVR8 architecture devices (thanks to decerri)
- * under some circumstances
- * - Fixed incorrect USB device state set when a suspended LUFA device is woken while addressed but not configured (thanks to Balaji Krishnan)
- * - Fixed broken USART SPI driver for the AVR8 architecture due to incorrect initialization
- * - Fixed re-enumeration issue of XMEGA architecture targets (thanks to Jaroslav Jedlinsky)
- * - Fixed error receiving PIMA events via the Still Image Host class driver
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Added handler for SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT in demos using the Mass Storage class, to prevent ejection errors on *nix systems due to an
- * unknown SCSI command
- * - Fixed incorrect HID report descriptor generated for 16-bit axis ranges by the HID_DESCRIPTOR_MOUSE() and HID_DESCRIPTOR_JOYSTICK()
- * macros (thanks to Armory)
- * - Fixed incorrect HID report descriptor generated for button multiples of 8 by the HID_DESCRIPTOR_MOUSE() and HID_DESCRIPTOR_JOYSTICK()
- * macros
- * - Fixed race condition in the DFU class bootloader causing failed device reprogramming in some circumstances (thanks to Luis Mendes)
- * - Fixed incorrect time/date configuration data order in the TempDataLogger host application (thanks to David Lazarus)
- *
- * \section Sec_ChangeLog130303 Version 130303
- * <b>New:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Added support for the Arduino Leonardo board
- * - Added support for the Atmel UC3-A3 Xplained board
- * - Added support for the Xevelabs USB2AX revision 3.1 board
- * - Added support for the Dimex Stange-ISP board (thanks to Gerhard Wesser)
- * - Added new \c doxygen_upgrade and \c doxygen_create targets to the DOXYGEN build system module
- * - Added new Board Hardware Information board driver
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Added a different device serial number when the AVRISP-MKII Clone project is in libUSB compatibility mode, so that
- * both the libUSB and Jungo drivers can be installed at the same time without having to use a filter driver
- *
- * <b>Changed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Added workaround for broken VBUS detection on AVR8 devices when a bootloader starts the application
- * via a software jump without first turning off the OTG pad (thanks to Simon Inns)
- * - Library Applications:
- * - Increased throughput in the USBtoSerial project now that data transmission is non-blocking (thanks to Joseph Lacerte)
- * - Updated bootloader makefiles to remove dependency on the \c bc command line calculator tool
- * - Updated AVRISP-MKII Clone Programmer project so that the SCK clock period is saved in EEPROM (thanks to Gerhard Wesser)
- * - Changed all *_SendByte() function prototypes to accept a void pointer for the input buffer (thanks to Simon Kuppers)
- *
- * <b>Fixed:</b>
- * - Core:
- * - Fixed incorrectly issuing STALL response to unsupported control request SETUP packets, rather than in the data/status stage
- * - Fixed inverted LEDs_GetLEDs() function implementation for the Benito, Minimus and Arduino UNO boards
- * - Fixed missing Windows 32-bit compatibility sections in the LUFA INF driver files (thanks to Christan Beharrell)
- * - Fixed logic hole breaking USB operations on a USB controller with only one supported USB mode and no USB_DEVICE_ONLY or USB_HOST_ONLY
- * configuration token set
- * - Fixed possible rounding in the VERSION_BCD() macros for some 0.01 step increments (thanks to Oliver Zander)
- * - Fixed incorrect Dataflash functionality in the USBKEY board if the driver is modified for a single Dataflash chip (thanks to Jonathan Oakley)
- * and added a missing definition for \c HID_KEYBOARD_SC_APPLICATION (thanks to David Monro)
- * - Fixed maximum allowed keyboard key code usage of \c 0x65 rather than \c 0xFF for the \c HID_DESCRIPTOR_KEYBOARD() macro (thanks to David Monro)
- * - Fixed hardware race condition that could cause failed device enumerations for AVR8 and UC3 architectures (thanks to Mike Beyhs)
- * -