diff options
author | Takeshi Nishio <kkeennnn+github@gmail.com> | 2021-01-25 06:54:29 +0900 |
committer | GitHub <noreply@github.com> | 2021-01-24 13:54:29 -0800 |
commit | deea6a98267e3b9bf793d9a64bfd586a07ef5c48 (patch) | |
tree | fb23b1759962298b69693e18b8d418f7aeb0f7e6 /keyboards/jones/v03 | |
parent | eda8c94c60620a6b807b3a7c6c1ad03a25488c9d (diff) |
Add jones v.0.3 and v.0.3.1 keyboard (#11130)
* Update LEDの物理的接続とQMKのソフト的接続を調整し、左→アンダーグロー→右と繋がるようにした。
* Update レイヤーインジケータ関連変数を、#ifdefブロック内へ移動。
* Update コード整形
* Revert "Update コード整形"
This reverts commit c98483d9a0b41f8939a01b677cdcd18a8af34f78.
* Update 未使用のキーコード、S_SLSHに関連するコードを削除。
* Update コード整形
* Update キーごとのTappingTerm設定を使用しなくなったため、削除。
* Update 未使用コード削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update レイヤーとIMEのON/OFFを同じキーに割り当てるのをやめたため、関連コードを削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update コメント
* Update 誤読を避けるため、ifブロックの表記を括弧を使用したものへ変更。動作に変化なし。
* Update 未使用のため削除。
* Update LED関連でデフォルトレイヤーを格納して使用しないため、削除。
* Update コメント
* Update レイヤーによってロータリーエンコーダの動作を変える機能を追加。
* Update comment
* Update 実態に合わせて修正。
* Update JP用キーコードへの書き換え忘れを修正。
* New v.0.3.1 JP style
* Update v.0.3のJPスタイルではオーディオサポートなし。
* Update to latest information
* New
* New keyboard "stmeishi"
* Update layout name
* Update move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* Update target to latest "v.0.3.1".
* Remove unused item.
* Update comments.
* Update Rotary Encoder pins to actual used count.
* Update increase value to maximum.
* Update comments.
* Change default Effects.
* Remove unused items.
* Update comment.
* Change: Use define and function insted of real value for wait.
* Update copyrght.
* Update Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* New: Place info.json copied from v.0.3.1.
* Remove unused items.
* Update: Add comma at last element.
* Update comments.
* Update: change if block style.
* Update: Change Japanese comments to English.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Fix miss numbering for ANSI layout.
* Update: Move "Tap Dance" rule to keymap's rule.
* New: Add default keymap.
* Delete: Moving files to branch.
* Initial: Add files from local.
* Remove local only unused keymaps.
* Update: Remove unused, comment outed codes.
* Add default keymap for v.0.3.
* Update: Add custom keycodes.
* Update: Change layer handling from process_record_user to layer_state_set_user.
* Update comment.
* Update: Remove unused function.
* Add my ErgoDash settings.
* Add my NumAtreus_Plus8 settings.
* Add my test_k15r2 settings.
* New Colice片手分動作確認済み
* Update スプリットキーボード対応
* Update 反応が悪くずっと二度押ししているので、ESCキーをレイヤーキーとの共用から、単独機能に変更。
* Update 右手スイッチ配置変更。インジケータLED対応。
* Change インジケータLEDが眩しいので、明るさを下げた。
* Change 右手親指のキーマップ変更。
* Change NumLockの誤爆防止のため、二度押しでレイヤートグルするようにした。
* Change 左手側、Bの右側のキーを誤爆することが多く日本語入力が途切れるため、レイヤーキーの機能左右で入れ替え。
* Update 右手側、画像ソフトなどで使うため、矢印キーの左をレイヤーキーからCTRLへ変更。
* New add new keyboard
* Update Duplex-Matrixが動作した初版
* New Duplex-Matrixのサンプルコード by e3w2q を最新のQMKファームウェアで動作するよう一部修正したもの。
* update Comment-out debug print code.
* Update Colice V0.2 キープレートで矢印キー付近の物理配列が変わったことへ対応
* Update キーレイアウト
* New Initial commit
* Update Fix migrate errors from test_duplex_dp to test_col2col
* Remove unnecessary files
* Testing
* Update IKeJIさんの方法(とりあえずCOL2COLと呼ぶ)の動作テストOK
* New 2乗マトリクス配線のキーボードを追加
* Update キーレイアウト調整
* New colice_rr 初回コミット。基本動作確認OK。LED不調。
* Update Eable LED, Reduce firmwre size
* Update colice_rr キーマップ調整。
* Update colice_rr ロータリーエンコーダ機能追加。
* Move colice_rr を colice_rr_split へ移動。
* Update colice_rr_splitフォルダへ移動したことに対応。
* New colice_rr_splitの初回コミット。
* Update キーマップ調整
* Update キーマップ調整
* New initial comit
* Update 意図せずカッコを入力することがるため、LSPO、RSPCの使用を中止。
* Change Fnキー押下時の日本語入力ONを、長押し時にキャンセルするように変更。
* Change LED点灯方法変更。
* Change 基板バージョンごとにサブフォルダを作成するようにした。
* Update Windows用レイヤーを追加
* Update LED設定を調整
* New Jones v.0.2を新規追加
* Update Numレイヤー追加。キーマップ調整。レイヤーインジケータLED調整。
* Update 左手Yをやめる
* Update ESCによるNumレイヤートグルを、ESC連打でトグルするのを防止するため、ダブルタップからトリプルタップへ変更。
* Update readme
* Update QMKの標準に従うよう各ファイルの内容を変更。
* Update 長音(ー)を入力しやすくするため、レイヤー上でホームポジションに近い位置に配置。
* Update タップダンスの状態判別を、Single,Double,Triple,Holdの4つのステータスにまとめた。
* Update キーボードの電源が切れてもデフォルトレイヤーの状態を保存しておくため、MACとWINレイヤーへの変更はEEPROMへ書き込むようにした。
* Update 不要箇所削除
* Update キーマップをNarrowとWideで書き換えるのが不便なので、分割した。
* Update 最新のPCBに合わせ、デフォルトをv.0.2に変更。
* New v.0.3を新規追加
* Update キーマトリクスに後からJPを追加するため、ANSI用に表記変更。
* Update ANSI用のキーマップであることを明記。
* New JP用キーマップを新規追加。
* Update スイッチの物理的存在、Enter右側はキー1個、に合わせて、ANSIレイアウトを修正。
* New FA (Full Armor)用レイアウトを新規追加
* Update 物理的ロック付きのCAPSは使用しないため、無効化。
* Update ハードウェアのサポート対象にキープレートを追加。
* Update FAで使用するAudio、RotaryEncoderの機能追加。機能削減でファームウェアサイズ縮小。
* Update オーディオ機能にキークリックを追加。
* update FA用設定
* Update 右シフトにキー追加
* Update 変換キー調整
* New オーディを有効化。マウスキーはサイズ削減のため無効化。
* Update スイッチ配置ミス修正。
* Update ピン定義を、ロータリーエンコーダの回転方向に合わせた
* Update 2音同時発音用にピン定義を追加。
* Update ファームサイズに空きがあるので、クリッキー音をデフォルトで利用できるようにした。
* Update LED設定変更
* New 物理配列がJPで、中身はUS配列のキーマップを追加。
* Update 行と列が入り乱れたレイアウトのため、音階が正しくなるように、Music-Mode用のキーマップを定義。
* Change マイナーバージョンの表記に対応できるよう、DEVICE_VERの桁を1つ上げた。
* Update オルソ+ロースタガであることがわかるように、キーボードの簡単な説明を変更。
* New v.0.3.1の初期コミット
* Update 左右で回転方向の判定が逆になるので、右手側を左手に合わせた。
* Update キーマップ調整
* Update LEDインジケータを、v.0.3系と同じ点灯方法(2個をベースレイヤ、1個をRAISEなど)に変更。
* Update RGBLIGHT明るさ調整、エフェクト追加。
* Update 未使用キー設定を削除。
* Update Shiftと組み合わせた/?キーの反応を良くするため、キーごとにTAPPING_TERMを指定できるようにした。
* Update LEDエフェクト追加
* Update keymap
* Update 未使用のものを削除
* Update LEDの物理的接続とQMKのソフト的接続を調整し、左→アンダーグロー→右と繋がるようにした。
* Update レイヤーインジケータ関連変数を、#ifdefブロック内へ移動。
* Update コード整形
* Revert "Update コード整形"
This reverts commit c98483d9a0b41f8939a01b677cdcd18a8af34f78.
* Update 未使用のキーコード、S_SLSHに関連するコードを削除。
* Update コード整形
* Update キーごとのTappingTerm設定を使用しなくなったため、削除。
* Update 未使用コード削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update レイヤーとIMEのON/OFFを同じキーに割り当てるのをやめたため、関連コードを削除。
* Update コメント追加
* Update コメント
* Update 誤読を避けるため、ifブロックの表記を括弧を使用したものへ変更。動作に変化なし。
* Update 未使用のため削除。
* Update LED関連でデフォルトレイヤーを格納して使用しないため、削除。
* Update コメント
* Update レイヤーによってロータリーエンコーダの動作を変える機能を追加。
* Update comment
* Update 実態に合わせて修正。
* Update JP用キーコードへの書き換え忘れを修正。
* New v.0.3.1 JP style
* Update v.0.3のJPスタイルではオーディオサポートなし。
* Update to latest information
* New
* New keyboard "stmeishi"
* Update layout name
* Update move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Move common settings from keymap's "rules.mk" to keyboard's "rules.mk".
* Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* Update target to latest "v.0.3.1".
* Remove unused item.
* Update comments.
* Update Rotary Encoder pins to actual used count.
* Update increase value to maximum.
* Update comments.
* Change default Effects.
* Remove unused items.
* Update comment.
* Change: Use define and function insted of real value for wait.
* Update copyrght.
* Update Update: Add "LAYOUT_all" for multiple layout.
* New: Place info.json copied from v.0.3.1.
* Remove unused items.
* Update: Add comma at last element.
* Update comments.
* Update: change if block style.
* Update: Change Japanese comments to English.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Change layout name.
* Update: Fix miss numbering for ANSI layout.
* Update: Move "Tap Dance" rule to keymap's rule.
* New: Add default keymap.
* Delete: Moving files to branch.
* Initial: Add files from local.
* Remove local only unused keymaps.
* Update: Remove unused, comment outed codes.
* Add default keymap for v.0.3.
* Update: Add custom keycodes.
* Update: Change layer handling from process_record_user to layer_state_set_user.
* Update comment.
* Update: Remove unused function.
* Revert "Remove: Non related files."
This reverts commit 82306568fad408427c757de832025dee91ca5a7f.
* Update: To resolve "submodule path not found" message.
* RemoRemove: Non related files.
* Revert file before miss comit.
* Update: Remove unused keycode.
* Update: レイアウト設定内のNUMレイヤへのトグルを、カスタムキーコード表記に変更。
* Update: Comment
* Update: Remove unused items.
* Update layout settings.
* Update: For simplicity, change toggle ADJUST layer method from process_record_user() to layer_state_set_user().
* Update: comment and styling.
* Update: Remove unused custom keycodes.
* Update: For simplicity, change toggle layer method from process_record_user() to layer_state_set_user().
* Update: Remove unused items.
* Update: comment and styling.
* Update: Correct comment.
* Update description and flashing example.
* Update: Remove comment-outed bootloaders.
* Update comments.
* Update: Correct LED count, without under-glow.
* Update: Chenged to common values with v.0.3.1.
* Update: Changed to common values with v.0.3.
* Updarte: Remove unused layout.
* Update: Change default layout to "ALL".
* Update comment.
* Update comment.
* Add missing file.
* Update: Change build option definition style.
* Update: Change build option definition style.
* Update: Change CUSTOM_MATRIX to "lite" and convert "matrix.c" to "lite" version.
* Update: Move "music_map" to keyboard's c file.
To provide common definition for other keymap creator.
* Update: Change keyboard name "v.0.3.1" ---> "v03_1".
For human readability, version name "v.0.3.1" remains at title on "readme.md".
* Update: Change keyboard name "v.0.3" ---> "v03".
For human readability, version name "v.0.3" remains at title on "readme.md".
* Update: Correct matrix definition at "k92".
* Apply suggestions from code review
Remove unnecessary comment block.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Remove "Optional" deprecated items.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Change "make" target keymap to standard default.
* Apply suggestions from code review
These features are not enabled.
* Apply suggestions from code review
Convert tabs to spaces.
* Update: Change #define ROW_SHIFTER to keyboard specific.
Diffstat (limited to 'keyboards/jones/v03')
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/config.h | 165 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/info.json | 35 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/keymap.c | 27 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/readme.md | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/config.h | 23 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/keymap.c | 343 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/readme.md | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/rules.mk | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/matrix.c | 99 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/readme.md | 24 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/rules.mk | 29 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/v03.c | 17 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | keyboards/jones/v03/v03.h | 105 |
13 files changed, 870 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/config.h b/keyboards/jones/v03/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3683a43dd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* +Copyright 2020 Takeshi Nishio + +This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. +*/ + +#pragma once + +#include "config_common.h" + +/* USB Device descriptor parameter */ +#define VENDOR_ID 0xFEED +#define PRODUCT_ID 0x175A +#define DEVICE_VER 0x0030 +#define MANUFACTURER jpskenn +#define PRODUCT Jones + +/* key matrix size */ +// Same size for Jones' custom Round-Robin matrix. +#define MATRIX_ROWS 11 +#define MATRIX_COLS 11 + +/* + * Keyboard Matrix Assignments + * + * Change this to how you wired your keyboard + * COLS: AVR pins used for columns, left to right + * ROWS: AVR pins used for rows, top to bottom + * DIODE_DIRECTION: COL2ROW = COL = Anode (+), ROW = Cathode (-, marked on diode) + * ROW2COL = ROW = Anode (+), COL = Cathode (-, marked on diode) + * + */ +// Same pins for Jones' custom Round-Robin matrix. +#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D4, D7, C7, F1, F4, F5, D6, D5, E6, B0, B1 } +#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { D4, D7, C7, F1, F4, F5, D6, D5, E6, B0, B1 } +#define UNUSED_PINS + +/* COL2ROW, ROW2COL*/ +// No need to define DIODE_DIRECTION for Jones' custom Round-Robin matrix. +//#define DIODE_DIRECTION COL2ROW + +/* Rotary Encoder */ +#define ENCODERS_PAD_A { F6, B3 } +#define ENCODERS_PAD_B { F7, B2 } +#define ENCODER_RESOLUTION 4 //the default & suggested is 4 + +/* Audio */ +#ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE + #define C6_AUDIO + #define B6_AUDIO // 2nd pin for simultaneous audio. + #define AUDIO_CLICKY +#endif + +/* + * Split Keyboard specific options, make sure you have 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes' in your rules.mk, and define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN. + */ +//#define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN D0 // or D1, D2, D3, E6 + +// #define BACKLIGHT_PIN B7 +// #define BACKLIGHT_BREATHING +// #define BACKLIGHT_LEVELS 3 + +#define RGB_DI_PIN B7 +#ifdef RGB_DI_PIN + #define RGBLED_NUM 6 // Left(4) + Right(2) + #define RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP 8 + #define RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP 8 + #define RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP 8 + #define RGBLIGHT_LIMIT_VAL 255 /* The maximum brightness level */ + // #define RGBLIGHT_SLEEP /* If defined, the RGB lighting will be switched off when the host goes to sleep */ + /*== Lighting Layers ==*/ + #define RGBLIGHT_LAYERS + // #define RGBLIGHT_MAX_LAYERS 2 + #define RGBLIGHT_LAYERS_OVERRIDE_RGB_OFF // Overriding RGB Lighting on/off status + /*== all animations enable ==*/ + // #define RGBLIGHT_ANIMATIONS + /*== or choose animations ==*/ + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHING + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RAINBOW_MOOD + #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RAINBOW_SWIRL + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_SNAKE + #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_KNIGHT + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_CHRISTMAS + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_STATIC_GRADIENT + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_RGB_TEST + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_ALTERNATING + // /*== customize breathing effect ==*/ + // /*==== (DEFAULT) use fixed table instead of exp() and sin() ====*/ + // #define RGBLIGHT_BREATHE_TABLE_SIZE 256 // 256(default) or 128 or 64 + // /*==== use exp() and sin() ====*/ + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_CENTER 1.85 // 1 to 2.7 + // #define RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_MAX 255 // 0 to 255 +#endif + +/* Debounce reduces chatter (unintended double-presses) - set 0 if debouncing is not needed */ +#define DEBOUNCE 5 + +/* define if matrix has ghost (lacks anti-ghosting diodes) */ +//#define MATRIX_HAS_GHOST + +/* Mechanical locking support. Use KC_LCAP, KC_LNUM or KC_LSCR instead in keymap */ +// #define LOCKING_SUPPORT_ENABLE +/* Locking resynchronize hack */ +// #define LOCKING_RESYNC_ENABLE + +/* If defined, GRAVE_ESC will always act as ESC when CTRL is held. + * This is userful for the Windows task manager shortcut (ctrl+shift+esc). + */ +// #define GRAVE_ESC_CTRL_OVERRIDE + +/* + * Force NKRO + * + * Force NKRO (nKey Rollover) to be enabled by default, regardless of the saved + * state in the bootmagic EEPROM settings. (Note that NKRO must be enabled in the + * makefile for this to work.) + * + * If forced on, NKRO can be disabled via magic key (default = LShift+RShift+N) + * until the next keyboard reset. + * + * NKRO may prevent your keystrokes from being detected in the BIOS, but it is + * fully operational during normal computer usage. + * + * For a less heavy-handed approach, enable NKRO via magic key (LShift+RShift+N) + * or via bootmagic (hold SPACE+N while plugging in the keyboard). Once set by + * bootmagic, NKRO mode will always be enabled until it is toggled again during a + * power-up. + * + */ +//#define FORCE_NKRO + +/* + * Feature disable options + * These options are also useful to firmware size reduction. + */ + +/* disable debug print */ +//#define NO_DEBUG + +/* disable print */ +//#define NO_PRINT + +/* disable action features */ +//#define NO_ACTION_LAYER +//#define NO_ACTION_TAPPING +//#define NO_ACTION_ONESHOT + +/* disable these deprecated features by default */ +#define NO_ACTION_MACRO +#define NO_ACTION_FUNCTION + +/* Bootmagic Lite key configuration */ +// #define BOOTMAGIC_LITE_ROW 0 +// #define BOOTMAGIC_LITE_COLUMN 0 diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/info.json b/keyboards/jones/v03/info.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eaee5a6916 --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/info.json @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +{ + "keyboard_name": "Jones", + "url": "https://github.com/jpskenn/Jones", + "maintainer": "jpskenn", + "width": 15, + "height": 5, + "layouts": { + "LAYOUT_ansi": { + "layout": [ + {"label":"Esc", "x":0, "y":0}, {"label":"!", "x":1, "y":0}, {"label":"@", "x":2, "y":0}, {"label":"#", "x":3, "y":0}, {"label":"$", "x":4, "y":0}, {"label":"%", "x":5, "y":0}, {"label":"^", "x":6, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":7, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":8, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":9, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":10, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":11, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":12, "y":0}, {"label":"|", "x":13, "y":0}, {"label":"~", "x":14, "y":0}, + {"label":"Tab", "x":0, "y":1, "w":1.5}, {"label":"Q", "x":1.5, "y":1}, {"label":"W", "x":2.5, "y":1}, {"label":"E", "x":3.5, "y":1}, {"label":"R", "x":4.5, "y":1}, {"label":"T", "x":5.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Y", "x":6.5, "y":1}, {"label":"U", "x":7.5, "y":1}, {"label":"I", "x":8.5, "y":1}, {"label":"O", "x":9.5, "y":1}, {"label":"P", "x":10.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Backspace", "x":11.5, "y":1, "w":1.5}, {"label":"{", "x":13, "y":1}, {"label":"}", "x":14, "y":1}, + {"label":"Ctrl", "x":0.25, "y":2, "w":1.25}, {"label":"A", "x":1.5, "y":2}, {"label":"S", "x":2.5, "y":2}, {"label":"D", "x":3.5, "y":2}, {"label":"F", "x":4.5, "y":2}, {"label":"G", "x":5.5, "y":2}, {"label":"H", "x":6.5, "y":2}, {"label":"J", "x":7.5, "y":2}, {"label":"K", "x":8.5, "y":2}, {"label":"L", "x":9.5, "y":2}, {"label":":", "x":10.5, "y":2}, {"label":"Enter", "x":11.5, "y":2, "w":2.25}, {"label":"\u201d", "x":13.75, "y":2}, + {"label":"Shift", "x":0.25, "y":3, "w":1.75}, {"label":"Z", "x":2, "y":3}, {"label":"X", "x":3, "y":3}, {"label":"C", "x":4, "y":3}, {"label":"V", "x":5, "y":3}, {"label":"B", "x":6, "y":3}, {"label":"N", "x":7, "y":3}, {"label":"M", "x":8, "y":3}, {"label":"<", "x":9, "y":3}, {"label":">", "x":10, "y":3}, {"label":"?", "x":11, "y":3}, {"label":"Shift", "x":12, "y":3}, {"label":"\u2191", "x":13, "y":3}, {"label":"Fn", "x":14, "y":3}, + {"label":"Rotary", "x":0, "y":4}, {"label":"Caps", "x":1, "y":4}, {"label":"Opt", "x":2, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Cmd", "x":3.25, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Space & Shift", "x":4.5, "y":4, "w":2}, {"label":"Space & Raise", "x":6.5, "y":4, "w":2}, {"label":"Cmd", "x":8.5, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Opt", "x":9.75, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Ctrl", "x":11, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2190", "x":12, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2193", "x":13, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2192", "x":14, "y":4} + ] + }, + "LAYOUT_jp": { + "layout": [ + {"label":"Esc", "x":0, "y":0}, {"label":"!", "x":1, "y":0}, {"label":"\"", "x":2, "y":0}, {"label":"#", "x":3, "y":0}, {"label":"$", "x":4, "y":0}, {"label":"%", "x":5, "y":0}, {"label":"&", "x":6, "y":0}, {"label":"'", "x":7, "y":0}, {"label":"(", "x":8, "y":0}, {"label":")", "x":9, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":10, "y":0}, {"label":"=", "x":11, "y":0}, {"label":"BS", "x":12, "y":0}, {"label":"~", "x":13, "y":0}, {"label":"|", "x":14, "y":0}, + {"label":"Tab", "x":0, "y":1, "w":1.5}, {"label":"Q", "x":1.5, "y":1}, {"label":"W", "x":2.5, "y":1}, {"label":"E", "x":3.5, "y":1}, {"label":"R", "x":4.5, "y":1}, {"label":"T", "x":5.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Y", "x":6.5, "y":1}, {"label":"U", "x":7.5, "y":1}, {"label":"I", "x":8.5, "y":1}, {"label":"O", "x":9.5, "y":1}, {"label":"P", "x":10.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Enter", "x":11.5, "y":1, "w":1.25, "h":2, "r":180, "rx":12.125, "ry":1.5}, {"label":"`", "x":12.75, "y":1}, {"label":"{", "x":13.75, "y":1}, + {"label":"Ctrl", "x":0.25, "y":2, "w":1.25}, {"label":"A", "x":1.5, "y":2}, {"label":"S", "x":2.5, "y":2}, {"label":"D", "x":3.5, "y":2}, {"label":"F", "x":4.5, "y":2}, {"label":"G", "x":5.5, "y":2}, {"label":"H", "x":6.5, "y":2}, {"label":"J", "x":7.5, "y":2}, {"label":"K", "x":8.5, "y":2}, {"label":"L", "x":9.5, "y":2}, {"label":"+", "x":10.5, "y":2}, {"label":"*", "x":13, "y":2}, {"label":"}", "x":14, "y":2}, + {"label":"Shift", "x":0.25, "y":3, "w":1.75}, {"label":"Z", "x":2, "y":3}, {"label":"X", "x":3, "y":3}, {"label":"C", "x":4, "y":3}, {"label":"V", "x":5, "y":3}, {"label":"B", "x":6, "y":3}, {"label":"N", "x":7, "y":3}, {"label":"M", "x":8, "y":3}, {"label":"<", "x":9, "y":3}, {"label":">", "x":10, "y":3}, {"label":"?", "x":11, "y":3}, {"label":"_", "x":12, "y":3}, {"label":"\u2191", "x":13, "y":3}, {"label":"", "x":14, "y":3}, + {"label":"Rotary", "x":0, "y":4}, {"label":"\u7530", "x":1, "y":4}, {"label":"Alt", "x":2, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"\u7121\u5909\u63db", "x":3.25, "y":4}, {"label":"Space", "x":4.25, "y":4, "w":2.25}, {"label":"Space", "x":6.5, "y":4, "w":2}, {"label":"\u5909\u63db", "x":8.5, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"\u30ab\u30ca", "x":9.75, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"\u76ee", "x":11, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2190", "x":12, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2193", "x":13, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2192", "x":14, "y":4}] + }, + "LAYOUT_all": { + "layout": [ + {"label":"Esc", "x":0, "y":0}, {"label":"!", "x":1, "y":0}, {"label":"@", "x":2, "y":0}, {"label":"#", "x":3, "y":0}, {"label":"$", "x":4, "y":0}, {"label":"%", "x":5, "y":0}, {"label":"^", "x":6, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":7, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":8, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":9, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":10, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":11, "y":0}, {"label":"", "x":12, "y":0}, {"label":"|", "x":13, "y":0}, {"label":"~", "x":14, "y":0}, + {"label":"Tab", "x":0, "y":1, "w":1.5}, {"label":"Q", "x":1.5, "y":1}, {"label":"W", "x":2.5, "y":1}, {"label":"E", "x":3.5, "y":1}, {"label":"R", "x":4.5, "y":1}, {"label":"T", "x":5.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Y", "x":6.5, "y":1}, {"label":"U", "x":7.5, "y":1}, {"label":"I", "x":8.5, "y":1}, {"label":"O", "x":9.5, "y":1}, {"label":"P", "x":10.5, "y":1}, {"label":"Backspace", "x":11.5, "y":1, "w":1.5}, {"label":"{", "x":13, "y":1}, {"label":"}", "x":14, "y":1}, + {"label":"Ctrl", "x":0.25, "y":2, "w":1.25}, {"label":"A", "x":1.5, "y":2}, {"label":"S", "x":2.5, "y":2}, {"label":"D", "x":3.5, "y":2}, {"label":"F", "x":4.5, "y":2}, {"label":"G", "x":5.5, "y":2}, {"label":"H", "x":6.5, "y":2}, {"label":"J", "x":7.5, "y":2}, {"label":"K", "x":8.5, "y":2}, {"label":"L", "x":9.5, "y":2}, {"label":":", "x":10.5, "y":2}, {"label":"Enter", "x":11.5, "y":2, "w":1.5}, {"label":"\u201d", "x":13, "y":2}, {"label":"\u201d", "x":14, "y":2}, + {"label":"Shift", "x":0.25, "y":3, "w":1.75}, {"label":"Z", "x":2, "y":3}, {"label":"X", "x":3, "y":3}, {"label":"C", "x":4, "y":3}, {"label":"V", "x":5, "y":3}, {"label":"B", "x":6, "y":3}, {"label":"N", "x":7, "y":3}, {"label":"M", "x":8, "y":3}, {"label":"<", "x":9, "y":3}, {"label":">", "x":10, "y":3}, {"label":"?", "x":11, "y":3}, {"label":"Shift", "x":12, "y":3}, {"label":"\u2191", "x":13, "y":3}, {"label":"Fn", "x":14, "y":3}, + {"label":"Rotary", "x":0, "y":4}, {"label":"Caps", "x":1, "y":4}, {"label":"Opt", "x":2, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Cmd", "x":3.25, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Space & Shift", "x":4.5, "y":4, "w":2}, {"label":"Space & Raise", "x":6.5, "y":4, "w":2}, {"label":"Cmd", "x":8.5, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Opt", "x":9.75, "y":4, "w":1.25}, {"label":"Ctrl", "x":11, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2190", "x":12, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2193", "x":13, "y":4}, {"label":"\u2192", "x":14, "y":4} + ] + } + } +} diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/keymap.c b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/keymap.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05545c5373 --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/keymap.c @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* Copyright 2020 Takeshi Nishio + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. + */ +#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H +#include "keymap_jp.h" + +const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { + [0] = LAYOUT_all( + KC_ESC, KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, JP_MINS,KC_BSPC,JP_CIRC,JP_YEN, + KC_TAB, KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I, KC_O, KC_P, XXXXXXX, JP_AT, JP_LBRC, + KC_LCTL, KC_A, KC_S, KC_D, KC_F, KC_G, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K, KC_L, JP_SCLN, KC_ENT, JP_COLN,JP_RBRC, + KC_LSFT, KC_Z, KC_X, KC_C, KC_V, KC_B, KC_N, KC_M, JP_COMM,JP_DOT, JP_SLSH,JP_BSLS,KC_UP, XXXXXXX, + KC_MUTE,KC_LALT,KC_LGUI,KC_LANG2, KC_SPC, KC_SPC, KC_LANG1,KC_RGUI,KC_RALT,KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_RGHT + ) +};
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/readme.md b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/readme.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a23bc4c15a --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default/readme.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# Defalut keymap for Jones diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/config.h b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa06121c1c --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/* Copyright 2020 Takeshi Nishio + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. + */ + +#pragma once + +// double tap to toggle +#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2 + +// time for long press +#define TAPPING_TERM 200 diff --git a/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/keymap.c b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/keymap.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1a2a7abfd --- /dev/null +++ b/keyboards/jones/v03/keymaps/default_jp/keymap.c @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +/* Copyright 2020 Takeshi Nishio + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. + */ +#include QMK_KEYBOARD_H +#include "keymap_jp.h" + +// Defines names for use in layer keycodes and the keymap +enum layer_number { + _MAC = 0, + _WIN, + _NUM, + _LOWER, + _RAISE, + _NUM_RAISE, + _ADJUST +}; + +// Tap Dance +enum tap_dances{ + TD_LSFT_CAPS = 0, + TD_ESC_NUM, +}; + +// Tap Dance state +enum { + SINGLE_TAP = 1, + DOUBLE_TAP, + TRIPLE_TAP, + TAP_HOLD, +}; + +// Declare the functions to be used with your tap dance key(s) +// Function associated with all tap dances +uint8_t cur_dance(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state); +// Functions associated with individual tap dances +void ql_finished(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data); +void ql_reset(qk_tap_dance_state_t *state, void *user_data); + +// Tap Dance definitions +qk_tap_dance_action_t tap_dance_actions[] = { + [TD_LSFT_CAPS] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_DOUBLE(KC_LSFT, KC_CAPS), + [TD_ESC_NUM] = ACTION_TAP_DANCE_FN_ADVANCED_TIME(NULL, ql_finished, ql_reset, 275), +}; + +// Defines the keycodes used by our macros in process_record_user +enum custom_keycodes { + MAC = SAFE_RANGE, + WIN, +}; + +// Key Macro +#define ESC_NUM TD(TD_ESC_NUM) +#define S_CAP TD(TD_LSFT_CAPS) +#define SP_RAI LT(_RAISE, KC_SPC) +#define SP_NRAI LT(_NUM_RAISE, KC_SPC) +#define SP_SFT MT(MOD_LSFT, KC_SPC) +#define S_BSLS RSFT_T(JP_BSLS) +#define C_SLSH RCTL_T(JP_SLSH) +#define CT_E LCTL(KC_E) +#define CT_A LCTL(KC_A) +#define ALT_GRV LALT(KC_GRV) +#define LOWER MO(_LOWER) +#define NUM TG(_NUM) + + +const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = { + [_MAC] = LAYOUT_jp( + ESC_NUM,KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, JP_MINS,KC_BSPC,JP_CIRC,JP_YEN, + KC_TAB, KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I, KC_O, KC_P, JP_AT, JP_LBRC, + KC_LCTL, KC_A, KC_S, KC_D, KC_F, KC_G, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K, KC_L, JP_SCLN, KC_ENT, JP_COLN,JP_RBRC, + S_CAP, KC_Z, KC_X, KC_C, KC_V, KC_B, KC_N, KC_M, JP_COMM,JP_DOT, C_SLSH, S_BSLS, KC_UP, LOWER, + KC_MUTE,KC_LALT,KC_LGUI,KC_LANG2, SP_SFT, SP_RAI, KC_LANG1,KC_RGUI,KC_RALT,KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_RGHT + ), + [_WIN] = LAYOUT_jp( + _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, + _______,KC_LGUI,KC_LALT,JP_MHEN, _______, _______, JP_HENK,JP_KANA,KC_APP, _______,_______,_______ + ), + [_NUM] = LAYOUT_jp( + _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,XXXXXXX,KC_PSLS,KC_PSLS,KC_PAST,_______,_______,_______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_P7, KC_P8, KC_P9, KC_PPLS, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_P4, KC_P5, KC_P6, XXXXXXX,_______, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_P1, KC_P2, KC_P3, KC_PENT,_______,_______,_______, + _______,_______,_______,_______, _______, SP_NRAI, KC_P0, KC_PDOT,_______,_______,_______,_______ + ), + [_LOWER] = LAYOUT_jp( + KC_PAUS,KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_INS, KC_DEL, + KC_PSCR, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_HOME, KC_END, KC_VOLU, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_PGUP,KC_LEFT,KC_RGHT, _______,KC_VOLD, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_PGDN,KC_DOWN,_______,KC_PGUP,_______, + _______,_______,_______,_______, _______, _______, _______,_______,_______,KC_HOME,KC_PGDN,KC_END + ), + [_RAISE] = LAYOUT_jp( + KC_PAUS,KC_F1, KC_F2, KC_F3, KC_F4, KC_F5, KC_F6, KC_F7, KC_F8, KC_F9, KC_F10, KC_F11, KC_F12, KC_INS, KC_DEL, + KC_PSCR, _______,_______,CT_E, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,KC_PGUP, _______,_______, + _______, CT_A, _______,KC_DEL, KC_RGHT,KC_ESC, KC_LEFT,KC_DOWN,KC_UP, KC_RGHT,_______,_______, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,KC_LEFT,KC_PGDN,KC_ENT, _______,KC_MRWD,KC_MFFD,_______,KC_PGUP,_______, + _______,_______,_______,_______, _______, _______, _______,_______,_______,KC_HOME,KC_PGDN,KC_END + ), + [_NUM_RAISE] = LAYOUT_jp( + KC_ESC, KC_1, KC_2, KC_3, KC_4, KC_5, KC_6, KC_7, KC_8, KC_9, KC_0, JP_MINS,KC_BSPC,JP_CIRC,JP_YEN, + KC_TAB, KC_Q, KC_W, KC_E, KC_R, KC_T, KC_Y, KC_U, KC_I, KC_O, KC_P, JP_AT, JP_LBRC, + KC_LCTL, KC_A, KC_S, KC_D, KC_F, KC_G, KC_H, KC_J, KC_K, KC_L, JP_SCLN, KC_ENT, JP_COLN,JP_RBRC, + S_CAP, KC_Z, KC_X, KC_C, KC_V, KC_B, KC_N, KC_M, JP_COMM,JP_DOT, C_SLSH, S_BSLS, KC_UP, _______, + _______,_______,_______,_______, _______, _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______ + ), + [_ADJUST] = LAYOUT_jp( + _______,RGB_HUI,RGB_SAI,RGB_VAI,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, + _______, _______,WIN, _______,RESET, _______,RGB_HUI,RGB_SAI,RGB_VAI,_______,RGB_RMOD, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,RGB_HUD,RGB_SAD,RGB_VAD,RGB_TOG,RGB_MOD,_______, _______,_______, + _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,NUM, MAC, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______, + _______,_______,_______,_______, _______, _______, _______,_______,_______,_______,_______,_______ + ) +}; + +#if defined(AUDIO_ENABLE) && defined(MUSIC_MAP) +const uint8_t music_map[MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = LAYOUT_jp( + 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, + 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, + 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, + 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 +); +#endif + +bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { +switch (keycode) { + case MAC: // Change default ayer --> Write to EEPROM + if (record->event.pressed) { + set_single_persistent_default_layer(_MAC); + } + return false; + break; + case WIN: // Change default ayer --> Write to EEPROM + if (record->event.pressed) { + set_single_persistent_default_layer(_WIN); + } + return false; + break; + default: + break; + } + return true; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// RGB Light settings +#ifdef RGBLIGHT_LAYERS + +// for Default layer (= Base layer) +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_mac_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {0, 1, HSV_WHITE} +); +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_win_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {0, 1, HSV_BLUE} +); +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_num_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {0, 1, HSV_YELLOW} +); + +// for temporal layer +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_caps_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {1, 1, HSV_MAGENTA} +); + +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_lower_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {1, 1, HSV_GREEN} +); + +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_raise_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {1, 1, HSV_CYAN} +); + +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_num_raise_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {1, 1, HSV_GOLD} +); + +const rgblight_segment_t PROGMEM my_adjust_layer[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYER_SEGMENTS( + {1, 1, HSV_RED} +); + +// Define the array of layers. Later layers take precedence +const rgblight_segment_t* const PROGMEM my_rgb_layers[] = RGBLIGHT_LAYERS_LIST( + my_mac_layer, + my_win_layer, + my_num_layer, + my_caps_layer, + my_lower_layer, + my_raise_layer, + my_num_raise_layer, + my_adjust_layer +); + +void keyboard_post_init_user(void) { + // Enable the LED layers + rgblight_layers = my_rgb_layers; +} + +// Enabling and disabling lighting layers +layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) { + state = update_tri_layer_state(state, _LOWER, _RAISE, _ADJUST); + + rgblight_set_layer_state(2, layer_state_cmp(state, _NUM)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(4, layer_state_cmp(state, _LOWER)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(5, layer_state_cmp(state, _RAISE)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(6, layer_state_cmp(state, _NUM_RAISE)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(7, layer_state_cmp(state, _ADJUST)); + + return state; +} + +// Enabling and disabling lighting layers for default layer +layer_state_t default_layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) { + rgblight_set_layer_state(0, layer_state_cmp(state, _MAC)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(1, layer_state_cmp(state, _WIN)); + rgblight_set_layer_state(2, layer_state_cmp(state, _NUM)); + + return state; +} + +bool led_update_user(led_t led_state) { + rgblight_set_layer_state(3, led_state.caps_lock); |