'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('https'); var sockjs = require('sockjs'); var connect = require('connect'); var irc = require('irc'); var serverCommands = require('./serverCommands.js'); var serverstate = { connected: false, nicks: [], lastping: 0, }; var clients = []; clients.notifyAll = function (method, params) { var object = { method: method, params: params, } clients.forEach(function (client) { client.conn.write(JSON.stringify(object)); }); } serverstate.clients = clients; var irc_reconnect = function() { //reconnt to irc serverstate.connected = false console.log("reconnecting due to pingtimeout") irc_client.disconnect() irc_client.connect() serverstate.connected = true } var pingTimeoutDelay = 3*60*1000 var lastping = setTimeout(irc_reconnect, pingTimeoutDelay) var irc_client = new irc.Client('irc.freenode.net', 'kweb', { //create irc_client to talk to irc channels: ['#krebs'], //todo: read from local_config sasl: true, secure: true, userName: 'kweb', //todo: read from local_config realName: 'kweb', //todo: read from local_config password: fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/local_config/irc.key').toString(), debug: true, showErrors: true, floodProtection: true, port: 6697, autoRejoin: true, autoConnect: true, stripColors: true }); serverstate.irc_client = irc_client; irc_client.on('ping', function(server) { //restart timer on server ping console.log("got ping from server, renewing timeout for automatic reconnect"); clearTimeout(lastping); lastping = setTimeout(irc_reconnect, pingTimeoutDelay); //reconnect after irc timeout }) irc_client.on('message#krebs', function(from, message) { console.log({ from: from, message: message }); clients.notifyAll('message', { nick: from, msg: message }); clearTimeout(lastping); }); irc_client.on('names#krebs', function(nicks) { clients.notifyAll('nicklist', { nicklist: nicks }) serverstate.connected = true serverstate.irc_nicklist = nicks }); irc_client.on('join#krebs', function(nick, msg) { if (nick !== 'kweb'){ clients.notifyAll('join', { from: nick }) } }); irc_client.on('part#krebs', function(nick, rs, msg) { clients.notifyAll('quit', { from: nick }) // clients.broadcast({method: 'quit', params: { from: nick }}); }); irc_client.on('error', function (error) { console.log('irc-client error', error) }) var web_serv_options = { //certificates for https key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/local_config/server_npw.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/local_config/server.crt'), }; var echo = sockjs.createServer(); echo.on('connection', function(conn) { var origin = conn.remoteAddress; var settings = { conn: conn, addr: conn.remoteAddress, nick: conn.remoteAddress } clients.push(settings); clients.notifyAll('join', { from: settings.nick }) // irc_client.say("#krebs", origin + ' has joined'); if (typeof irc_client.chans['#krebs'] === 'object') { conn.write(JSON.stringify({method: 'nicklist', params: { nicklist: irc_client.chans['#krebs'].users }})); //send current nicklist }; conn.write(JSON.stringify({method: 'message', params: { nick: 'system', msg: 'hello' }})) //welcome message console.log(irc_client.chans['#krebs']) conn.on('data', function(data) { console.log('data:',data); try { var command = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } if (!command || typeof command !== 'object') { command = {} } return (serverCommands[command.method] || serverCommands.badcommand)(serverstate, settings, command.params, command.id) }); conn.on('close', function() { //propagate if client quits the page clients.splice(clients.indexOf(conn)); clients.notifyAll('quit', { from: settings.nick }) // irc_client.say("#krebs", origin + ' has quit'); }); }); var app = connect() .use(connect.logger('dev')) .use(connect.static(__dirname+'/public')) .use( function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); var page_template='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='\n'; page_template+='
'; page_template+='
'; page_template+='
'; page_template+='hello, this is the official krebs support:
\n'; page_template+='
\n'; page_template+='
'; page_template+='
'; page_template+='
'; res.end(page_template); }) var server = http.createServer(web_serv_options, app); echo.installHandlers(server, {prefix:'/echo'}); server.listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at');